Ensemble Stars MaM - TV Tropes (2024)

Main Page
Player Character & Staff Player/Anzu | Yumenosaki Academy Faculty
Starmaker Productions Trickstar | fine | RYUSEITAI | ALKALOID
Cosmic Productions Eden | 2wink | Valkyrie | Crazy B
Rhythm Link UNDEAD | AKATSUKI |Ra✽bits
New Dimension Knights | Switch | MaM | Double Face

Ensemble Stars MaM - TV Tropes (1)

Left: Enstars!, right: Enstars!!

Bringing Heart-Pounding Thrills to You!

In the first game, MaM is the always-active solo unit! Wherever there's a festival, he's there! Nationwide, he's rushing to give you a lively and exciting live show!

In the second game, MaM is a unit affiliated with New Dimension. Working solo, Madara Mikejima mainly focuses on campaign jobs such as commercials, variety talk shows, food reviews, sports variety shows, live broadcasts, and other hosting and active jobs.

His theme color is grey.

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Idol Persona

  • Can't Catch Up: In Ensemble Stars!! due to being a solo unit in an industry that's gradually phasing solo units out, he was unable to get jobs as frequently as those who operated in units of one or more people did. This is part of the reason why Anzu decides to continue to produce Double Face, which consists of him and Kohaku, once their initial job is done. He still takes jobs as MaM though, with Kohaku stating in Hot Limit that MaM is his day job.
  • Cowboy: The unit outfit seems to sport this motif. While its not as obvious, his unit motif ties into his role as a character due to the heavy themes of justice surrounding him as a character. His unit symbol is in the shape of a Sheriffs badge, symbolizing how his sense of justice and how he enforces it differs from RYUSEITAI, the group whose theme is centered around idealistic themes of justice and heroism in the Sentai genre as opposed to his darker and more realistic take on it.
  • Color Motif: In Enstars!, his color palette was described as being monochrome, with mostly black, gray and red. However, in Enstars!! his uniform color mostly incorporates red, grey, gold and green.
  • Odd Name Out: His unit name is an abbreviation of his own name, likely due to him being a solo unit.
  • Out of Focus: MaM as a unit in the Ensemble Stars!! era due to Double Face superseding it as Madara's main unit for the game's first two years. In fact, Madara wouldn't receive a song as MaM until Double Face's second Unit Song CD and then wouldn't receive an actual unit event for it until Vision*The new color painting brand new scenery, over two years after the !! rebrand.
  • The Runt at the End: Was the only solo unit in the Ensemble Stars franchise, with this being noted to be an exception made for his character in-universe. Averted now with the Ensemble Stars!! game reboot, as HiMERU, who acts as a solo unit when not associated with Crazy:B, was introduced. However unlike Madara, we have yet to see HiMERU act as a solo idol outside of the unit he was introduced with. Tatsumi Kazehaya was also notably a solo unit before joining ALKALOID.
  • Wild Card: MaM was this in Ensemble Stars! due to him being able to use the system to move how he wanted.
  • Blooming World
  • Festive!
  • Kimi Shirushi Be Ambitious!!
  • Tsujikaze ni f*ckarete (MaM with Team Ushiwakamaru - Souma, Kanata, Mitsuru)
  • RevolTrad ~Ishin-Denshin~ (MaM with Akatsuki)
  • See You Again (Madara Mikejima Solo)
  • Yukai Tsuukai That's Alright! (Anime Soundtrack)
  • Handcraft

Madara Mikejima

Ensemble Stars MaM - TV Tropes (2)

EnStars!: The Festival Man, Blooming Smiles
EnStars!!: World Player, Always on the Go

Ensemble Stars!! MaM appearance

Ensemble Stars!! Double Face appearance

"Even if I get on your nerves, I'll close in on you step by step."

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi (Japanese), Tyson Rinehart (English)

A reckless and lively character. He has the habit of suddenly appearing at any place to help people out, and disappears just as fast. He loves smiles and will come flying at the mention of festivals, no matter where. At school, he is in his own solo unit, "MaM". It is revealed in Reminiscence*Ryusei Bonfire that he was the former unit leader of the first squad of RYUSEITAI as a first year.

In Ensemble Stars!!, while he is still in his own solo unit, he has formed a unit with Kohaku Oukawa from Crazy B called Double Face in which he is the unit leader.

In Ensemble Stars!!, he is affiliated with New Dimension.

Class: 3-A (EnStars!)

Club/Circles: Track Team (EnStars!) / SHIN, Kaori (EnStars!!)

Age: 17-18 (EnStars!), 18-19 (EnStars!!)

Birthday: May 16

Height/Weight: 180cm/64kg (EnStars!), 180cm/64kg (EnStars!!)

Blood Type: A

Hobby: Searching for fun

Specialty: Flashy performances

Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi

Portrayed by: Shojiro Yokoi (2021-)

  • Abusive Parents: Reminiscence Ryusei Bonfire heavily implies he isn't on good terms with his parents for defying the local cultlike religion they follow, as he tries to help the deified Kanata understand he is human, not a god. At the very least they put their beliefs over their own son, looking the other way when he is often punished. It’s taken even further in Stars!! where in his idol story it’s revealed that he is partly disowned by his parents now due to disgracing them by his hand in dismantling the Shinkai religion, and was forced to leave home to live in the dorms at Ensemble Square. This resulted in his connections being cut and MaM being forced to go on hiatus as he was not able to use his parent's connections to travel the world to do jobs. For a while, he simply took jobs under his actual name, but this leads to him coming back in duo unit Double Face, as the leader of the unit alongside Kohaku Oukawa.
  • The Ace: Can pretty much do almost anything so long as he practices enough times. Hes stated in his Zodiac Gacha story that he has a mentor that taught him most of the techniques he knows. Later revealed to be a deconstruction, as Madara became this trope on purpose so that he can be come powerful enough to steal the influence of higher powers on people below them to exact vengeance, such as the Shinkai Family's Religion and Yumenosaki's student council.
    • Broken Ace: A downplayed example, as he isn't broken by the consequences of being good at everything, just lonely from being somewhat ostracized. Combined with the overbearing personality he uses to overcompensate, he tends to frustrate others without really trying this, and he is very aware of it. He'd rather be found annoying from his personality rather than his talents making others resentful, as seen with Mitsuru and their rivalry on the track team.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Is called "Mikeji-mama" by Leo, "Giant-san"note by Sora, and "MaM-senpai" by Subaru.
  • A Father to His Men: Being the captain of the Track team, he considers his teammates, save for Arashi, to be his children. He also tries to claim other students as his children as well, even urging them to call him "Mama".
  • Ambiguously Bi: He's quick to compliment both his male classmates and Anzu based on their appearances, subtly implying he may be attracted to both sexes. He even takes care into praising Arashi in a way that doesn't offend his close friend. Kaoru is hilariously bothered by this in Aquarium, as Madara both encourages him to have fun and make young couples jealous while calling him "the most beautiful student in Yumenosaki", a compliment he does not want to hear from a guy. However, because of how he tends to compliment others to encourage them while they are caught in his plans, his actual sexuality and preferences are unclear.
    • In the Reminiscence*Ryusei Bonfire event, he acts perhaps jokingly flirty toward Kanata and calls Chiaki cute.
  • Animal Motifs: Cats. This comes from his childhood nickname "Miike" sounding like a name for a cat, as well as his ability to sneak up and approach others undetected despite his height. His mini-sprite even has a cat smile.
  • All Take and No Give: His relationship with Kanata in the past, with Kanata being the Taker. Leo also believes his relationship with Madara is him being on the receiving end and feels unable to give Madara anything in return for all he’s done for him.
  • Amateur Sleuth: What his role in Double Face amounts to under the guise of being a new idol unit. Double Face as a unit does more than just “solve mysteries”, however.
  • Ambiguous Criminal History: Is implied to have murdered someone in the past, however, it’s never fully established whether or not this is true. A Dark Night’s Passing confirms that he isn’t above murder if he feels its necessary.
  • Antihero: Word of God describes him as such in regards to being a former member of RYUSEITAI, following his own idea of justice, even if it's forceful and unconventional. He actually hates being thought of as a hero in any sense (or when Chiaki admires him like one), not wanting others to feel accountable for his actions.
  • The Atoner: He's implied to be this toward the third-year RYUSEITAI members and Anzu. Kanata is actually very annoyed by this even after their relationship improves because it becomes his primary motivation around them in exchange for his genuine personality.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Subverted. When Madara was a child, Kanata asked him if there was a wish he could grant, and Madara wishes for his bedridden sister to get better. When Kanata cannot grant that, Madara realizes the religion his he used to believe in is a lie.
  • Becoming the Mask: In "Purple Wisterias of May" he confesses to Anzu that he became a Cool Big Bro out of necessity, but he ended up liking it in the end.

    Fufu. The reason I became Mama was that I kept playing as "Mama", but...Many things happened, and I kind of realized that my strength was being "Mama". Though I can't really do it well. As you can see, I'm like a wooden doll. With a big body, but no brains....... or something like that! Kind of ♪

    • He also does this during the main story. Kuro requests of him to never drop his friendly act around the underclassmen and especially Anzu and to let them encounter his true nature themselves. He ends up becoming a kinder person over the year, developing a sense of guilt and empathy that he was lacking in.
  • Beneath the Mask: Is known by the other students as a Genki Boy, energetic, encouraging older brother type figure though over the course of his story it’s revealed that this is all a front he puts on to not only mask his true intentions but also to become what he believes others need him to be. Unlike most characters that fulfill this trope, though, He’s not afraid to show his true nature to those around him. Word of God states that writing him in Double Face makes it easier to show this other side of him.
  • Berserk Button: Messing with anyone he deems to be his "precious things", namely Leo, Kanata or Anzu. Leo notes that he's ruthless toward anyone he deems to be an enemy, and its become known that hes willing to go as far as murder to protect those he cares about. It's ambiguous if he's ever actually gone that far yet, however.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He's overly friendly, cheerful, and always ready to help. But boy howdy, Madara can be terrifying when he needs to get a point across. In Concerto, he has some choice words for Eichi, should he ever hurt Leo again.

    Don't cross the line. If you do, I'll crush you. ...Did you make sure to record that? Want me to repeat myself for you? [...] Don't get in the way—I don't care who you are—I'm going to destroy you.

  • Big Brother Bully: While he clearly loves her, Madara can be quite mean to his younger sister Maguro and frequently speaks negatively of her, even saying that a cat run over in the street looks better than her at one point, earning him a kick.
  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: Has the thickest eyebrows of anyone in the cast, though they’re drawn bigger in the cards than they appear to be in his Live2D and MV model.
  • Birds of a Feather: With Kohaku Oukawa, which is part of the reason they end up bonding from A Dark Night’s Passing onward. For some examples, They both have dark pasts that shape who they are today, and firmly believe in protecting others from the impurities of the world by any means necessary, even if it means they’ll become sullied themselves and "fall into hell" in the process.
  • Black Sheep: Of the Mikejima family due to rebelling against role and his attempts to dismantle the Shinkai family's long-reigning religious cult. In Ensemble Stars!! this results in him being partially disowned by his family and he leaves home to live in Ensemble Square among some of the other idols. Being disowned also affects his ability to do idol work outside of Japan, as he relied on his families connections to go around the world for jobs.
  • Broken Bird: As a result of his upbringing, he has a lot of unresolved trauma, which he acknowledges in the event story Guardians◆Eye and Last Mission. The event concludes with him and Kohaku amicably disbanding Double Face, as well as Madara temporarily disbanding MaM so that he can find himself and what he truly wants to do.
  • Brutal Honesty: Is occasionally prone to this.
  • Childhood Friends: With Anzu and Kanata, but separately. And it's likely he also knows Anzu's brother and Natsumi from Ensemble Girls.
    • Subverted In Anzu's case as, even though he did know her in their childhood, he wasn't as close to her as he claims, stating that they only played a little together. He lied about being close to her in their childhood in order to get closer to her and Trickstar for his own benefit, as revealed in The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds the Dawn.
  • Color Motif: Used to represent purple as a former member of RYUSEITAI, although he would change his color a lot. His current main unit outfit in contrast is described as being monochrome. Retconned in Reminiscence*Ryusei Bonfire, as his actual RYUSEITAI color is never established and the uniform was just something he did picked up without permission.
  • Commonality Connection: In Ensemble Stars!!, he coincidentally ended up being placed in the same living quarters with three other characters who are most compatible with him personality-wise, with those characters being Sora, Subaru, and Wataru. On various occasions, it's shown that they all get along quite well due to their cheerfulness and similar levels of energy.
  • Cool Bike: In the Buddy gacha story, his CG shows him tending to the cruiser motorbike that he adores and refers to as his "baby-chan" and "buddy" due to his attachment to it.
  • Cool Big Bro: To his friends, with even Word of God saying he’s known as the enthusiastic and encouraging big brother character by the fans.
  • Cult: Born into a long line of cultists that worship the "God" that fell onto earth from a meteor in the sky. His family is connected to the Shinkai household, the main organizers of this religion and believe that Kanata is a reincarnation of this God. Through this connection, he and Kanata became Childhood Friends.
  • Cute Little Fangs: Has tiny ones, possibly going along with his cat motif. These show up inconsistently in his card art and aren't reflected in his Live2D model.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Hoo boy. Madara was born into a family that follows the local, but ancient and deep-rooted religion that believed a young boy was an incarnation of their wish-granting god, who was Kanata. However, he realizes early on that the boy was only human, because he couldn't grant Madara's wish to cure his sister's illness. Even with his beliefs shattered, he then devotes himself and to teach Kanata humanity and free him from his life as as god, at the cost of his family, home and reputation. Then Kanata is told by others that his only friend from child doesn't see him anymore because he hates Kanata for being unable to grant his wish, when it was them constantly banishing Madara for his defiance and trying to expose the religion's lies, souring their relationship.
  • Did You Think I Can't Feel?: He says this word for word in the Aquarium chapter, when Kanata refers to him as an "it" rather than a person.
  • The Dreaded: Several characters are put-off by his constantly cheerful attitude, with Anzu herself going as far as to avoid him sometimes. Arashi though, who is notably put-off by his antics, acknowledges that he's a good person despite this.
  • Expy: Of Natsumi Minami from Ensemble Girls!. Both are the childhood friends of the protagonist and they have a caring, supportive personalities. And he has stated to have a crush on the Anzu, who treats him like a nuisance (similar to how Anzu's brother treats the dogged Natsumi). They also have the kanji 三 in their surnames. The difference is that Natsumi is more accepted in-universe as a Cool Big Sis compared to Madara, whose energetic personality puts off people sometimes, especially people who aren't familiar with him. It's later revealed Madara isn't technically Anzu's childhood friend, as he simply played with her a few times as kids and they weren’t as close as we were lead to believe and was just manipulating her for the sake of his revenge, so it's implied his design was similar on purpose to mislead the fans.
  • Family of Choice: States that he wants something like this in a A Dark Nights Passing after being asked by Kohaku if his family abandoning him is the reason he refers be viewed as a "Mama".
  • False Friend: He's initially this towards Anzu and Trickstar, hoping to use them against Eichi and Keito as revenge through becoming closer to them. Kuro finds this absolutely reprehensible of him and thankfully he seems to back down from this plan.
  • First-Name Basis: Refers to everyone as "insert given name- san" regardless of his relationship with them.
  • Friendly Enemy: Is this way with Kuro as revealed in The Revolutionary Live That Heralds The Dawn . Despite being on opposing sides due to Madara's plans and having said to have clashed many of times during the war, they have a mutual respect for each other and are fairly friendly, with other characters commenting on how close they seem.
    • As of Ensemble Stars!!, the "enemy" part has seemingly been all but officially dropped as they behave more friendly toward each other. Kuro still denies that they’ve gotten close though, only saying that they have lunch with each other on occasion since they have time between MDM. In one of Kuro’s personal stories, he and Madara go shopping for a gift for his sister.
  • Friendly Rivalry: His one-sided (On Mitsuru's side) rivalry eventually grows into this as the year progresses.
  • Friendship Denial: Despite the evident fondness he shows toward Kohaku right out the gate, he still denies that their partnership is anything but a business transaction.
  • Gameplay and Story Integration: Madara is noted to be a versatile unit due to his being solo, which is reflected in his 5 star MaM starter card. The card is a Jack of All Stats with high points across all stats and can fit into any team set up.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: As Double Face, the unit is stated to be active infrequently and only is called in to do jobs in cases of emergency. However, the unit still appears in the standard Work Mini-Game rotation as frequently as any other unit once it was officially implemented.
  • Genki Boy: Very energetic and cheerful, in his starter sub-stories, he seems to just appear and disappear with the same energy he uses to talk to people.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: A non-malicious example. He has admitted to being envious of the type of relationship Chiaki and Kanata have and seems to covet the warm dynamic of RYUSEITAI overall, due to feeling unable to establish meaningful connections himself as a solo unit. The formation of Double Face in A Dark Nights Passing seems to imply that some of the burden of the loneliness he feels will finally be lifted off of him after he befriends Kohaku Oukawa, his partner in that unit. Word of God confirms that this takeaway was intentional, as they wanted to give him a friend that could stand on stage with him as his equal.
  • The Hedonist: A tamer version and a deconstruction on top of it. He lives for the moment and follows his own whims, saying that he's always out to enjoy himself. However, he takes full advantage of the reputation he's garnered as someone who acts on his own for his self-interests to help with favors for others and not minding the backlash that others fear. Exemplified in Aquarium, where Chiaki cannot get involved in Kanata's disappearance due to a promise to not get into the Shinkai Family's affairs, resorting to Madara for help.
  • Height Angst: Downplayed but in an event story, he laments the fact that he’s not small and cute like Kohaku, as people frequently complain about his tall stature and wide body. Interestingly, one of Kohaku’s possible home-screen dialogues with him is Kohaku lamenting the fact that he isn’t Madara’s height.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: Doesn't like to be referred to or praised as a hero in any way despite all the good he's done for people around him. It's implied that this insecurity stems from his belief that he failed to save Kanata.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: With Leo Tsukinaga, whom he considers being his best friend.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: He wants to exact revenge on Eichi for hurting his friends during the war but ultimately ends up becoming increasingly similar to him as his motives and the lengths he'll go through for this are revealed. He does get better over time.
  • Honor-Related Abuse: The reason his family allowed him to be mistreated and exiled by followers of the Shinkai family religion.
  • Hidden Depths: Originally introduced as a boisterous older brother figure with a looming darkness to him and an implied history of violence, as well as the Childhood Friend to Anzu, being the first and only character to fulfil this trope to the player character, Though from the beginning it was implied to be a lie and Kanata. Over the course of the three years since his introduction, more aspects of his character were fleshed out and explained, such as his and Kanata's backstory, his past as a part of RYUSEITAI, the reason why Anzu doesn't remember him, the reason for his own behavior as well as why he desires to be viewed as a mother figure as much as he does among other things. Though by the time the story transitions to Ensemble Stars!!, it's clear that the writers still have some stones left unturned for the character.
  • Idiot Hair: Has an ahoge at the top of his bangs.
  • I Have No Son!: By Ensemble Stars!!, he’s been partially disowned by his parents due to his role in the dismantling of the Shinkai family religion. With this, he’s lost the connections established by his parents, loses out on a lot of work as an idol and his ability to travel freely. He speculates that his family will force his sickly sister to take on his former role, though he believes that if they do, the stress of it all will surely kill her. In A Dark Night’s Passing, he says that he wants to get this role back somehow.
  • Inksuit Actor: Madara looks and dresses very similarly to his voice actor Kosuke Toriumi. They even share the same birthday. His stage play actor Shojiro Yokoi also looks very similar to him.
  • It's Personal: His reason for tagging along on Kohaku’s mission to eliminate GFK was this, as it involved Leo.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Crosses over with Brutal Honesty. He has a tendency to say anything on his mind, regardless of how those around him react to it.
  • In-Series Nickname: If you mush his name together, you get "Mama", which Madara fully embraces the role of. Leo puts his own spin on it by referring to him as "Mikejimama" .
    • In Ensemble Stars!!, Subaru opts to refer to him as Mamu-Senpai, with Mamu being the pronunciation of his unit name, MaM.
    • Ritsu has called him "Mikejimaman" in Beasts, which is his spin on the borrowed nickname Leo gave him.
    • Mitsuru initially referred to him as "that captain guy" but now calls him "Mike-Chan-Senpai" after they become friends.
  • Irony: He calls himself "Mama" and tries to act like a parental figure to his peers, but when put into a situation where he has to deal with actual children, especially ones that have a tendency to misbehave, he's almost comically clueless about how to handle them.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: It's heavily implied that he has feelings for Anzu. However, because she has complicated feelings about love and he's given the impression she dislikes him, he holds back and doesn't pursue her romantically. He does, however, want her to find someone who would make her happy and has even implied that he wants her and Chiaki to get together in the scout story ''Buddy''. This sentiment doesn’t come up again past that story, however, leaving the impression that he may have not been serious.
    • Displays a platonic variant toward Kanata. Due to his guilt over feeling as though he failed to save Kanata, he passed that duty over to Chiaki who he feels will do a better job than him. In A Dark Night’s Passing, he admits that he’s jealous over the dynamic Kanata and Chiaki have, and wishes he could have had that too with someone.
  • Jack of All Stats: His starter 5 star in Ensemble Stars!! Music has good stats across points, with the highest being in vocal. Because of this, he can fit into any type of team, emphasizing his versatility as a solo unit which is touched upon in story.
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Despite not being blood-related to any of the characters in the main cast, he acts as a big brother figure to several of the characters and he was implied to be this in Ensemble Stars!. As of Ensemble Stars!!, He’s fully embraced this trope after forming the unit Double Face.
  • Lack of Empathy: Kuro calls him out on this during Revolutionary Live when Madara confesses that he aims to get along with Trickstar and Anzu to use them against Eichi and Keito, even if it means lying to them.
  • Lonely at the Top: One of Madara's dislikes according to his bio is simply "being compared", because he feels isolated for his natural talents, and he gets uncomfortable when Chiaki praises him as better and more deserving to lead RYUSEITAI if things were different which ends up becoming strange as according to Meteor Impact, he was the former leader of RYUSEITAI before abandoning the position. He's in Yumenosaki's only solo unit for personal reasons, but he admits making full use of his unit's flexibility in participation for lives because he hates feeling lonely.
  • Lonely Among People: Being lonely in his chosen position is a big part of his character. Anzu reminds him in the Ensemble Stars!! main story that he has her, friends and fans that love and support him, despite his constant lonely feeling, and he’s shown to be hesitant to accept it. It’s heavily implied that this insecurity stems from his lack of a loving household and his envy for the dynamic RYUSEITAI have, both of which fuel his desire to establish a Family of Choice. It’s also the reason for his Mama persona.
  • Lovable Rogue: Souma and Shinobu see him like this, especially since they're more traditional and reserved in mindset, especially compared to Madara. He wreaks havoc and always causes a scene to their dismay, but they do find him likable as a person and he treats them kindly. Over time, Kanata's perception of Madara grows into this as well, and uses the term "Rogue" to refer to Madara with less derision than before.
  • Love Martyr: A platonic example for several characters, but especially Kanata, who was originally shown to treat him terribly due to their past together. No matter how much verbal or even physical abuse he takes from the other characters, he still goes out of his way to do things for them and protect them, whether they’re aware of this or not.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: A male example and a Deconstruction. He's quirky, excitable, and boisterous and latches to people in need, as well as his friends. Notably, everyone occasionally finds his actions annoying or intrusive (even characters such as Chiaki, Rei, Kanata, and even Leo). He also has no reservations about using less-than-scrupulous methods to get things done for the sake of others.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Manipulates the people around him, including Anzu, to further his own gain, particularly to get back at Eichi and Keito "for what they'd done". Though it's revealed in The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds the Dawn that he genuinely wants to become a better person.
  • Mama Bear: Seems to be particularly protective of his friends, but especially Leo, going so far as to threaten Eichi should he try to hurt Leo again.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Not as much as some other characters, but he does have suggestive card art such as the Billiards gacha card.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: In Revolutionary Live, he tells Kuro that if Anzu ever finds out that he was never her childhood friend, she will likely be angry and hate him, which he doesn't mind. When Kuro tells him that Anzu actually feels very guilty for not remembering "their childhood together", is when Madara realizes he went too far with his scheme. To the point that when Kuro requests him to keep up the act that he was Anzu's childhood friend until she figures out one day, Madara accepts.
  • My Greatest Failure: Feels as though he failed to save Kanata and passes on that duty to Chiaki because of this belief. Though this is based upon Madara’s own insecurities, as he did save Kanata by relieving him of the "God" role that had been forced upon him since birth which allowed him to live as a human alongside RYUSEITAI, which he loves.
  • Mysterious Protector: Runway reveals he's secretly helping Anzu with the producer administrations, but prefers not to tell her about this, knowing that Anzu will reject his help and do everything by herself.
  • Nay-Theist: A somewhat different example. While he accepted that his childhood friend Kanata is not a God and wants to dismantle the religion that they’re both tied to, he’s shown in A Dark Night's Passing to believe in a different God as well as the concept of Heaven and Hell, however, he refuses to worship due to believing that God does nothing in life and that people should worry about that sort of thing after death regardless of which afterlife they’re headed to.
  • No Indoor Voice: Noted by other characters to be extremely loud and seems to be fond of shouting.
  • Noiseless Walker: Has a habit of creeping up on people despite his large stature.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Will hug anyone without caring that they don't like to be touched. He even puts Chiaki to shame.
  • Non-Uniform Uniform: As Double Face, where he’s introduced wearing an entirely different outfit style from Kohaku, with only the color motif, theme and accessories tying them together.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: He's noted to be more insightful than his carefree appearance suggests.
  • Odd Friendship: With several characters, but most notably Kuro. Though there was originally some hostility between him and Kuro in Ensemble Stars!, it seemed to die down during the events of Shinsengumi and completely vanished as of Ensemble Stars!! Now they’re shown to hang out casually and are on good terms. Kuro denies that they’re “close” despite this.
  • Omniglot: According to Leo, Madara is fluent in the languages of places they traveled abroad to together. His birthday cake in Ensemble Stars!! Music has some of the flags of the places he’s traveled abroad to, meaning that he’s most likely fluent in English, German, French, and Italian. According to one of his old idol stories, he may or may not have dragged Leo to Egypt (and then Antarctica), therefore it’s also likely that he’s familiar with Arabic.
  • Out of Focus: Tends to disappear from the story for long periods of time. In Ensemble Stars! it's because he traveled often, however, there hasn't been an explanation for this in Ensemble Stars!!
  • Parental Substitute: He wants to be regarded as a motherly figure, or a “mama”, as he would say. As such, he tends to call Anzu and Arashi his daughters and has called the others collectively his “baby-chan”. Kanata says he’s always been trying to force this persona since they were children. Despite his efforts, many characters don’t actually view him as this and often reject the mama persona he puts on. Instead, those who come to like him view him as a Cool Big Bro instead.
  • Private Detective: His unit theme in Double Face.
  • Protectorate: Willing to go to lengths most others won’t to protect those he deems to be his “precious things”. He displays this trope especially toward Leo Tsukinaga.
  • Real Men Cook: Is stated to be good at cooking in the Lots of Monsters☆Sweet Halloween event.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Sports an almost entirely pink outfit for his first single Unit CD, which came out around February. An idol story between him and Kuro in Ensemble Stars also has him offer to do natural make-up on Kuro.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red oni to Kohaku’s blue.
  • Running Gag: Like Knights, he has a tendency to kidnap other students (usually plucking them right off the spot in front of others while they're amidst other activities), with Souma always chasing down after him. So far, this has happened to Anzu, Shinbou, and Kohaku though in the last case, Souma assumed it was Kohaku kidnapping Madara (despite Madara carrying him) due to Crazy:B's reputation
  • Self-Applied Nickname: "Mama" is both the nickname he's given himself and the role he wants to achieve, though he has a difficult time getting others to call him that. Very few do and often just give him their own made-up nicknames if they aren't simply calling him by his name.
  • Ship Tease: With Anzu, primarily especially in Ensemble Stars!! He also gets some with Kanata and as of Ensemble Stars!!, with Kuro as well.
    • He gets this heavily with Kohaku after forming Double Face, which culminates in the event story Guardians◆Eye and Last Mission, where they're literally tasked with raising a child together and going through what almost reads like a romantic breakup, with Kohaku reacting as if he's just been dumped. Madara also states that he's grown to love Kohaku, using "Daisuki" when he says it.
  • Shipper on Deck: Seems to approve of Kanata and Chiaki’s relationship and encouraged Chiaki to become a hero in an effort to help Kanata. Despite this, it’s never made explicitly clear that if he sees their relationship as more than a friendship, but roots for them regardless.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: According to the Beasts gacha story, his younger sister is a shut-in who never leaves her room, in contrast to him who is stated to be everywhere, constantly traveling the world in search of fun.
    • It goes even further and played tragically: his sister is bedridden and born with a frail constitution, while Madara is very healthy, but part of why he travels often is because that is how the Shinkai Family punishes him via exile.
  • Stepford Smiler: One of the game's more obvious examples.
  • Super-Strength: Can notably lift Adonis, who is almost as big as him, with very little effort and is stated by Arashi to always have been good at weightlifting. So far, only Kuro is the only character strong enough to counter him, though he notes that after a few fights together Madara will eventually outclass him.
  • Shipper on Deck: Implied in the scout story Buddy that he thinks a Chiaki and Anzu would make a good couple. This doesn’t come up again past that story, however. He also seems to like Chiaki and Kanata together, though it’s unknown if he views them as a romantic pair.
  • Shrouded in Myth: According to Purple Wisteria of May and The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds the Dawn, there are numerous legends surrounding his character, to the point where even whether or not he truly existed was brought into question by the students at one point due to him serving as The Ghost for the academy in his time being overseas until he transferred back.
  • Silent Scapegoat: Takes on the burdens and punishments of his friends. This is one of the reasons Kanata holds a grudge against him, as his doing this lead to the misunderstanding that doomed their friendship in the past.
  • Stealth Mentor: Is enlisted by Anzu to look after ALKALOID in her stead as Eichi banned her from helping them.
  • Spiky Hair: One of the game's biggest examples of this, due to his rather interesting hairstyle.
  • Take the Third Option: Or the fourth option, when Madara explains his reasoning for joining New Dimension of the four main offices in Ensemble Square. He explains that he didn’t want to join Rhythm Link or Starmaker Production due to not wanting to clash with Keito or Eichi, which would inevitably cause problems for everyone involved. As well, while Cosmic Productions was an option for him, he states that while he can’t become a hero like he’d seen on TV, he’d rather not become a villain. Tsumugi, a long-time friend of his, being the president of the New Dimension office was also a contributing factor in his decision to join.
  • The Gadfly: Admits to being this on purpose toward his peers in The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds The Dawn as he considers it to be a war tactic for his opponent to let their guard down, giving him more of an opportunity to mold their mind. According to Kuro in that same event, he learned this from Rei.
  • The Reliable One: Wants to be seen as this and asks the player to leave any work to him.
  • Third-Person Person: Occasionally will refer to himself as "Mama" when speaking to another character, rather than using his normal pronouns.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: According to his Management mini convo, he loves soba and onigiri as well as foods are generally eaten at festivals. As well, as his shaved ice challenge in Ensemble Stars!! Basic establishes that favorite topping for the treat is Anmitsu.
  • Verbal Tic: Outside of his occasional shouting in four kanji compounds, he also seems to playfully drag out the ends of his sentences using “かあ”, “なあ“ and “があ”, even when he isn’t asking a question.
  • Vigilante Man: A massive part of his character is wanting to bring evil people to justice in his own way. Double Face is formed with Kohaku Oukawa on the basis of this as well.
  • Violently Protective Friend: Seems to give off this vibe, even threatening to harm Eichi should he do anything to Leo and even threatened to hurt anyone that forces Arashi into doing something she doesn't want to do. He's never actually shown inflicting violence on anyone yet, however, despite being implied to have been violent in the past.
    • In A Dark Night's Passing, he involves himself in a mission with Kohaku Oukawa to track down an “evil” producer simply called GFK after finding out that he was manipulating Leo. This results in Madara quite literally launching GFK into an audience of similarly pissed-off clients that were screwed over by him. They planned to murder GFK if they felt it was necessary.
  • Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: He’s this for the sake of the people he cares about. He’s described as an anti-hero that does bad things for the sake of good and isn’t afraid of resorting to dirty tactics if necessary. All of this while putting on the front of a warm, brotherly (Or motherly as he’d describe it) figure. Izumi calls him out on this, claiming that he only shows people the side of himself that’s “convenient” in order to win their trust.
  • Yakuza: Not Madara himself, but his mother is speculated to be a retired Yakuza member, which he subtly confirms. This would explain, at least in part, where his unconventional idea of justice stems from.
  • Yandere: A platonic example. While he's yet to actually kill anyone despite the rumors surrounding him (as far as the players know anyway), he's willing to go to extremes to keep Leo safe and happy, to the point of threatening the life of a producer who manipulated him.
  • You Are What You Hate: Despises and wants revenge on Eichi for hurting the people he cares about but is more like him than he realizes. Even Akira stated that they were similar.
  • Your Tradition Is Not Mine: Part of the reason why he wants to disband the Shinkai religion, as well as un-deify Kanata as the godly figure that his family worships. He and Kanata succeed in Ensemble Stars!!.
Ensemble Stars MaM - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.