How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (2024)

NORMAL MODE (unlimited life, normal monsters) BEGINS HERE:


In normal mode after the loading screen you will spawn at a small town area. In the small town you are requested to find an office.

The office has a truck parked outside, the doors are glowing and so are the windows. To get into the office you must touch the glowing doors.

After touching the glowing doors you are now teleported inside the office. You are to look for a key, the key is at the left edge of the aligned desks nearest to the grey door. Once you have the key you go to the grey door to open it. After opening the door you'll see a cadaver (dead body). You read the texts then get teleported to a boat. After the events that happened on the boat, you are now in a Minka.

NIGHTMARE MODE (ONE life for all phases, more difficult monsters) BEGINS HERE:


How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (1)

The map, googled image, you'll need it. This map is not fully correct (reviewed 02/05/2022) there's no more Shimanewa on the room farthest on your right, there must not be any rats at the small room farthest to your left.

The monster is not inside the Minka yet unless the book has been read. You must grab a candle, located at a bleacher in front of where you spawned. To access the rooms easier, make sure to open the doors first and before reading the book. After reading the story of the two sisters, the monster is already in the Minka. TIP: THE MONSTER CANNOT ENTER THE ROOM WITH SHIMENAWA (a hemp ROPE) HANGED BY THE DOOR. IT CAN ENTER THE OTHER ROOMS EVEN THOUGH THE DOORS ARE CLOSED. You are now tasked to find 3 (April 2022) rats. If the monster is near you whilst you are in a room without SHIMENAWA, you can hide in certain places, if you manage to hide in the particular places in time, you may survive from the monster for now.


How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (2)

Some dressing screens -

Though there are some dressing screens you cannot hide into since they are too close to the wall. But a dressing screen is the best place to hide into in the Minka if you are on a chase or trying to escape from the monster while you're not near a room with SHIMENAWA.

How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (3)


The closets are an effective place to hide. You cannot go INSIDE the closet but you can hide behind the open doors of the closet, in a place that you won't be visible to the monster. But if the monster has SEEN you go behind the closet doors then it will get you, unless someone else causes a distraction to drive the monster away before it reaches to you.

Beware that the closet (for me) is a scary place to hide. You can't always look at where the monster has went or gone into, so if you go to the wrong direction the same thing will happen if you haven't hid behind the doors of the closet in the first place. So if I could I'd rather run to the nearest room with SHIMENAWA instead of hiding in these.

How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (4)

Open spaces/shelves-

This is a space where you can hide at in the Minka room if there's no SHIMENAWA. Simply go beside or behind these shelves and/or crouch (if you wont it's almost as effective). There are also other open spaces like beside the bleachers, cabinets, etc. just do the same as you will do in these shelves.


In the room where the story book is located, behind the bleachers full of dolls, there is a message indicating that you need to poison the rats in a WELL, and to feed her you need to ring a BELL. There are rooms with a well and a bell (refer to the house map above). Once you have the rat(s) you must go to the room with a well, this room is located at the longest-looking hallway in the Minka, you must go right, straight, left, straight, left, and straight FROM the spawn room then you're at the room with the well (refer to map image above). Around the middle of the grassy outdoor looking room there is a well, press the button "use" or press "e". You only need to press it once to get the rat poisoned. Now, you have to feed it to the monster.

To put the rat under the bell is to feed the monster. The bell room is the nearest accessible room from the well room. It's located at the first right of the hallway from the well room. Once you've turned right, take a turn to the first door you see. Then you're at the bell room, approach the bell and press "use" or "e". It will make a bell clang noise and you are safe from the monster for now (it takes around 10-15 seconds, maybe, for the monster to eat the rat and get to it if she's far enough.) EVEN IF YOU TOUCH THE MONSTER ON ITS WAY TO THE RAT, YOU WILL NOT PERISH. Find 3 (May 2022) rats and do the same.


Once all 3 rats have been put to the bell. The monster is now gone, and you are free to roam the Minka. But you might as well move on to the next phase. Go to the exit. The exit is the easiest to access from the bell room. Exit the bell room by taking a turn at the right, by then the exit is just a little bit more on the right, go to the doors and click on exit. Wait for the countdown. Try to press "w" now, or try to move forward using other devices.


Now, there's a cutscene of the monster and Mio is upset. You must run. I cannot explain to you how you will beat this part but I can give tips. Like I claimed just now, press w as soon as the cut scene starts, then you may press shift once the map has loaded on your screen, run and avoid the obstacles. Use the time you open the door as a way to regain/pause the use of your stamina. Continue running, you're almost there. Once you've reached the end no need for a hassle, just simply walk towards the last door (which is different from the others) and you will find yourself at a similar area. Go to the edge of the hallway and take a right, you find stairs and climb them. Once you've reached the ground of earth you must brace yourself for a monster, not just any monster...


Meet Nagisa, a giant snake figure. She has a "body" of a snake and a head of a... To beat her, you must also HIDE from her, running won't do you anything when Nagisa sees you. To hide from Nagisa you must crouch in certain areas: The grass, the boulders, behind a boulder, the other grass. As far as I know those are the places where you can crouch at and not be found by Nagisa. When you enter the top of the area there's grass, that means she's beginning to look for YOU, try to make it to the first rock and crouch while you have time. The objective is to hide, and exit this place. It's at the edge of the bridge. But to get there you must hide from Nagisa and to move you must wait for her to "go back down". If she looks away you can also move, but this tip is for players with experience. When you see her "go back down" you must run for the next rock, or grass or bridge, and wait for her to appear again and look away or "go back down" then you can make another run. Now that you find yourself at the exit you must touch the black wall, you'll see it. Wait for the countdown, now press "w" or move forward and get ready to run.


Now the objective is to run again. I cannot tell you how to beat this but I can tell you tips. At the end of the area there is a black wall behind the small lump of earth, that is what you're supposed to touch. If one player manages to touch the wall then ALL players may respawn even if they have died. Press "shift" or sprint on your screen immediately (that's what I do) but it's your decision whether to run once the "objective" is shown on screen or whenever you want to run, but I prefer to run as soon as I get loaded to the map.

DEAL WITH THE DEVIL (this self-made title is also from a song.)

Now that you have finished running, have a calm conversation by the river with Keneo. You have entered a village and you are asking around for a boat you could use to get back home. A villager tells you to talk with the old man beside the river the villager also warns you that Keneo can be a bit mischievous sometimes. The old man is on the right side of a house. He's sitting near a tree and you must talk to him. Once you've finished talking to old Keneo, he needs a Seishin Orb to hand you a boat, also there is now a monster around the area. You must now look for a key at the first house from the entrance to the area, it's in a cabinet.


To hide from the monster you must go beside the houses with rooves on the edges, you may not know what I'm talking about but as you observe the outside of the houses you see a bit of the roof's edge(s). You can hide there and you're safe from Kurubozu (the monster) even if he sees you go under the rooves, you are still safe.

Now to actually get on to the point of this phase. You are supposed to find 5 paintings from the 5 houses before the painting house. 1 house has a Rokurokubi and you must draw the symbol first, properly or else you will be devoured by the Rokurokubi, after drawing, you can now see the painting. There are a lot of paintings in just one house, but to identify which are to be lit and which are just decoration, you must look at the shape of the frame. If its a small painting that's around a rectangular shape put on the wall vertically, then that must be a painting that you're looking for. KNOW THAT THE PAINTINGS ARE IN A DIFFERENT ORDER AND LOCATION FROM THE HOUSES EVERY TIME YOU PLAY AGAIN.

There are 9 total paintings but you only need 5 of them. Here are some of the paintings I managed to find online.

How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (5)

This is "the lady with the parasol (umbrella)" that's how I address her.

How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (6)

This is "the lady with wings and flute" that's how I address her.

How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (7)

This is "the long neck woman" that's how I address her.

If anyone knows what/how to call these paintings, PLEASE inform me. I'm sorry if the way I call the paintings are insulting.

There's also a painting of "An old man", "Lady riding a man (no pun intended)", "Monkey samurai", "Lady with the fox head", "Girls with the chicken", and "A blue samurai".

Again, if anyone knows what/how to call these paintings, PLEASE, I insist you inform me of those names. I apologize HUGELY if the way I address the paintings are insulting to anyone/anything.

Now, go to the house at the edge of the area, this house requires a KEY to be opened, you must have the key from the first house (the 1st house also has a painting). Open the doors while holding the key out, enter.



Now, you must be careful of the monster lurking this house, there are technically 3 floors, you spawned at the 1st floor. The ground floor has 4 paintings: "Monkey samurai", "Lady with the fox head", "Old man" and "Lady riding a man (again... No pUn InTeNdeD). If there's a painting from your 5 of the 9 is downstairs, you must light it. You can hide under the table in front of the "Old man's" painting (you must crouch). Now the 1st floor (where you've spawned) has 3 paintings: "The long neck woman", "The girls with the chicken" and "The lady with wings and flute", light those that you need to. Now the 2nd and top floor has only 2 paintings: "The lady with the parasol" and "The blue samurai". Now that all the 5 paintings are lit the Seishin Orb is now at the hands of the jealousy statue in the middle of the ground floor. Grab the orb and give it to Keneo. (TIP: even if a player does not have the orb, but one of the players do, any player can go to Keneo and offer him the Orb.)

To be continued... (I think I did a good update today)

How to beat Chapter 1 Jealousy (2024)


Where is the key in Jealousy Mimic chapter 1? ›

Chapter I. After entering the office, an objective will show up on the screen stating you to find a key. The key is on the table in front of the locked door. Collect the key and open the locked door to complete the tutorial.

What do you do with the rats in the mimic jealousy Chapter 1? ›

You are now tasked to find and poison three rats in the old well, which is located in the garden, and then place it below the bell and ring it. When you do that, Rin will go to the bell room and eat the poisoned rat.

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However, it was confirmed that Enzukai is now genderless by MUCDICH on Discord, supported by Enzukai being shirtless.

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Yurei is a lanky woman whose limbs appear to be made out of dark colored vines.

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Chapter 1. The first key is obtained by following a path of bloody footsteps to a shed that is full of ominous images and a pentagram in the middle with a few candles and the key. One grabbing the key, you must use it on the door at the back of the gymnasium.

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Before she was cursed by Kintoru, Hiachi was a young human girl and the daughter of Futaba Masashige. Hiachi eventually met Kintoru when she stumbled upon a sakura forest with her doll. Kintoru, also known as "Sama", became a mother figure to her, until she deceived and cursed Hiachi.

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Netamo's current design appears to be a hulking humanoid male. He has a mouth filled with monstrous teeth, which also opens up his skin.

Is Wojira a girl? ›

Since The Island, her name is changed to Wojira in the same way as it is in the original. In the German dubbing of the same episode, she is also considered male. However, this was changed later and since The Island she is female like in the original version.

Is oni a girl or boy? ›

Oni can be male or female, but have been predominantly male throughout history. Female oni are sometimes referred to by the name Yamauba. When in disguise, oni are capable of appearing as a man or woman, regardless of their gender. As monstrous as oni are, they have been linked to bringing good fortune and wealth.

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Yūrei (幽霊) are figures in Japanese folklore analogous to the Western concept of ghosts. The name consists of two kanji, 幽 (yū), meaning "faint" or "dim" and 霊 (rei), meaning "soul" or "spirit".

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Zashiki-warashi (座敷童子, or 座敷童, "parlor child"), sometimes also called zashiki bokko (座敷ぼっこ, "parlor boyo"), are spirit-like beings told about mostly in the Iwate Prefecture.

Where is the orb in Mimic Jealousy? ›

light up a picture that wasn't seen in a house, the candles reset. stay away from Sukiya as much as possible. finally, when you light up all the paintings, the orb will appear in a statue on the bottom floor. leave and give the orb to Kenio.

How to survive Rin in the Mimic? ›

However, if you want her to stop chasing you, you can hide (without letting her see you) behind something or run into a safe room. Shimenawa rooms (rooms with rope hanging over their door), shojis (wooden panels), or closet doors are all examples of safe spots.

Where is the pool in Mimic chapter 1? ›

You start outside, finding the back door. After you find the unlocked door, you go to a locker room with bags scattered around and blood footprints on the floor leading to the gym, which is a basketball court with advertisem*nts. There are still blood footprints leading to the right, going to the pool.


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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

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Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.