Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (2024)

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (1)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and

Special FunctionsA Ramanujan Style Talk

Jonathan M. Borwein frsc faa faaas

Laureate Professor & Director of CARMA, Univ. of Newcastlethis talk:

Prepared forJonFest DownUnder, Nov 29, 30 and Dec 1, 2011

Revised Nov 20, 2012 for eViMS (23-25 November, 2012)Companion paper and software:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (2)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

Contents. We will cover some of the following:

1 2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples10. Archimedes and Pi17. A 21st Century postscript27. Sinc functions

2 35. Three Intermediate Examples36. What is that number?42. Lambert W47. What is that continued fraction?

3 54. More Advanced Examples55. What is that probability?61. What is that limit, II?66. What is that transition value?

4 68. Current Research and Conclusions68. What is that expectation?72. What is that density?75. Part II and Conclusions?

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (3)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Abstract toc

It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but theact of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When Ihave clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, inorder to go into darkness again; (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855)

• I display roughly a dozen examples where computationalexperimentation, computer algebra and special function theoryhave lead to pleasing or surprising results.

• In the style of Ramanujan, very few proofs are given but maybe found in the references.

• Much of this work requires extensive symbolic, numeric and graphiccomputation. It makes frequent use of the new NIST Handbook ofMathematical Functions and related tools such as gfun.

My intention is to show off the interplay between symbolic,numeric and graphic computing while exploring the various topicsin my title.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (4)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Abstract toc

It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but theact of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When Ihave clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, inorder to go into darkness again; (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855)

• I display roughly a dozen examples where computationalexperimentation, computer algebra and special function theoryhave lead to pleasing or surprising results.

• In the style of Ramanujan, very few proofs are given but maybe found in the references.

• Much of this work requires extensive symbolic, numeric and graphiccomputation. It makes frequent use of the new NIST Handbook ofMathematical Functions and related tools such as gfun.

My intention is to show off the interplay between symbolic,numeric and graphic computing while exploring the various topicsin my title.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (5)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Abstract toc

It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but theact of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When Ihave clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, inorder to go into darkness again; (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855)

• I display roughly a dozen examples where computationalexperimentation, computer algebra and special function theoryhave lead to pleasing or surprising results.

• In the style of Ramanujan, very few proofs are given but maybe found in the references.

• Much of this work requires extensive symbolic, numeric and graphiccomputation. It makes frequent use of the new NIST Handbook ofMathematical Functions and related tools such as gfun.

My intention is to show off the interplay between symbolic,numeric and graphic computing while exploring the various topicsin my title.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (6)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Abstract toc

It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but theact of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When Ihave clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, inorder to go into darkness again; (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855)

• I display roughly a dozen examples where computationalexperimentation, computer algebra and special function theoryhave lead to pleasing or surprising results.

• In the style of Ramanujan, very few proofs are given but maybe found in the references.

• Much of this work requires extensive symbolic, numeric and graphiccomputation. It makes frequent use of the new NIST Handbook ofMathematical Functions and related tools such as gfun.

My intention is to show off the interplay between symbolic,numeric and graphic computing while exploring the various topicsin my title.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (7)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Abstract toc

It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but theact of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment. When Ihave clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, inorder to go into darkness again; (Carl Friedrich Gauss, 1777-1855)

• I display roughly a dozen examples where computationalexperimentation, computer algebra and special function theoryhave lead to pleasing or surprising results.

• In the style of Ramanujan, very few proofs are given but maybe found in the references.

• Much of this work requires extensive symbolic, numeric and graphiccomputation. It makes frequent use of the new NIST Handbook ofMathematical Functions and related tools such as gfun.

My intention is to show off the interplay between symbolic,numeric and graphic computing while exploring the various topicsin my title.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (8)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions


Experimental Mathodology

“Computers are useless, they can

only give answers.” Pablo Picasso

Experimental Mathodology

Comparing –y2ln(y) (red) to y-y2 and y2-y4

1. Gaining insight and intuition

2. Discovering new relationships

3. Visualizing math principles

4. Testing and especially falsifying conjectures

5. Exploring a possible result to see if it merits formal proof

6. Suggesting approaches for formal proof

7. Computing replacing lengthy hand derivations

8. Confirming analytically derived results

Science News 2004

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (9)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

. . . Visual Theorems: Reflect-Reflect-Average

To find a point on a sphere and in an affine subspace

Briefly, a visual theorem is the graphical or visual outputfrom a computer program — usually one of a family ofsuch outputs — which the eye organizes into a coherent,identifiable whole and which is able to inspiremathematical questions of a traditional nature or whichcontributes in some way to our understanding orenrichment of some mathematical or real world situation.— Chandler Davis, 1993, p. 333.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (10)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

. . . Visual Theorems: Reflect-Reflect-Average

To find a point on a sphere and in an affine subspace

Briefly, a visual theorem is the graphical or visual outputfrom a computer program — usually one of a family ofsuch outputs — which the eye organizes into a coherent,identifiable whole and which is able to inspiremathematical questions of a traditional nature or whichcontributes in some way to our understanding orenrichment of some mathematical or real world situation.— Chandler Davis, 1993, p. 333.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (11)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Congratulations to NIST

DLMF: NIST is still a 19C

handbook in 21C dress.

DDMF: INRIA’s way of the


Special Functions in the 21st Century:

Theory & Applications April 6–8, 2011Washington, DC

Objectives. The conference will provide a forum for the exchange of expertise, experience and insights among world leaders in the subject of special functions. Participants will include expert authors, editors and validators of the recently published NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions and Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF). It will also provide an opportunity for DLMF users to interact with its creators and to explore potential areas of fruitful future developments.

F.W.J. Olver

Special Recognition of Professor Frank W. J. Olver. This conference is dedicated to Professor Olver in light of his seminal con-tributions to the advancement of special functions, especially in the area of asymptotic analysis and as Mathematics Editor of the DLMF.

Plenary Speakers Richard Askey, University of Wisconsin Michael Berry, University of Bristol Nalini Joshi, University of Sydney, Australia Leonard Maximon, George Washington University William Reinhardt, University of Washington Roderick Wong, City University of Hong Kong

Call for Contributed Talks (25 Minutes) Abstracts may be submitted to [emailprotected] until March 15, 2011.

Registration and Financial Assistance. Registration fee: $120. Courtesy of SIAM, limited travel support is available for US-based postdoc and early career researchers. Courtesy of City University of Hong Kong and NIST, partial support is available for others in cases of need. Submit all requests for financial assistance to [emailprotected].

Venue. Renaissance Washington Dupont Circle Hotel, 1143 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20037 USA. The conference rate is $259, available until March 15. Refreshments are supplied courtesy of University of Maryland.

Organizing Committee. Daniel Lozier, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland; Adri Olde Daalhuis, Univer-sity of Edinburgh; Nico Temme, CWI, Amsterdam; Roderick Wong, City University of Hong Kong

To register online for the conference, and reserve a room at the conference hotel, see

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (12)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Congratulations to NIST

DLMF: NIST is still a 19C

handbook in 21C dress.

DDMF: INRIA’s way of the


Special Functions in the 21st Century:

Theory & Applications April 6–8, 2011Washington, DC

Objectives. The conference will provide a forum for the exchange of expertise, experience and insights among world leaders in the subject of special functions. Participants will include expert authors, editors and validators of the recently published NIST Handbook of Mathematical Functions and Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (DLMF). It will also provide an opportunity for DLMF users to interact with its creators and to explore potential areas of fruitful future developments.

F.W.J. Olver

Special Recognition of Professor Frank W. J. Olver. This conference is dedicated to Professor Olver in light of his seminal con-tributions to the advancement of special functions, especially in the area of asymptotic analysis and as Mathematics Editor of the DLMF.

Plenary Speakers Richard Askey, University of Wisconsin Michael Berry, University of Bristol Nalini Joshi, University of Sydney, Australia Leonard Maximon, George Washington University William Reinhardt, University of Washington Roderick Wong, City University of Hong Kong

Call for Contributed Talks (25 Minutes) Abstracts may be submitted to [emailprotected] until March 15, 2011.

Registration and Financial Assistance. Registration fee: $120. Courtesy of SIAM, limited travel support is available for US-based postdoc and early career researchers. Courtesy of City University of Hong Kong and NIST, partial support is available for others in cases of need. Submit all requests for financial assistance to [emailprotected].

Venue. Renaissance Washington Dupont Circle Hotel, 1143 New Hampshire Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20037 USA. The conference rate is $259, available until March 15. Refreshments are supplied courtesy of University of Maryland.

Organizing Committee. Daniel Lozier, NIST, Gaithersburg, Maryland; Adri Olde Daalhuis, Univer-sity of Edinburgh; Nico Temme, CWI, Amsterdam; Roderick Wong, City University of Hong Kong

To register online for the conference, and reserve a room at the conference hotel, see

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (13)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions


J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (14)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Related Work and References

1 This describes joint research with many collaborators overmany years – especially DHB and REC.

2 Earlier results are to be found in the books:• Mathematics by Experiment with DHB (2004-08) and

Experimentation in Mathematics with DHB & RG (2005)• The Computer as Crucible with Keith Devlin (2008). Recent results surveyed with AS in Theor. Comp Sci 2012:


4 Exploratory experimentation: with DHB, AMS Notices Nov11•

What are closed forms: with REC, AMS Notices Jan13•

5 This talk and related talks are housed at

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (15)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Related Work and References

1 This describes joint research with many collaborators overmany years – especially DHB and REC.

2 Earlier results are to be found in the books:• Mathematics by Experiment with DHB (2004-08) and

Experimentation in Mathematics with DHB & RG (2005)• The Computer as Crucible with Keith Devlin (2008). Recent results surveyed with AS in Theor. Comp Sci 2012:


4 Exploratory experimentation: with DHB, AMS Notices Nov11•

What are closed forms: with REC, AMS Notices Jan13•

5 This talk and related talks are housed at

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (16)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Related Work and References

1 This describes joint research with many collaborators overmany years – especially DHB and REC.

2 Earlier results are to be found in the books:• Mathematics by Experiment with DHB (2004-08) and

Experimentation in Mathematics with DHB & RG (2005)• The Computer as Crucible with Keith Devlin (2008). Recent results surveyed with AS in Theor. Comp Sci 2012:


4 Exploratory experimentation: with DHB, AMS Notices Nov11•

What are closed forms: with REC, AMS Notices Jan13•

5 This talk and related talks are housed at

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (17)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Related Work and References

1 This describes joint research with many collaborators overmany years – especially DHB and REC.

2 Earlier results are to be found in the books:• Mathematics by Experiment with DHB (2004-08) and

Experimentation in Mathematics with DHB & RG (2005)• The Computer as Crucible with Keith Devlin (2008). Recent results surveyed with AS in Theor. Comp Sci 2012:


4 Exploratory experimentation: with DHB, AMS Notices Nov11•

What are closed forms: with REC, AMS Notices Jan13•

5 This talk and related talks are housed at

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (18)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Some of my Current Collaborators (Straub, Borwein and Wan)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (19)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

La plus ca change, I

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (20)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

1. What is that Integral? (Bailey and Crandall) toc


∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx = ??? (1)

Remark (Kondo-Yee, 2011.)

Pi now computed to ten trillion decimal places. First four trillionhex digits appear very normal base 16 (Exp. Maths, in press).See

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (21)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

1. What is that Integral? (Bailey and Crandall) toc


∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx = ??? (1)

Remark (Kondo-Yee, 2011.)

Pi now computed to ten trillion decimal places. First four trillionhex digits appear very normal base 16 (Exp. Maths, in press).See

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (22)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

1. What is that Integral? (Bailey and Crandall) toc


∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx = ??? (1)

Remark (Kondo-Yee, 2011.)

Pi now computed to ten trillion decimal places. First four trillionhex digits appear very normal base 16 (Exp. Maths, in press).See

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (23)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Let’s be Clear: π Really is not 227

Even Maple or Mathematica ‘knows’ this since

0 <

∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx =


7− π, (2)

though it would be prudent to ask ‘why’ it can perform the integraland ‘whether’ to trust it?

Assume we trust it. Then the integrand is strictly positive on(0, 1), and the answer in (2) is an area and so strictly positive,despite millennia of claims that π is 22/7.

• Accidentally, 22/7 is one of the early continued fractionapproximation to π. These commence:






113, . . .

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (24)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Let’s be Clear: π Really is not 227

Even Maple or Mathematica ‘knows’ this since

0 <

∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx =


7− π, (2)

though it would be prudent to ask ‘why’ it can perform the integraland ‘whether’ to trust it?

Assume we trust it. Then the integrand is strictly positive on(0, 1), and the answer in (2) is an area and so strictly positive,despite millennia of claims that π is 22/7.

• Accidentally, 22/7 is one of the early continued fractionapproximation to π. These commence:






113, . . .

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (25)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Let’s be Clear: π Really is not 227

Even Maple or Mathematica ‘knows’ this since

0 <

∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx =


7− π, (2)

though it would be prudent to ask ‘why’ it can perform the integraland ‘whether’ to trust it?

Assume we trust it. Then the integrand is strictly positive on(0, 1), and the answer in (2) is an area and so strictly positive,despite millennia of claims that π is 22/7.

• Accidentally, 22/7 is one of the early continued fractionapproximation to π. These commence:






113, . . .

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (26)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Archimedes Method circa 1800 CEAs discovered — by Schwabb, Pfaff, Borchardt, Gauss — in the19th century, this becomes a simple recursion:

Algorithm (Archimedes)

Set a0 := 2√

3, b0 := 3. Compute

an+1 =2anbnan + bn


bn+1 =√an+1bn (G)

These tend to π, error decreasing by a factor of four at each step.

• The greatest mathematician (scientist) to live before theEnlightenment. To compute π Archimedes had to invent manysubjects — including numerical and interval analysis.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (27)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Archimedes Method circa 1800 CEAs discovered — by Schwabb, Pfaff, Borchardt, Gauss — in the19th century, this becomes a simple recursion:

Algorithm (Archimedes)

Set a0 := 2√

3, b0 := 3. Compute

an+1 =2anbnan + bn


bn+1 =√an+1bn (G)

These tend to π, error decreasing by a factor of four at each step.

• The greatest mathematician (scientist) to live before theEnlightenment. To compute π Archimedes had to invent manysubjects — including numerical and interval analysis.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (28)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Archimedes Method circa 1800 CEAs discovered — by Schwabb, Pfaff, Borchardt, Gauss — in the19th century, this becomes a simple recursion:

Algorithm (Archimedes)

Set a0 := 2√

3, b0 := 3. Compute

an+1 =2anbnan + bn


bn+1 =√an+1bn (G)

These tend to π, error decreasing by a factor of four at each step.

• The greatest mathematician (scientist) to live before theEnlightenment. To compute π Archimedes had to invent manysubjects — including numerical and interval analysis.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (29)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Archimedes Method circa 1800 CEAs discovered — by Schwabb, Pfaff, Borchardt, Gauss — in the19th century, this becomes a simple recursion:

Algorithm (Archimedes)

Set a0 := 2√

3, b0 := 3. Compute

an+1 =2anbnan + bn


bn+1 =√an+1bn (G)

These tend to π, error decreasing by a factor of four at each step.

• The greatest mathematician (scientist) to live before theEnlightenment. To compute π Archimedes had to invent manysubjects — including numerical and interval analysis.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (30)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Proving π is not 227

In this case, the indefinite integral provides immediate reassurance.We obtain∫ t

x4 (1− x)4

1 + x2dx =


7t7 − 2

3t6 + t5 − 4

3t3 + 4 t− 4 arctan (t)

as differentiation easily confirms, and the fundamental theorem ofcalculus proves (2). QED

One can take this idea a bit further. Note that∫ 1

0x4 (1− x)4 dx =


630. (3)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (31)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Proving π is not 227

In this case, the indefinite integral provides immediate reassurance.We obtain∫ t

x4 (1− x)4

1 + x2dx =


7t7 − 2

3t6 + t5 − 4

3t3 + 4 t− 4 arctan (t)

as differentiation easily confirms, and the fundamental theorem ofcalculus proves (2). QED

One can take this idea a bit further. Note that∫ 1

0x4 (1− x)4 dx =


630. (3)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (32)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

... Going Further




∫ 1

0x4 (1− x)4 dx <

∫ 1

(1− x)4x4

1 + x2dx <

∫ 1

0x4 (1− x)4 dx.

Combine this with (2) and (3) to derive:

223/71 < 22/7− 1/630 < π < 22/7− 1/1260 < 22/7

and so re-obtain Archimedes’ famous


71< π < 3


70. (4)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (33)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Aesthetics and the Colour Calculator

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (34)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Never Trust Secondary References

• See Dalziel in Eureka (1971), a Cambridge student journal.

• Integral (2) was on the 1968 Putnam, an early 60’s Sydneyexam, and traces back to 1944 (Dalziel).

Leonhard Euler (1737-1787), William Kelvin (1824-1907) and Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)

I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their arithmeticalmagnitude.—Baron William Thomson Kelvin

In Lecture 7 (7 Oct 1884), of his Baltimore Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light.

– Archimedes, Huygens, Riemann, De Morgan, and many others had similar sentiments.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (35)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Never Trust Secondary References

• See Dalziel in Eureka (1971), a Cambridge student journal.

• Integral (2) was on the 1968 Putnam, an early 60’s Sydneyexam, and traces back to 1944 (Dalziel).

Leonhard Euler (1737-1787), William Kelvin (1824-1907) and Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)

I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their arithmeticalmagnitude.—Baron William Thomson Kelvin

In Lecture 7 (7 Oct 1884), of his Baltimore Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light.

– Archimedes, Huygens, Riemann, De Morgan, and many others had similar sentiments.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (36)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Never Trust Secondary References

• See Dalziel in Eureka (1971), a Cambridge student journal.

• Integral (2) was on the 1968 Putnam, an early 60’s Sydneyexam, and traces back to 1944 (Dalziel).

Leonhard Euler (1737-1787), William Kelvin (1824-1907) and Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)

I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their arithmeticalmagnitude.—Baron William Thomson Kelvin

In Lecture 7 (7 Oct 1884), of his Baltimore Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light.

– Archimedes, Huygens, Riemann, De Morgan, and many others had similar sentiments.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (37)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Never Trust Secondary References

• See Dalziel in Eureka (1971), a Cambridge student journal.

• Integral (2) was on the 1968 Putnam, an early 60’s Sydneyexam, and traces back to 1944 (Dalziel).

Leonhard Euler (1737-1787), William Kelvin (1824-1907) and Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)

I have no satisfaction in formulas unless I feel their arithmeticalmagnitude.—Baron William Thomson Kelvin

In Lecture 7 (7 Oct 1884), of his Baltimore Lectures on Molecular Dynamics and the Wave Theory of Light.

– Archimedes, Huygens, Riemann, De Morgan, and many others had similar sentiments.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (38)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

2. BBP Digit Extraction Formulas toc

Algorithm (What We Did, January to March 2011)

Dave Bailey, Andrew Mattingly (L) and Glenn Wightwick (R) of IBM

Australia, and I obtained and confirmed on a 4-rack BlueGene/P system

at IBM’s Benchmarking Centre in Rochester, Minn, USA:

1 106 digits of π2 base 2 at the ten trillionth place base 64

2 94 digits of π2 base 3 at the ten trillionth place base 729

3 141 digits of G base 2 at the ten trillionth place base 4096

– G is Catalan’s constant. The full computation suite took about 1500 cpu years.

– Notices of the AMS, in Press:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (39)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

2. BBP Digit Extraction Formulas toc

Algorithm (What We Did, January to March 2011)

Dave Bailey, Andrew Mattingly (L) and Glenn Wightwick (R) of IBM

Australia, and I obtained and confirmed on a 4-rack BlueGene/P system

at IBM’s Benchmarking Centre in Rochester, Minn, USA:

1 106 digits of π2 base 2 at the ten trillionth place base 64

2 94 digits of π2 base 3 at the ten trillionth place base 729

3 141 digits of G base 2 at the ten trillionth place base 4096

– G is Catalan’s constant. The full computation suite took about 1500 cpu years.

– Notices of the AMS, in Press:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (40)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Does?

Prior to 1996, most folks thought to compute the d-th digit of π,you had to generate the (order of) the entire first d digits.

• This is not true, at least for hex (base 16) or binary (base 2)digits of π. In 1996, P. Borwein, Plouffe, and Bailey found analgorithm for individual hex digits of π. It produces:

• a modest-length string hex or binary digits of π, beginning atan any position, using no prior bits;

1 is implementable on any modern computer;2 requires no multiple precision software;3 requires very little memory; and has4 a computational cost growing only slightly faster than the digit


J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (41)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Does?

Prior to 1996, most folks thought to compute the d-th digit of π,you had to generate the (order of) the entire first d digits.

• This is not true, at least for hex (base 16) or binary (base 2)digits of π. In 1996, P. Borwein, Plouffe, and Bailey found analgorithm for individual hex digits of π. It produces:

• a modest-length string hex or binary digits of π, beginning atan any position, using no prior bits;

1 is implementable on any modern computer;2 requires no multiple precision software;3 requires very little memory; and has4 a computational cost growing only slightly faster than the digit


J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (42)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Does?

Prior to 1996, most folks thought to compute the d-th digit of π,you had to generate the (order of) the entire first d digits.

• This is not true, at least for hex (base 16) or binary (base 2)digits of π. In 1996, P. Borwein, Plouffe, and Bailey found analgorithm for individual hex digits of π. It produces:

• a modest-length string hex or binary digits of π, beginning atan any position, using no prior bits;

1 is implementable on any modern computer;2 requires no multiple precision software;3 requires very little memory; and has4 a computational cost growing only slightly faster than the digit


J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (43)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Does?

Prior to 1996, most folks thought to compute the d-th digit of π,you had to generate the (order of) the entire first d digits.

• This is not true, at least for hex (base 16) or binary (base 2)digits of π. In 1996, P. Borwein, Plouffe, and Bailey found analgorithm for individual hex digits of π. It produces:

• a modest-length string hex or binary digits of π, beginning atan any position, using no prior bits;

1 is implementable on any modern computer;2 requires no multiple precision software;3 requires very little memory; and has4 a computational cost growing only slightly faster than the digit


J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (44)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Does?

Prior to 1996, most folks thought to compute the d-th digit of π,you had to generate the (order of) the entire first d digits.

• This is not true, at least for hex (base 16) or binary (base 2)digits of π. In 1996, P. Borwein, Plouffe, and Bailey found analgorithm for individual hex digits of π. It produces:

• a modest-length string hex or binary digits of π, beginning atan any position, using no prior bits;

1 is implementable on any modern computer;2 requires no multiple precision software;3 requires very little memory; and has4 a computational cost growing only slightly faster than the digit


J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (45)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Is? Reverse Engineered MathematicsThis is based on the following then new formula for π:

π =





8i+ 1− 2

8i+ 4− 1

8i+ 5− 1

8i+ 6


• The millionth hex digit (four millionth binary digit) of π canbe found in under 30 secs on a fairly new computer in Maple(not C++) and the billionth in 10 hrs.

Equation (5) was discovered numerically using integer relationmethods over months in our Vancouver lab, CECM. It arrived inthe coded form:

π = 4 2F1






)+ 2 tan−1



)− log 5

where 2F1(1, 1/4; 5/4,−1/4) = 0.955933837 . . . is a Gausshypergeometric function.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (46)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Is? Reverse Engineered MathematicsThis is based on the following then new formula for π:

π =





8i+ 1− 2

8i+ 4− 1

8i+ 5− 1

8i+ 6


• The millionth hex digit (four millionth binary digit) of π canbe found in under 30 secs on a fairly new computer in Maple(not C++) and the billionth in 10 hrs.

Equation (5) was discovered numerically using integer relationmethods over months in our Vancouver lab, CECM. It arrived inthe coded form:

π = 4 2F1






)+ 2 tan−1



)− log 5

where 2F1(1, 1/4; 5/4,−1/4) = 0.955933837 . . . is a Gausshypergeometric function.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (47)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Is? Reverse Engineered MathematicsThis is based on the following then new formula for π:

π =





8i+ 1− 2

8i+ 4− 1

8i+ 5− 1

8i+ 6


• The millionth hex digit (four millionth binary digit) of π canbe found in under 30 secs on a fairly new computer in Maple(not C++) and the billionth in 10 hrs.

Equation (5) was discovered numerically using integer relationmethods over months in our Vancouver lab, CECM. It arrived inthe coded form:

π = 4 2F1






)+ 2 tan−1



)− log 5

where 2F1(1, 1/4; 5/4,−1/4) = 0.955933837 . . . is a Gausshypergeometric function.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (48)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What BBP Is? Reverse Engineered MathematicsThis is based on the following then new formula for π:

π =





8i+ 1− 2

8i+ 4− 1

8i+ 5− 1

8i+ 6


• The millionth hex digit (four millionth binary digit) of π canbe found in under 30 secs on a fairly new computer in Maple(not C++) and the billionth in 10 hrs.

Equation (5) was discovered numerically using integer relationmethods over months in our Vancouver lab, CECM. It arrived inthe coded form:

π = 4 2F1






)+ 2 tan−1



)− log 5

where 2F1(1, 1/4; 5/4,−1/4) = 0.955933837 . . . is a Gausshypergeometric function.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (49)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Edge of Computation Prize Finalist

• BBP was the only mathematical finalist (of about 40) for thefirst Edge of Computation Science Prize

– Along with founders of Google, Netscape, Celera and manybrilliant thinkers, ...

• Won by David Deutsch — discoverer of Quantum Computing.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (50)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Edge of Computation Prize Finalist

• BBP was the only mathematical finalist (of about 40) for thefirst Edge of Computation Science Prize

– Along with founders of Google, Netscape, Celera and manybrilliant thinkers, ...

• Won by David Deutsch — discoverer of Quantum Computing.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (51)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Edge of Computation Prize Finalist

• BBP was the only mathematical finalist (of about 40) for thefirst Edge of Computation Science Prize

– Along with founders of Google, Netscape, Celera and manybrilliant thinkers, ...

• Won by David Deutsch — discoverer of Quantum Computing.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (52)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Edge of Computation Prize Finalist

• BBP was the only mathematical finalist (of about 40) for thefirst Edge of Computation Science Prize

– Along with founders of Google, Netscape, Celera and manybrilliant thinkers, ...

• Won by David Deutsch — discoverer of Quantum Computing.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (53)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base 2 or base 3

Remarkably, both formulas below have the needed digit-extractionproperties:

π2 =9






(6k + 1)2− 24

(6k + 2)2− 8

(6k + 3)2− 6

(6k + 4)2+


(6k + 5)2


π2 =2






(12k + 1)2− 405

(12k + 2)2− 81

(12k + 4)2

− 27

(12k + 5)2− 72

(12k + 6)2− 9

(12k + 7)2

− 9

(12k + 8)2− 5

(12k + 10)2+


(12k + 11)2

}J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (54)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base 2 or base 3

Remarkably, both formulas below have the needed digit-extractionproperties:

π2 =9






(6k + 1)2− 24

(6k + 2)2− 8

(6k + 3)2− 6

(6k + 4)2+


(6k + 5)2


π2 =2






(12k + 1)2− 405

(12k + 2)2− 81

(12k + 4)2

− 27

(12k + 5)2− 72

(12k + 6)2− 9

(12k + 7)2

− 9

(12k + 8)2− 5

(12k + 10)2+


(12k + 11)2

}J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (55)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base 2 (with DHB & IBM, 2011) toc

Base-64 digits of π2 beginning at position 10 trillion.The first run produced base-64 digits from position 1012 − 1. It requiredan average of 253,529 secs per thread, divided into seven partitions of2048 threads. The total cost was

7 · 2048 · 253529 = 3.6× 109 CPU-secs.

Each IBM Blue Gene P system rack features 4096 cores, so the total costis 10.3 “rack-days.” The second run, producing digits starting fromposition 1012, took the same time (within a few minutes).The two resulting base-8 digit strings are



(each pair of base-8 digits corresponds to a base-64 digit).

Digits in agreement are delimited by |. Note that 53 consecutive base-8

digits (159 binary digits) agree.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (56)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base 2 (with DHB & IBM, 2011) toc

Base-64 digits of π2 beginning at position 10 trillion.The first run produced base-64 digits from position 1012 − 1. It requiredan average of 253,529 secs per thread, divided into seven partitions of2048 threads. The total cost was

7 · 2048 · 253529 = 3.6× 109 CPU-secs.

Each IBM Blue Gene P system rack features 4096 cores, so the total costis 10.3 “rack-days.” The second run, producing digits starting fromposition 1012, took the same time (within a few minutes).The two resulting base-8 digit strings are



(each pair of base-8 digits corresponds to a base-64 digit).

Digits in agreement are delimited by |. Note that 53 consecutive base-8

digits (159 binary digits) agree.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (57)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base three

Base-729 digits of π2 beginning at position 10 trillion.Now the two runs each required an average of 795,773 seconds perthread, similarly subdivided as above, so that the total cost was

6.5× 109CPU-secs

or 18.4 “rack-days” for each run.

• Each rack-day is approximately 11.25 years of serialcomputing time on one core.

The two resulting base-9 digit strings are



(each triplet of base-9 digits corresponds to one base-729 digit).Note that 47 consecutive base-9 digits (94 base-3 digits) agree.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (58)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base three

Base-729 digits of π2 beginning at position 10 trillion.Now the two runs each required an average of 795,773 seconds perthread, similarly subdivided as above, so that the total cost was

6.5× 109CPU-secs

or 18.4 “rack-days” for each run.

• Each rack-day is approximately 11.25 years of serialcomputing time on one core.

The two resulting base-9 digit strings are



(each triplet of base-9 digits corresponds to one base-729 digit).Note that 47 consecutive base-9 digits (94 base-3 digits) agree.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (59)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π2 base three

Base-729 digits of π2 beginning at position 10 trillion.Now the two runs each required an average of 795,773 seconds perthread, similarly subdivided as above, so that the total cost was

6.5× 109CPU-secs

or 18.4 “rack-days” for each run.

• Each rack-day is approximately 11.25 years of serialcomputing time on one core.

The two resulting base-9 digit strings are



(each triplet of base-9 digits corresponds to one base-729 digit).Note that 47 consecutive base-9 digits (94 base-3 digits) agree.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (60)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

But not π2 base 10 or π base 3: Trojan horses

Be skeptical. Almqvist-Guillera (2011) discovered:








(532n2 + 126n+ 9

)106n+3 .

• It will not work base-10 because of the factorial term.

Zhang (2011) discovered and proved:

π =2








24n + 1+


24n + 2+


24n + 5+


24n + 6+


24n + 7


24n + 10+


24n + 11−


24n + 13−


24n + 14−


24n + 17


24n + 18−


24n + 19−


24n + 22−


4n + 23


• It will not work base-3 because of the 2.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (61)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

But not π2 base 10 or π base 3: Trojan horses

Be skeptical. Almqvist-Guillera (2011) discovered:








(532n2 + 126n+ 9

)106n+3 .

• It will not work base-10 because of the factorial term.

Zhang (2011) discovered and proved:

π =2








24n + 1+


24n + 2+


24n + 5+


24n + 6+


24n + 7


24n + 10+


24n + 11−


24n + 13−


24n + 14−


24n + 17


24n + 18−


24n + 19−


24n + 22−


4n + 23


• It will not work base-3 because of the 2.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (62)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

But not π2 base 10 or π base 3: Trojan horses

Be skeptical. Almqvist-Guillera (2011) discovered:








(532n2 + 126n+ 9

)106n+3 .

• It will not work base-10 because of the factorial term.

Zhang (2011) discovered and proved:

π =2








24n + 1+


24n + 2+


24n + 5+


24n + 6+


24n + 7


24n + 10+


24n + 11−


24n + 13−


24n + 14−


24n + 17


24n + 18−


24n + 19−


24n + 22−


4n + 23


• It will not work base-3 because of the 2.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (63)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

But not π2 base 10 or π base 3: Trojan horses

Be skeptical. Almqvist-Guillera (2011) discovered:








(532n2 + 126n+ 9

)106n+3 .

• It will not work base-10 because of the factorial term.

Zhang (2011) discovered and proved:

π =2








24n + 1+


24n + 2+


24n + 5+


24n + 6+


24n + 7


24n + 10+


24n + 11−


24n + 13−


24n + 14−


24n + 17


24n + 18−


24n + 19−


24n + 22−


4n + 23


• It will not work base-3 because of the 2.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (64)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Two Sporadic Rational Gems PSLQ, I

Gourevich 2001





(1 + 14n+ 76n2 + 168n3)




where an := a(a+ 1) · · · (a+ n− 1) so that (1)n = n!

Cullen 2010





( 14 )n( 1

2 )7n( 34 )n


(21 + 466n+ 4340n2 + 20632n3 + 43680n4)




I rediscovered and confirmed both to 10,000 digits while preparingthe slide! As follows....

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (65)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Two Sporadic Rational Gems PSLQ, I

Gourevich 2001





(1 + 14n+ 76n2 + 168n3)




where an := a(a+ 1) · · · (a+ n− 1) so that (1)n = n!

Cullen 2010





( 14 )n( 1

2 )7n( 34 )n


(21 + 466n+ 4340n2 + 20632n3 + 43680n4)




I rediscovered and confirmed both to 10,000 digits while preparingthe slide! As follows....

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (66)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Two Sporadic Rational Gems PSLQ, II

Discovering and validating Cullen’s formula in Maple:

> Digits:=100:r:=n->p(1/4,n)*p(3/4,n)*p(1/2,n)^(7)/n!^(9); > S4:=k-> Sum(r(n)*n^k/2^(12*n),n=0..infinity); > normal(combine(Pslq(1/Pi^4,[seq(S4(k),k=0..4)],50)));

• Confirming the value of the sum to 10,000 places is nearinstant and 100,000 places took 21.35 secs.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (67)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Two Sporadic Rational Gems PSLQ, II

Discovering and validating Cullen’s formula in Maple:

> Digits:=100:r:=n->p(1/4,n)*p(3/4,n)*p(1/2,n)^(7)/n!^(9); > S4:=k-> Sum(r(n)*n^k/2^(12*n),n=0..infinity); > normal(combine(Pslq(1/Pi^4,[seq(S4(k),k=0..4)],50)));

• Confirming the value of the sum to 10,000 places is nearinstant and 100,000 places took 21.35 secs.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (68)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

3. What is that Sequence? (sinc(x) := sinxx ). toc

For n = 0, 1, 2, . . . set

Jn :=

∫ ∞−∞

sincx · sinc(x


)· · · sinc


2n+ 1


Then — as Maple and Mathematica confirm — we have:

J0 =

∫ ∞−∞

sincx dx = π,

J1 =

∫ ∞−∞

sincx · sinc(x


)dx = π,


J6 =

∫ ∞−∞

sincx · sinc(x


)· · · sinc

( x13

)dx = π.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (69)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π, π, π, π, π, π, π, ?

The really obvious pattern — see Corollary below — is confounded by

J7 =

∫ ∞−∞

sincx · sinc(x


)· · · sinc

( x15



467807924720320453655260875000π < π,

where the fraction is approximately 0.99999999998529 . . ..

1912 G. Polya showed that given the slab

Sk(θ) := {x ∈ Rn : |〈k, x〉| ≤ θ/2, x ∈ Cn}

inside the hypercube Cn =[− 1

2 ,12

]ncut off by the hyperplanes

〈k, x〉 = ±θ/2, then

Voln(Sk(θ)) =1


∫ ∞−∞





kjxdx. (6)

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π, π, π, π, π, π, π, ?

The really obvious pattern — see Corollary below — is confounded by

J7 =

∫ ∞−∞

sincx · sinc(x


)· · · sinc

( x15



467807924720320453655260875000π < π,

where the fraction is approximately 0.99999999998529 . . ..

1912 G. Polya showed that given the slab

Sk(θ) := {x ∈ Rn : |〈k, x〉| ≤ θ/2, x ∈ Cn}

inside the hypercube Cn =[− 1

2 ,12

]ncut off by the hyperplanes

〈k, x〉 = ±θ/2, then

Voln(Sk(θ)) =1


∫ ∞−∞





kjxdx. (6)

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

π, π, π, π, π, π, π, ? has gone viral

• Also


• There is even a movie:

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (72)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Mathematics is becoming Hybrid: and none to soon

1968 A ‘solved’ MAA problem.1971 Withdrawn.May 2011 Seemed still ‘open’? (JSTOR).

Oct 2011 (MAA, Aug-Sept 2012): a finesymbolic/numeric/graphic (SNaG) chal-lenge:

sink.pdf and below:J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (73)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Mathematics is becoming Hybrid: and none to soon

1968 A ‘solved’ MAA problem.1971 Withdrawn.May 2011 Seemed still ‘open’? (JSTOR).

Oct 2011 (MAA, Aug-Sept 2012): a finesymbolic/numeric/graphic (SNaG) chal-lenge:

sink.pdf and below:J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (74)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Mathematics is becoming Hybrid: and none to soon

1968 A ‘solved’ MAA problem.1971 Withdrawn.May 2011 Seemed still ‘open’? (JSTOR).

Oct 2011 (MAA, Aug-Sept 2012): a finesymbolic/numeric/graphic (SNaG) chal-lenge:

sink.pdf and below:J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (75)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What has happened to J7?

The fact that J0 = J1 = · · · = J6 = π follows from:

Corollary (Simplest Case)

Suppose k1, k2, . . . , kn > 0 and there is an index ` such that

k` >1



Then, the original solution to the Monthly problem is valid:

In =

∫ ∞−∞


sin(ki(x− ai))x− ai

dx = π∏i6=`

sin(ki(a` − ai))a` − ai


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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What has happened to J7?

Theorem (First bite, DB-JB 1999)

Denote Km = k0 + k1 + l, · · ·+ km. If 2kj ≥ kn > 0 forj = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1 and Kn > 2k0 ≥ Kn−1 then∫ ∞




xdx = πk1k2 · · · kn −


2n−1n!(Kn − 2k0)

n. (7)

But if 2k0 > Kn the integral evaluates to πk1k2 · · · kn.

The theorem makes it clear that the pattern that Jn = π forn = 0, 1, . . . , 6 breaks for J7 because




5+ . . .+


15> 1

whereas all earlier partial sums are less than 1.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (77)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

What has happened to J7?

Theorem (First bite, DB-JB 1999)

Denote Km = k0 + k1 + l, · · ·+ km. If 2kj ≥ kn > 0 forj = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1 and Kn > 2k0 ≥ Kn−1 then∫ ∞




xdx = πk1k2 · · · kn −


2n−1n!(Kn − 2k0)

n. (7)

But if 2k0 > Kn the integral evaluates to πk1k2 · · · kn.

The theorem makes it clear that the pattern that Jn = π forn = 0, 1, . . . , 6 breaks for J7 because




5+ . . .+


15> 1

whereas all earlier partial sums are less than 1.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (78)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Other Surprises I

Theorem (Baillie-Borwein-Borwein, MAA 2008)

Suppose that k1, k2, . . . , kn > 0. If k1 + k2 + . . .+ kn < 2π then∫ ∞−∞


sinc(kjx) dx =



sinc(kjm). (8)

As a consequence, with kj = 12j+1 :


∫ ∞−∞




2j + 1

)dx ≥





2j + 1


with equality iff n = 1, 2, . . . , 7, 8, . . . , 40248.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (79)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Other Surprises I

Theorem (Baillie-Borwein-Borwein, MAA 2008)

Suppose that k1, k2, . . . , kn > 0. If k1 + k2 + . . .+ kn < 2π then∫ ∞−∞


sinc(kjx) dx =



sinc(kjm). (8)

As a consequence, with kj = 12j+1 :


∫ ∞−∞




2j + 1

)dx ≥





2j + 1


with equality iff n = 1, 2, . . . , 7, 8, . . . , 40248.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (80)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Other Surprises II

The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping the oldones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been,into every corner of our minds. (John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946)

Example (What is equality?)

• An entertaining example takes the reciprocals of primes2, 3, 5, . . .: using the Prime Number theorem one estimatesthat the sinc integrals equal the sinc sums until the number ofproducts is about 10176.

• That of course makes it rather unlikely to find by mere testingan example where the two are unequal.

• Even worse for the naive tester is the fact that the discrepancybetween integral and sum is always less than 10−10


smaller if the Riemann hypothesis is true.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (81)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

11. Archimedes and Pi18. A 21st Century postscript28. Sinc functions

Other Surprises II

The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping the oldones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of us have been,into every corner of our minds. (John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946)

Example (What is equality?)

• An entertaining example takes the reciprocals of primes2, 3, 5, . . .: using the Prime Number theorem one estimatesthat the sinc integrals equal the sinc sums until the number ofproducts is about 10176.

• That of course makes it rather unlikely to find by mere testingan example where the two are unequal.

• Even worse for the naive tester is the fact that the discrepancybetween integral and sum is always less than 10−10


smaller if the Riemann hypothesis is true.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (82)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

How to Judge a new Scientific Claim

Was the problem and solution the ‘GPS’

• See,

quick-tests-for-checking-whether-a-new-math-result-is-plausible/ and

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (83)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

4. What is that Number? toc

1995: Andrew Granville emailed and challenged me to identify:

α := 1.4331274267223 . . . (10)

I think this was a test I could have failed.

• I asked Maple for its continued fraction.• In conventional concise notation I was rewarded with

α = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...]. (11)

• Even those unfamiliar with continued fractions, will agree therepresentation in (11) has structure not apparent from (10)!

• I reached for a good book on continued fractions and found

α =I1(2)


where I0 and I1 are Bessel functions of the first kind.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (84)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

4. What is that Number? toc

1995: Andrew Granville emailed and challenged me to identify:

α := 1.4331274267223 . . . (10)

I think this was a test I could have failed.

• I asked Maple for its continued fraction.• In conventional concise notation I was rewarded with

α = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...]. (11)

• Even those unfamiliar with continued fractions, will agree therepresentation in (11) has structure not apparent from (10)!

• I reached for a good book on continued fractions and found

α =I1(2)


where I0 and I1 are Bessel functions of the first kind.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (85)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

4. What is that Number? toc

1995: Andrew Granville emailed and challenged me to identify:

α := 1.4331274267223 . . . (10)

I think this was a test I could have failed.

• I asked Maple for its continued fraction.• In conventional concise notation I was rewarded with

α = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...]. (11)

• Even those unfamiliar with continued fractions, will agree therepresentation in (11) has structure not apparent from (10)!

• I reached for a good book on continued fractions and found

α =I1(2)


where I0 and I1 are Bessel functions of the first kind.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (86)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

4. What is that Number? toc

1995: Andrew Granville emailed and challenged me to identify:

α := 1.4331274267223 . . . (10)

I think this was a test I could have failed.

• I asked Maple for its continued fraction.• In conventional concise notation I was rewarded with

α = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...]. (11)

• Even those unfamiliar with continued fractions, will agree therepresentation in (11) has structure not apparent from (10)!

• I reached for a good book on continued fractions and found

α =I1(2)


where I0 and I1 are Bessel functions of the first kind.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (87)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

4. What is that Number? toc

1995: Andrew Granville emailed and challenged me to identify:

α := 1.4331274267223 . . . (10)

I think this was a test I could have failed.

• I asked Maple for its continued fraction.• In conventional concise notation I was rewarded with

α = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...]. (11)

• Even those unfamiliar with continued fractions, will agree therepresentation in (11) has structure not apparent from (10)!

• I reached for a good book on continued fractions and found

α =I1(2)


where I0 and I1 are Bessel functions of the first kind.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (88)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Number?

Actually, I remembered that all arithmetic continued fractions arisein such fashion, but as we shall see one now does not need to.

In 2011 there are at least three “zero-knowledge” strategies:

1 Given (11), type “arithmetic progression”, “continuedfraction” into Google.

2 Type “1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 7, 4, 2” into Sloane’s Encyclopedia ofInteger Sequences.1

3 Type the decimal digits of α into the Inverse SymbolicCalculator.2

I illustrate the results of each strategy.

1See Inverse Symbolic Calculator

was newly web-accessible in the same year, 1995.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (89)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Number?

Actually, I remembered that all arithmetic continued fractions arisein such fashion, but as we shall see one now does not need to.

In 2011 there are at least three “zero-knowledge” strategies:

1 Given (11), type “arithmetic progression”, “continuedfraction” into Google.

2 Type “1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 7, 4, 2” into Sloane’s Encyclopedia ofInteger Sequences.1

3 Type the decimal digits of α into the Inverse SymbolicCalculator.2

I illustrate the results of each strategy.

1See Inverse Symbolic Calculator

was newly web-accessible in the same year, 1995.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (90)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Number?

Actually, I remembered that all arithmetic continued fractions arisein such fashion, but as we shall see one now does not need to.

In 2011 there are at least three “zero-knowledge” strategies:

1 Given (11), type “arithmetic progression”, “continuedfraction” into Google.

2 Type “1, 4, 3, 3, 1, 2, 7, 4, 2” into Sloane’s Encyclopedia ofInteger Sequences.1

3 Type the decimal digits of α into the Inverse SymbolicCalculator.2

I illustrate the results of each strategy.

1See Inverse Symbolic Calculator

was newly web-accessible in the same year, 1995.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (91)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Number? Strategy 1

1. On Oct 15, 2008, on typing “arithmetic progression”,“continued fraction” into Google, the first 3 hits were:

What Google and MathWorld offer.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (92)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Number? Strategy 2

2. Typing the first few digits into Sloane’s interface results in theresponse shown in the Figure on the next slide.

• In this case we are even told what the series representations ofthe requisite Bessel functions are.

• We are given sample code (in this entry in Mathematica), andwe are lead to many links and references.

• The site is well moderated.

• Note also that this strategy only became viable after May14th 2001 when the sequence was added to the databasewhich now contains in excess of 158, 000 entries.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (93)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

Sloane’s Online Encyclopedia (OEIS)

Figure : What Sloane’s Encyclopedia offers.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (94)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Number? Strategy 3

3. If one types the decimal representation of α into the InverseSymbolic Calculator (ISC) it returns:

Best guess: BesI(0,2)/BesI(1,2)

• Most of the functionality of the ISC is built into the identify

function in versions of Maple starting with version 9.5.

• For example,

> identify(4.45033263602792)

returns √3 + e.

• As always, the experienced user will be able to extract morefrom this tool than the novice for whom the ISC will oftenproduce more.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (95)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

5. What is that Limit?

MAA Problem 10832, 2000 (Donald E. Knuth): Evaluate

S =



k!ek− 1√



Solution: Using Maple, we easily produced the approximation

S ≈ −0.08406950872765599646.

“Smart Lookup” in the Inverse Symbolic Calculator, yielded

S ≈ −2

3− 1√




). (13)

• Calculations to higher precision (50 decimal digits) confirmedthis approximation. Thus within a few minutes we “knew” theanswer.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (96)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Limit? Proof 1.

Why should such an identity hold and be provable?

• One clue was provided by the surprising speed with whichMaple was able to calculate a high-precision value of thisslowly convergent infinite sum.

• Evidently, the Maple software knew something that we didnot. Peering under the covers, we found that Maple was usingthe Lambert W function, which is the functional inverse ofw(z) = zez.

• Another clue was the appearance of ζ(1/2) in the discoveredidentity, together with an obvious allusion to Stirling’s formulain the problem.

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37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Limit? Proof 2.

This led us to



(1√2πk− (1/2)k−1

(k − 1)!√







), (14)

where (x)n := x(x+ 1) · · · (x+ n− 1).

• Maple successfully evaluated this summation, to the RHS.

We now needed to establish that



k!ek− (1/2)k−1

(k − 1)!√


)= −2


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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Limit? Proof 3.

We noted the presence of the Lambert W function,

W (z) =



k!. (15)

Since ∞∑k=1

(1/2)k−1 zk−1

(k − 1)!=

1√1− z

an appeal to Abel’s limit theorem showed it sufficed to prove:



(dW (−z/e)


1√2− 2z




• Again, Maple can be coaxed to establish the identity.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Limit? Proof 3.

We noted the presence of the Lambert W function,

W (z) =



k!. (15)

Since ∞∑k=1

(1/2)k−1 zk−1

(k − 1)!=

1√1− z

an appeal to Abel’s limit theorem showed it sufficed to prove:



(dW (−z/e)


1√2− 2z




• Again, Maple can be coaxed to establish the identity.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Limit? Final thoughts.

• The above manipulations took considerable human ingenuity, inaddition to symbolic manipulation and numerical discovery.

• A challenge for the next generation of mathematical computingsoftware, is to more completely automate this class of operations.

• E.g., Maple does not recognize W from its Maclaurin series (15).

Figure : W on the real line

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37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

6. What is that Continued fraction? toc

The Ramanujan AGM continued fraction

Rη(a, b) =a

η +b2

η +4a2

η +9b2

η + . . .

enjoys attractive algebraic properties such as a strikingarithmetic-geometric mean relation & elegant links withelliptic-function theory.

• The fraction presented a serious computational challenge,which we could not resist.

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37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

5. What is that Continued fraction? The AG fraction.

Figure : Yellow cardioid in which everything works

Theorem (AG continued fraction)

For η > 0 and complex a, b the fraction Rη converges and satisfies:

Rη(a+ b


)=Rη(a, b) +Rη(b, a)


if and only if a/b ∈ H the cardioid given by

H := {z ∈ C :

∣∣∣∣ 2√z

1 + z

∣∣∣∣ < 1}.

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37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? A hidden fractal

Figure : The modulus of θ3(q)

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Closed forms, 1.Theorem (For a > 0)

R1(a, a) =

∫ ∞0

sech(π x2 a

)1 + x2


= 2 a∞∑k=1


1 + (2 k − 1) a







)− ψ







1 + aF




2, 1;





)(Gauss c.f.)

= 2

∫ 1


1 + t2dt


∫ ∞0

e−x/a sech(x) dx.

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Closed forms, 2.

• This is deduced from a Riemann sum via an ellipticintegral/theta-function formula.

• For a = p/q rational we obtain an explicit closed form.Special cases include

R(1) = log 2 and R(



)= 2− π


– Originally, we could not compute 4 digits of these values! Nowhave fast methods in all of C2.

• For a with strictly positive (or negative) real partR(a) := R1(a) exists and is holomorphic.

• R(ri) (r 6= 0) behaves chaotically with 4-fold bifurcation.

• Find a closed form for R(a, b) for some a 6= b?

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Closed forms, 2.

• This is deduced from a Riemann sum via an ellipticintegral/theta-function formula.

• For a = p/q rational we obtain an explicit closed form.Special cases include

R(1) = log 2 and R(



)= 2− π


– Originally, we could not compute 4 digits of these values! Nowhave fast methods in all of C2.

• For a with strictly positive (or negative) real partR(a) := R1(a) exists and is holomorphic.

• R(ri) (r 6= 0) behaves chaotically with 4-fold bifurcation.

• Find a closed form for R(a, b) for some a 6= b?

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37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Closed forms, 3.The first sech-integral for R(a) and the even Euler numbers

E2n := (−1)n∫ ∞0

sech(πx/2)x2n dx


R(a) ∼∑n≥0

E2n a2n+1,

giving an asymptotic series of zero radius of convergence.Here the E2n commence 1,−1, 5,−61, 1385,−50521, 2702765 . . .Moreover, for the asymptotic error, we have:∣∣∣∣∣R(a)−


E2n a2n+1

∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ |E2N | a2N+1,

• It is a classic theorem of Borel that for every real sequence (an)there is a C∞ function f on R with f (n)(0) = an.

• Who knew they could be so explicit?J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Closed forms, 3.The first sech-integral for R(a) and the even Euler numbers

E2n := (−1)n∫ ∞0

sech(πx/2)x2n dx


R(a) ∼∑n≥0

E2n a2n+1,

giving an asymptotic series of zero radius of convergence.Here the E2n commence 1,−1, 5,−61, 1385,−50521, 2702765 . . .Moreover, for the asymptotic error, we have:∣∣∣∣∣R(a)−


E2n a2n+1

∣∣∣∣∣ ≤ |E2N | a2N+1,

• It is a classic theorem of Borel that for every real sequence (an)there is a C∞ function f on R with f (n)(0) = an.

• Who knew they could be so explicit?J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Visual DynamicsSix months after these discoveries we had a beautiful proof usinggenuinely new dynamical results:

Theorem (Divergence of R)

Consider the linearised dynamical system t0 := t1 := 1:

tn ←↩1

ntn−1 + ωn−1

(1− 1



where ωn = a2, b2 for n even, odd resp. (or is more general).Then

√n tn is bounded ⇔ R1(a, b) diverges.

Numerically all we learned is that tn → 0 slowly.Pictorially we saw more (in Cinderella):

html and originally in Maple.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Visual DynamicsSix months after these discoveries we had a beautiful proof usinggenuinely new dynamical results:

Theorem (Divergence of R)

Consider the linearised dynamical system t0 := t1 := 1:

tn ←↩1

ntn−1 + ωn−1

(1− 1



where ωn = a2, b2 for n even, odd resp. (or is more general).Then

√n tn is bounded ⇔ R1(a, b) diverges.

Numerically all we learned is that tn → 0 slowly.Pictorially we saw more (in Cinderella):

html and originally in Maple.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Visual DynamicsSix months after these discoveries we had a beautiful proof usinggenuinely new dynamical results:

Theorem (Divergence of R)

Consider the linearised dynamical system t0 := t1 := 1:

tn ←↩1

ntn−1 + ωn−1

(1− 1



where ωn = a2, b2 for n even, odd resp. (or is more general).Then

√n tn is bounded ⇔ R1(a, b) diverges.

Numerically all we learned is that tn → 0 slowly.Pictorially we saw more (in Cinderella):

html and originally in Maple.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

37. What is that number?43. Lambert W48. What is that continued fraction?

What is that Continued fraction? Visual DynamicsSix months after these discoveries we had a beautiful proof usinggenuinely new dynamical results:

Theorem (Divergence of R)

Consider the linearised dynamical system t0 := t1 := 1:

tn ←↩1

ntn−1 + ωn−1

(1− 1



where ωn = a2, b2 for n even, odd resp. (or is more general).Then

√n tn is bounded ⇔ R1(a, b) diverges.

Numerically all we learned is that tn → 0 slowly.Pictorially we saw more (in Cinderella):

html and originally in Maple.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

La plus ca change, II

Figure : The problem and solution was ‘GPS’

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

7. What is that Probability? toc

Question (SIAM 100 digit challenge, 2003)

[#10.] A particle at the center of a 10× 1 rectangle undergoesBrownian motion (i.e., 2-D random walk with infinitesimal steplengths) till it hits the boundary. What is the probability that ithits at one of the ends rather than at one of the sides?

• J.M. Borwein, “The SIAM 100 Digit Challenge,” Extended review, Mathematical Intelligencer, 27 (4)(2005), 40–48. See

• See also:

• Image is a walk on the first two billion bits of Pi: see

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

7. What is that Probability? toc

Question (SIAM 100 digit challenge, 2003)

[#10.] A particle at the center of a 10× 1 rectangle undergoesBrownian motion (i.e., 2-D random walk with infinitesimal steplengths) till it hits the boundary. What is the probability that ithits at one of the ends rather than at one of the sides?

• J.M. Borwein, “The SIAM 100 Digit Challenge,” Extended review, Mathematical Intelligencer, 27 (4)(2005), 40–48. See

• See also:

• Image is a walk on the first two billion bits of Pi: see

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 1.

Problem #10: Hitting the Ends.

1 Monte-Carlo methods are impracticable.

2 Reformulate deterministically as the value at the center of a10× 1 rectangle of an appropriate harmonic measure of theends, arising from a 5-point discretization of Laplace’sequation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3 Solved with a well chosen sparse Cholesky solver.

4 A reliable numerical value of

3.837587979 · 10−7

is obtained. And the posed problem is solved numerically tothe requisite ten places.

This is only the warm up.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 1.

Problem #10: Hitting the Ends.

1 Monte-Carlo methods are impracticable.

2 Reformulate deterministically as the value at the center of a10× 1 rectangle of an appropriate harmonic measure of theends, arising from a 5-point discretization of Laplace’sequation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3 Solved with a well chosen sparse Cholesky solver.

4 A reliable numerical value of

3.837587979 · 10−7

is obtained. And the posed problem is solved numerically tothe requisite ten places.

This is only the warm up.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (118)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 1.

Problem #10: Hitting the Ends.

1 Monte-Carlo methods are impracticable.

2 Reformulate deterministically as the value at the center of a10× 1 rectangle of an appropriate harmonic measure of theends, arising from a 5-point discretization of Laplace’sequation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3 Solved with a well chosen sparse Cholesky solver.

4 A reliable numerical value of

3.837587979 · 10−7

is obtained. And the posed problem is solved numerically tothe requisite ten places.

This is only the warm up.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (119)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 1.

Problem #10: Hitting the Ends.

1 Monte-Carlo methods are impracticable.

2 Reformulate deterministically as the value at the center of a10× 1 rectangle of an appropriate harmonic measure of theends, arising from a 5-point discretization of Laplace’sequation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3 Solved with a well chosen sparse Cholesky solver.

4 A reliable numerical value of

3.837587979 · 10−7

is obtained. And the posed problem is solved numerically tothe requisite ten places.

This is only the warm up.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (120)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 1.

Problem #10: Hitting the Ends.

1 Monte-Carlo methods are impracticable.

2 Reformulate deterministically as the value at the center of a10× 1 rectangle of an appropriate harmonic measure of theends, arising from a 5-point discretization of Laplace’sequation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3 Solved with a well chosen sparse Cholesky solver.

4 A reliable numerical value of

3.837587979 · 10−7

is obtained. And the posed problem is solved numerically tothe requisite ten places.

This is only the warm up.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (121)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 1.

Problem #10: Hitting the Ends.

1 Monte-Carlo methods are impracticable.

2 Reformulate deterministically as the value at the center of a10× 1 rectangle of an appropriate harmonic measure of theends, arising from a 5-point discretization of Laplace’sequation with Dirichlet boundary conditions.

3 Solved with a well chosen sparse Cholesky solver.

4 A reliable numerical value of

3.837587979 · 10−7

is obtained. And the posed problem is solved numerically tothe requisite ten places.

This is only the warm up.J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (122)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 2.

We develop two analytic solutions — which must agree — on ageneral 2a× 2b rectangle:

1 Via separation of variables on the underlying PDE

p(a, b) =4




2n+ 1sech

(π(2n+ 1)


where ρ := a/b.

2 Using conformal mappings, yields

arccot ρ = p(a, b)π

2+ arg K



where K is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 2.

We develop two analytic solutions — which must agree — on ageneral 2a× 2b rectangle:

1 Via separation of variables on the underlying PDE

p(a, b) =4




2n+ 1sech

(π(2n+ 1)


where ρ := a/b.

2 Using conformal mappings, yields

arccot ρ = p(a, b)π

2+ arg K



where K is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 2.

We develop two analytic solutions — which must agree — on ageneral 2a× 2b rectangle:

1 Via separation of variables on the underlying PDE

p(a, b) =4




2n+ 1sech

(π(2n+ 1)


where ρ := a/b.

2 Using conformal mappings, yields

arccot ρ = p(a, b)π

2+ arg K



where K is the complete elliptic integral of the first kind.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 3.

Now (3.2.29)] in Pi&AGM shows that



2n+ 1sech

(π(2n+ 1)



2arcsin kρ (18)

exactly when kρ2 is parameterized by theta functions as follows.

• As Jacobi discovered via the nome, q = exp(−πρ):

kρ2 =θ22(q)


∑∞n=−∞ q(n+1/2)2∑∞

n=−∞ qn2 q := e−πρ.

• Comparing (18) and (16) we see that the solution is

p =2

πarcsin (k100),

k100 = 6.02806910155971082882540712292 . . . · 10−7.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 3.

Now (3.2.29)] in Pi&AGM shows that



2n+ 1sech

(π(2n+ 1)



2arcsin kρ (18)

exactly when kρ2 is parameterized by theta functions as follows.

• As Jacobi discovered via the nome, q = exp(−πρ):

kρ2 =θ22(q)


∑∞n=−∞ q(n+1/2)2∑∞

n=−∞ qn2 q := e−πρ.

• Comparing (18) and (16) we see that the solution is

p =2

πarcsin (k100),

k100 = 6.02806910155971082882540712292 . . . · 10−7.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 3.

Now (3.2.29)] in Pi&AGM shows that



2n+ 1sech

(π(2n+ 1)



2arcsin kρ (18)

exactly when kρ2 is parameterized by theta functions as follows.

• As Jacobi discovered via the nome, q = exp(−πρ):

kρ2 =θ22(q)


∑∞n=−∞ q(n+1/2)2∑∞

n=−∞ qn2 q := e−πρ.

• Comparing (18) and (16) we see that the solution is

p =2

πarcsin (k100),

k100 = 6.02806910155971082882540712292 . . . · 10−7.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 4.

• Classical nineteenth century modular function theory tells usall rational singular values kn are algebraic (solvable).

• Now, we can hunt in books or obtain the solutionautomatically in Maple: Thence

k100 :=

((3− 2


2 +√

5)(−3 +


2 +4√


• No one anticipated a closed form like this, except perhaps afew harmonic analysts.

– For what boundaries can one emulate this?

• In fact k210 was sent by Ramanujan to Hardy in his famousletter of introduction – if only Trefethen had asked for a√

210× 1 box, or even better a√


14 one.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (129)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 4.

• Classical nineteenth century modular function theory tells usall rational singular values kn are algebraic (solvable).

• Now, we can hunt in books or obtain the solutionautomatically in Maple: Thence

k100 :=

((3− 2


2 +√

5)(−3 +


2 +4√


• No one anticipated a closed form like this, except perhaps afew harmonic analysts.

– For what boundaries can one emulate this?

• In fact k210 was sent by Ramanujan to Hardy in his famousletter of introduction – if only Trefethen had asked for a√

210× 1 box, or even better a√


14 one.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (130)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 4.

• Classical nineteenth century modular function theory tells usall rational singular values kn are algebraic (solvable).

• Now, we can hunt in books or obtain the solutionautomatically in Maple: Thence

k100 :=

((3− 2


2 +√

5)(−3 +


2 +4√


• No one anticipated a closed form like this, except perhaps afew harmonic analysts.

– For what boundaries can one emulate this?

• In fact k210 was sent by Ramanujan to Hardy in his famousletter of introduction – if only Trefethen had asked for a√

210× 1 box, or even better a√


14 one.

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Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (131)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? Bornemann’s solution, 4.

• Classical nineteenth century modular function theory tells usall rational singular values kn are algebraic (solvable).

• Now, we can hunt in books or obtain the solutionautomatically in Maple: Thence

k100 :=

((3− 2


2 +√

5)(−3 +


2 +4√


• No one anticipated a closed form like this, except perhaps afew harmonic analysts.

– For what boundaries can one emulate this?

• In fact k210 was sent by Ramanujan to Hardy in his famousletter of introduction – if only Trefethen had asked for a√

210× 1 box, or even better a√


14 one.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Probability? A taste of Ramanujan


40 Ramanujan and pi Chapter 3

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

8. What is that Limit, II? toc


Cn :=4


∫ ∞0

· · ·∫ ∞0

1(∑nj=1(uj + 1/uj)

)2 du1u1· · · dun


Dn :=4


∫ ∞0

· · ·∫ ∞0





j=1(uj + 1/uj))2 du1

u1· · · dun


En := 2

∫ 1

· · ·∫ 1


uk − ujuk + uj


dt2 dt3 · · · dtn,

where (in the last line) uk =∏ki=1 ti.

• The Dn integrals arise in the Ising model (showingferromagnetic temperature driven phase shifts)

• The Cn have tight connections to quantum field theory. AlsoEn ≤ Dn ≤ Cn and En ∼ Dn.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

8. What is that Limit, II? toc


Cn :=4


∫ ∞0

· · ·∫ ∞0

1(∑nj=1(uj + 1/uj)

)2 du1u1· · · dun


Dn :=4


∫ ∞0

· · ·∫ ∞0





j=1(uj + 1/uj))2 du1

u1· · · dun


En := 2

∫ 1

· · ·∫ 1


uk − ujuk + uj


dt2 dt3 · · · dtn,

where (in the last line) uk =∏ki=1 ti.

• The Dn integrals arise in the Ising model (showingferromagnetic temperature driven phase shifts)

• The Cn have tight connections to quantum field theory. AlsoEn ≤ Dn ≤ Cn and En ∼ Dn.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

8. What is that Limit, II? toc


Cn :=4


∫ ∞0

· · ·∫ ∞0

1(∑nj=1(uj + 1/uj)

)2 du1u1· · · dun


Dn :=4


∫ ∞0

· · ·∫ ∞0





j=1(uj + 1/uj))2 du1

u1· · · dun


En := 2

∫ 1

· · ·∫ 1


uk − ujuk + uj


dt2 dt3 · · · dtn,

where (in the last line) uk =∏ki=1 ti.

• The Dn integrals arise in the Ising model (showingferromagnetic temperature driven phase shifts)

• The Cn have tight connections to quantum field theory. AlsoEn ≤ Dn ≤ Cn and En ∼ Dn.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? A discovery

• Fortunately, the Cn can be written as one-dim integrals:

Cn =2n


∫ ∞0

pKn0 (p) dp,

where K0 is the modified Bessel function.• Computing Cn to 1000-digit (overkill) accuracy, we identified

C3 = L−3(2) :=∑n≥0


(3n+ 1)2− 1

(3n+ 2)2

), C4 =



• Here ζ is Riemann zeta. In particular

C1024 = 0.63047350337438679612204019271087890435458707871273 . . . ,

is the limit value to that precision. The ISC returned


Cn = 2e−2γ ,

where γ is Euler’s constant. (Now proven.)J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? A discovery

• Fortunately, the Cn can be written as one-dim integrals:

Cn =2n


∫ ∞0

pKn0 (p) dp,

where K0 is the modified Bessel function.• Computing Cn to 1000-digit (overkill) accuracy, we identified

C3 = L−3(2) :=∑n≥0


(3n+ 1)2− 1

(3n+ 2)2

), C4 =



• Here ζ is Riemann zeta. In particular

C1024 = 0.63047350337438679612204019271087890435458707871273 . . . ,

is the limit value to that precision. The ISC returned


Cn = 2e−2γ ,

where γ is Euler’s constant. (Now proven.)J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

7. What is that Limit, II? Sterner stuff I.

For D5, E5, we could integrate one variable symbolically.CLOSED FORMS: WHAT THEY ARE AND WHY WE CARE 21

E5 =

∫ 1

∫ 1

∫ 1

[2(1− x)2(1− y)2(1− xy)2(1− z)2(1− yz)2(1− xyz)2

(−[4(x+ 1)(xy + 1) log(2)

(y5z3x7 − y4z2(4(y + 1)z + 3)x6 − y3z

((y2 + 1

)z2 + 4(y+

1)z + 5)x5 + y2(4y(y + 1)z3 + 3

(y2 + 1

)z2 + 4(y + 1)z − 1

)x4 + y

(z(z2 + 4z

+5) y2 + 4(z2 + 1

)y + 5z + 4

)x3 +

((−3z2 − 4z + 1

)y2 − 4zy + 1

)x2 − (y(5z + 4)

+4)x− 1)] /[(x− 1)3(xy − 1)3(xyz − 1)3

]+[3(y − 1)2y4(z − 1)2z2(yz

−1)2x6 + 2y3z(3(z − 1)2z3y5 + z2

(5z3 + 3z2 + 3z + 5

)y4 + (z − 1)2z

(5z2 + 16z + 5

)y3 +

(3z5 + 3z4 − 22z3 − 22z2 + 3z + 3

)y2 + 3

(−2z4 + z3 + 2

z2 + z − 2)y + 3z3 + 5z2 + 5z + 3

)x5 + y2

(7(z − 1)2z4y6 − 2z3

(z3 + 15z2

+15z + 1) y5 + 2z2(−21z4 + 6z3 + 14z2 + 6z − 21

)y4 − 2z

(z5 − 6z4 − 27z3

−27z2 − 6z + 1)y3 +

(7z6 − 30z5 + 28z4 + 54z3 + 28z2 − 30z + 7

)y2 − 2


+15z4 − 6z3 − 6z2 + 15z + 7)y + 7z4 − 2z3 − 42z2 − 2z + 7

)x4 − 2y


−9z2 − 9z + 1)y6 + z2

(7z4 − 14z3 − 18z2 − 14z + 7

)y5 + z

(7z5 + 14z4 + 3

z3 + 3z2 + 14z + 7)y4 +

(z6 − 14z5 + 3z4 + 84z3 + 3z2 − 14z + 1

)y3 − 3


+6z4 − z3 − z2 + 6z + 3)y2 −

(9z4 + 14z3 − 14z2 + 14z + 9

)y + z3 + 7z2 + 7z

+1)x3 +(z2(11z4 + 6z3 − 66z2 + 6z + 11

)y6 + 2z

(5z5 + 13z4 − 2z3 − 2z2

+13z + 5) y5 +(11z6 + 26z5 + 44z4 − 66z3 + 44z2 + 26z + 11

)y4 +

(6z5 − 4

z4 − 66z3 − 66z2 − 4z + 6)y3 − 2

(33z4 + 2z3 − 22z2 + 2z + 33

)y2 +

(6z3 + 26

z2 + 26z + 6)y + 11z2 + 10z + 11

)x2 − 2

(z2(5z3 + 3z2 + 3z + 5

)y5 + z


+5z3 − 22z2 + 5z + 22)y4 +

(5z5 + 5z4 − 26z3 − 26z2 + 5z + 5

)y3 +


22z3 − 26z2 − 22z + 3)y2 +

(3z3 + 5z2 + 5z + 3

)y + 5z2 + 22z + 5

)x+ 15z2 + 2z

+2y(z − 1)2(z + 1) + 2y3(z − 1)2z(z + 1) + y4z2(15z2 + 2z + 15

)+ y2


−2z3 − 90z2 − 2z + 15)+ 15

]/[(x− 1)2(y − 1)2(xy − 1)2(z − 1)2(yz − 1)2

(xyz − 1)2]−[4(x+ 1)(y + 1)(yz + 1)

(−z2y4 + 4z(z + 1)y3 +

(z2 + 1


−4(z + 1)y + 4x(y2 − 1

) (y2z2 − 1

)+ x2

(z2y4 − 4z(z + 1)y3 −

(z2 + 1


+4(z + 1)y + 1)− 1) log(x+ 1)] /[(x− 1)3x(y − 1)3(yz − 1)3

]− [4(y + 1)(xy

+1)(z + 1)(x2(z2 − 4z − 1

)y4 + 4x(x+ 1)

(z2 − 1

)y3 −

(x2 + 1

) (z2 − 4z − 1


y2 − 4(x+ 1)(z2 − 1

)y + z2 − 4z − 1

)log(xy + 1)

]/[x(y − 1)3y(xy − 1)3(z−

1)3]−[4(z + 1)(yz + 1)

(x3y5z7 + x2y4(4x(y + 1) + 5)z6 − xy3


1)x2 − 4(y + 1)x− 3)z5 − y2

(4y(y + 1)x3 + 5

(y2 + 1

)x2 + 4(y + 1)x+ 1


y(y2x3 − 4y(y + 1)x2 − 3

(y2 + 1

)x− 4(y + 1)

)z3 +

(5x2y2 + y2 + 4x(y + 1)

y + 1) z2 + ((3x+ 4)y + 4)z − 1)log(xyz + 1)

]/[xy(z − 1)3z(yz − 1)3(xyz − 1)3


/[(x+ 1)2(y + 1)2(xy + 1)2(z + 1)2(yz + 1)2(xyz + 1)2

]dx dy dz

Figure 6. The reduced multidimensional integral for E5, which inte-gral has led via extreme-precision numerical quadrature and PSLQ tothe conjectured closed form given in (4.1).

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Sterner stuff, II.• Nonetheless, we obtained 240-digits or more on a highly

parallel computer system — impossible without a dimensionreduction, and needed for reliable D5, E5 hunts.

– We give the integral in extenso to show the difference betweena humanly accessible answer and one a computer finds useful.

In this way, we produced the following evaluations:

D2 = 1/3, D3 = 8 + 4π2/3− 27 L−3(2), D4 = 4π2/9− 1/6− 7ζ(3)/2,

E2 = 6− 8 log 2, E3 = 10− 2π2 − 8 log 2 + 32 log2 2,

E4 = 22− 82ζ(3)− 24 log 2 + 176 log2 2− 256(log3 2)/3 + 16π2 log 2

− 22π2/3.

For D2, D3, D4, these confirmed known analytic (physics) results. Also:

E5?= 42− 1984 Li4(1/2) + 189π4/10− 74ζ(3)− 1272ζ(3) log 2− 40 log 2

+ 40π2 log2 2− 62π2/3 + 40(π2 log 2)/3 + 88 log4 2 + 464 log2 2, (19)

where Li4 denotes the quadra-logarithm.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Sterner stuff, II.• Nonetheless, we obtained 240-digits or more on a highly

parallel computer system — impossible without a dimensionreduction, and needed for reliable D5, E5 hunts.

– We give the integral in extenso to show the difference betweena humanly accessible answer and one a computer finds useful.

In this way, we produced the following evaluations:

D2 = 1/3, D3 = 8 + 4π2/3− 27 L−3(2), D4 = 4π2/9− 1/6− 7ζ(3)/2,

E2 = 6− 8 log 2, E3 = 10− 2π2 − 8 log 2 + 32 log2 2,

E4 = 22− 82ζ(3)− 24 log 2 + 176 log2 2− 256(log3 2)/3 + 16π2 log 2

− 22π2/3.

For D2, D3, D4, these confirmed known analytic (physics) results. Also:

E5?= 42− 1984 Li4(1/2) + 189π4/10− 74ζ(3)− 1272ζ(3) log 2− 40 log 2

+ 40π2 log2 2− 62π2/3 + 40(π2 log 2)/3 + 88 log4 2 + 464 log2 2, (19)

where Li4 denotes the quadra-logarithm.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Sterner stuff, II.• Nonetheless, we obtained 240-digits or more on a highly

parallel computer system — impossible without a dimensionreduction, and needed for reliable D5, E5 hunts.

– We give the integral in extenso to show the difference betweena humanly accessible answer and one a computer finds useful.

In this way, we produced the following evaluations:

D2 = 1/3, D3 = 8 + 4π2/3− 27 L−3(2), D4 = 4π2/9− 1/6− 7ζ(3)/2,

E2 = 6− 8 log 2, E3 = 10− 2π2 − 8 log 2 + 32 log2 2,

E4 = 22− 82ζ(3)− 24 log 2 + 176 log2 2− 256(log3 2)/3 + 16π2 log 2

− 22π2/3.

For D2, D3, D4, these confirmed known analytic (physics) results. Also:

E5?= 42− 1984 Li4(1/2) + 189π4/10− 74ζ(3)− 1272ζ(3) log 2− 40 log 2

+ 40π2 log2 2− 62π2/3 + 40(π2 log 2)/3 + 88 log4 2 + 464 log2 2, (19)

where Li4 denotes the quadra-logarithm.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Data setsI only understand things through examples and then graduallymake them more abstract. I don’t think it helped Grothendieck inthe least to look at an example. He really got control of thesituation by thinking of it in absolutely the most abstract possibleway. It’s just very strange. That’s the way his mind worked.(David Mumford, 2004)

1 The form in (19) for E5 was confirmed to 240-digit accuracy.

2 This is 180 digits beyond the level that could be ascribed tonumerical round-off; thus we are quite confident in this result.

3 We tried but failed to recognize D5 in terms of similar constants asdescribed in the paper.

4 The 500-digit numerical value is accessible3 if anyone wishes to tryto find a closed form; or in the manner of the hard sciences toconfirm our data values.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Data setsI only understand things through examples and then graduallymake them more abstract. I don’t think it helped Grothendieck inthe least to look at an example. He really got control of thesituation by thinking of it in absolutely the most abstract possibleway. It’s just very strange. That’s the way his mind worked.(David Mumford, 2004)

1 The form in (19) for E5 was confirmed to 240-digit accuracy.

2 This is 180 digits beyond the level that could be ascribed tonumerical round-off; thus we are quite confident in this result.

3 We tried but failed to recognize D5 in terms of similar constants asdescribed in the paper.

4 The 500-digit numerical value is accessible3 if anyone wishes to tryto find a closed form; or in the manner of the hard sciences toconfirm our data values.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Data setsI only understand things through examples and then graduallymake them more abstract. I don’t think it helped Grothendieck inthe least to look at an example. He really got control of thesituation by thinking of it in absolutely the most abstract possibleway. It’s just very strange. That’s the way his mind worked.(David Mumford, 2004)

1 The form in (19) for E5 was confirmed to 240-digit accuracy.

2 This is 180 digits beyond the level that could be ascribed tonumerical round-off; thus we are quite confident in this result.

3 We tried but failed to recognize D5 in terms of similar constants asdescribed in the paper.

4 The 500-digit numerical value is accessible3 if anyone wishes to tryto find a closed form; or in the manner of the hard sciences toconfirm our data values.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Limit, II? Data setsI only understand things through examples and then graduallymake them more abstract. I don’t think it helped Grothendieck inthe least to look at an example. He really got control of thesituation by thinking of it in absolutely the most abstract possibleway. It’s just very strange. That’s the way his mind worked.(David Mumford, 2004)

1 The form in (19) for E5 was confirmed to 240-digit accuracy.

2 This is 180 digits beyond the level that could be ascribed tonumerical round-off; thus we are quite confident in this result.

3 We tried but failed to recognize D5 in terms of similar constants asdescribed in the paper.

4 The 500-digit numerical value is accessible3 if anyone wishes to tryto find a closed form; or in the manner of the hard sciences toconfirm our data values.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

9. What is that Transition value? toc

Example (Weakly coupling oscillators)

In an important analysis of coupled Winfree oscillators, Quinn,Rand, and Strogatz looked at an N -oscillator scenario whosebifurcation phase offset φ is implicitly defined, with a conjecturedasymptotic behavior: sinφ ∼ 1− c1/N,; and with experimentalestimate c1 = 0.605443657 . . .. We derived the exact value of this“QRS constant’:c1 is the unique zero of the Hurwitz zeta ζ(1/2, z/2) for z ∈ (0, 2).

• We were able to prove the conjectured behavior. Moreover,we sketched the higher-order asymptotic behavior; somethingthat would have been impossible without discovery of ananalytic formula.

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2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

9. What is that Transition value? toc

Example (Weakly coupling oscillators)

In an important analysis of coupled Winfree oscillators, Quinn,Rand, and Strogatz looked at an N -oscillator scenario whosebifurcation phase offset φ is implicitly defined, with a conjecturedasymptotic behavior: sinφ ∼ 1− c1/N,; and with experimentalestimate c1 = 0.605443657 . . .. We derived the exact value of this“QRS constant’:c1 is the unique zero of the Hurwitz zeta ζ(1/2, z/2) for z ∈ (0, 2).

• We were able to prove the conjectured behavior. Moreover,we sketched the higher-order asymptotic behavior; somethingthat would have been impossible without discovery of ananalytic formula.

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54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Transition value? Chimera

remains constant, except for slight fluctuations due tofinite-size effects. Thus, this chimera is stable and statisti-cally stationary. However, if we increase � (the couplingwithin a population) relative to � (the coupling betweenpopulations), the stationary state can lose stability. Now theorder parameter pulsates, and the chimera starts to breathe[Fig. 2(b)]. The breathing cycle lengthens as we increasethe disparity A � �� � between the couplings [Fig. 2(c)].At a critical disparity, the breathing period becomes infi-nite. Beyond that, the chimera disappears and the synchro-nized state becomes a global attractor.

To explain these results, we analyze Eq. (1) in thecontinuum limit where N� ! 1 for � � 1, 2. ThenEq. (1) gives rise to the continuity equations



@@��f�v�� � 0; (2)

where f���; t� is the probability density of oscillators inpopulation �, and v���; t� is their velocity, given by

v���; t� � !�X2



sin��0 � �� ��f�0

��0; t�d�0:


(Note that we dropped the superscripts on � to ease thenotation. Thus, � means �� and �0 means ��

.) If we definea complex order parameter

z��t� �X2




0��0; t�d�0; (4)

then v���� simplifies to

v���; t� � !�1


�i�e�i� � z��ei�ei��; (5)

where the � denotes complex conjugate.Following Ott and Antonsen [11], we now consider a

special class of density functions f� that have the form of aPoisson kernel. The remarkable fact that Ott and Antonsendiscovered is that such kernels satisfy the governing equa-tions exactly, if a certain low-dimensional system of ordi-nary differential equations is satisfied. In other words, forthis family of densities, the dynamics reduce from infinitedimensional to finite (and low) dimensional. (Numericalevidence suggests that all attractors lie in this family, butproving this remains an open problem.) Specifically, let

f���; t� �1




�a��t�ei��n � c:c:��: (6)

What is special here is that we use the same function a��t�in all the Fourier harmonics, except that a� is raised to thenth power in the nth harmonic. Inserting this f� into thegoverning equations, one finds that this is an exact solution,as long as

_a � � i!a� �12�a

2�z�e�i� � z��ei�� � 0: (7)

Instead of infinitely many amplitude equations, we havejust one. (It is the same equation for all n.)

To close the system, we express the complex orderparameter z� in terms of a�. Inserting the Poisson kernel(6) into Eq. (4), and performing the integrations, yields

z��t� �X2


K��0a��0 �t�; (8)




0 500 1000






FIG. 2 (color online). Order parameter r versus time. In allthree panels, N1 � N2 � 128 and � � 0:1. (a) A � 0:2: stablechimera; (b) A � 0:28: breathing chimera; (c) A � 0:35: long-period breather. Numerical integration began from an initialcondition close to the chimera state, and plots shown begin afterallowing a transient time of 2000 units.




oscillator index j f (θ)

a b c

FIG. 1 (color online). Snapshot of a chimera state, obtained bynumerical integration of (1) with � � 0:1, A � 0:2, and N1 �N2 � 1024. (a) Synchronized population. (b) Desynchronizedpopulation. (c) Density of desynchronized phases predicted byEqs. (6) and (12) (smooth curve) agrees with observed histo-gram.

PRL 101, 084103 (2008) P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending22 AUGUST 2008


• Does this deserve to be called a closed form?• Resoundingly ‘yes’, unless all inverse functions such as that in

Bornemann’s probability are to be eschewed.• Such QRS constants are especially interesting in light of recent work

by Strogatz, Lang et al on chimera — coupled systems whichself-organize in part and remain disorganized elsewhere.

• Now numerical limits still need a closed form.

• Often, the need for high accuracy computation drivesdevelopment of effective analytic expressions which in turnshed substantial light on the subject being studied.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (149)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Transition value? Chimera

remains constant, except for slight fluctuations due tofinite-size effects. Thus, this chimera is stable and statisti-cally stationary. However, if we increase � (the couplingwithin a population) relative to � (the coupling betweenpopulations), the stationary state can lose stability. Now theorder parameter pulsates, and the chimera starts to breathe[Fig. 2(b)]. The breathing cycle lengthens as we increasethe disparity A � �� � between the couplings [Fig. 2(c)].At a critical disparity, the breathing period becomes infi-nite. Beyond that, the chimera disappears and the synchro-nized state becomes a global attractor.

To explain these results, we analyze Eq. (1) in thecontinuum limit where N� ! 1 for � � 1, 2. ThenEq. (1) gives rise to the continuity equations



@@��f�v�� � 0; (2)

where f���; t� is the probability density of oscillators inpopulation �, and v���; t� is their velocity, given by

v���; t� � !�X2



sin��0 � �� ��f�0

��0; t�d�0:


(Note that we dropped the superscripts on � to ease thenotation. Thus, � means �� and �0 means ��

.) If we definea complex order parameter

z��t� �X2




0��0; t�d�0; (4)

then v���� simplifies to

v���; t� � !�1


�i�e�i� � z��ei�ei��; (5)

where the � denotes complex conjugate.Following Ott and Antonsen [11], we now consider a

special class of density functions f� that have the form of aPoisson kernel. The remarkable fact that Ott and Antonsendiscovered is that such kernels satisfy the governing equa-tions exactly, if a certain low-dimensional system of ordi-nary differential equations is satisfied. In other words, forthis family of densities, the dynamics reduce from infinitedimensional to finite (and low) dimensional. (Numericalevidence suggests that all attractors lie in this family, butproving this remains an open problem.) Specifically, let

f���; t� �1




�a��t�ei��n � c:c:��: (6)

What is special here is that we use the same function a��t�in all the Fourier harmonics, except that a� is raised to thenth power in the nth harmonic. Inserting this f� into thegoverning equations, one finds that this is an exact solution,as long as

_a � � i!a� �12�a

2�z�e�i� � z��ei�� � 0: (7)

Instead of infinitely many amplitude equations, we havejust one. (It is the same equation for all n.)

To close the system, we express the complex orderparameter z� in terms of a�. Inserting the Poisson kernel(6) into Eq. (4), and performing the integrations, yields

z��t� �X2


K��0a��0 �t�; (8)




0 500 1000






FIG. 2 (color online). Order parameter r versus time. In allthree panels, N1 � N2 � 128 and � � 0:1. (a) A � 0:2: stablechimera; (b) A � 0:28: breathing chimera; (c) A � 0:35: long-period breather. Numerical integration began from an initialcondition close to the chimera state, and plots shown begin afterallowing a transient time of 2000 units.




oscillator index j f (θ)

a b c

FIG. 1 (color online). Snapshot of a chimera state, obtained bynumerical integration of (1) with � � 0:1, A � 0:2, and N1 �N2 � 1024. (a) Synchronized population. (b) Desynchronizedpopulation. (c) Density of desynchronized phases predicted byEqs. (6) and (12) (smooth curve) agrees with observed histo-gram.

PRL 101, 084103 (2008) P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending22 AUGUST 2008


• Does this deserve to be called a closed form?• Resoundingly ‘yes’, unless all inverse functions such as that in

Bornemann’s probability are to be eschewed.• Such QRS constants are especially interesting in light of recent work

by Strogatz, Lang et al on chimera — coupled systems whichself-organize in part and remain disorganized elsewhere.

• Now numerical limits still need a closed form.

• Often, the need for high accuracy computation drivesdevelopment of effective analytic expressions which in turnshed substantial light on the subject being studied.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (150)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Transition value? Chimera

remains constant, except for slight fluctuations due tofinite-size effects. Thus, this chimera is stable and statisti-cally stationary. However, if we increase � (the couplingwithin a population) relative to � (the coupling betweenpopulations), the stationary state can lose stability. Now theorder parameter pulsates, and the chimera starts to breathe[Fig. 2(b)]. The breathing cycle lengthens as we increasethe disparity A � �� � between the couplings [Fig. 2(c)].At a critical disparity, the breathing period becomes infi-nite. Beyond that, the chimera disappears and the synchro-nized state becomes a global attractor.

To explain these results, we analyze Eq. (1) in thecontinuum limit where N� ! 1 for � � 1, 2. ThenEq. (1) gives rise to the continuity equations



@@��f�v�� � 0; (2)

where f���; t� is the probability density of oscillators inpopulation �, and v���; t� is their velocity, given by

v���; t� � !�X2



sin��0 � �� ��f�0

��0; t�d�0:


(Note that we dropped the superscripts on � to ease thenotation. Thus, � means �� and �0 means ��

.) If we definea complex order parameter

z��t� �X2




0��0; t�d�0; (4)

then v���� simplifies to

v���; t� � !�1


�i�e�i� � z��ei�ei��; (5)

where the � denotes complex conjugate.Following Ott and Antonsen [11], we now consider a

special class of density functions f� that have the form of aPoisson kernel. The remarkable fact that Ott and Antonsendiscovered is that such kernels satisfy the governing equa-tions exactly, if a certain low-dimensional system of ordi-nary differential equations is satisfied. In other words, forthis family of densities, the dynamics reduce from infinitedimensional to finite (and low) dimensional. (Numericalevidence suggests that all attractors lie in this family, butproving this remains an open problem.) Specifically, let

f���; t� �1




�a��t�ei��n � c:c:��: (6)

What is special here is that we use the same function a��t�in all the Fourier harmonics, except that a� is raised to thenth power in the nth harmonic. Inserting this f� into thegoverning equations, one finds that this is an exact solution,as long as

_a � � i!a� �12�a

2�z�e�i� � z��ei�� � 0: (7)

Instead of infinitely many amplitude equations, we havejust one. (It is the same equation for all n.)

To close the system, we express the complex orderparameter z� in terms of a�. Inserting the Poisson kernel(6) into Eq. (4), and performing the integrations, yields

z��t� �X2


K��0a��0 �t�; (8)




0 500 1000






FIG. 2 (color online). Order parameter r versus time. In allthree panels, N1 � N2 � 128 and � � 0:1. (a) A � 0:2: stablechimera; (b) A � 0:28: breathing chimera; (c) A � 0:35: long-period breather. Numerical integration began from an initialcondition close to the chimera state, and plots shown begin afterallowing a transient time of 2000 units.




oscillator index j f (θ)

a b c

FIG. 1 (color online). Snapshot of a chimera state, obtained bynumerical integration of (1) with � � 0:1, A � 0:2, and N1 �N2 � 1024. (a) Synchronized population. (b) Desynchronizedpopulation. (c) Density of desynchronized phases predicted byEqs. (6) and (12) (smooth curve) agrees with observed histo-gram.

PRL 101, 084103 (2008) P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending22 AUGUST 2008


• Does this deserve to be called a closed form?• Resoundingly ‘yes’, unless all inverse functions such as that in

Bornemann’s probability are to be eschewed.• Such QRS constants are especially interesting in light of recent work

by Strogatz, Lang et al on chimera — coupled systems whichself-organize in part and remain disorganized elsewhere.

• Now numerical limits still need a closed form.

• Often, the need for high accuracy computation drivesdevelopment of effective analytic expressions which in turnshed substantial light on the subject being studied.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (151)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

56. What is that probability?62. What is that limit, II?67. What is that transition value?

What is that Transition value? Chimera

remains constant, except for slight fluctuations due tofinite-size effects. Thus, this chimera is stable and statisti-cally stationary. However, if we increase � (the couplingwithin a population) relative to � (the coupling betweenpopulations), the stationary state can lose stability. Now theorder parameter pulsates, and the chimera starts to breathe[Fig. 2(b)]. The breathing cycle lengthens as we increasethe disparity A � �� � between the couplings [Fig. 2(c)].At a critical disparity, the breathing period becomes infi-nite. Beyond that, the chimera disappears and the synchro-nized state becomes a global attractor.

To explain these results, we analyze Eq. (1) in thecontinuum limit where N� ! 1 for � � 1, 2. ThenEq. (1) gives rise to the continuity equations



@@��f�v�� � 0; (2)

where f���; t� is the probability density of oscillators inpopulation �, and v���; t� is their velocity, given by

v���; t� � !�X2



sin��0 � �� ��f�0

��0; t�d�0:


(Note that we dropped the superscripts on � to ease thenotation. Thus, � means �� and �0 means ��

.) If we definea complex order parameter

z��t� �X2




0��0; t�d�0; (4)

then v���� simplifies to

v���; t� � !�1


�i�e�i� � z��ei�ei��; (5)

where the � denotes complex conjugate.Following Ott and Antonsen [11], we now consider a

special class of density functions f� that have the form of aPoisson kernel. The remarkable fact that Ott and Antonsendiscovered is that such kernels satisfy the governing equa-tions exactly, if a certain low-dimensional system of ordi-nary differential equations is satisfied. In other words, forthis family of densities, the dynamics reduce from infinitedimensional to finite (and low) dimensional. (Numericalevidence suggests that all attractors lie in this family, butproving this remains an open problem.) Specifically, let

f���; t� �1




�a��t�ei��n � c:c:��: (6)

What is special here is that we use the same function a��t�in all the Fourier harmonics, except that a� is raised to thenth power in the nth harmonic. Inserting this f� into thegoverning equations, one finds that this is an exact solution,as long as

_a � � i!a� �12�a

2�z�e�i� � z��ei�� � 0: (7)

Instead of infinitely many amplitude equations, we havejust one. (It is the same equation for all n.)

To close the system, we express the complex orderparameter z� in terms of a�. Inserting the Poisson kernel(6) into Eq. (4), and performing the integrations, yields

z��t� �X2


K��0a��0 �t�; (8)




0 500 1000






FIG. 2 (color online). Order parameter r versus time. In allthree panels, N1 � N2 � 128 and � � 0:1. (a) A � 0:2: stablechimera; (b) A � 0:28: breathing chimera; (c) A � 0:35: long-period breather. Numerical integration began from an initialcondition close to the chimera state, and plots shown begin afterallowing a transient time of 2000 units.




oscillator index j f (θ)

a b c

FIG. 1 (color online). Snapshot of a chimera state, obtained bynumerical integration of (1) with � � 0:1, A � 0:2, and N1 �N2 � 1024. (a) Synchronized population. (b) Desynchronizedpopulation. (c) Density of desynchronized phases predicted byEqs. (6) and (12) (smooth curve) agrees with observed histo-gram.

PRL 101, 084103 (2008) P H Y S I C A L R E V I E W L E T T E R S week ending22 AUGUST 2008


• Does this deserve to be called a closed form?• Resoundingly ‘yes’, unless all inverse functions such as that in

Bornemann’s probability are to be eschewed.• Such QRS constants are especially interesting in light of recent work

by Strogatz, Lang et al on chimera — coupled systems whichself-organize in part and remain disorganized elsewhere.

• Now numerical limits still need a closed form.

• Often, the need for high accuracy computation drivesdevelopment of effective analytic expressions which in turnshed substantial light on the subject being studied.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (152)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

10. What is that Expectation? Box integrals toc

• There is much recent research on calculation of expecteddistances of points inside a hypercube to the hypercube

– or expected distances between points in a hypercube, etc.

• Some expectations 〈|~r|〉 for random ~r ∈ [0, 1]n are


n = 2√23 + 1

3 log(1 +√


n = 3 14

√3− 1

24π + 12 log

(2 +√


n = 4 25 −

G10 + 3

10 Ti2(3− 2


+ log 3− 7√2

10 arctan(



• Box integrals are not just a mathematician’s curiosity — they are

being used to assess randomness of (rat) brain synapses positioned

within a parallelepiped. But now we (B-Crandall-Rose) wish to use

Cantor Boxes.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (153)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

10. What is that Expectation? Box integrals toc

• There is much recent research on calculation of expecteddistances of points inside a hypercube to the hypercube

– or expected distances between points in a hypercube, etc.

• Some expectations 〈|~r|〉 for random ~r ∈ [0, 1]n are


n = 2√23 + 1

3 log(1 +√


n = 3 14

√3− 1

24π + 12 log

(2 +√


n = 4 25 −

G10 + 3

10 Ti2(3− 2


+ log 3− 7√2

10 arctan(



• Box integrals are not just a mathematician’s curiosity — they are

being used to assess randomness of (rat) brain synapses positioned

within a parallelepiped. But now we (B-Crandall-Rose) wish to use

Cantor Boxes.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (154)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

10. What is that Expectation? Box integrals toc

• There is much recent research on calculation of expecteddistances of points inside a hypercube to the hypercube

– or expected distances between points in a hypercube, etc.

• Some expectations 〈|~r|〉 for random ~r ∈ [0, 1]n are


n = 2√23 + 1

3 log(1 +√


n = 3 14

√3− 1

24π + 12 log

(2 +√


n = 4 25 −

G10 + 3

10 Ti2(3− 2


+ log 3− 7√2

10 arctan(



• Box integrals are not just a mathematician’s curiosity — they are

being used to assess randomness of (rat) brain synapses positioned

within a parallelepiped. But now we (B-Crandall-Rose) wish to use

Cantor Boxes.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (155)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Expectation?

Figure : B(2, C2(1)) (top-left) average squared distance of a carpet pointfrom origin; ∆(2, C1(1)) (top-right) expected squared separation of twocarpet points. Below corresponding quantities over unit square. Asdistance increases, colour shifts to violet end of visible spectrum)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (156)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 1.

A very recent result is that every box integral 〈|~r|n〉 for integer n,and dimensions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are “hyperclosed”.

• Five-dimensional box integrals have been especially difficult,depending on knowledge of a hyperclosed form for a singledefinite integral J(3), where

J(t) :=


log(t+ x2 + y2)

(1 + x2)(1 + y2)dx dy. (20)

• BCC (2011) proved hyperclosure of J(t) for algebraic t ≥ 0.Thus 〈|~r|−2〉 for ~r ∈ [0, 1]5 can be written in explicit forminvolving a 105-character symbolic J(3).

• We reduced the 5-dim box value to “only” 104 characters.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (157)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 1.

A very recent result is that every box integral 〈|~r|n〉 for integer n,and dimensions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are “hyperclosed”.

• Five-dimensional box integrals have been especially difficult,depending on knowledge of a hyperclosed form for a singledefinite integral J(3), where

J(t) :=


log(t+ x2 + y2)

(1 + x2)(1 + y2)dx dy. (20)

• BCC (2011) proved hyperclosure of J(t) for algebraic t ≥ 0.Thus 〈|~r|−2〉 for ~r ∈ [0, 1]5 can be written in explicit forminvolving a 105-character symbolic J(3).

• We reduced the 5-dim box value to “only” 104 characters.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (158)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 1.

A very recent result is that every box integral 〈|~r|n〉 for integer n,and dimensions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are “hyperclosed”.

• Five-dimensional box integrals have been especially difficult,depending on knowledge of a hyperclosed form for a singledefinite integral J(3), where

J(t) :=


log(t+ x2 + y2)

(1 + x2)(1 + y2)dx dy. (20)

• BCC (2011) proved hyperclosure of J(t) for algebraic t ≥ 0.Thus 〈|~r|−2〉 for ~r ∈ [0, 1]5 can be written in explicit forminvolving a 105-character symbolic J(3).

• We reduced the 5-dim box value to “only” 104 characters.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (159)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 1.

A very recent result is that every box integral 〈|~r|n〉 for integer n,and dimensions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are “hyperclosed”.

• Five-dimensional box integrals have been especially difficult,depending on knowledge of a hyperclosed form for a singledefinite integral J(3), where

J(t) :=


log(t+ x2 + y2)

(1 + x2)(1 + y2)dx dy. (20)

• BCC (2011) proved hyperclosure of J(t) for algebraic t ≥ 0.Thus 〈|~r|−2〉 for ~r ∈ [0, 1]5 can be written in explicit forminvolving a 105-character symbolic J(3).

• We reduced the 5-dim box value to “only” 104 characters.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (160)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 2.

A companion integral J(2) also starts out with about 105

characters but reduces stunningly to a only a few dozen characters:

J(2) =π2

8log 2− 7

48ζ(3) +




)− 29




), (21)

— Cl2(θ) :=∑

n≥1 sin(nθ)/n2 a simple non-elementary Fourierseries).

Thomas Clausen (1801-1885) learned to read at 12.

He computed π to 247 places in 1847 using a Machin formula.

• Automating such reductions requires a sophisticated simplificationscheme plus a very large and extensible knowledge base.

• With Alex Kaiser we are designing software to automate this processand to use before submission of any equation-rich paper:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (161)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 2.

A companion integral J(2) also starts out with about 105

characters but reduces stunningly to a only a few dozen characters:

J(2) =π2

8log 2− 7

48ζ(3) +




)− 29




), (21)

— Cl2(θ) :=∑

n≥1 sin(nθ)/n2 a simple non-elementary Fourierseries).

Thomas Clausen (1801-1885) learned to read at 12.

He computed π to 247 places in 1847 using a Machin formula.

• Automating such reductions requires a sophisticated simplificationscheme plus a very large and extensible knowledge base.

• With Alex Kaiser we are designing software to automate this processand to use before submission of any equation-rich paper:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (162)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 2.

A companion integral J(2) also starts out with about 105

characters but reduces stunningly to a only a few dozen characters:

J(2) =π2

8log 2− 7

48ζ(3) +




)− 29




), (21)

— Cl2(θ) :=∑

n≥1 sin(nθ)/n2 a simple non-elementary Fourierseries).

Thomas Clausen (1801-1885) learned to read at 12.

He computed π to 247 places in 1847 using a Machin formula.

• Automating such reductions requires a sophisticated simplificationscheme plus a very large and extensible knowledge base.

• With Alex Kaiser we are designing software to automate this processand to use before submission of any equation-rich paper:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (163)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

What is that Dimension? Hyperclosure, 2.

A companion integral J(2) also starts out with about 105

characters but reduces stunningly to a only a few dozen characters:

J(2) =π2

8log 2− 7

48ζ(3) +




)− 29




), (21)

— Cl2(θ) :=∑

n≥1 sin(nθ)/n2 a simple non-elementary Fourierseries).

Thomas Clausen (1801-1885) learned to read at 12.

He computed π to 247 places in 1847 using a Machin formula.

• Automating such reductions requires a sophisticated simplificationscheme plus a very large and extensible knowledge base.

• With Alex Kaiser we are designing software to automate this processand to use before submission of any equation-rich paper:

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (164)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (165)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (166)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (167)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (168)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (169)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (170)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (171)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (172)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (173)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

11. What is that Density? toc

Current work with Straub, Wan and Zudilin looks at classical shortuniform random walks in the plane:

0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0








1 2 3 4






1 2 3 4 5








1 2 3 4 5 6








• Radial densities pn of a random planar walk.– especially p3, p4, p5 (as above with p6).

• Expectations and moments Wn(s).

This led Straub and JMB to make detailed study of:

• Mahler Measures µ(P ) and logsin integrals

– µ(1 + x1 + · · ·xn−1) = W′

n(0) is known for n = 3, 4, 5, 6.

• Multiple Mahler measures like µn(1 + x+ y) and QFT.

• The next presentation describes what we know. Hidden below thesurface is much use of Meijer-G functions.

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (174)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Visualising Three Step Walks

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (175)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Moments of a Four Step WalkTheorem (Meijer-G form for W4)

For Re s > −2 and s not an odd integer

W4(s) =2s


Γ(1 + s2)

Γ(− s2)


(1, 1−s2 , 1, 1

12 −

s2 ,−

s2 ,−


∣∣∣∣1). (22)

W4 with phase colored continuously (L) and by quadrant (R)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (176)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Moments of a Four Step WalkTheorem (Meijer-G form for W4)

For Re s > −2 and s not an odd integer

W4(s) =2s


Γ(1 + s2)

Γ(− s2)


(1, 1−s2 , 1, 1

12 −

s2 ,−

s2 ,−


∣∣∣∣1). (22)

W4 with phase colored continuously (L) and by quadrant (R)

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (177)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (178)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (179)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (180)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (181)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (182)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (183)

2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples35. Three Intermediate Examples

54. More Advanced Examples68. Current Research and Conclusions

69. What is that expectation?73. What is that density?76. Part II and Conclusions?

Part II (as time permits) and Conclusions toc

Part II Hypergeometric evaluations of the densities of shortrandom walks


1 We still lack a complete accounting of µn(1 + x+ y) and aretrying to resolve “the crisis of the 6th root in QFT.”

2 Our log-sine and MZV algorithms uncovered many, manyerrors in the literature — old and new.

3 We are also filling gaps such as:• Euler sum values like ζ(2n+ 1, 1) in terms of Ls

(2n−3)2n (π).

4 Automated simplification, validation and correction tools aremore and more important.

5 As are projects like the DDMF (INRIA’s dynamic dictionary).6 Thank you!

J.M. Borwein Meetings with Special Functions

Meetings with Computer Algebra and Special …2. Introduction and Three Elementary Examples 35. Three Intermediate Examples 54. More Advanced Examples 68. Current Research and Conclusions - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.