Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially · A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (2024)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (1)

Science for Solutions -

NOAA COASTAL OCEAN PROGRAM Decision Analysis Series No.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen, to Surface Water, Ground Water,

and the Gulf of Mexico

Topic 5 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico

William J. Mitsch, JohnW. Day, Jr., J. Wendell Gilliam, Peter M. Groffman, Donald L. Hey,

Gyles W. Randall, and Naiming Wang

May 1999

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

National Ocean Service Coastal Ocean Program

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (2)


This report is the fifth in a series o f six reports devel-oped as the scientific basis for an integrated assessment o f the causes and consequences of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, as requested by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and as required by Sec-tion 604a of P.L. 105-383. For more information on the assessment and the assessment process, please contact the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science at (30 1) 7 13-3060.


The Decision Analysis Series has been established by NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program (COP) to present documents for coastal decision makers which contain analytical treatments of major issues o r topics. The is-sues, topics, and principal investigators have been se-lected through an extensive peer review process. To learn more about the COP o r the Decision Analysis Series, please wri te to:

NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science

Coastal Ocean Program 13 15 East-West Highway, Room 9700

Silver Spring, Maryland 209 10

phone: 301-713-3338 f a : 30 1 -7 1 3-4044

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Cover image: Nitrogen transformation in wetlands.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (3)

Science for Solutions

NOAA COASTAL OCEAN PROGRAM DecisionAnalysis Series No. 19

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen, to Surface Water, Ground Water,

and the Gulf of Mexico

Topic 5 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico -

William J. Mitsch, The Ohio State University JohnW. Day, Jr.,LouisianaState University

J. Wendell Gilliam, North Carolina State University Peter M. Groffman, Institute of Ecosystem Studies

Donald L. Hey, The Wetlands Initiative Gyles W. Randall, University of Minnesota Naiming Wang, The Ohio State University

May 1999

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE William M. Daley, Secretary

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration D. James Baker, Undersecretary for Oceans and Atmosphere

National Ocean Service Nancy Foster, Assistant Administrator

National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science Donald Scavia, Director

Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research-Coastal Ocean Program David Johnson. Director

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (4)

This publication should be cited as:

Mitsch, William j., John W. Day, Jr., j. Wendell Gilliam, Peter M. ,Groffman, Donald L. Hey, Gyles W. Randall, and Naiming Wang. 1999. Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen, t o Surface Water, Ground Water, and the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 5 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program De-cision Analysis Series No. 19. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Silver Spring, MD. I I I pp.

Corresponding author information:

William J. Mitsch Director, Olentangy River Wetland Research Park Professor, School of Natural Resources The Ohio State University 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, Ohio 432 10

This publication does not constitute an endorsem*nt of any commercial productl or intend to be an opinion beyond scientific or other result; obtained by the Na-tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). No reference shall be made to NOAA, or to this publication furnished by NOAA, in any advertising or sales promotion that would indicate or imply that NOAA recommends or en-dorses any proprietary product mentioned herein, or that has as its purpose an in-terest to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased

1 because of this publi;ation.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (5)



.................................................................................................LIST OF FIGURESA N D TABLES vi

............................................................................LIST O F ABBREVIATIONS A N D ACRONYMS x

.. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..............................................................................................................XII

... ....................................................................................................FOREWORD .........................XIII

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................xv

INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................I The Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia..................................................................................................I

...............................................................................................................................Objectives 3 Nutrient Sources t o the Gulf of Mexico...............................................................................3 1.3.1 Crop production and soil drainage............................................................................5

......................................................................................................1.3.2 Feedlot discharges 6 1.3.3 Other nonpoint sources.............................................................................................7 1.3.4 Point-source discharges.............................................................................................7 1.3.5 Atmospheric sources.................................................................................................7

.....................................RESULTS-APPROACHES FOR CONTROLLINGNITROGEN 10 .......................................................................On-Site Control of Agricultural Drainage ; I 0

..................................................The role of precipitation on agricultural drainage I I ..........................................................................3.1 1. I Precipitation and drainage I I

................................................. Precipitation and nitrate concentrations ; 12 ........................................................3.1 1 .3 Preci~itationand residual soil nitrate 13

....................................................................3.1 1 4 Precipitation and nitrate loads 14 ........................................................ .3.1 1 5 Long-term changes in precipitation 1 5

....................................................................................Changing cropping systems I5 ..................................................Controlling nitrogen fertilizer application rates 1 6

.....................................................................................Managing manure spreading 19 ...............................................................Managing the time of nitrogen application 19

....................................................................................Using nitrification Inhibitors 20 .........................................................................................Changing tillage methods I

.................................................................................Increasing drainage tile spacing 22


Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (6)

iv ReducingNutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

................................................................Off-Site Agricultural Nonpoint-Source Control 22 ...........................................3.2.1 Nitrogen processes in wetlands and riparian systems 24

3.2.2 Wetlands...................................................................................................................26 .................................................................... Natural freshwater marshes , 27

................................................................. Created and restored marshes 27 .................................................................................................... Peatlands 29 Forested wetlands.....................................................................................30 ............. Case studies-Nitrogen retention by wetlands in the Midwest 30

............................................................................... Design considerations 37 3.2.3 Riparian buffers.........................................................................................................43

...................................................... Design considerations and limitations 44 .......................................... Comparison of wetlands and riparian buffers 47

.................................................3.2.4 Controlled drainage :...............................................48 ...................................................... Design considerations and limitations 48 Controlled drainage in the Midwest.........................................................52 Urban Nonpoint Source Control..........................................................:.............................53

...............................................................................................3.3.1 Existing development 54 3.3.1. I Stormwater runoff ....................................................................................54

.............................................................3.3.1 .2 On-site sewage disposal systems 56 3.3.2 New development....................................................................................................57

..........................................................................................................Point-Source Control 58 ........................................................................................3.4.1 Environmental technology 58

3.4.1 .I Physical/chemical processes......................................................................60 Biological processes..................................................................................60 Feasibility...................................................................................................I

......................................................................3.4.2 Ecotechnology-treatment wetlands 61 Surface or subsurface flow........................................................................I

........................................................................ Treatment wetland design 63 .............................................................................................Control of Atmospheric N O, 64

3.5.1 Stationary sources...................................................................................................64 ...............................................................3.5.1. I Modified combustion processes 65

...................................................................... Post-combustion processes 65 3.5.2 -Mobile sources.........................................................................................................66

........................................................................315.2.1 Base engine improvement 66 .................................................... Improvements in air-fuel ratio control 67 Improvements to exhaust after-treatment systems................................67 .............................................................................. Advanced technologies 67

......................................................................................................3.5.3 Regulatory issues 67 Recent developments................................................................................67

Mississippi Delta Diversions................................................................................................69 3.6.1 The Mississippi Delta...............................................................................................70 3.6.2 Nitrogen dynamics in deltaic wetlands and shallow coastal waters.......................71

............................................................3.6.3 Case studies-Mississippi River diversions I ..................................................... The Caernarvon freshwater diversion I

....................................................................... The Bonnet Carre Spillway 75 The Atchafalaya Delta region....................................................................77

3.6.4 Advantages and limitations of coastal restoration ..................................................80 Upper Mississippi River Flood Control and Restoration..................................................80

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (7)

Contents 9'

...............................4. REDUCING NUTRIENT LOADINGS TO THE GULFOF MEXICO 8 2

..................................................................4.1 Best Practices for Reducing Nitrogen Loadings 82 ......................................................................................................4.2 Changing Farm Practices 82

............................4.3 Intercepting Agricultural Drainage with Wetlands and ~ i ~ a r i a n 'Buffers 84 4.3.1 Wetlands...................................................................................................................84 4.3.2 Riparian zones ..........................................................................................................85

............................................................................................................4.3.3 Local benefits 86 ............................................................. Local water quality improvement 86

................................................................................. Wetland restoration 86 ...................................................................... River ecology enhancement 87

............................................................. Terrestrial wildlife enhancement 87 ............................................................................................. Flood control 87

.................................................................4.4 Tertiary Treatment of Domestic Wastewater 88 4.5 River Diversions in Louisiana..............................................................................................88

....................................................................................................................4.6 Mitigating Issues 89 ................................................................................................................4.6.1 Scale effect 89

.............................................................................4.6.2 Comparing "apples and oranges" 89 .......................................................................................4.6.3 System delay and buffering 89

............................................................................................4.6.4 Agricultural production 89 4.6.5 Other nutrients ........................................................................................................90 4.6.6 Long-term prognosis................................................................................................90

..................................................................................................4.6.7 Catastrophic events 90 ..................................................................................4.6.8 Uncertainty of ecotechnology 90

4.6.9 Production of greenhouse gases..............................................................................I . ............................................................................................................5 RESEARCHNEEDS 92

.6 CONCLUSIONSAND RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................94

6.1 Conclusions....................................................................................i.....................................94 6.2 Recommendations...............................................................................................................94

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (8)

List of Figures and Tables












The Mississippi River Basin and location of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxia..............2

Estimated trends in the 20th century of the hypoxia area, nitrogen concentrations and fluxes, nitrogen fertilizer use, and land drainage the Mississippi River Basin 4

Relationship between subsurface drainage volume and: (a) annual flow-weighted nitrate-nitrogen concentration; (b) annual nitrate-nitrogen loss in tile-drainage water from a corn-soybean rotation that received 150 kg N/ha as anhydrous ammonia in late October each year following soybeans at Waseca, MN; (c) annual flow-weighted nitrate-nitrogen concentration; and (d) annual nitrate-nitrogen loss in tile-drainage water from continuous

...............................corn that received 200 kg N/ha each spring at Waseca, M N 13

Nitrate-nitrogen concentration in tile-drainage water as affected by rate of nitrogen fertilizer application for continuous corn at (a) Lamberton and (b) Waseca, M N .............................................................................................18

Extent and location of artificially drained agricultural land in the United States.........................................................................................................23

Nitrogen transformation in wetlands....................................................................25

Three types of wetlands that could be used to control nonpoint-source pollution: (a) freshwater marsh, (b) peatland, and (c) riparian forest....................28 *

Four original experimental wetlands at the Des Plaines River Wetland Demonstration Project in northeastern Illinois....................................................31

A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams was seen with high concentrations in the spring and fall (inlet data) from the Des Plaines River in northeastern Illinois..............32

Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, Columbus, OH, showing two l-ha experimental deep-water marshes used in a multi-year study

.............................................................................of nitrate-nitrogen retention.. ..35

Seasonal patterns of nitrate retention by mass and concentration during summer, autumn, winter, and spring for (a) wastewater treatment wetland in Licking County, OH, and (b) and (c) l-ha river-fed created wetlands in Franklin County, O H........................................................................36

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (9)

List of Figures and Tables vii-'

FIGURE 3.10.

FIGURE 3.11.

FIGURE 3.14.

FIGURE 3.15.

FIGURE 3.16.

FIGURE 3.17.

FIGURE 3.18.

FIGURE 3.19.

FIGURE 3.20.

FIGURE 3.21.

FIGURE 3.22.

FIGURE 3.23.

FIGURE 3.24.

FIGURE 3.25.

Summary of 17 wetland-years of nitrate-nitrogen retention data from the Des Plaines River (IL) and Olentangy River (OH) experimental wetlands ........38

Examples of wetland nitrogen retention versus loading rate: (a) nitrogen retention from several constructed and natural wetlands, and (b) cumulative nitrogen mass retained versus mass loading of a marsh

..........................................................receiving low-level nutrients for eight years 39

Nitrogen retention in an Australian wetland in an agricultural area during storm events showing (a) seasonal pattern of retention and release, and (b) effect of storm flow on retention or release..............................................40

Examples of locations of createdhestored wetlands in the landscape: (a) riparian bifurcation of river; (b) riparian wetland with seasonal flooding; (c) created marshes in small streams and intercepting tile drainage; (d) details of lateral wetland interceptingground water carried by drainage tiles; (e) landscape location choices for wetlands; and (f) terraced in hilly terrain.........42

Hypothetical locations of riparian buffers, farm ponds, constructed wetlands, and grassed waterways in region of livestock facilitie. ...........................43

Schematics of riparian buffer zones: (a) three-zone riparian buffer system, and (b) multi-species riparian buffer strip model, which includes tree rows closest the stream, shrubs, and a strip of switchgrass adjacent to the cropland 45

Controlled drainage system showing (a) flashboard riser and (b) water profile in drainage ditch upstream of flashboard riser............................................50

Results of controlled drainage study represent approximately 125 site-years of data from 14 sites in eastern North Carolina showing: (a) average annual outflows, and (b) average annual nitrogen transport (TKN + NO,-N) in drainage outflow as measured at the field edge for 14 soils and sites.....................51

Decision tree for determining which nitrate control practice to use ....................52

Schematic showing differences between (a) surface-flow and . ...............................................................(b) subsurface-flow treatment wetlands -62

Hypothetical nitrogen fluxes in wastewater treatment wetlands based on hydrologic loading of 5.5 crdday and first-order decay rates determined from multiple sites ..............................................................................63

Combustion and post-combustion NO, control options for stationary sources...65

.......................Stationary and mobile NO, control cost range by source category 68

Caernarvon diversion and Breton Sound Estuary in coastal Louisiana ................72

Pre- and post-diversion data with standard error bars for Louisiana's Breton Sound Estuary for (a) nitrite + nitrate; (b) ammonium-nitrogen,

................................................(c) total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and (d) total nitrogen 73

Post-diversion salinity mixing curve and overall averages at each water quality station for (a) nitrite + nitrate-nitrogen, (b) ammonium-nitrogen,

................................................(c) total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and (d) total nitrogen 74

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (10)

viii ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

FIGURE 3.26.

FIGURE 3.27.

FIGURE 3.28.


TABLE 1.2.


TABLE 3.2.

TABLE 3.3.

TABLE 3.4.

TABLE 3.5.

TABLE 3.7.

TABLE 3.8.

TABLE 3.9. -

TABLE 3.10.

TABLE 3.11.

TABLE 3.12.

TABLE 3.14.

Map of Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans, Louisiana, showing the locations of the Bonnet CarrC Spillway and sampling stations ......................76

....................................Atchafalaya Bay and Fourleague Bay in coastal Louisiana 78

Nitrate concentrations in various transects from Atchafalaya River to ...............................................coastal waters 'for spring, summer, fall, and winter 79

Sources of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Mississippi River Basin ....................................................................and export from the basin via the river 3

Contrast of nutrient concentrations in secondary effluent from a municipal wastewater treatment plant, wastewater from a confined animal feeding operation, runoff from croplands of the midwestern U.S., and urban (residential) runoff ........................................................................6


Possible approaches for controlling nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin........10

Influence of precipitation on drainage volume and annual ni trateN losses........11 .....Annual water loss via subsurface tile drainage for cropping systems in Iowa.. .12

Effect of crop system on amount of subsurface drainage water ............................12

Effect of crop system on flow-weighted annual nitrate-N concentrations ..........................................................................and four-year total nitrate-N loss 15

Average nitrate concentration and annual nitrate loss in subsurface, tile-drainage water in Iowa as a function of crop and tillage technique ...............16

Effect of nitrogen application rate and time of application on nitrate-N losses and corn yield ..............................................................................20

Effect of time of N application and nitrapyrin on nitrate-N losses ..................................and corn yield in a corn-soybean rotation during 1990-93 20

.......................................~ f f i c tof tillage on nitrate losses in subsurface drainage 21

Drainage statistics of selected states in the upper reaches of the . . . . .Mississippi ILver Basin...........................................................................................23

Nitrogen loss rates as reported in the literature for wetland and . .nparlan zone studies...............................................................................................26

Selected studies that have investigated nitrogen retention of natural and created freshwater marshes, peatlands, and forested wetlands and riparian zones ..................................................................................................29

Nitrate reduction in the experimental wetlands at the Des Plaines ...................................................River Demonstration Project, Lake County, IL 33

Annual nitrate-nitrogen, organic nitrogen, and total nitrogen budgets ............for the Des Plaines River experimental wetlands, April-November 1991 33

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (11)

List of Figures and Tables ix.

TABLE 3.15.

TABLE 3.16.

TABLE 3.17.

TABLE 3.18.

TABLE 3.20.

TABLE 3.21.

TABLE 3.22.

TABLE 3.23.

TABLE 3.24.

TABLE 3.25.

TABLE 3.26.

Average + standard error (# samples) of weekly nutrient concentrations Olentangy River experimental wetlands, 1994-96 34

Above-ground .woody. vegetation uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus coastal plain rlpanan forests !........................................47

Estimated mean runoff concentrations for land uses, based on the nationwide urban runoff program .........................................................................53

Comparison of percolation of nitrate-nitrogen from fertilized and unfertilized urban lawn with fertilized corn cropland ....................................53

Summary of existing development management practices for .......................controlling sediments, phosphorus, and nitrogen in urban runoff 55

On-site sewage disposal system effectiveness and cost summary...........................56

Step-by-step guide to watershed management for new urban sources of pollution................................................................................1............................59

Nitrate and total nitrogen removal rates and efficiency of natural and constructed wastewater wetlands, as averaged from a number of systems in North America.................................................................................64

Feasible technologies for NO, emission reductions (from Tier 1 levels) ................................................................................................for mobile sources.. -66

Coal-fired boiler types and the best continuous control systems used by EPA to establish NO, emission limits under Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments .................................................................................68

List of potential Tier 2 technologies and associated emission reductions of NO, for mobile sources......................................................................................69

Nutrient loading rates and removal efficiency of wetlands north of the first two water quality monitoring stations at the Caernarvon freshwater

.........................................................diversion of the Mississippi River, Louisiana 75

TABLE4.1. - Recommended approaches for reducing significant amounts of nitrogen loading to streams and rivers in the Mississippi River Basin

.........................................................................................and the Gulf of Mexico 83

TABLE4.2. Estimated area of riparian forests needed to control nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin and selected sub-basins, assuming a reduction

.....................................................................................................of 15 g-N/m2-yr 85

TABLE4.3. Estimated area of riparian forests needed to control nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin and selected sub-basins, assuming a reduction

2of 4 g-N/m -yr.......................................................................................................86

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (12)


List of Abbreviations and Acronyms



Before-After, Control-Impact Analysis Biochemical Oxygen Demand Clean Air Act Amendments Compressed natural gas Chiselplow Conservation Reserve Program Conventional tillage Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments Dissolved inorganic nitrogen Efficiency Exhaust gas recirculation Evapotranspiration Experimental wetland ~ e k y - d u t ~engine Heated exhaust gas oxygen sensors Hydraulic loading rate Inner Harbor Navigation Canal Light-duty truck Light-duty vehicle Low-emission vehicle Low-NO, burner Loading rate Moldboard plow Mississippi River Basin Nitrogen Nitrapyrin NO and NO, (gas) Nitrite plus nitrate (dissolved in water) Nitrate Nonpoint source National Research Council No tillage On-site sewage disposal Removal rate Residual soil nitrate Ridge tillage Selective catalytic reduction Selective noncatalytic reduction Total Kjeldahl nitrogen

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (13)

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms xi-


Total nitrogen Total phosphorus Total suspended solids Universal exhaust gas oxygen sensors Ultra-low-emission vehicle


United States Department of Agriculture United States Environmental Protection Agency Zero-emission vehicle

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (14)



We would like to thank Terry LeMaster for her cheerful assistance in arranging all of the com-mittee meetings, both in St. Louis and over the phone. Eric Domyan provided a valuable litera-ture review on point-source technology. Sarah Harter and Virginie Bouchard assisted with many aspects of this study. Raghavan Srinivasan of Texas A&IM participated in our first meeting's dis-cussion. Ruthmarie H. Mitsch assisted with manuscript proofing.

We appreciate the efforts of Don Scavia, Mike Dowgiallo, and others at NOAA's Coastal Ocean Program in Silver Spring, MD, for their leadership and assistance in the project. We also appreciate the support provided by the Gulf of Mexico Program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Stennis Space Center, Mississippi, on Grant #MX984357-98-0.

Jerry Hatfield coordinated a comprehensive and useful peer-review process. We would also like to thank the six anonymous reviewers for the time that they took to do provide very useful com-ments to the authors.

Riparian information on habitat was largely taken from USDA's Riparian Forest Bufler Hand-bookfor the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, 1997. Thanks to A1 Todd for letting us use the draft ver-sion of this document. Don Goolsby was very accommodating in providing much-needed data on nitrogen sources.

Thanks go to our home institutions for allowing us the time to complete this project: The Ohio State University, Louisiana State University, University of Minnesota, North Carolina State University, Institute of Ecosystem Studies, and The Wetlands Initiative.


Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (15)

Foreword I

Nutrient overenrichment from anthropogenic sources is one of the major stresses on coastal ecosystems. Generally, excess nutrients increase algal production and the availability of organic carbon within an ecosystem-a process known as eutrophication. Scientific investigations in the northern Gulf of Mexico have documented a large area of the Louisiana continental shelf with seasonally depleted oxygen levels (< 2 mg/l). Most aquatic species cannot survive at such low oxy-gen levels. The oxygen depletion, referred to as hypoxia, forms in the middle of the most impor-tant commercial and recreational fisheries in the conterminous United States and could threaten the economy of this region of the Gulf.

As part of a process of considering options for responding to hypoxia, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) formed the Mississippi River/Gulf of Mexico Watershed Nutrient Task Force during the fall of 1997, and asked the White House Office of Science and Technol-ogy Policy to coiduct a scientific assessment of the causes and consequences of Gulf hypoxia through its Committee on Environment and Natural Resources (CENR). A Hypoxia Working Group was assembled from federal agency representatives, and the group developed a plan to conduct the scientific assessment.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has led the CENR assess-ment, although oversight is spread among several federal agencies. The objectives are to provide scientific information that can be used to evaluate management strategies, and to identify gaps in our understanding of this complex problem. While the assessment focuses on hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, it also addresses the effects of changes in nutrient concentrations and loads and nutrient ratios on water quality conditions within the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River system.

As a foundation for the assessment, six interrelated reports were developed by six teams with ex-pem from within and outside of government. Each of the reports underwent extensive peer re-view by independent experts. T o facilitate this comprehensive review, an editorial board was selected based on nominations from the task force and other organizations. Board members were Dr. Donald Boesch, University of Maryland; Dr. Jerry Hatfield, U.S. Department of Agricul-ture; Dr. George Hallberg, Cadmus Group; Dr. Fred Bryan, Louisiana State University; Dr. Sandra Batie, Michigan State University; and Dr. Rodney Foil, Mississippi State University. The six reports are entitled:

Topic I: Characterization ofHypoxia. Describes the seasonal, interannual, and long-term variations of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its relationship to nutrient load-ings. Lead: Nancy N. Rabalais, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.

Topic 2: EcoZogical and Economic Conseyuences of Hypoxia. Evaluates the ecological and economic consequences of nutrient loading, including impacts on the regional economy. Co-leads: Robert J. Diaz, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, and Andrew Solow, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Centerfor Marine Policy.


Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (16)

xiv ReducingNutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

Topic3: Flux and Sources of Nutrients in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin. Identi-fies the sources of nutrients within the Mississippi-Atchafalaya system and Gulf of Mexico. Lead: Donald A. Goolsdy, U S. Geological Survey.

Topic 4: Eflects of Reducing Nutrient Loads to Suface Waters Within the Mississippi River Basin and Gulfof Mexico. Estimates the effects of nutrient-source reductions on water qual-ity. Co-leads: Patrick L. Brezonik, Universityof Minnesota, and VictorJ. Bierman, Jr., Limno-Tech, Inc.

Topic5: Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen, to Suface Water, Ground Water,and the Guyof Mexico. Identifies and evaluates methods for reducing nutrient loads. Lead: WilliamJ. Mitsc8, Ohio State University.

Topic 6: Evaluation of the Economic Costs and BeneJits of Methods for Reducing Nutrient Loads to the Gulfof Mexico. Evaluates the social and economic costs and benefits of the methods identified in Topic 5 for reducing nutrient loads. Lead Otto C. Doering, Purdue University. -

These six individual reports provide a foundation for the final integrated assessment, which the task force will use to evaluate alternative solutions and management strategies called for in Public Law 105-383.

As a contribution to the Decision Analysis Series, this report provides a critical synthesis of the best available scientific information regarding the ecological and economic consequences of hy-poxia in the Gulf of Mexico. As with all of its products, the Coastal Ocean Program is very in-terested in ascertaining the utility of the Decision Analysis Series, particularly with regard to its application to the management decision process. Therefore, we encourage you to write, fax, call, or e-mail us with your comments. Our address and telephone and fax numbers are on the inside front cover of this report.

David Johnson, Director Coastal Ocean Program

Donald Scavia, Chief Scientist National Ocean Service

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (17)

Executive Summary 1

The goal of this report to identify and evaluate approaches for solving the problem of the hy-poxia in the Gulf of Mexico. This zone of low dissolved ovgen, which covers an area from 13,000 to 20,000 krn2 off the shore of Louisiana, has been shown to be due to excess nutrients, particularly nitrate-nitrogen, being transported to the Gulf from the Mississippi River Basin. T o accomplish our goal, we (1)reviewed appropriate literature on methods for controlling nutrients, particularly nitrate-nitrogen, from entering waterways; (2) evaluated these methods to reduce the amount of nitrogen released to streams and rivers; (3) put the methods in the context of the entire Mississippi River Basin and the significance of the sources; and (4) presented recommen-dations for the most reasonable combination of approaches that would be necessary to solve the problem.

Techniques reviewed included on-farm practices, created and restored wetlands and riparian zones, controlled drainage systems, stormwater runoff control, atmospheric controls on mobile and stationary sources, point-source control on wastewater treatment plants, Mississippi River diversion, and flood control in the Upper Mississippi River Basin. W e concluded that a suite of practices is needed to effectively deal with hypoxia in the following general categories: (1) modi-fication of farm practices to make the use of nitrogen from fertilizer and manure more effective and efficient; (2) the creation and restoration of wetlands and riparian ecosystems between farmland and streams and rivers, but particularly in those areas where concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen in subsurface drainage is highest; (3) the implementation of nitrogen controls on do-mestic wastewater treatment plants; and (4) diversion of floodwaters to backwaters of the Mis-sissippi River Delta and coastal wetlands. If policies are devised to implement only one or two of these policies, then improvement in the Gulf of Mexico is not as likely.

W e make b e following specific recommendations:

1. Several on-farm practices for reducing discharges of nitrogen to streams and rivers should be implemented. These practices, which could lead to 15-20% reductions of nitrogen sources to the Gulf, include a 20% reduction in fertilizer nitrogen application through proper nitrogen crediting for legumes and manure and realistic yield goals. Other rec-ommended management practices include optimum timing of fertilizer application, use of alternative crops, such as perennials, wider spacing of subsurface drains, and better management of livestock manures whether stored or applied to the land.

2. A major effort to restore or create 24 million acres (10 million hectares, or 3.4% of the Mississippi River Basin) of riparian zones and wetlands to reduce nitrogen in the Missis-sippi River and its tributaries by an average of 40% should be undertaken in the Missis-sippi River Basin.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (18)

xvi ReducingNutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

3. Wetlands and riparian zones should be strategically placed in watersheds to optimize ni-trogen removal as, for example, in tile-drained farmlands that are prone to export high concentrations and amounts of nitrate-nitrogen.

4. Although point sources of nitrate-nitrogen appear to be of little consequence ( c 5%)in the overall Mississippi River Basin nitrogen load, an effort to control these sources through tertiary treatment should become a formal policy for new wastewater treatment plants in the basin.

5. The restoration of flood-prone lands in the Upper Mississippi River Basin to wetlands needs to be revisited and more seriously considered in light of the 1993 flood and the need to control nitrate-nitrogen to protect the Gulf.

6. Nitrate reduction should be an important consideration in the design and operation of diversions of the Mississippi River for flood events in the Mississippi Delta in Louisiana. Approximately 400,000 to 1 million hectares (1-2.5 million acres) or more of inshore coastal areas (forested wetlands, marshes, and water bodies) should be used for nitrate re-duction in diverted waters. An important additional benefit of such diversions would be to address the land-loss problem in Louisiana.

7. Further reductions beyond those now being implemented through the authority of the Clean Air Act are probably not warranted for controlling stationary and mobile atmos-pheric emissions of nitrogen, at least insofar as protecting the Gulf of Mexico is con-cerned.

8. There is a strong need for any nitrogen mitigation effort to be coupled to a comprehen-sive program of monitoring, research, and modeling to evaluate which practices are ef-fective and why, and to allow for "adaptive management" of the hypoxia problem.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (19)



1.1 T H E GULF OF MEXICOHYPOXIA The main focus of this report is the identification and evaluation of methods to reduce nutrient loads from the continental United States-particularly from the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio River basins-to surface and ground waters and, ultimately, the Gulf of Mexico. For at least the past 10years, seasonally severe and persistent hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen conditions) has been measured on the continental shelf of the northern Gulf of Mexico to the west of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River deltas. The hypoxia zone has ranged from 13,000 to 20,000 km2 from 1993 through 1999 (Rabalais et al. 1996, 1997, 1999; Rabalais personal communication). The hypoxia appears to be most widespread, persistent, and severe in June, July, and August (Rabalais et al. 1996). There also appears to be spatial and temporal variability in the distribution of the hypoxia on the shelf, which is, in part, related to the amplitude and timing of the Mississippi and Atchafalaya stream flows.

The waters that discharge to the Gulf originate in the combined Mississippi/OhioiMissouri watersheds (referred to as the Mississippi River Basin in this report). In total, these watersheds encompass about 3,000,000 km2 (1,200,000 mi2), or about 40% of the area of the lower 48 states (Figure 1.1). Two-thirds of the flow from this system enters the Gulf through the Mississippi River, while the remaining one-third enters through the Atchafalaya River. The Mississippi River Basin accounts for 90% of the freshwater inflow to the Gulf (Rabalais et al. 1996).

Linkages between the freshwater inflow from the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River systems (and subsequent nutrient flux) and net surface productivity and bottom-water oxygen deficiency have been generally established (Atwood et al. 1994; JustiC et al. 1995; Rabalais et al. 1996) and are discussed in detail in other reports in this series (Rabalais et al. 1999; Diaz and Solow 1999; Brezonik et al. 1999). Freshwater discharge and nutrient fluxes from the Mississippi and Atcha-falaya Rivers appear to influence the distribution and intensity of the hypoxia, along with water column stratification and mixing (Rabalais et al. 1991).

The hypoxia zone in the Gulf of Mexico is characterized by increased primary production in the upper water column. Oxygen-demanding organic carbon derived from this primary production sinks, decomposes, and leads to the seasonally severe oxygen depletion in the lower waters and sediments (Turner and Allen 1982; Rabalais et al. 1991, 1992; Bierman et al. 1994; JustiC et al. 1996, 1997). The low oxygen causes the benthic community to be characterized by limited spe-cies; reduced abundance, species richness, and biomass; and domination by pollution-tolerant organisms. Effects of hypoxia on fishery resources, covered in a companion report (Diaz and Solow 1999) could include direct mortality of fish and their food base, as well as indirect effects, such as altered migration, reduction in suitable habitats, increased susceptibility to predation, and disruption of spawning, recruitment, and migration.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (20)

2 ReducingNutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf - -

FIGURE I.I. The MississippiRiver Basin and location of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. (Adapted from Goolsby et a/. 1999.)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (21)

Chapter I: Introduction 3.

I t is the goal of this report to identify and evaluate approaches for solving the problem of the hy-poxia in the Gulf of Mexico. T o accomplish this goal, we have the following objectives:

review appropriate literature on methods for controlling nuirients, particularly nitrate-nitrogen, from entering waterways;

evaluate the efficacy of these methods;

put the methods in the context of the entire Mississippi River Basin and the significance of the sources; and give recommendations as to the most reasonable combination of approaches that would be necessary to solve the problem.

1.3 NUTRIENT SOURCESTO THE GULFOF MEXICO Nutrient loadings, particularly nitrogen loadings associated with eutrophication of coastal marine systems, are transported via atmospheric, surface flow, and ground-water -pathways. Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in the Mississippi River have increased dramatically in this century, and have accelerated since 1950, coinciding with increasing fertilizer use in the Mississippi Basin (Turner and Rabalais 1991; Figure 1.2). Other factors-such as artificial drainage and other changes to the hydrology of the Midwest, atmospheric deposition of nitrates within the Missis-sippi River Basin, nonpoint discharges from urban and suburban areas, and point discharges, particularly from domestic wastewater treatment systems and feedlots-all contribute to the nu-trients that reach the Gulf of Mexico. Table 1.1presents estimates of the relative inputs of these sources. Controlling these sources through agricultural management, environmental technology, and ecotechnology is the focus of this report. The sources are briefly discussed in the following subsections.

TABLE I.I. Sources of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the Mis-sissippi River Basin (MRB) and export from the basin via the river.

-Sources to MRB Fertilizer Use Mineralized Soil Nitrogen Legume N-fixation FeedlotsIManure Atmospheric Deposition Point Sources-Municipal Point Sources-Industrial Urban Nonpoint Sources

Output to Gulf of Mexico From Mississippi River From Atmosphere

'Sources should not be added, as that would lead to double accounting of some nutrients. Source: Goolsby et al. 1999.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (22)

4 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

Estimatednitrogen fertilizer use in the Mississippi River basin,




1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year

FIGURE 1.2. Estimated trends in the 20th century of the hypoxia area, nitrogen concentra-tions and fluxes, nitrogen fertilizer use, and land drainage in the Mississippi River Basin. (Data from Rabalais et al. 1999, Goolsby et al. 1999, and USDA 1987.)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (23)

Chapter I:-Introduction 5-

1.3.1 Crop Production and Soil Drainage

Nitrogen (N) is a naturally occurring element that is essential to plant growth and crop produc-tion. Agriculture has been identified frequently as a major contributor of nitrate-nitrogen to surface water throughout the developed world. Omernik (1977) reported that total nitrogen concentrations were nearly nine times greater downstream from agricultural lands than down-stream from forested areas, with the highest concentrations being found in the Corn Belt states of the Upper Mississippi Basin. As stated by Power et al. (1998), "the global nitrate problem is most apparent in the North Central region of the United States where 83 percent of the na-tion's corn is produced and 53 percent of the commercial nitrogen fertilizer is used." Nitrate-nitrogen is continually supplied to streams and rivers through mineralization of soil organic matter, particularlywhere tile drainage has exposed formerly wet soils to oxidation and through the application of fertilizer and animal manures to cropland. Goolsby et al. (1999) estimate these two sources (fertilizer and mineralization) contribute about 13 million metric tons per year of nitrogen to the Mississippi River Basin (MRB) (Table 1.1). Ago-industrial wastes, atmospheric deposition of volatilized ammonia from manure and fertilizer, and dinitrogen furation, all of which either occur as nitrate-nitrogen or can be converted to nitrate-nitrogen through miner-alization and nitrification, are other important sources. Nitrogen furation by legumes contributes 4 milhon metric tons per year of nitrogen to the basin (Table 1.1).

Nitrate-nitrogen is mobile and, therefore, can be lost from the soil profile by leaching. Subse-quent transport of nitrate-nitrogen to surface waters occurs primarily through subsurface drain-age (tile lines) or base flow. Subsurface drainage is a common water management practice in highly productive agricultural areas of the MRB, where poorly drained soils have seasonally perched water tables or shallow ground water. Very little nitrate-nitrogen is lost from the agri-cultural landscape via surface runoff (Jackson et al. 1973; Logan et al. 1994).

Several long-term studies on rivers of different stream order draining widely different scales of watershed basins all point to the fact that agricultural practices do affect the nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in river water. Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in stream water collected from water years 1984-93 for a portion of the Upper MRB were significantly greater (2-6 mg-N/L) from rivers that drain a large percentage of agricultural land compared to rivers that drain a larger percentage of forested land (0.1-0.5 mg-N/L) (Kroening 1996). For perspective, the national drinking water standard of nitrates is 10 mg-N/L. In the Mississippi River, mean concentrations were significantly greater (1.8-2.5 mg-N/L) downstream of the confluence with the Minnesota River (an agricultural watershed) than upstream (0.2-0.9 mg-N/L). Keeney and DeLuca (1993) examined nitrate concentrations in the Des Moines River in 1945, 1955, 1976, and 1980-90 and found the average nitrate-nitrogen concentrations to have changed little in the last 45 years (5.0 mg-N/L in 1945 and 5.6 mg-N/L in 1980-90). They concluded that intensive agricultural practices that enhance mineralization of soil nitrogen, coupled with subsurface artificial drainage, are the major contributors of nitrate-nitrogen to streams and rivers of the Midwest.

Somewhat similar conclusions were drawn by David et al. (1997), who surmised that agricultural disturbance leading to high mineralization rates and nitrogen fertilization combined with sub-surface tile drainage contributed significantly to nitrate export in the Embarras River in Illinois. In their six-year study, an average of 49% (with a range of 25-85%) of the large pool of nitrate-nitrogen remaining after harvest was leached through drainage tiles and exported by the river. Precipitation exerted a large influence on drainage losses, with a few days of high-flow events leading to most of the annual loss in some years. Rivers with higher concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen seem to be surrounded by landscapes with similar general characteristics: (1) hu-mid/high rainfall conditions;(2) soils high in organic matter; (3) poorly drained, fine-textured

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (24)

6 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

soils needing artificial subsurface drainage for optimum crop production; and (4) domination by corn- and soybean-intensive agriculture.

Soils high in organic matter can mineralize a substantial amount of nitrate-N that is susceptible to loss in subsurface tile drainage, especially when wet years follow'very dry years. Tile drainage from continuous corn plots that received only 20 kg N ha-' yf' at Lamberton, Minnesota, con-tained annual flow-weighted nitrate-nitrogen concentrations of 13 to 19 mg-N/L (Gast et al., 1978). After an extremely dry year followed by a year with slightly above-normal rainfall, ni-trate-nitrogen concentrations averaged 28 mg-N/L from these plots.

In a study at Waseca, Minnesota, four plots were fallowed (no crop grown and no fertilizer ap-plied), with periodic tillage each year from 1987 through 1993. Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in the tile drainage water averaged 57 mg-N/L in 1990 following three dry years. Concentra-tions dropped to 38,25, and 23 mg-N/L in 1991, 1992, and 1993, respectively (Randall, unpub-lished data). Hatfield (1996) found that nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in the Walnut Creek watershed in Iowa ranged from 15 to 20 mg-N/L throughout most of the year and stated that this loss was due primarily to the high organic matter content of the soils and their ability to mineralme nitrogen. Elevated levels of nitrate-nitrogen will be lost to drainage water in these tile-drained soils, regardless of fertilizer management practices, especially in wet years following dry years when crop production was limited.

1.3.2 Feedlot Discharges

Dairy, cattle, swine, poultry, and aquaculture systems can cause significant discharges of oxygen-demanding substances and nutrients to local streams and rivers. Untreated wastewater from these systems generally has very high concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen (Table 1.2), the latter most often as ammonia-nitrogen, although high concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen are also possible. Estimates range widely as to the importance of this source in the total nutrient loading to the MRB. Goolsby et al. (1999) found 2.7 million metric tons per year of nitrogen being discharged into the basin, or about 40% of the total fertilizer use in the basin (Table 1.1). Care needs to be taken not to double count nutrients, as some amount of the fertilizer in crop production ends up as effluent in feedlots.

TABLE 1.2. Contrast of nutrient concentrations in secondary effluent from a municipal wastewater--treatmentplant, wastewater from a confined animal feeding operation, runoff from croplands of the midwestern U.S., and urban (residential) runoff.

Nutrients Secondarily Confined Corn Belt Urban Treated Animal Feeding Cropland (Residential) Effluent Operations Runoff

- - -- - - ---

Suspended Solids 5-20 585 50- 1,000 228 (mg/L)

Total P (mglL) 6.8 24 0.14 0.5 Total N (mglL) 15.8 254 4.4 2.0 Soluble inorganic 8.4 - 3.4 1.8

N (mg-NIL)

Ammonia (mg-NIL) - 122 - -

N:P ratio 2.4 10.6 31.4 4 I I Sources: Baker 1992; USEPA 1993; and CH2M-Hill 1997.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (25)

Chapter I: Introduction 7-

1.3.3 Other Nonpoint Sources Urban and suburban areas have significant runoff from lawns, parking lots, rooftops, roads, highways, and other impervious and semi-impervious sources. Goolsby et al. (1999) were unable to provide accurate estimates of nitrogen and phosphorus in urbah nonpoint runoff in the MRB, as such accounting or monitoring systems do not exist. Concentrations and fluxes of nu-trients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, are generally low compared to nonpoint agricul-tural sources. Concentrations of total nitrogen are generally half or less in urban runoff compared to agricultural land runoff (Table 1.2), and fertilized agricultural land covers a much greater area in the MRB than do urban and suburban land (Figure 1.1).

1.3.4 Point-Source Discharges Point-source discharges of nitrogen (N) are estimated to add 0.27 million metric tons per year of nitrogen to the streams and rivers of the MRB, or about 1.5% of the total loading generally coming from agricultural lands (fertilizer use, mineralizing soil, and legume N-fixation) (Goolsby et al. 1999; Table 1.1). The major point sources of direct discharges of nutrients, particularly ni-- - -trate-nitrogen, appear to be domestic wastewater treatment plants. Conventional wastewater treatment, through secondary treatment, involves removal of suspended materials, pathogens, and oxygen-demanding organics. Organic matter is converted into inorganic forms, including ammonia-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, and ortho-phosphates. Baker (1992) reported that a con-ventional wastewater treatment $ant effluent Las a-total N concentration *of 16 mg-N/L, a soluble inorganic N concentration of about 8 mg-N/L, and a total phosphorus (P) concentra-tion of about 7 mg-N/L. Domestic wastewater is generally phosphorus-rich, with a much lower N:P ratio than agricultural runoff (Table 1.2).

1.3.5 Atmospheric Sources The importance of atmospheric sources of nitrogen to the Gulf of Mexico has been difficult to quantify. Nitrogen enters the atmosphere from human and natural sources. In high-temperature combustion, characteristic of the internal combustion engine and fossil-fuel burning electric generating stations, N, and 0, gases are combined to form NO, (NO and NO,). NO, and air-borne nitrates return to the earth's surface with rain, snow, and fog (wet deposition) or as gases and particulate (dry deposition). This nitrogen then enters streams and rivers and/or is retained in terrestrial systems in the same pathways as nitrate-nitrogen fertilizer. Intensive agricultural practices, particularly feedlots where ammonia-nitrogen concentrations are high, also result in ammonia volatilization, which increases local ammonia-N concentrations in the atmosphere. These emissions also return to earth through precipitation and dry fallout. For the Gulf of Mex-ico, direct deposition of nitrogen from upwind sources-e.g., refineries of Texas, New Orleans, and other urban areas-may contribute some nitrogen to the overall loading of the hypoxic zone.

In 1992, NO, emissions in the United States were about 23 million metric tons/year (USEPA 1995a). An estimated 1.2 million metric tons/year (or 5% of the total U S . emission) are depos-ited in the Mississippi watershed (Goolsby 1999; Table 1.1),or about 18% of the fertilizer input

, and about 6% of the total nitrogen input to the MRB.

About one-third of the total NO, emissions in the United States comes from electric utilities. Coal-fired combustion contributed about 90% of estimated electric utilities' NO, emissions (USEPA 1995a), most in the eastern half of the country. Mobile sources are estimated to con-tribute more than half of the NO, emission nationwide. Highway vehicles contribute about

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (26)

8 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the ~ u l f

one-third of the total NO, emission, mostly from light-duty vehicles and trucks (including all passenger cars)-the most common types of vehicles. In fact, these vehicles alone comprised al-most 22% of national NO, emissions in 1996 (USEPA 1998a).

NO, emissions contribute to ozone formation, smog, and add deposition. In 1996, in a rule promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, NO, emissions were also recog-nized for the first time as being a significant source of coastal eutrophication (USEPA 1996a). For example, it was estimated that approximately 27% of the total nitrogen loading to Chesa-peake Bay comes from atmospheric sources in the form of NO, emissions (Linker et al. 1993; Valigura et al. 1994).

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (27)



The charge to the committee that authored this report was the following:

The main focus of this report will be to identify and evaluate methods to reduce nutrient loads to surface water, ground water, and the Gulf of Mexico. The analysis will not be restricted to reduction of sources. I t will also include means to reduce loads by allowing the system to better accommodate those sources through, for example, modified hydraulic transport and internal cycling routes.

This report was developed through a series of meetings and subsequent writing assignments by the authors, followed by a compilation, review, and rewriting of the report's sections. Meetings were arranged for the committee in St. Louis, Missouri, on March 26, 1998, and May 21, 1998. The first meeting was held to have a general discussion on the subject, decide on an outline for the report, and assign writing tasks. Most committee members prepared their sections for dis-cussion at the second meeting, which involved initial presentations of the sections by the authors, which was followed by discussion and feedback.

Final versions of manuscripts were submitted by most authors by mid-June. Sections were inte-grated into this final report through significant editing and review. A preliminary draft was dis-tributed to the committee on September 21, 1998, and a phone conference of the committee was held on October 6, 1998. A second draft of the final three chapters, including the recom-mendations, was circulated to the committee on October 12, 1998, for final comments. A third draft was prepared based on these comments and was submitted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) for review on October 15, 1998. The manuscript was reviewed by six extramural reviewers and returned to the committee by mid-February 1999. The reviewers' comments were taken into account in a fourth draft, which was returned to the re-view team on March 10,1999.

In this analysis, a full suite of possible methods for reducing nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico was initially considered. Then a shorter list of "more feasible" approaches-both on-farm, between the farm and the streams and rivers, and in and along the Mississippi River basin itself-was compiled based on the following criteria: (1) the significance of the source that was being controlled, (2) the proven effectiveness of the methodology; and (3) the positive ancillary benefits that the methods would have both locally and in the Gulf of Mexico. Methods were chosen that would be effective and generally realistic, within broad social and economic con-straints. This shorter list of methodologies was then quantified where possible to give overall quantifiable goals in the series of recommendations. Recommendations were then rechecked to make sure that adequate scientificjustification was present in the report.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (28)


Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen

Preventing nutrients, particularly nitrate-nitrogen, from reaching the Gulf of Mexico can be accomplished through a number of general approaches and specific techniques (Table 3.1), ranging from modification of agricultural practices to the construction and restoration of ripar-ian zones and wetlands as buffer systems between agricultural lands and waterways. This section provides an overview of each major category of nutrient reduction listed in Table 3.1. This report emphasizes reducing nitrogen, particularly nitrate-nitrogen, in the streams and rivers of the Miss iss i~~iRiver Basin. The focus on nitrogen reduction is based on the strong: evidence of

L I U 0

cause and effect between nitrate-nitrogen increases and subsequent increases in the hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, and on the long-time understanding that coastal waters are generally nitro-gen-limited (see Rabalais et al. 1999).

TABLE 3.1. Possible approaches for controlling nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin.

On-Site Control of Agricultural Drainage Urban Nonpoint-SourceControl Changing Cropping Systems Stormwater Runoff Reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer Application Rates On-Site Sewage Disposal Managing Manure Spreading Managing Time o f Nitrogen Application

Point-Source Control -Municipal Waste-water and Feedlot Wastewater

Using Nitrif ication Inhibitors Change Tillage Methods Increasing Drainage Tile Spacing

Off-Site Control of Agricultural Drainage Wetlands -

Environmental Technology Ecotechnology -

Control of Atmospheric NO, Stationary-Source Contro l Mobile-Source Control

Riparian Zorres Controlled Drainage Mississippi Delta Diversions

Upper Mississippi River Flood Control and Restoration


The primary factors that influence the nitrate content of surface and subsurface waters draining agricultural landscapes can be divided into two categories-uncontrollable and controllable. Un-controllable factors include precipitation and other climatic factors. controllable factors, which include agricultural management practices that can be used by crop producers to best fit the needs of their enterprise, such as: (1) cropping system used, (2) rate of nitrogen applied, (3) time of nitrogen application, (4) placement method, (5) use of a nitrification inhibitor, (6) tillage sys-tems, and (7) tile spacing in subsurface drainage.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (29)

Chapter 3: ResultoApproaches for Controlling Nitrogen I I

Drainage studies can be very useful for assessing the impact of agricultural management practices on surface- and ground-water quality (Hallberg et al. 1986; Kanwar et al. 1987). Subsurface drains integrate the effects of spatial variabihty and may be a better tool for studying chemical leaching than such methods as porous suction cups and soil cores (Richard and Steenhuis 1988). However, solute concentrations in subsurface drain flow have been shown not to respond im-mediately to changes in chemical application rates or residual levels in the soil (Jury 1975a, 1975b; Gast et al. 1978; Baker and Johnson 1981). Some time lag is exhibited due to travel time, depending on drain spacing, soil hydraulic properties, and precipitation.

3.1.1 The Role of Precipitation on Agricultural Drainage

Loading of nitrates into surface water is a function of flow and nitrate concentration in the transported water. The amount of subsurface drainage water leaving the landscape is largely a function of climate and soil properties-e.g., precipitation, soil texture, infiltration rate. Drainage is further influenced by the temporal distribution of precipitation within a year and by the amount of annual or growing-season precipitation that occurs. For instance, -an 8-cm rainfall in the spring, when evapotranspiration (ET) losses are low and soil moisture in the profile is likely near field capacity, will have a much greater effect on drainage volume than the same rainfall during the middle of the summer, when daily ET losses are high and soil moisture content is far short of field capacity. In the former scenario, storage capacity is minimal and drainage water carrying nitrates is plentiful. A significant soil-water storage reservoir can exist in the soil in the latter scenario, and subsurface drainage may or may not even occur. PRECIPITATIONAND DRAINAGE

The effect of climate on subsurface drainage volume is clear in the following subsurface drainage studies. Annual subsurface drainage in an 11-year Minnesota study (Randall and Iragavarapu 1995) with continuous corn ranged 26-618 mm/yr, with an average of 297 mm/yr (Table 3.2). Drainage was least in 1989, when growing-season precipitation was 35% below normal, and greatest in 1991, when growing-season precipitation was 51% above normal. In addition, drain-age in a three-year dry period (1987-89) averaged only 43 mm/yr, compared to the following three-year wet period (1990-92), when drainage averaged 549 mm/yr. Similar findings were re-ported by Weed and Kanwar (1996), who measured tile drainage under both continuous-corn

TABLE 3.2. lnfluence of precipitation on drainage volume and annual nitrate-N losses.

Year April-October Precipitation Nitrate ~ain ' fa l l ' (mm) Drainage (mm) Conc.'(mg-NIL) Lost (kg-Nlha)

' 196 1-90 normal = 639 mm. 'Annual flow-weighted concentration. Source: Randall and lrogavarapu 1995.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (30)

I 2 Reducinn Nutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

and a corn-soybean rotation on Kenyon-Clyde-Floyd soils in Iowa. Averaged across four tillage systems, drainage in 1991totaled 244 mm, or 44% above the 1990-92 average (Table 3.3). A six-year study conducted on a Normania clay loam at Lamberton, Minnesota, showed no tile drain-age in the first two years, when annual precipitation was 69% and 76% of normal, respectively (Randall et al. 1997). Annual precipitation in those four subsequent years was 95%, 125%, 117%, and 160% of normal, respectively (Table 3.4). These three studies indicate the strong relation-ship between precipitation and volume of subsurface drainage.

TABLE 3.3. Annual water loss via subsurface tile drainage for cropping systems in Iowa.

Continuous Corn 18.5 28.0 12.2 19.5 Rotation Corn 14.3 16.7 7.2 12.7 Rotation Soybean 16.0 28.8 11.3 - 18.7

Source: Weed and Kanwar 1996.

TABLE 3.4. Effect of crop system on amount of subsurface drainage water.

Crop System Subsurface DrainageWater (cm) 1990 1991 1992 1993


Continuous Corn Corn-Soybean Soybean-Corn Alfalfa CRP'

Average of Row Crop Systems

Average of Perennial Crop Systems

I % of Normal Annual Precipitation









4694 15


1 1

'CRP = Conscryation Reserve Program (mixture of grass and alfalfa). Source: Randall et al. 1997. PRECIPITATIONAND NITRATE CONCENTRATIONS

Nitrate concentrations in subsurface drainage water do not appear to vary consistently with daily drain flow but do show seasonal and yearly variability (Kladivko et al. 1991). Factors affecting this variability include crop uptake of N, residual nitrate in the soil from the previous year, and amount and distribution of rainfall. Goolsby et al. (1997) noted that the concentration and flux of nitrate in rivers of the MRB tend to be highest in the spring, when stream flow is highest. These patterns have been noted in several other studies in the Midwest (Keeney and DeLuca 1993; Phipps and Crumpton 1994; Mitsch and Carmichael1997).

The general effects of precipitation on nitrate concentrations can be illustrated using basin-wide water quality monitoring data collected in the Minnesota River Basin, a 4 million-ha agricultural basin draining to the Upper MRB (Mulla 1997). Mean annual precipitation in the Minnesota River Basin varies from 56 cm on the western side of the basin to 81 cm on the eastern side. The

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (31)

Chapter 3: Result-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen I 3

basin is dominated by intensive row-crop agriculture, has soils that generally have organic matter levels greater than 3%, and has subsurface tile drainage on over half of the farmed acreage. Water quality monitoring data from 1977-94 show that nitrate concentrations range from 0.36 mg-N/L in the head waters on the western side to 4.6 mg-N/L at the !mouth of the river on the eastern end where it enters the Mississippi kver. Mean annual precipitation increases by about 25 cm across this distance, which produces a corresponding and dramatic increase in the dis-charge from subsurface tile drains into ditches and streams that eventually flow into the Min-nesota River. Fewer than 1% of the water quality samples collected since 1977 from the western portion of the basin have a nitrate concentration that exceeds the drinlung-water standard of 10 mg-N/L. About 10% of the water quality samples collected over the same period exceed 10 mg-N/L on the eastern side of the basin. PRECIPITATIONAND RESIDUAL SOIL NITRATE

Nitrate concentrations and losses are also greatly affected by dry and wet climatic cycles (Randall 1998). Thirty-two tile drainage plots were planted to a corn (16 plots)-soybean (16 plots) rota-tion from 1987 through 1993 at Waseca, Minnesota. Late each fall after soybean harvest, anhy-drous ammonia was applied to four plots at a rate of 150 kg N/ha for corn the following year. Average annual flow-weighted nitrate concentrations and losses from the corn plots are shown in Figure 3.1.

a) , '1 30 Nitrate-Nconcentration, mg/L Nitrate-Nconcentration, rng/L

1990 1991

20 1988



100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 500 600 7W Drainage, mm Drainage, mm

Drainage, rnrn Drainage, mm

FIGURE 3.1. Relationshipbetween subsurface drainage volume and: (a) annual flow-weighted nitratenitrogen concentration; (b) annual nitratenitrogen loss in tile-drainage water from a corn-soybean rotation that received 150 kg Nlha as anhydrous ammonia in late October each year following soybeans at Waseca, MN; (c) annual flow-weighted nitratenitrogen con-centration; and (d) annual nitrat-nitrogen loss in tile-drainage water from continuous corn that received 200 kg Nlha each spring at Waseca, MN.

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I 4 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

In 1987 and 1988, when April-October rainfall was 8% and 33% below normal, respectively, subsurfacedrainage was < 50 mm/yr, and nitrate concentrations ranged between 7 and 18 mg-N/L. Less than 2 mm of drainage occurred in 1989 when April-October rainfall was 35% below normal, and no samples were collected for nitrate-N analyses. Under these dry conditions during the three-year period, corn yields and nitrogen uptake were low. However, residual soil nitrate (RSN) continued to increase in the soil profile to levels as high as 259 kg-N/ha in the top 1.5-m profile following corn. April-October precipitation in 1990 was 23% above normal, causing drainage volume to total > 350 mm. Moreover, annual flow-weighted nitrate concentrations in the corn plots averaged 35 mg-N/L-two times as high as during the dry years (Figure Nitrate-nitrogen concentrations in the soil and drainage water returned to background levels in 1991and 1992 when rainfall was 50% and 14% above normal, respectively. Nitrate losses from the corn plots showed the combined effect of drainage volume and nitrate-N concentration (Figure These data suggest that RSN can accumulate in the soil profile during dry climatic cycles because of soil mineralization, reduced crop uptake, and every-other-year nitrogen fertili-zation, even in a corn-soybean rotation. These elevated RSN levels are then poised for delivery to subsurface tile drainage when growing season precipitation returns to above normal. PRECIPITATION AND NITRATE LOADS

In another set of drainage plots at Waseca, nitrogen fertilizer was applied at a rate of 200 kg/ha each spring to corn grown for eight years. Annual flow-weighted nitrate concentrations in 1985 and 1986 averaged 13 and 14 mg-NIL, respectively, although the drainage volume ranged from 143 mm in 1985 to 402 mm in 1986 (Figure 3.1~).Dry conditions during 1987-89, when April-October rainfall was 25% below normal, resulted in < 50 mm drainage/yr and annual aver-age nitrate concentrations ranging from 9 to 15 mg-N/L. RSN totaled 225 kg-N/ha in the 0-1.5 m profile in October 1989. In 1990 and 1991, April-October rainfall averaged 36% above normal and generated annual drainage volumes > 480 mm/yr. In addition, nitrate concentrations in the drainage water doubled from the previous three dry years to 24 mg-N/L in these two wet years. RSN at the end of 1991 was 50% lower than at the end of the dry years. In the third consecutive wet year (1992), more than 400 mm of water drained from the plots, nitrate con-centrations in the drainage water returned to 14 mg-N/L, and RSN totaled only 50 kg-N/ha. Nitrate loading in the subsurface drainage water each year was greatly affected by both nitrate concentrations and drainage flow (Figure 3.1d). These data clearly indicate a buildup of RSN in the soil profile during dry years when drainage was limited. Much of the RSN build-up could be attributed to mineralization of soil organic matter, annual additions of N fertilizer, and limited uptake of N by the poor-yielding corn. In the subsequent wet years, substantial losses of nitrate occurred in subsurface drainage due to high concentrations of nitrate and high drainage volumes.

Differences in nitrate contributions across the Minnesota River Basin discussed above in re-sponse to gradients in precipitation are even larger when nitrate loads, rather than nitrate con-centrations, are compared. Four watersheds located in the wetter eastern portion of the Minnesota River Basin account for 75% of the total nitrate load in the entire basin, yet they drain only 31% of the total basin area. Six watersheds on the drier western side of the basin col-lectively generate only 7% of the nitrate load. Nitrate yields for watersheds in the Minnesota River Basin average 2.1 kg-N k r f 2 day1 but vary from 0.5 to over 6 kg-N km-2day1, with the larger yields occurring in the watersheds on the wetter eastern side of the basin.

In summary, precipitation has a great effect on the export of nitrate-nitrogen from crop fields in the MRB, particularly on the nitrate-nitrogen discharged through subsurface drains. Dry years can result in very low discharges of nitrate-nitrogen. Wet years, particularly if they follow one or two dry years, can result in very high discharges of nitrate-nitrogen through subsurface drains.

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 1 5

However, nitrate-nitrogen concentrations do not vary consistently with daily flow, but rather do vary seasonally. Highest concentrations are generally in the spring after spring rains. Between rain events, residual soil nitrate can accumulate in the soil due to fertilization, reduced crop up-take, and soil mineralization, only to be released during high rainfall euents.


Long-term changes in annual precipitation due to climate shifts could have a major effect on nitrate loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the MRB. Increased amounts of annual precipita-tion would most likely lead to greater surface runoff and subsurface drainage of water containing nitrates. Since 1910, precipitation has increased by about 10% across the contiguous United States, largely due to heavy and extreme precipitation events (Karl and Knight 1998). For ex-tremely heavy precipitation events (>50 cm), an increasing intensity is also significant. Kunkel et al. (1999) studied the trends of extreme precipitation events and found lengthy periods of below-average numbers of events in the 1930sand 1950s and an above-average number of events in the early 1940s, early 1980s, and 1990s. The overall trend covering the period 1931-96 has been up-ward at a highly statistically significant rate in a broad region from the central Great Plains across the middle Mississippi River and the southern Great Lakes. The national trend is upward at a rate of 3% per decade for this period.

3.1.2 Changing Cropping Systems

Nitrate concentrations in subsurface drainage water are related to cropping systems. Tile-drainage water from row-crop systems (continuouscorn and a corn-soybean rotation) that were fertilized with nitrogen based on a soil nitrate test averaged nitrate-nitrogen concentrations between 14 and 40 mg-N/L from 1990 to 1993 at Lamberton, Minnesota (Table 3.5). In com-parison, perennial crops (alfalfa and a conservation reserve program (CRP) grass-alfalfa mix) re-sulted in nitrate concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 4 mg-N/L. Due to higher-flow volumes from the plots planted to row crops, nitrate losses from the row crops were 30-50 times higher than from the perennial crops (Randall et al. 1997).

TABLE 3.5. Effect of crop system on flow-weighted annual nitrate-N concentrations and four-year total nitrate-N loss.

Cropsystem - Annual Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration (mg-NIL) Four-Year Total 1990 1991 f 992 1993 Nitrate Loss


Continuous Corn 3 0 3 9

Corn-Soybean 22 29 Soybean-Corn 26 3 8 Alfalfa - 4 CRP ' - 4

'CRP = Conservation Reserve Program (mixture of grass and alfalfa). Source: Randall et a/. 1997.

Nitrate concentrations under alfalfa were also shown to be much lower compared to corn or soybeans in Iowa (Baker and Melvin 1994).These findings are similar to those reported by Lo-gan et al. (1980), who found highest nitrate losses with corn, intermediate with soybean or sys-

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I 6 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

tems where other crops were in rotation, and lowest with alfalfa. Weed and Kanwar (1996) found higher nitrate losses from plots planted to continuous corn compared to a corn-soybean rotation in Iowa (Table 3.6). A four-year field study on a poorly drained, fine-textured soil in northwestern Ohio showed concentrations of nitrate with soybeans were as high as or higher than with corn in a corn-soybean rotation, especially in the spring (Logan et al. 1994). That study concluded that a significant portion of the nitrate in tile drainage is due to nitrogen carried over from the previous corn crop.

TABLE 3.6. Average nitrate concentration and annual nitrate loss in subsurface, tile drain-age water in Iowa as a function of crop and tillage technique

Continuous Corn Moldboard plow Chisel plow Ridge tillage No tillage

Corn-Soybean Moldboard plow Chisel plow Ridge tillage N o tillage

Source: Weed and Kanwar 1996.

In summary, these studies show substantially higher nitrate concentrations in subsurface drain-age from row crops, especially continuous corn, compared to perennial crops that have an ex-tended period of greater root activity (water and nutrient uptake) and where cycling of nitrogen is optimized. Thus, some control of nitrogen losses is possible by changing cropping systems.


Applying the proper rate of nitrogen for a crop is a major management decision facing crop pro-ducers. Using too little nitrogen for a highly responsive crop such as corn or wheat results in lower yields, poorer grain quality, and reduced profits. When too much nitrogen is applied, crop yields and quality are not affected, but profit can be reduced somewhat and negative environ-mental consequences most likely will result. Thus, many farmers choose to err on the liberal side when making decisions on nitrogen rates. This "extra" nitrogen is often called "insurance" ni-trogen. The application rate of this excess nitrogen, while difficult to find precisely in the peer-reviewed literature, is stated by one publication to vary between 22 and 67 kg-N/ha (20-60 lb/acre) of excess nitrogen in Minnesota (Legg et al. 1989).

University long-term research provides guidance necessary to make decisions about nitrogen ap-plication rates. The recommended application rate provided via various extension bulletins and software venues are based on numerous field experiments conducted across a broad range of soils, cropping systems, and weather conditions. The recommendations also include credits for nitro-gen from other sources, such as manure and nitrogen fxed by legumes. These nitrogen credits are then subtracted from the total amount of nitrogen required by the crop to provide a fertilizer

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen I T'

nitrogen rate recommendation. Even though the examples used in the following discussion fo-cus on nitrogen fertilizer, it should be remembered that these principles also relate to nitrogen supplied by manure and legume furation.

The relationship between the annual fertilizer nitrogen application rite for continuous corn and annual flow-weighted nitrate concentrations in subsurface drainage water is shown for two studies in southern Minnesota in Figure 3.2. Climatic conditions during the six-year period (1974-79) at Lamberton, Minnesota, were marked by drier-than-normal conditions, especially during each growing season. Although corn yields were below normal in five of six years with no yield in 1976-a drought year--they were optimized at the 112 kg-N/ha rate in four of five years. Consequently, nitrate concentrations in subsurface drainage water were extremely high with the 224 and 448 kg-N/ha rates, especially in the last three years of the study (Figure 3.2a).

Nitrate concentrations from the 20 kg-N/ha plots ranged between 16 and 28 mg-N/L, indi-cating the contributing role of soil mineralization in this highly organic soil. Average nitrate concentrations in the drainage water for the two-year pre-drought and the three-year post-drought periods were increased by 16 and 50 mg-N/L when the nitrogen application rate was increased from 112 to 224 kg-N/ha (100-200 lb/acre), respectively. Thus, if a grower decided to apply an extra 45 kg-N/ha (40 lb/acre) of "insurance N" to the recommended 135 kg-N/ha (120 lb/acre) rate for a total of 180 kg-N/ha (160 lb/acre), these data indicate that nitrate concentra-tions in the tile water would be increased about 6 mg-N/L prior to the drought year and 20 mg-N/L after the drought year. For a six-year period, nitrate concentrations in the drainage water would be expected to increase 14-15 mg-N/L with this extra annual 45-kg "insurance" rate. During this six-year period, if applications of manure yielding about 100 kg-N/ha of available nitrogen annually were not credited, resulting in a total application rate of 235 kg-N ha-' yr-l (135 from the fertilizer and 100 from the manure), the nitrate concentrations would be expected to increase by about 25 mg-N/L. O n the other hand, if the annual N fertilizer rate were reduced by about 10% to 125 kg-N/ha and no other nitrogen were applied, one could expect a small yield decrease, and nitrate concentrations could be expected to decrease by about 3 mg-N/L.

At Waseca, the annual nitrogen rates were begun in 1975, but no drainage occurred in 1975 and 1976 due to very dry weather. Thus, at the beginning of 1977 increasingly high amounts of re-sidual soil nitrate remained in the soil profile with each added amount of nitrogen. Conse-quently, high concentrations of nitrates were found in the 12 cm of drainage water in 1977 (Figure 3.2b). -

Nitrate concentrations in the drainage water were lower in 1978 and were further reduced in 1979 as drainage volume increased and yields improved. Annual flow-weighted nitrate concen-trations from the control plots (no fertilizer) ranged from 13 to 16 mg-N/L, indicating the role that soil mineralization played during this dry-to-wet climatic cycle in this highly organic soil. Averaged across the three years when tile flow occurred, nitrate concentrations in the drainage water were increased by 16 mg-N/L when the fertilization rate was increased from 112 to 224 kg-N/ha and by 20 mg-N/L when the rate was increased from 224 to 336 kg-N/ha. If 190 kg-N/ha (170 lb/acre) were the recommended nitrogen application rate for a yield goal of 10 metric todha (160 bu/acre), but the grower decided to apply an additional 45 kg-N/ha (40 lb/acre) for "insurance" purposes, based on these data, nitrate concentrations in the drainage water would be projected to increase by about 7 mg-N/L. If an annual nitrogen credit of 100 kg-N/ha from manure were ignored and a total of 290 kg-N/ha were applied annually, nitrate concentrations

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18 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

..' 7 3 (4cm)'74(9 an)75 (13 cm)'77(1 cm) '78 (5 cm)7 9 (21) -' _ ."

112 224

N rate applied, kg h i1y i '

1977 (12 cm) 1978 (14 cm) 1979 (43 cm)- ..... -. .

112 224

N rate applied, kg hd'yi'

FIGURE 3.2. Nitrate-nitrogen concentration in tile-drainagewater as affected by rate of N fertilizer application for continuous corn at (a) Lamberton and (b) Waseca, MN.

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 19 '

could be expected to increase by about 17 mg-N/L. O n the other hand, if the nitrogen fertiliza-tion rate were reduced by 10% to 170 kg-N/ha (150 lb/acre), nitrate concentrations could be ex-pected to decrease by about 3 mg-N/L with a relatively low yield reduction (0.3-0.4 metric todha, or 5-6 bdacre). I

Although abnormally dry conditions prevailed for portions of the two above studies, the results clearly show the effect of increasing nitrogen application rates on the concentration of nitrate-nitrogen in tile drainage water. Nitrogen applied in excess of crop need leads to dramatic in-creases in nitrate concentrations. A simple excess application of 45 kg N/ha for "insurance" pur-poses can elevate nitrate concentrations by 6-20 mg-N/L, depending on the severity and length of the dry period and on crop yield.

Residual soil nitrate (RSN) that accumulates in the soil profile during dry periods is the major source of the nitrate lost in tile drainage. Accounting for RSN following dry years by using spring soil N tests could be quite helpful to growers (Magdoff et al. 1984; Blackmer et al. 1989; Bundy et al. 1992; Schmitt and Randall 1994). Unless the nitrate has been leached below the top 30 cm, these tests should be able to provide information that would lead to reductions in the recommended rate of nitrogen fertilizer, resulting in lower nitrate-nitrogen losses in subsurface drainage water.

3.1.4 Managing Manure Spreading Improved manure management, including uniform application of known nutrient amounts and immediate incorporation, is critical if the optimum nitrogen rates are to be achieved in livestock production systems. All too often manure is applied with a disposal objective in mind, rather than with a utilization objective. When this occurs, rates of nitrogen as manure tend to be high and are not distributed evenly across the field. Consequently, credit is not given for nitrogen in the manure, and the total rate of nitrogen application (fertilizer plus manure) becomes excessive. When the nutrient content of manure is known and best management practices are used in land application, manure does not lead to greater nitrate losses to subsurface tile drainage than does nitrogen from commercial fertilizer (Iragavarapu et al. 1997). If manure is applied at greater than agronomic rates, concentrations of nitrate in the drainage water will be elevated.

3.1.5 Managing the Time of Nitrogen Application The time of nitrogen application is another management decision that crop producers make each year. Agronomically and environmentally speaking, spring is frequently superior to fall ap-plication because less nitrogen is lost in the two- to three-month period between application and nitrogen uptake by the crop. However, many corn growers, especially in the northern part of the Corn Belt, prefer applying nitrogen in the fall because they usually have more time in the fall, N-fertilizer prices are often lower, and field conditions are better. In the spring, early planting of corn as soon as the soils are fit is desirable for highest yields and profit. Thus, the window of op-portunity for spring N application becomes very narrow (Randall and Schmitt 1998).

N-fertilizer management, particularly managing the rate and time of application, plays a domi-nant role in the loss of nitrate to surface waters. In one series of experiments, nitrogen was ap-plied in the fall and spring for continuous corn during a sic-year period at Waseca, Minnesota, to investigate the importance of the time of application (Buzicky et al. 1983). In general, nitrate losses from the crop lands were higher when fertilizers were applied in fall. Corn yields were 8% lower and annual losses of nitrates in the subsurface drainage water were 36% higher with a late-

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20 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

fall (early November) application of fertilizer compared to spring application (Table 3.7). Aver-aged across time of application, yields and nitrate losses in the drainage water were 17 and 30% higher, respectively, for the 202 kg-N/ha fertilizer application rate compared to the 134 kg-N/ha rate. At the end of the study, 65% of the nitrogen being lost in lthe drainage from high fall treatment was derived from the fertilizer, whereas only 15% of the nitrogen in the drainage wa-ter lost from a low spring treatment was derived from the fertilizer (Buzicky et al. 1983).

Based on these data, obtained during a climatic period without a very dry year or years, a 45 kg-N/ha application of "insurance N" above the recommended 190 kg-N/ha rate would increase nitrate losses in tile drainage water by about 6 kg ha-' F'.Reducing the optimum nitrogen ap-plication rate by 10% and 20% to 170 and 150 kg-N/h, respectively, would most likely reduce nitrate losses by 2.5 and 5.0 kg-N ha-' yfl,respectively. Corn yields would also most likely be re-duced slightly (by .0.3 and 0.7 metric ton/ha (5 and 12 bdacre) respectively) with the 10% and 20% reductions in the fertilizer application rate.

TABLE 3.7. Effect of nitrogen application rate and time of application on nitrate-N losses and corn yield.


Spring Fall


'Ammonium sulfate applied about INovember or IMay. Source: Buzicky et al. 1983.

3.1.6 Using Nitrification Inhibitors In another set of experiments (Randall and Vetsch 1995))anhydrous ammonia fertilizer was ap-plied in four-treatments with and without a nitrification inhibitor to drainage plots at Waseca, Minnesota (Table 3.8).

TABLE 3.8. Effect of time of N application and nitrapyrin (NI) on nitrate-N losses and corn yield in a corn-soybean rotation during 1 990-93.

Fall Fall + NI Spring S ~ l i t

Fallow 3 6 365

'Anhydrous ammonia applied 25 October (fall) or IMay (spring). Source: Randall and Vetsch 1995.

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Chapter 3: ResultoApproachesfor Controlling Nitrogen 2 I -'

Results obtained from this study and other similar studies suggest that application of anhydrous ammonia in the spring or in late fall along with a nitrification inhibitor (N-Serve) would reduce nitrate concentrations and fluxes in drainage water and increase corn yields, compared to a late fall application of anhydrous ammonia without a nitrification inhibitor. Early fall applications of anhydrous ammonia, when soil temperatures are warmer and conversion to nitrate (nitrification) is fister, would be expected to produce even greater losses of nitrate to drainage water and also poorer yields.

3.1.7 Changing Tillage Methods Tillage methods appear to have little influence on nitrate losses from agricultural fields. Studies conducted in Iowa showed that tillage methods have less effect on nitrate loss to drainage water than do crop rotations (Bjorneberg et al. 1996; Weed and Kanwar 1996). Moldboard plowing gave the lowest flow volumes, while ridge tillage and no tillage had the lowest nitrate-nitrogen concentrations (Table 3.6).

An 11-year study with continuous corn at Waseca, Minnesota, showed similar results (Randall and Iragavarapu 1995). Although slightly more water drained from the no-till plots, nitrate con-centrations were slightly lower compared to moldboard plow plots (Table 3.9). Thus, nitrate flux in subsurface drainage was not significantly reduced by no-till farming practices. Drain flow from corn grown on a loam soil in Ontario was significantly greater for no tillage compared to conventional tillage (CT), while nitrate concentrations tended to be greater with CT (Patini et al. 1996). During a 40-month period, nitrate loss in tile effluent was not significantly different for the two tillage treatments. Thus, nitrate flux in subsurface drainage does not appear to be re-duced by no-till practices. This conclusion may not apply to all regions of the Midwest, however, because of changing nutrient management practices. Increased fall tillage has increased nitrate fluxes in subsurface drainage in studies in Iowa U. Hatfield, personal communication).

TABLE 3.9. Effect of tillage on nitrate losses in subsur-face drainage.

Drainage Volume (mm) 279 3 15 Nitrate-N Conc. (mgIL) 15 13 Nitrate-N Lost (kglha) 43 4 1 N Lost as % of Applied N 2 1 2 0

- -

' II-year (I982-92) average. Source: Randall and Iragavarapu 1995.

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22 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

3.1.8 Increasing Drainage Tile Spacing Many farmers install additional subsurface drain tile to narrow the spacing between tiles with the expectation that crop yields will be improved because of enhanced drainage. Studies have il-lustrated that this practice may also increase subsurface losses of nitrates to streams and rivers.

A three-year study on a poorly drained Clermont silt loam soil in Indiana showed drain spacing to markedly affect nitrate losses in the subsurface drainage water (Kladivko et al. 1991). Annual nitrate losses averaged across the 'threeyears were 29,41, and 55 kg-N ha-' yfl for the 20-, lo-, and 5-m drain spacings, respectively. Crop yield measurements taken during a four-year period at this site showed lower corn yields on the 5-m spacings than on the 10-m or greater spacings (Larney et al. 1989). Averaged across a 10-year period, corn yields were not different among the three drain spacings.

These data suggest the potential for greater residual soil nitrate in the profile due to less crop up-take in dry years, and thus greater leaching losses to subsurface drainage in the following wet year with narrower drain tile spacing. Although few data exist, inferences drawn-from this work sug-gest that narrowing tile drainage to spacings < 20 m could result in greater losses of nitrates compared to wider spacings. Additional research is needed to more clearly define the agronomic and environmental influences of tile spacing in subsurface drainage systems.

3.2 OFF-SITEAGRICULTURALNONPOINT-SOURCECONTROL A second general approach, after on-site approaches, for preventing nitrogen from reaching streams and rivers of the Mississippi Ever Basin is to place ecosystems that are effective nitrogen sinks between the agricultural fields and the streams and rivers. This section discusses the general functioning of nitrogen in wetlands and riparian systems and then reviews some of the studies and design principles related to using three general ecological systems for controlling nitrogen: (1) natural and created wetlands, (2) riparian buffers, and (3) controlled drainage systems for the control of nonpoint-source pollution, particularly nitrogen, from agricultural fields.

Many of the original freshwater wetlands and riparian zones that were once found throughout the MRB and that were once connected to streams and rivers of the basin are gone from the landscape. Without them, the landscape has lost part of its ability to maintain a biogeochemical balance, and-the streams and rivers are no longer buffered from upland regions (Mitsch 1994). The net result has been the loss of a valuable biological habitat and poorer water quality.

For example, in the U.S. Midwest, states such as Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa, where over 80% of the wetlands have been drained (partly in response to the Swamp Lands Acts of 1849, 1850, and 1860; Figure 3.3), water quality is particularly degraded as nutrients, pesticides, and sediments from farms and urban areas have nowhere to go except directly into waterways. Seven states in the Upper MRB (Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, and Wisconsin) collectively have had about 18.6 million ha (46 million acres) of land drained (Table 3.10). Sta-tistics reveal that collectively, these seven states lost the equivalent of 14.1 million ha (35 million acres) over the past 200 years (Dahl1990). Had natural wetlands and riparian zones been left on the midwestern U.S. landscape, water pollution problems might not be as pervasive and nitrogen fluxes down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico would not have been as extreme.

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 23'

FIGURE 3.3. Extent and location of artificially drained agricultural land in the United States. (From Dahl 1990.)

TABLE 3.10. Drainage statistics of selected states in the upper reachesof the MRB.

Illinois Indiana Iowa Ohio Minnesota Missouri Wisconsin


Source: USDA 1987, as cited in Zucker and Brown 1998.

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24 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

3.2.1 Nitrogen Processes in Wetlands and Riparian Systems Nitrogen transformations in wetland and riparian soils, surface water, and ground water involve several microbiological processes, some of which make the nutrient less available for plant uptake (Mitsch and Gosselink, 1993; Figure 3.4). The ammonium ion is the primary form of mineral-ized nitrogen in most flooded wetland soils, although much of the nitrogen can be tied up in organic forms in highly organic soils. The presence of an oxidized zone over the anaerobic or re-duced zone is critical for several of the pathways. Nitrogen mineralization refers to "the biologi-cal transformation of organically combined nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen during organic matter degradation" (Gambrell and Patrick 1978). This pathway occurs under both anaerobic and aerobic conditions and is often referred to as ammony5cation. Typical formulas for the min-eralization of a simple organic nitrogen compound, urea, are given as:

NH, CO NH, + H 2 0--> 2NH3 + CO, NH, + H,O --> NH,' + OH-

Once the ammonium ion (NH,') is formed, it can take several possible pathways. I t can be ab-sorbed by plants through their root systems or by anaerobic microorganisms and converted back to organic matter. I t can also be immobilized through ion exchange onto negatively charged soil particles. Because of the anaerobic conditions in wetland soils, ammonium would normally be restricted from further oxidation and would build up to excessive levels were it not for the thin oxidized layer at the surface of many wetland soils. The gradient between high concentrations of ammonium in the reduced soils and low concentrations in the oxidized layer causes an upward diffusion of ammonium, albeit very slowly, to the oxidized layer. This ammonium nitrogen then is oxidized by a restricted number of chemoautotrophic bacteria through the process of nitrifica-tion in two steps:

2NH4++ 3 0 , --> 2NO; + 2H,O + 4H++ energy


2NO; + 0, --> 2N03-+ energy

Nitrification can also occur in the oxidized rhizosphere of plants, where adequate oxygen is often available to convert the ammonium-nitrogen to nitrate-nitrogen (Reddy and Graetz 1988). Ni-trate (NO3-),as a negative ion rather than the positive ammonium ion, is not subject to immo-bilization bythe negatively charged soil particles and is thus much more mobile in solution. If it is not assimilated immediately by plants or microbes (assimilatory nitrate reduction), or lost through ground-water flow due to its rapid mobility, it has the potential of going through dis-similatory nitrogenous oxide reduction, a term that refers to several pathways of nitrate reduction, the most prevalent being reduction to ammonia and denitrzJication. Denitrification, carried out by microorganisms in anaerobic conditions with nitrate acting as a terminal electron acceptor, results in the loss of nitrogen as it is converted to gaseous nitrous oxide (N,O) and molecular ni-trogen (N,):

C6H,,06+ 4N03---> 6C0, + H,O + 2N2

As illustrated in Figure 3.4, the entire process occurs after (1) ammonium-nitrogen diffuses to the aerobic soil layer, (2) nitrification occurs, (3) nitrate-nitrogen diffuses back to the anaerobic layer, and (4) denitrification occurs. Because nitrate diffusion rates in wetland soils is seven times faster than ammonium diffusion rates, ammonium diffusion and subsequent nitrification are thought to limit the entire process of nitrogen loss.

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Chapter 3: Results--Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen- 25

FIGURE 3.4. Nitrogentransformation in wetlands. SON indicates solu-ble organic nitrogen. (From Mitsch and Gosselink 1993.)

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26 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

3.2.2 Wetlands

Some rates of denitrification and nitrogen retention measured for wetlands or wetland soils in laboratories appear in Table 3.11. If sufficient nitrate and organic carbon are available, high rates of denitrification (> 100 g rn" yil) are physically possible. It also aipears that on a per unit-area basis, wetlands (swamps, marshes, and possibly peatlands) have a greater potential for nitrate-nitrogen reduction by denitrification than do riparian forests.

TABLE 3.1 1. Nitrogen loss rates as reported in the literature for wetland and riparian zone studies.

Rates Conditions References g-N m" day-' g-N ni2yr-'

Laboratory Studies 0.06-0.92 10 mg N-NOJL added Gale et al. 1993

Wetlands 0.03-5.5 Natural swamps (LA) Smith and DeLaune 1983

28 Nutrient-enriched swamp (FL) Dieberg and Brezonik 198! Range for natural wetlands Nixon and Lee 1986

6 Discharge fen, The Netherlands Koerselman et al. 1989 20 Recharge fen, The Netherlands

0.002-0.34 Low-nutrient wetlands Johnston 199 1 avg. = 0.19

16- 134 N-enriched wetland

avg. = 60 20-92 Danish wetlands J~lrgensen 1994

17' River-fed constructed wetlands (IL) Phipps and Crumpton 199 280 Treatment wetland-theoretical rate Kadlec and Knight 1996 80 ' Treatment wetland-based on I10 water

quality analyses Agricult. runoff-Phragmites marshes &min et al. 1997

10 1 ' Marshes in Spain Wastewater constructed wetland (OH) Spieles and Mitsch 2000

- -62-66' River-fed constructed wetlands (OH)

Riparian Systems 4.5--6. 0 Riparian forest, Chesapeake Bay (MD) Peterjohn and Correll 1984

0.22 NO, + glucose; buffer zones Groffman et al. 1991 1.58 NO, + glucose; grass strips

0.5- 1.6 Riparian maple swamp (unenriched) Hanson et al. 1994 2.0-3.6 Riparian maple swamp (enriched)

6.9 Restored riparian wetland Lowrance et al. 1995

' 4.3 Young hardwood riparian forest

0.87-1.3 '

Moderately well-drained soil Groffman and Hanson 1997 2.6-24.4 Very poorly drained soil

1.5- 15.5* Alluvial soil Groffman and Hanson 1997 1 .o-2.02 Light till

'Net reduction of NO, + NO, through wetlands. Range of annual means (14- 16 sarnpleslyr). Partial source: Groffman 1994.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (45)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 27

Wetlands and riparian zones can be nutrient sources, sinks, or transformers. A wetland is consid-ered a sink if it has a net retention of an element or a specific form of that element (e.g., organic or inorganic)-that is, if the inputs are greater than the outputs. If a wetland exports more of an element or material to a downstream or adjacent ecosystem than would occur without that wet-land, it is considered a source. If a wetland transforms a chemical from, say, dissolved to particu-late form, but does not change the amount going into or out of the wetland, it is considered to be a transformer. There is not consensus on this question for wetlands in general; in fact, there is little agreement in the literature even for particular nutrients in specific wetland types (kchardson 1985). All that can be said with certainty is that many wetlands act as sinks for par-ticular inorganic nutrients, and many wetlands are sources of organic material to downstream or adjacent ecosystems.

The three types of wetlands (Figure 3 3 , whether natural, restored, or created, that could be utilized for the control of nonpoint source pollution in the Mississippi River Basin are: (1) freshwater marshes; (2) peatlands, e.g. bogslfens; and (3) forested wetlands, including riparian forests.

Table 3.12 lists some of the studies where nitrogen retention has been examined in these types of systems for relatively low concentrations of nitrogen that would be typical of nonpoint-source pollution. There is a dramatic difference in nitrogen concentrations and N:P ratios for treated wastewater and rural nonpoint-source pollution (Table 1.2). Therefore this section will empha-size wetlands that are receiving concentrations typical of nonpoint-source pollution. Discussion of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment is in Section 3.4. NATURAL FRESHWATER MARSHES

Freshwater marshes are among the most studied types of wetlands for their role in water quality improvement. Early studies by Klopatek (1978) in a Wisconsin riverine marsh and by Simpson et al. (1978) in a tidal freshwater marsh showed the capacity for marsh wetlands to be at least a seasonal sink for inorganic forms of nitrogen and phosphork. A two-year study of the potential of managed marsh wetland in upper New York State to remove nutrients from agricultural drainage gave inconsistent results, with the wetland acting as a source of nitrogen and phos-phorus in the first year and as a net sink in the second year (Peverly 1982). Studies of a freshwa-ter marsh along Lake Erie's shoreline have shown that the wetland is effective in ameliorating nutrient loading from an agricultural watershed to the lake and that the effectiveness is depend-ent on the amount of annual runoff and the level of the lake (Klarer and Millie 1989; Mitsch and Reeder 1991,1992). CREATED AND RESTORED MARSHES

Despite the apparent success of natural wetlands to retain some nonpoint-source pollution, it has become more common in the United States to discuss the construction or restoration of new wetlands, rather than the use of natural wetlands when purposeful use of a wetland for non-point-source pollution control is discussed (Olson 1992). The construction of new wetlands for controlling nonpoint-source pollution is a more recently proposed approach for wetlands and water quality, although studies have investigated the idea in detail (Livingston 1989; Hey et al. 1989; Mitsch and Cronk 1992; Baker 1992; Mitsch 1990, 1992, 1995), compared to the more abundant literature on natural wetlands and wastewater wetlands. Wetlands built for controlling nonpoint-source pollution (e.g., sediments and nutrients) need to be considered part of a wa-tershed or river floodplain restoration project.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (46)

28 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf - .

a) Freshwater Marsh

c) Riparian forest

FIGURE 3.5. Three types of wetlands that could be used to control nonpoint-source pollu-tion: (a) freshwater marsh, @) peatland,.and(c) riparianforest.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (47)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 29

TABLE 3.12. Selected studies that have investigated nitrogen retention of natural and cre-ated freshwater marshes, peatlands, and forested wetlands and riparian zones.

Types and Locationsof Wetlands NitrogenSink? References

Natural Freshwater Marshes Four marshes, WI Yes Lee et al. 1975 Water hyacinth marsh, FL Yes Mitsch 1977 Theresa Marsh, WI Seasonal Klopatek 1978 Managed marsh, NY Inconsistent Peverly 1982 Natural marshes, Albury, Australia Seasonal Raisin and Mitchell 1995 P h r a g m i t e s marshes, Ebro River, Spain Yes Comin et al. 1997

Constructed Freshwater Marshes Lake Jackson, FL Yes Johengen and LaRock 1993 Des Plaines River wetlands, IL Yes Kadlec and Hey 1994

Phipps and -Crumpton 1994 Olentangy River wetlands, O H Yes Mitsch and Carmichael 1997

Mitsch and Montgomery 1998 Spieles and Mitsch 2000

Boney Marsh, FL Yes Moustafa et al. 1996 Constructed marsh, Albury, Australia Inconsistent Raisin and Mitchell 1995

Raisin et al. 1997

Peatlands Forested peatland, MI N o Richardson et al. 1978 Thoreau's Bog, M A Yes Hemond 1980 Black spruce bog, M N Yes Verry and Timmons 1982

Urban and Eisenreich 1988 T h u j a peatland, MI Yes Kadlec 1983

Forested Swamps and Riparian Zones Riverine cypress swamp, SC Yes Kitchens et al. 1975 Riparian forest, GA Yes Lowrance et al. 1984 Frax inus lakeside- wetland, WI Yes Johnston e t al. 1984 Swamp forest, LA Yes Kemp and Day 1984 Riparian forest, M D Yes Peterjohn and Correll 1984 Nyssa swamp, N C Yes Brinson et al. 1984 Riparian forest, N C Yes Jacobs and Gilliam 1985 Reedy Creek Swamp, FL Yes Knight et al. 1987 Riparian buffer, I A Yes Schultz et al. 1995

NOTE: Table does not generally include constructed wastewater wetlands, which are generally subjected to much greater concentration of nitrogen and are discussed in later parts of this report. PEATLANDS

There have been few studies of the nitrogen retention capacity of natural bogs and fens, as they generally have no or simple outflows and rely to a great extent on inputs from precipitation (Johnston 1991).While peatlands are generally anaerobic, denitrification has not generally been considered a major pathway for nitrogen loss in these systems, at least in studies in Alaska, Mas-

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (48)

30 Reducing Nutrient Loads t o Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

sachusetts, and Minnesota (respectively, Barsdate and Alexander 1975; Hemond 1983; Urban and Eisenreich 1988). Studies by Kadlec and Tilton (1979) and Richardson and Marshall (1986) investigated the role of fens in Michigan in retaining nutrients, with the former study involving the addition of wastewater. A multiple-year study by Kadlec (1983),demonstrated that a peatland in Michigan that received wastewater was consistently a sink for nitrogen (75-81% removal) but began to export phosphorus after several years of phosphorus retention. FORESTED WETLANDS

The functioning of forested wetlands, especially riparian zones, as nutrient sinks has been inves-tigated mostly in the southeastern United States and less-so in the Midwest. Kitchens et al. (1975) found significant reduction in nutrients as the waters passed over the swamp. Kemp and Day (1984) and Peterjohn and Correll (1984) described the fate of nutrients as they are carried into riparian forests by agricultural runoff. The former study found that a Louisiana swamp for-est acted primarily as a transformer system, removing inorganic forms of nitrogen and serving as a net source of organic nitrogen, phosphate, and organic phosphorus. The latter study in a ri-parian Maryland forest described the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from runoff and ground water as the runoff passed through approximately 50 m of riparian vegetation. Signifi-cant reductions of both nutrients from runoff were noted in the study. A similar study of a floodplain forest in Georgia found 14% retention and 61% denitrificatiod of nitrogen (for total loss of 75% of the incoming nitrogen) and 30% retention of phosphorus (Lowrance et al. 1984). The Maryland and Georgia studies did not consider any river flooding in the calculations of their nutrient budgets. These are among the many studies (e.g., Johnston et al. 1984; Lowrance et al. 1984, 1985, 1995, 1997;Jacobs and Gilliam 1985; Cooper et al. 1987; Cooper and Gilliam 1987) that illustrate the potential for riparian forests for reducing nutrient and sediment loads to streams and rivers.

More recently, research on riparian buffers has been conducted in Iowa and Ihnois. Schultz et. al. (1997) have noted nitrate removals in Iowa to be very similar to those measured elsewhere (12 mg-N/L of nitrate in field ground water was reduced to 3 mg-N/L in the buffer). Osborne and Kovacic (1993) installed a wetland grass buffer, rather than a forested buffer, between corn fields and a stream channel in an agricultural watershed in Illinois. They found that their buffers re-duced nitrate entry into the stream by 35-45%. CASE STUDIES-NITROGEN RETENTION BY WETLANDS IN THE MIDWEST

Two carefully designed multi-year studies of created wetlands have recently provided an extensive data base on nitrogen retention by newly created wetland basins in the Midwest: the Des Plaines River Wetland Demonstration Project in northeastern Illinois, and the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park in central Ohio. These are two major research wetland sites where ex-tensive multi-year data have been collected to evaluate the retention of low concentrations of nutrients more typical of nonpoint-source pollution than wastewater wetlands.

Des Plaines River Wetlands,IZZinois

A number of studies of wetland function were carried out with four full-scale constructed wet-lands at the Des Plaines River Wetland Demonstration Project in northeastern Illinois (Figure 3.6; Sanville and Mitsch 1994; Kadlec and Hey 1994; Mitsch et al. 1995). In whole-ecosystem experiments in the early 1990s, hydrologic conditions were varied for high and low flow condi-tions for entire wetlands (average size = 2.4 ha); the studies were carried out over three years.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (49)

Chapter 3: Result-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 3 1


0 100 200


Site Location

FIGURE 3.6. Four original experimental wetlands at the Des Plaines River Wetland Dernon-stration Project in northeastern Illinois. NOTE: During the 1989-93 ' experimental period, ex-perimental wetlands (EW) 3 and 5 were high-flow and 4 and 6 were low-flow.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (50)

3 2 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf - .

Researchers had important findings in estimating detention and mixing (Kadlec 1994), water quality function (Hey et al. 1994; Phipps and Crumpton 1994), sedimentation (Fennessy et al. 1994a; Brueske and Barrett 1994), vegetation development (Fennessy et al. 1994b), aquatic me-tabolism (Cronk and Mitsch 1994a, 1994b), and avian success ( H i c b a n 1994) in created wet-lands, most as a function of hydrology.

8 -Outlets high-flow basins

- - - - - - Outlets low-flow basins

6 -


4 -


_--. I I I

Qep M Mv D e d

FIGURE 3.7. A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of md-western U.S. streams was seen with high concentrations in the spring and fall (inlet data) from the Des Plaines River. NOTE: Outflows are from one low-flow (EW 4) and two high-flow (EW 3 and 5) wetland basins at the Des Plaines Wetland Demonstration Project, shown in Figure 3.6. (From Phipps and Crumpton 1994.)

8 --

6 -

--- Outlets high-flow basins ------ Outlets low-flow basins


4 -

2 -

0 I 1 I I

Lp W ' J m Jut A u g ' t h p I o c t I ~ ~ I ~ r

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (51)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (52)

34 Reducing Nutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

Olentangy River Wetlands, Ohio The Olentangy River Wetland Research Park at Ohio State University (Figure 3.8) includes two constructed wetland marshes that have been, and continue to be, compared since 1994. One was planted with typical freshwater marsh plants, while the other was left as an unplanted con-trol (Mitsch 1995; Mitsch and Wilson 1996; Mitsch et al. 1998). Inflow nitrate-nitrogen con-centrations vary seasonally, as at the Des Plaines River site, and average about 2-4 mg-N/L.

This study area reveals several patterns regarding nitrate-N retention by constructed wetlands (Table 3.15). First, planting vegetation had little effect on nitrate-nitrogen reduction, and dif-ferences between the two wetlands were only significant in one year out of three. Second, there is a general decrease in nitrogen retention from the constructed wetlands over the first three years; some is due to the annual differences in hydrology. Third, there is a significant seasonal pattern of higher nitrate-N retention in the growing season, with lower rates of retention in the winter and spring (Figure 3.9). Nevertheless, the annual average nitrate-nitrogen reduction for these wetlands is in a relatively narrow range of 25-28 g-N m-2yflover four years, again sug-gesting this range to be a reasonable starting point for estimating the area- required for a given retention of nitrogen in created and restored wetlands in the Midwest.

TABLE 3.15. Average f standard error (# samples) of weekly nutrient concentrations at- -Olentangy River experimental wetlands, 1994-96.

1994-No significant macrophytic vegetation cover in either wetland; heavy algal growth. Total Phosphorus 155f 12 (25) 52&8 (25) 4 2 7 (25) -66% -73 % 0.030 (Pg-PIL) Soluble Reactive P 19f7 (23) 4 f 1 (23) 3 f0 (23) -8 1 % -84% N D ( P g - W NO3+ NO, 1.7 1 f0.54 (23) 0.87kO.36 (24) 0.920.37 (23) -49% 4 6 % N D (mg-NIL) .

1995-Macrophytic vegetation cover is greater in planted than in unplanted wetland. Total Phosphorus 199f2 1 (34) 8 x 13 (33) 97f13 (35) -59% -5 1% N D k - P I L ) Soluble Reactive P 15f3 (34) S f 1 (35) 9 f2 (35) -65% 4 5 % 0.037 (Pg-PIL) NO3 + NO2 I.86f0.25 (35) I.1 9 f0.22 (35) 1 .08&0.2 1 (35) -36% -42% N D (mg-NIL)- .

1996-Both wetlands have approximately the same vegetative cover. Total Phosphorus 191f18 (30) 6&8 (34) 64f9 (35) -64% -66% N D 049'4 Soluble Reactive P 7W1 1 (29) S f l (33) 9 f 2 (33) -89% -87% N D @g-PI4 NO3+ NO2 4.420.42 (29) 2.97k0.40 (34) 3.30f0.38 (34) -33% -25% 0.032 (mg-NIL)

Note: + = increase; - = decrease; N D = no signifkant difference at a = 0.05. Source: Mitsch et 01. 1998.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (53)

Chapter 3: Result-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 3 5-

FIGURE 3.8. Olentangy RiverWetland Research Park, showing two I-ha experimental deep-water marshes used in a multi-year study of nitrat-nitrogen retention.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (54)


36 Reducinn Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

a) Wastewater wetland 80 a a

u 100-m m b) River-fed riparian wetland (planted) 80.-

a a a

T a a

I e 100 -a, 80 m m

.. c) River-fed riparian wetland (unplanted) a a a a

a T


.. -20-1

-40-Summer Autumn Winter Spring

FIGURE3.9. Seasonal patterns of nitrate retention by mass and concentrationduring summer, autumn, winter, and spring for (a) wastewater treatment wetland in Licking County, OH, and (b) and (c) I-ha river-fed created wetlands in Franklin County, OH. NOTE: Date are average f standard error; same letters indicate no significant differences among all treatments (a = 0.05). (From Spieles and Mitsch 2000.)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (55)

Chapter 3: ResultoApproachesfor Controlling Nitrogen 3 2.

In both of these case studies, investigations of nitrogen retention by constructed midwestern marshes has been one of the aspects investigated over several years. The studies themselves rep-resent a total of 17wetland-years of study, so general trends should be quite evident for midwest-ern U.S. regions. The retention of nitrate-nitrogen by concentration for the experimental marshes in Illinois varied between 40% and 95%, while the retentioh of the Ohio marshes was generally 17-49%. When the wetlands are normalized for flow conditions, there is a generally strong correlation (Y?= 0.50) between percent reduction and flow (Figure 3.10). The' multiple wetland years for this study, coupled with the detailed flow and concentration measurements, suggest an achievable ecological engineering desi n arameter for constructed wetlands for re-B !'moving nitrate-nitrogen of about 16-24 g-N m- yr ' (95% confidence interval). This range of retention would thus involve an inflow of about 50 g-N m-2y ~ "and would result in a 36-60% retention by mass and about 4042% retention by concentration (Figure 3.10). DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND LIMITATIONS

Both kinds of wetlands, natural and constructed, have been shown to be effective sinks for nu-trients, especially when the nutrient loads are not excessive. But each type has its benefits and shortcomings. With fewer and fewer natural wetlands due to drainage and land conversion, many natural resource managers and policymakers believe that we should not be adding any type of strong pollution to our remaining natural wetlands (Olson 1992). Constructing wetlands for controlling nonpoint-source pollution is a good alternative, even though there were some early indications that we have not been building wetlands correctly (Erwin 1991; Mitsch and Wilson 1996), especially when they have been built to replace the function of a wetland lost for some type of human development project. Wetlands need to be designed, constructed, and restored in an ecologically sound and predictable manner (Mitsch and Cronk 1992; Mitsch 1992; Mitsch and Wilson 1996). Some of the many important variables to consider when creating and re-storing wetlands for controlling nonpoint-source pollution are discussed here.

Loading Rates

Loading rates (flow times concentration of inflowing water) dictate the effectiveness of wet-lands in reducing nitrogen (Figures 3.10 and 3.11). Empirical models, such as these graphs, can be used as first estimates of the potential nutrient retention in freshwater wetlands. Extensive experience with flow-through wetlands (see case studies above) suggested a narrow range that centers around 16-24 g-N m-2yfl as a reasonable target for wetland retention of nitrate-nitrogen. The. loading rate, assuming 50% retention, therefore, would be about 32-48 g-N m-2 yr-'. This is the equivalent of 10 rdyr of inflow to a wetland with a concentration of 3-5 mg-NIL. This flow is approximately 10 times normal rainfall for at least the eastern half of the MRB. If flows are less, concentrations would have to be greater to effectively load the wetland.

Inflows to wetlands in rural areas are often due to pulses of runoff, stream flow, andlor river flooding. Storm events, if significant enough, can cause nitrogen to shoot through the system, bypassing effective retention (Figure 3.12). The optimum detention time has been suggested to be 5-14 days for treating municipal wastewater. Brown (1987) suggested a retention time of a riparian wetland system in Florida of 21 days in the dry season and more than 7 days in the wet season.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (56)

3 8 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

FIGURE 3.10.

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200

N03-N loading (g-N m-2 ~ r l )

.............measureddata - regression line 95% CI

Summary of 1 7 wetland-years of nitrate-nitrogen retention data from the Des Plaines River and Olentangy River experimental wetlands. NOTE: Wetland removal, percent removal by mass, and percent removal by concentration are plotted versus nitrate-nitrogen loading; 95th confidence intervals (CI) are also shown. Each data point represents one wet-land-year.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (57)

Chapter 3: Result+Approaches for Controlling-Nitrogen 3 9-

20 -A Constructed RootZone 0 Natural

0 200 400 600

Cumulative total N loading, tons

FIGURE 3.1 1. Examples of wetland nitrogen retention versus loading rate: (a) nitrogen reten-tion from several constructed and natural wetlands (from Mitsch and Gosselink 1993), and @) cumulative nitrogen mass retained versus mass loading of a marsh receiving low-level nu-trients for eight years. (From Moustafa et al. / 996).

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (58)

40 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf '





2 -

M 0 *

A~ -





FIGURE 3.12. Nitrogen retention in an Australian wetland in an agricultural area during storm events showing (a) seasonal pattern of retention and release, and @) effect of storm flow on retention or release. (From Raisin et a/. I 9 9 7.)

1131193 8119/93 3/7/94 912A194 411 1195 Date

Soil Carbon

The organic carbon content of soils has great significance for many processes in a wetland, par-ticularly denitrification. Microbes that carry out the process of denitrification require an organic carbon source for energy (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993). Furthermore the organic carbon also cre-ates the sufficiently low redox conditions necessary for denitrification to occur. Wetland soils generally vary between 5% and 75% organic matter, with higher concentrations in peat-building systems, such as bogs and fens, and lower concentrations in mineral soil marshes subject to min-eral sedimentation or erosion or in newly constructed wetlands. Riparian forests must have low concentrations of organic matter, about 5%, relative to wetlands. When wetlands are created or

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (59)

Chapter 3: ResultoApproaches for Controlling Nitrogen 4 1

restored on mineral soils, one of the factors that most limits their being equivalent to natural is accumu-wetlands is the accumulation of soil organic carbon (Mitsch and Flanagan 1997). Th '

lation takes many years on drained or upland soils that have been converted to wetlands.

There is a definite effect of temperature and, hence, length of growing season, on biological processes such as denitrification. Studies of wastewater wetlands and nonpoint-source wetlands in central Ohio (Spieles and Mitsch 2000) show that percent removal of nitrate-nitrogen is re-lated to season, with considerably less nitrate-nitrogen retention in nongrowing season months compared to growing season months (Figure 3.9).

Landscape Position

Wetlands should not be expected to control all of the influx of nutrients from a watershed, nor should one small wetland be expected to result in significant improvements in downstream water quality. If wetlands are to be constructed in the watershed for controlling nonpoint-source pol-lution, there are many possible positions in the landscape (Figures 3.13 and 3.14), including in-stream wetlands, riparian wetlands, and terraced wetlands.

Wetlands can be designed as instream systems by adding control structures to the streams them-selves, or by impounding a distributary of the stream (Figure 3.13a). Blocking an entire stream is a reasonable alternative only in low-order streams (see also Section 3.2.4, Controlled Drainage). This design is particularly vulnerable during flooding and may be very unpredictable in its ulti-mate stability. I t has the advantage of potentially treating a significant portion of the water that passes that point in the stream. Maintenance of the control structure and the distributary may require significant management commitments to this design. The natural design for a riparian wetland fed primarily by a flooding stream (Figure 3.13b) allows for river floods to seasonally de-posit sediments and chemicals in the wetland (see Section 3.2.3, Riparian Buffers). Because both man-made and natural levees are along major sections of streams, it is often possible to create such a wetland with minimal construction work. The wetland' could be designed to capture flooding water and sediments and slowly release the water back to the river after the flood passes. This is the design of natural riparian wetlands in bottomland hardwood forest areas. The wet-land could also be designed to receive water from flooding and retain it by using flap-gates.

Multiple wetlands can be constructed in the landscape to intercept small streams and drainage tiles (Figure 311-3c, d). The main stream itself is not diverted, but the wetlands receive their wa-ter, sediments, and nutrients from small tributaries, swales, and overland flow. More significant, if tile drains can be located and broken upstream of their discharge into tributaries, they can be very effective conduits for supplying adequate water to the wetlands. Because these tile drains are often the sources of the highest concentrations of chemicals, such as nitrates, the wetlands could be very effective in controlling nonpoint-source pollution when located downstream of them.

The advantages of locating several small wetlands in the upper reaches of a watershed (but not in the streams themselves), rather than fewer larger wetlands in the lower reaches, should be con-sidered (Figure 3.13e). Loucks (1990) argues that a better strategy for wetlands to survive extreme events is to locate a greater number of low-cost wetlands in the upper reaches of a watershed, rather than building fewer high-cost wetlands in the lower reaches. A modeling effort on flood control by Ogawa and Male (1983) suggested the opposite: the usehlness of wetlands in de-creasing flooding increases with the distance the wetland is downstream.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (60)

. . 4 2 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and GroundWaters andthe ~ " l f

Berm . _--st ream

FIGURE 3.13. Examples of locations of createdlrestored wetlands in the landscape: (a) ri-parian bifurcation of riveu;(b) riparian wetland with seasonal flooding; (c) created marshes in small streams and interceptingtile drainage; (d) details of lateral wetland intercepting ground water carried by drainage tiles; (e) landscape location choices for wetlands; and (f) terraced in hilly terrain. (Illustrations from Mitsch 1992, Mitsch and Cronk 1992, Mitsch and Gosselink 1993, and Kovacic et al. 1995.)

Wetlands are a phenomenon of naturally flat terrain. However, steeper terrain is often most sus-ceptible to high erosion and, hence, high contributions of suspended sediments and organic ni-trogen. One approach is to attempt to integrate terraced wetlands into the landscape (Figure 3.130. In this case, wetland basins are constructed as smaller basins that stair-step down steep terrain. While there are some examples of these types of wetlands, particularly in the building of acid mine drainage wetlands in the Appalachians, few wetlands have been constructed of this type for controlling nonpoint-source pollution.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (61)

Chapter 3: Result-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 4 3

Figure 3.14 illustrates a hypothetical small watershed with a combination of livestock runoff treatment wetlands. nutriendsediment wetlands. " grassed watenvavs. , and ri~arian

I buffers. All

would be effective in reducing nonpoint-source pollution in the agricultural landscape. I

1 permanent

I st ream ! #!-3 .Riparian- -

I"1.v;) ! -buffer I ..mmuuu Grassed I waterway

Nutrient1I m .sediment

i system

h I Constructed wet land treatment system

facilities and lagoon

3 ......,Natural

FIGURE 3.14. Hypothetical locations of riparian buffers, farm ponds, constructed wetlands, and grassed waterways in region of livestock facilities. (From Hammer 1 9 92 .)

3.2.3 Riparian Buffers

Riparian buffers (Figure 3.15) are vegetated areas next to water resources that provide protection from nonpoint-source pollution and provide bank stabilization and aquatic and wildlife habitat. The formal definition of riparian buffer is diverse and depends on the individual or group defin-ing the term. The USDA Forest Service (Welsch 1991) defines a riparian buffer as:

"the aquatic ecosystem and the portions of the adjacent terrestrial ecosystem that directly affect or are affected by the aquatic environment."

This includes streams, rivers, lakes, and bays and their adjacent side channels, flood plain, and wetlands. In specific cases, the riparian buffer may also include a portion of the hill slope that directly serves as streamside habitats for wildlife. Leading experts .(Lowrance et al. 1985) on ri-parian buffers define them as follows:

"a complex assemblage of plants and other organisms in an environment adjacent to water."

Without definitive boundaries, riparian buffers may include stream banks, floodplain, and wet-lands, as well as sub-irrigated sites forming a transitional zone between upland and aquatic habi-tat. Mainly linear in shape and extent, they are characterized by laterally flowing water that rises

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (62)

4 4 Reducing Nutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

and falls at least once within a growing season. Natural riparian buffers are composed of grasses, trees, or both types of vegetation. If riparian buffers are maintained or reestablished, they can ex-ist under most land uses: natural, agricultural, forested, suburban, and urban.


Since most existing or planned riparian buffers are forested, this discussion focuses on riparian forest systems. The ideal forested riparian buffer system (Figure 3.15a) was originally described by Welsch (1991) and has generally been accepted as a model for riparian buffers (Lowrance et. al. 1997). Certainly, variations of the ideal buffer can be used to satisfy local conditions, as described later, but the mechanisms of pollutant removal must be understood before any system can be de-signed and used to its maximum capability. Integrated streamside riparian buffers (forest and grass or shrub) that are designed to intercept surface runoff and subsurface flow can be effective in controlling nonpoint-source pollution by removing nutrients, especially nitrogen and sedi-ment (USDA 1997).

Many factors determine the effectiveness of riparian buffers for any given pollutant. Hydrology is the most important of these factors (Hill 1996). For example, removal of contaminants from surface runoff requires that runoff water be sufficiently slowed to allow sediment to settle out. I f the runoff water does not spread over the buffer, it will move through the buffer in channels. Channelized water moves almost as quickly through a buffer as it does from the field, thereby making the buffer ineffective at pollutant removal (Dillaha et al. 1989). This is the primary hnction of zone 3, shown in Figure 3.15a. Most nitrogen from agricultural fields reaches surface water as nitrate in the ground water below the soil surface. For nitrate to be removed from ground water before it reaches surface water, the ground water must enter a zone where plant roots are or have been active. These plant roots may absorb the nitrate for use in plant growth or, more important, may provide an energy source for bacteria that converts nitrogen in nitrate to a gas, which then escapes to the atmosphere. This process, denitrification, occurs almost exclu-sively in water-saturated zones, where abundant organic matter is present. Zones 2 and 3 in Fig-ure 3.15a are primarily for removal of nitrate from subsurface flows, although they may serve other very important purposes that enhance overall stream health.

The large majority of riparian buffer sites that have been investigated for nitrate removals have shown that nitrate concentrations in shallow ground water were significantly reduced as the water flowed through the riparian buffer (Gilliam et al. 1997a, 1997b). However, it is possible for nitrate to pass below the riparian buffer at depths far enough below the root zone where very little nitrate removal occurs (Correll et al. 1994). I t is also possible for ground water to move through the riparian buffer so quickly that removal is limited (Hayco*ck and Pinay 1993). This latter case would occur when subsurface drainage tiles are present. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND LIMITATIONS

Scientists agree that a corridor of vegetation can be effective at buffering valuable aquatic re-sources from the potential negative impacts of human use of the adjacent land. The streamside vegetated buffer filters nonpoint-source pollutants from incoming runoff (see Table 3.12) and provides habitat for a balanced, integrated, and adaptive community of riparian and aquatic or-ganisms (Welsch 1991). These filtering and habitat functions are often best provided by natural vegetation ,such as trees and associated woodland or forest plants in the zone directly adjacent to the waterway. While there is general agreement about the benefits of buffers, the specific design criteria, such as buffer width, types of vegetation, and management, are the subject of consider-able debate.

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 4 5 -‘

Zone 3 Zone 2 Zone 1 Stream bottom -Runoff Control Managed Forest UndisturbedForest

ti-Species Riparian Buffer Strip Model

A Fast growing tree species

FIGURE 3.1 5. Schematics of riparian buffer zones: (a) three-zone riparian buffer system (from Welsch 1 99 1 ), and (b) multi-species riparian buffer strip modelwhich includestree rows closest to the stream, shrubs, and a strip of switchgrass adjacent to the cropland. (From R . Schultz.)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (64)

46 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

Bufler Width

Width is considered the most important controllable variable in determining the effectiveness of buffers in reducing pollutants and protecting stream health. Buffers that are too narrow may not be sustainable or effective in protecting stream banks. Conversely,'buffers that are wider than needed limit the use of adjacent land and are unpopular with landowners. Complicating the de-termination of design buffer widths are the effects of varying site characteristics associated with topography, hydrology, geology, and land use. Additionally, other factors, such as the value of the water resource and adjacent land, must be considered when determining widths.

The width of most existing riparian forest buffers was established by leaving the area adjacent to the stream as forest. This area was generally too wet or too steep to be used conveniently for ag-ricultural or urban purposes. Welsch (1991) recommended a widely acclaimed riparian buffer system that was 29-m wide on both sides of the stream. There is little debate among riparian buffer experts that the system he described is very good as an idealized multipurpose buffer to protect all aspects of stream quality. However, requiring this width along every stream is probably not necessary to protect the streams from nonpoint-source pollution and will result in wide-spread opposition from landowners. The width necessarily depends upon what functions are ex-pected of the riparian buffer and the site characteristics.

Most decisions about buffer widths will be a compromise between ideal widths based on envi-ronmental goals (wildlife corridors, bank stabilization, water quality protection) and sociological or economic constraints. Science-based criteria, for which research data may be available to sup-port an informed decision, include the functional value of the water resource; watershed, site, and buffer characteristics; adjacent land use; and buffer function. The functional value of the water resource is important for determining buffer width in that a highly valued resource may merit a wider buffer for increased protection.

Bufler Zonation

Watershed, site, and buffer characteristics are most important when evaluating pollutant-filtering effectiveness.The size and topography of the watershed determine the amount and rate of surface and ground water passing through the buffer. Site characteristics, such as soil type, slope steepness, microbial populations, and vegetation, determine the amount of pollutants that are filtered out of the water before it enters the waterway. Buffer characteristics, such as the types of vegetatio-n and their location in the buffer, can also influence pollutant removal effectiveness.

- . The most widely recognized buffer planning model is the three-zone buffer developed by the USDA Forest Service (Welsch 1991). Zone 1of the model begins at the normal water level or at the edge of the active channel and extends a minimum of 4.5 m along a line perpendicular to the water course. Dominant vegetation consists of existing or planted woody vegetation suitable for the site and intended purpose. This zone should remain undisturbed; therefore, tree removal is generally not permitted. Zone 2 begins at the edge of zone 1and extends a minimum of 18 m perpendicular to the water course. While vegetation in zone 2 should be similar to that of zone 1,removal of trees and shrubs is permitted, provided they are replaced. The zone 3 begins at the outer edge of zone 2 and has a minimum width of 6 m. Vegetation in this zone can be grazed or ungrazed grass or other plant communities, as long as it facilitates sediment filtering, nutrient uptake, and the conversion of concentrated flow to uniform, shallow, sheet flow through the use of structural practices, such as level spreaders (Lowrance et al. 1995).

Most nitrogen from nonpoint sources enters surface waters as nitrate-nitrogen in ground water. As the shallow ground water moves through the riparian buffer, microorganisms change the ni-trate-nitrogen to gaseous nitrogen via a process known as denitrification. When the soil is

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (65)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 47 -'

poorly aerated (anaerobic conditions), some microorganisms reduce nitrates to the gaseous com-ponents of nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, or free nitrogen gas.

Denitrification is most effective in root-zone soil layers, where carbon sources are available for the denitrifjmg bacteria. Numerous researchers have reported that it is the complex interaction between vegetation and below-ground environment that provides the appropriate conditions for denitrification to occur (Lowrance et al. 1995). The area of interaction within the riparian buffer is generally quite narrow-3-15 m-from the field through the riparian buffer. The ma-jority of denitrification that has been observed in riparian buffers occurred within the first 3 m of the forested riparian buffer. Denitrification as measured in coastal plain forested riparian buffer areas has removed as much as 29 g N m-2yfl.Typically, though, denitrification rates are gener-ally 2-6 g N m-2yfl (Table 3.11).

Most studies indicate that denitrification takes place throughout the year (Lowrance et al., 1995). Climate would certainly have an influence on the amount of denitrification taking place during the winter months but it must be remembered that the primary processes are occurring in subsoils where temperatures are much higher than average winter air temperamres.


Vegetation in riparian buffers also removes nutrients through uptake. Some of these nutrients are sequestered in woody vegetation, whereas the nutrients absorbed into herbaceous materials generally are recycled as the vegetative matter dies. Several studies have indicated that uptake by above-ground, woody vegetation removes various amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus, de-pending on the riparian conditions (Table 3.16). Although nitrogen uptake by the vegetative portion of the riparian buffer contributes to nitrogen reductions, denitrification is the primary process that removes nitrate from the shallow ground water that flows through riparian buffers.

TABLE 3.16. Above-ground woody vegetation uptake of nitrogen and phosphorus in coastal plain riparian forests.

Correll & ~ e l i e r1989 Rhode R., M D ND' 1.2-2.0 ND' 0.3-0.5 Peterjohn & Correll 1984 Rhode R., M D 7.7 1.2 I 0.17 Fail e t al. 1986, 1987 (mean) Little R., GA 11.4 5.2 0.75 0.38 Fail et al. 1986 (max.) Little R., GA 19.44 9.76 1.26 0.69 Fail et al. 1986 (min.) Little R., GA 8.0 3.46 0.19

'ND = not determined. Source: Lowrance et al. 1995. COMPARISON OF WETLANDS AND RIPARIAN BUFFERS

Scientific data thus far obtained show that wetlands and riparian buffers are not equally effective in all situations for nitrate reduction. This was clearly recognized by Lowrance et al. (1997) for the various physiographic provinces present in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The scientists as-sembled by Lowrance spent a large amount of time applying available riparian buffer information to the landscape conditions present in the watershed in an attempt to estimate how effective

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (66)

48 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

buffers would be for nitrate removal. They concluded that in areas where the excess precipitation moves across, in, or near the root zone, riparian buffers should retain 50-90% of the nitrogen entering the buffer. Lower removals by buffers would be expected where these conditions do not exist. For example, where ground-water flow moves so far below the root zone of riparian buffers that little nitrate uptake can occur or little organic matter from the roots gets into the groundwater, little or no loss would be expected.

Drainage water that enters a drainage line and is piped to a collector ditch or stream may be more suitable for a wetland basin than a riparian zone. This situation is very common in many agricultural areas of the Mississippi River Basin. Another common situation is the shallow ground water is intercepted by a shallow field ditch and transported through the drainage sys-tem. In either of these conditions, riparian buffers are not an attractive alternative. A t sites in Great Britain, buffers were planted beside streams that had drainage tubes from agricultural fields entering into them. Just as one would predict, the buffers had little or no effect on nitrate en-tering the stream.

The limitations with removing nitrate from tile drainage water with only riparian buffers was recognized by the scientists in both Illinois (Kovacic et al. 1995) and Iowa (Schultz et al. 1995) in their experimental system (Figure 3.15b). Both groups used constructed wetlands in addition to streamside buffers to treat tile drainage waters. Kovacic (personal communication) estimates that they are currently removing 46% of the nitrate from tile drainage water entering the wet-land. H e also estimates that 1-3% of the land currently under cultivation would be required for wetlands in areas similar to those in their study to achieve this level of nitrate reduction. There is little question that small wetlands can be used to make a significant reduction in the nitrate en-tering streams from agricultural lands, but construction and placement of these treatment areas will be extremely critical to both their effectiveness and their acceptance by landowners.

A very similar situation to interception of ground water is interception by an open field ditch. This ditch may be an old stream that has been channelized or an original drainage way. In either situation, much less nitrate is removed from the drainage water as it moves into the surface wa-ter, compared to natural streams with riparian buffers. In many places where this situation exists, it may not be practical to have buffers along the ditch and still be able--tofarm the land. The only apparent option in these situations for nitrate removal is either wetlands or controlled drainage.

3.2.4 Controlled Drainage

Improved drainage has increased crop production in much of the Mississippi k v e r Basin. How-ever, there is a potential for managing drainage systems in ditches and small streams to satisfy agricultural production needs and at the same time minimize adverse environmental effects. This approach is called controlled drainage. Currently, there is very little controlled drainage in the Mississippi River Basin, although this is an accepted best management practice in several states along the Atlantic Coast. Controlled drainage is very popular in North Carolina with both farmers and environmental regulators because the practice is responsible for increased yields and reduced nutrient losses to surface water. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND LIMITATIONS

Suface versus Subsurface Drainage

Drainage is accomplished by two methods: (1)open-ditch systems designed to provide primarily surface drainage (surface runoff) or (2) underground systems comprised of drain tile or tubing designed to lower the water table by subsurface flow. Subsurface drainage is obtained by buried

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (67)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 4 9-.

tile or tubing (10-15 cm diameter) that is placed 1-2 m deep and 7-70 m apart. A subsurface system provides drainage when the water table rises above the drain depth and water flows to-ward and into the drain. The drainage process whereby water infiltrates into the soil and moves within the soil profile is referred to as subsurface drainage, shallow-ground water flow, or some-times interflow.


In practice, it is often difficult to differentiate between surface and subsurface drainage, because the outflow in drainage ditches or canals is usually a combination of both surface and subsurface flow. The relative proportion of surface and subsurface flow in the total drainage volume de-pends on many factors, including rainfall intensity, land surface roughness and slope, vegetation, soil permeability, and ditch or drain tubing spacing and depth. Open ditches are normally spaced farther apart than buried tubing, which typically causes subsurface flow to be slow, resulting in collection of predominately surface drainage. But in highly permeable soils, open ditches may provide significant subsurface drainage.

The difference in drainage method (surface versus subsurface flow) is important from a water quality standpoint because the characteristics of the two drainage waters differ. Surface drainage systems result in rapid removal of excess water over a relatively short time period. This water flowing over the land surface has relatively high energy sufficient to detach and transport soil particles and constituents attached to them, such as phosphorus, organic nitrogen, and many pesticides (Gilham et al. 1978; Skaggs and Gilliam 1981; Deal et al. 1986). Subsurface drainage typically contains very little sediment and high concentrations of soluble constituents, such as nitrate-nitrogen (Gilliam et al. 1978; Logan et al. 1980; Skaggs and Gilham 1981; Skaggs et al. 1982; Evans et al. 1987; Deal et al. 1986; Randall and Vetch 1995; Randall et al. 1997).

Water Control Structures Water-control structures, such as a flashboard riser, installed in the drainage outlet allow the water in the outlet to be raised or lowered as needed. This water management practice has be-come known as controlled drainage. When the flashboards are lowered or removed, subsurface drainage occurs more quickly (Figure 3.16). When flashboards are added to the riser, the subsur-face drainage rate is decreased, and the height of the water level in the ditches and surrounding fields rises. Using controlled drainage to manage the field water allows-timely drainage, but also maximum storage of water within the field for crop use.

The transport of nitrogen from drained fields can be minimized by managing the drainage sys-tem such that only the minimum drainage water necessary is allowed to exit the field. In numer-ous field studies in North Carolina (Gilliam et al. 1978, 1979; Skaggs et al. 1982; Deal et al. 1986; Evans et al. 1989), drainage control reduced the annual transport of total nitrogen at the field edge by 45% on average. Working in Ontario, Canada, Drury et al. (1996) obtained results almost identical to those in North Carolina. The crop, soil and climatic conditions in Canada should be very similar to those in parts of the northern section of the Mississippi watersheds.

Nitrogen reductions from controlled drainage result from two processes. First, controlled drain-age reduces the volume of drainage water leaving a field by 20-30% on average; however, outflow varies widely, depending on soil type, rainfall, type of drainage system, and management inten-sity. During dry years, controlled drainage may totally eliminate outflow. I n wet years, control may have little or no effect on total outflow. Second, controlled drainage provides a higher field water table level, which promotes denitrification within the soil profile. In some cases, nitrate-nitrogen concentrations have been 10-20% lower in outflow from controlled systems, compared to uncontrolled, free-draining systems (Evans et al. 1989). The combined effect of reduced flow and reduced nitrate concentration results in the overall 45% reduction in nitrogen mass transport

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (68)

at the field edge (Figure 3.17). Controlled drainage has also been documented to reduce phos-phorus transport by roughly 35%.

50 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

FIGURE 3.16. Controlled drainage system showing (a) flashboard riser and @) water profile in drainage ditch upstream of flashboard riser.

ToPograPh~ Successful management of controlled drainage systems rests on two important objectives: (1) achieving optimum production efficiency and maximum nutrient utilization by the crop; and (2) attaining maximum water quality benefits. Controlled drainage structures require that the to-pography be relatively flat. The costs of installing and maintaining them will usually exceed their benefits when the land slope exceeds 0.2%. As a consequence, controlled drainage has for the most part been limited to very flat land. This is a result of equal emphasis being placed on crop production and water quality goals.

However, water quality benefits can be obtained without being able to control the water table near the soil surface throughout the entire agricultural field. Slowing the water movement from

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (69)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 5 1 .-.

a) NO Controlled Drainage I]Controlled Drainage

Undeveloped Surface Drainage

Subsurface Drainage

Managed Forest

Surface Subsurface Drainage Drainage

FIGURE 3.17. Results of controlled drainage study represent approximately 1 25 site-years of data from 14 sites in eastern North Carolina showing: (a) average annual outflows, and @) average annual nitrogen transport (TKN + NO,-N) in drainage outflow as measured at the field edge for 14 soils and sites. (From Evans et al. 1991.)

the field and maintaining it within 1m of surface will promote denitrification and reduce nitrate losses to surface water. If management emphasis shifts so that reduction of nitrogen losses to surface water is sufficiently important that adopted practices need not provide a positive financial return to the landowner, then controlled drainage may become more attractive to the landowner than some other control measures.

This is happening in the Neuse hver watershed in North Carolina, where farmers are prefer-ring to use controlled drainage wherever possible, as opposed to putting riparian buffers on their ditches. A scientific group in North Carolina (Gilliam et al. 1997a) recommended that average water table elevation throughout the length of the ditch be no lower than 90 cm (36 inches) below the land surface to get credit for using controlled drainage to reduce nitrate losses. How-ever, it is recognized that during some seasons, particularly during planting and harvesting, con-trol may have to be lowered to facilitate agricultural activities.

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5 2 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf . . CONTROLLED DRAINAGE IN THE MIDWEST

Controlled drainage is not practiced frequently in the Corn Belt of the Midwest, and research on this practice has been limited. There appear to be three reasons why: the undulating, pothole topography, the cool temperatures that limit denitrification when subsurface drainage is greatest, and no sense of urgency to try the technique. The variable relief limits the area where controlled drainage can practically be used because installation of controlled drainage facilities in rolling land is expensive and unnecessary in the view of farmers. Raising the water table in cooler cli-mates to increase denitrification in the late fall and spring when soils are cold and wet would not lead to as much denitrification as has been measured in the southern United States, where most controlled drainage research has been conducted. However the method has been applied with success in Canada, where temperatures are cool, and there has been political pressure to reduce nitrates below 10 mg-N/L (Drury et al. 1996). I t seems likely that controlled drainage is a practi-cal alternative in some areas of the Midwest to reduce nitrate discharges to surface waters.

There has been some research on this practice in both Iowa and Ohio. Personal communication with scientists in both of these locations (James Baker in Iowa; Norman Fausey in Ohio) con-firms that there is potential to use this practice in the Midwest. The results in very flat land should be very similar to those obtained in Canada and North Carolina. Even in some rolling land with subsurface drainage systems in place, controls can most likely be used to reduce nitrate losses to surface water. The selection of nitrogen control practice(s) should generally be made on a site-by-site basis. The decision tree presented in Figure 3.18 can assist best professional judg-ment in determining whether controlled drainage or riparian buffers should be considered.

Slope 4% Slope >I%

/ Yes Controlled Drainage

No Riparian Buffer f

- * Sdil Erosion? / \4

Yes I+

Forested Riparian Buffer: Trees or Forested Riparian

Herbaceous Buffer: Trees or

Vegetation & Herbaceous

Grasses Vegetation (without Grass)

If controlled drainage is used, can the water table be kept within 36 inches of the surface soil for 50% of the field are-a?

FIGURE 3.18. Decision tree for determiningwhich nitrate control practice to use.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (71)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 5 3-


Urban areas are well-known nonpoint sources of coastal pollution. Urbanization results in hy-drologic changes that increase surface runoff and erosion, and urban areas contain numerous sources of nutrients produced by human activities. A large body of information is available on approaches for reducing nutrients from urban areas. This section provides information on the nature and extent of urban nonpoint-source pollutant control that is possible with current tech-nology, along with scenarios for implementing these controls in the Gulf of Mexico watershed.

The prospects for significantly reducing urban nonpoint-source pollutants, especially N, are not high. However, urban areas do not appear to be major contributors of nonpoint sources of nitro-gen to the Gulf. Nitrate concentrations in urban nonpoint sources are generally not high, com-pared to concentrations in urban point sources or Corn Belt cropland (Tables 1.2 and 3.17). Furthermore, the land area of urban centers compared to rural land in the Mississippi River Ba-sin is small. Several studies have documented that urban areas and lawns have low nitrate con-centrations and fluxes relative to agricultural land (Table 3.18), but the comparison depends on the degree of fertilizer use and whether septic systems or central sewer systems are used in the urban setting (Morton et al. 1988; Gold et al. 1990; Petrovic 1990; Miller et al. 1997).

TABLE 3.17. Estimatedmean runoff concentrations for land uses, based on the nationwide urban runoff program.

Parameters Residential Commercial Industrial

TKN (mg-NII) NO, + NO, (mg-NII) Total P (mgll)

Copper (I@) Zinc (pgll) Lead (mgll) COD (mgll) TSS (mgll) BOD (mgll)

Source: USEPA 1993.

TABLE 3.18. Comparison of percolation of nitratenitrogen from fertilized and unfertilized urban lawn with fertilized corn cropland.

Treatment Methods Flow-WeightedNitrate-N Nitrate-N Flux (mg

1997 -NIL)

1998 (kg-N

1997 ha-' y r ' )


Agriculture Urea-fertilized corn w l cover crop Urea-fertilized corn wlo cover crop Manure-fertilized corn

15.3 14.9 4.2

8.1 15.6 17.5

79.3 73.1 20.2

41.8 79.8

100.0 Home Lawn Fertilized 1.6 0.3 9.3 1.9 Unfertilized 0.2 0.2 1.3 1.4 Oak-Pine Forest 0.2 0.2 1.2 1.5

Source: Gold et al. 1990.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (72)

5 4 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has compiled a large amount of infor-mation on urban nonpoint sources and on control technologies and their effectiveness. T h e Nationwide Urban Runoff Program documented the nature and extent of nonpoint-source pollutant problems in urban areas (Table 3.19; USEPA 1977, 1983). The 1990 Coastal Zone Act Reauthorization Amendments (CZARA) required the states 'to implement management measures to protect coastal waters from urban nonpoint sources of pollution. Management measures are defined as economically achievable measures to control the addition of pollutants to coastal waters, that reflect the greatest degree of pollutant reduction achievable through the ap-plication of the best available nonpoint-source pollution control practices, technologies, proc-esses, siting criteria, operating methods, or other alternatives. The USEPA (1993) has specified and evaluated a wide range of management measures for urban nonpoint sources of pollution.

Controlling nonpoint-source pollution from urban areas requires the use of two primav strate-gies: prevention of pollutant loadings and treatment of unavoidable loadings. The USEPA management measures attempt to address the prevention and treatment of nonpoint-source pollutants from all phases of urbanization and are strongly watershed based. There are ap-proaches for reducing pollutants from existing as well as from new development.

3.3.1 Existing Development


Reducing nonpoint-source pollutants from existing urban areas requires identifying opportuni-ties for local and/or regional pollutant reduction via installation and/or improvements in existing urban runoff control structures. Table 3.19 presents specific management practices for treating runoff from exiting urban developments. Total nitrogen removal for these practices ranges from 5% to 60%. The primary limitations to their effectiveness stem from their inability to remove N from surface runoff. Surface runoff is difficult to treat because it moves rapidly through the landscape, often as channelized flow, reducing the potential for biological attenuation of N.

The total possible reduction of the nonpoint-source load from existing development is limited by the effectiveness of the site-specific practices listed in Table 3.19, multiplied by the percent of total urban runoff that is treated by the practices. For example, an effort in the Anacostia River watershed in Washington D.C., identified 125 sites that would benefit from improvement in storm-water runoff control structures; however, practicai considerations limited application of improvemen&t o only 20 of these sites (Schueler et al. 1991). Similarly, in the Loch Raven Res-ervoir watershed in Baltimore, 24 sites were identified, but it was possible to implement im-provements at only 7 of them (Stack and Belt 1989).

A minimal-reduction scenario assumes that runoff is treated at 15% of all possible sites, with a removal efficiency of 30%, resulting in a 4.5% reduction of N loading from urban runoff. A middle-of-the-road scenario assumes that 30% of all possible sites are treated, resulting in a 9% reduction. And a high-reduction scenario assumes that 60% of all possible sites are treated, re-sulting in an 18% reduction of N loading from urban runoff.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (73)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling-Nitrogen 5 5-

TABLE 3.19. Summary of existing development management practices for controlling sedi-ments (TSS), phosphorus UP), and nitrogen (TN) in urban runoff.

Management Practices % Removal Main Removal Efficiency TSS TP TN I Factors

Water Quality InlebCatch Basin Average 15 5 5 Main tenance Reported Range 1 0-95 5-10 5- 10 Sedimentation storage volume Probable Range 10-25 5- 10 5-10 Number of Values Considered 2 I I Water Quality Inlet-Catch Basins with Sand Filter ~ v e r a ~ e - 8 0 35 Sedimentation storage volume Reported Range 75-85 30-45 Depth o f filter media Probable Range 70-90 30-40 Number o f Values Considered I I Water Quality Inlet- OillGrid Separator Average 15 5 Sedimentation storage volume Reported Range 10-25 5- 10 Out le t configurations Probable Range 10-25 5-10 Number o f References I I Dry Pond Modified into Ed Dry Pond Average 4 5 35 Storage volume Reported Range 5-90 20-60 Detention time Probable Range 70-90 20-60 Pond shape Number of Values Considered 6 4 Dry Pond Modified into Wet Pond Average 60 35 Pool volume Reported Range (-30)-9 1 5-85 Pond shape Probable Range 50-90 10-90 Number o f Values Considered I I 7 Dry Pond or Wet Pond Modified into Ed Wet Pond Average 8 0 65 55 Pool volume Reported Range . 50- 100 50-80 55 Pond .shape Probable Range 50-95 50-80 - Detention time Number o f Values Considered I I I Streambank Stabilization Average - - NA NA Reported Range NA NA Probable Range - -Number of Values Considered 0 0 Riparian Forest (assumed same as Vegetated Filter Strip) Average 70 50 60 Runoff volume Reported Range 20-80 30-95 40-70 Slope Probable Range 40-90 30-80 20-60 Soil infiltration rates Number o f Values Considered 6 3 2 Vegetative cover

Buffer length Wetland (assumed same as Storm Water Wetlands) Average 65 25 20 Storage volume Reported Range (-20)- 100 (- 1 20)- 1 00 (- 1 5)- 1 Detention time Probable Range 50-90 (-5)-80 0-40 Pool shape Number o f Values Considered 14 14 6 Wetland's biota

Seasonal Variation

Source: USEPA 1993.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (74)

56 Reducing Nutrient Loads t o Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf - -


The USEPA includes on-site sewage disposal (OSD) systems (or septic systems) under urban nonpoint sources. OSD systems have been identified as major sources of nitrogen in several coastal areas (Tyson 1997; Valiela et al. 1997). Although there are several technologies that can reduce nitrogen loads from OSD systems significantly (e.g., by 50%; see Table 3.20), they are considerably-more expensive than conventional OSD- systems; which inhibits their use in-new and existing developments. However, OSD systems have a turnover time of about 30 years, so there is potential to improve technology and nutrient removal performance systematically.

TABLE 3.20. On-site sewage disposal (OSD) system effectiveness and cost summary.

Conventional Septic System Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered

Mound Systems Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered

Low-Pressure Systems Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered

Anaerobic 4Jpflow Filter Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered -

intermittent--sandFilter Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered

Recirculating Sand Filter Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered

Water-Separation System Average Reported Range Probable Range # Values Considered 4 J 6 6 I

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (75)

Chapter 3: Result-Approaches for Controllirig Nitrogen 5 7-

TABLE 3.20, continued.

Constructed Wetlands Average 80 $710 $25 Reported Range 60-90 $1,000-3,000 $25- 1 00 Probable Range 50-983 $50-350 $25-25 # Values Considered 19 I

Eliminating Garbage Disposals Average 37 NA N A Reported Range 3540 Negligible Negligible Probable Range 37-37 NA N A # Values Considered 3 NA N A

Low-Phosphate Detergents Average N A NA N A Reported Range N A Negligible Negligible Probable Range N A NA N A # Values Considered 0 0 0

Holding Tanks Average N A $3,900 $1,300 Reported Range 95- 100 $4,000-6,000 $1,000-200 Probable Range N A $1,220-6,570 $100-2,400 # Values Considered 0 8 12

Note: NA = not available. 'Efectiveness values reflect total system reduction, including soil absorption fields. 'Costs are in 1988 equivalent dollars. 3An average household with four occupants was assumed. Source: USEPA 1993.

A minimal-reduction scenario assumes that no nitrogen-reducing OSD systems are installed be-cause of their high cost. A middle-of-the-road scenario assumes that 10% of the existing O S D systems are--replacedwith systems that reduce nitrogen loads by 50%. These systems would be installed in ~articularlvsensitive coastal areas. as s~ecifiedin the USEPA manag-ement measures for OSD &stems recommended to achieve coApliance under the CZARA USEP PA 1993). This scenario would result in a total nitrogen reduction from OSD systems of 5%, but this re-duction needs to be highly weighted because it would occur in the immediate coastal zone. A high-reduction scenario assumes that 50% of all OSD systems have nitrogen-reducing technol-ogy, for a total reduction of 25%. I t is important to note that any OSD system reductions would require a 30-year implementation time, assuming that all systems are replaced on a 30-year cycle.

3.3.2 New Development

Analysis of nonpoint-source pollutant loads from urban areas is greatly complicated by the fact that new development is inevitable. In many coastal areas, urban and suburban development is rapidly replacing agricultural and natural areas. These land-use andlor land-cover changes must be considered in evaluations of nitrogen delivery to the Gulf of Mexico.

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5 8 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

The USEPA management measures suggested to achieve compliance with the CZARA are de-signed to reduce the impacts of new development. They focus strongly on sediments, specifying, for example, either an 80% reduction in sediment loads or a limit of sediment loads to pre-development levels (USEPA 1993). Given that practices that redu~esediment loadings also re-duce nitrogen, but much less effectively (Tables 3.19 and 3.20), new development will result in increased nitrogen loadings to the Gulf over time. Though our scenarios will vary in the extent of the increase, some increase is inevitable and must be accounted for.

The impacts of new development can be greatly reduced with watershed- and site-scale plan-ning. Watershed planning efforts need to identify both areas most likely to cause problems if de-veloped and areas that play an important role in absorbing nutrients (Table 3.21). Site planning efforts are used to avoid high pollutant outputs during construction activities.

No data are available on the effectiveness-i.e., percent reductions-of planning efforts on nu-trient outputs from new development. Moreover, predicting nutrient loads associated with new development requires detailed scenarios of land-use change, which can be difficult to evaluate. For example, conversion of agricultural land to urban and suburban uses, which is common in the Gulf of Mexico watershed, can result in decreases in nitrogen outputs, especially if state-of-the-art nonpoint-source pollutant controls are used in the new development. Alternatively, con-version of forest and native grassland to urban and suburban uses will increase nitrogen outputs. Calculating reduction scenarios requires: (1)obtaining land-use/land-cover change scenarios for the watershed; (2) computing the change in nitrogen delivery that the scenarios would cause; and (3) computing the effect of instituting state-of-the-art nonpoint-source pollutant control technologies on this change.

Municipal wastewater is the primary point-source discharge of nitrogen to waterways in the United States. In the Mississippi River Basin, it accounts for an estimated 200,000 metric tons/year of nitrogen discharged to streams and rivers in the basin (Goolsby et al. 1999). There are two basic methodologies for controlling nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater treat-ment plants, generally referred to as tertiary treatment: (1)environmental technology and (2) ecotechnology involving wetland treatment systems.

3.4.1 Environmental Technology Nitrogen, more specifically nitrate-nitrogen, can be removed from the water column by a num-ber of engineered, treatment plant technologies that involve chemical, physical, and biological processes. These technologies rely on the controlled use of chemicals and of mechanical energy within structured environments, such as concrete or earthen containers. Generally, the engi-neered technologies are labor intensive, requiring continuous monitoring and management of the treatment factors; but on the positive side, they require little land.

Because of the need for fxed containers, engineered technologies are limited to small fluctua-tions in flow. For example, during storm events when flow rates often double or triple within urban collection systems, the capacity of the receiving treatment plant is often exceeded and wastewater flow is bypassed to avoid damage to the physical plant or disruption of the treatment process. Consequently, engineered technologies are most efficiently applied in situations where flow variations are limited, such as in industrial or domestic sewerage applications. Applying these technologies to urban or agricultural runoff, which is subject to large variations in flow,

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (77)

Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 54

TABLE 3.21. Step-by-step guide to watershed management for new urban sources of pollu-tion.

I. Delineate and map watershed boundary and sub-basinswithin the watershed.

1 2. lnventory and map natural storm-water conveyance and storage systems.

3. lnventory and map man-madestorm-water conveyanceand storage systems. This includes all ditches, swales, storm sewers, detention ponds, and retention areas and such information as their size, storage capacity, and age.

1 4. lnventory and map land use by sub-basin.

1 5. lnventory and map detailed soils by sub-basin.

6. Establisha clear understandingof water resources in the watershed. Analyze water quality, sediment, and biological data. Analyze subjective information on problems (such as citizen complaints). Evaluate waterbed use impairment-frequency, timing. seasonality of problem. Conduct water quality assessment-low flow, seasonality.


7. lnventory point and nonpoint sources of pollution in the watershed. This includes pollutant identification, location, loadings, flow, capacity, and:

land-uselloading-rate analysis for storm water; sanitary survey for septic tanks; and dry-flow monitoring t o locate illicit discharges.

8. ldentify and mag future land use by sub-basin. Conduct land-use loading-rate analyses t o assess the potential effects of various land-use sce-narios.

9. ldentify planned infrastructure improvements-5 years, 20 years. Coordinate and schedule storm-water management deficiencies wi th other infrastructure o r development projects.

10. Analysis. Determine the infrastructure and natural resource management needs within each watershed.

II.Set resource managementgoals and objectives Before corrective actions can be taken, a resource management target must be set. The tar-get may be defined in terms of water quality standards (e.g., attainment and preservation of beneficial uses) o r other local resource management objectives.- - .

12. Determine pollutant reduction (for existingand future land uses) needed to achieve water quality goals.

13. Select appropriate management practices for point and nonpoint-sourcesthat can be used to achieve the goal. Evaluate the effectiveness o f pollutant removal, landowner acceptance, financial incentives and costs, availability o f land, operation and maintenance needs, feasibility, and availability of technical assistance.

14. Develop a watershed managementplan. Since each watershed's problems are unique, each management plan will be different. How-ever, all watershed plans should include such common elements as:

an existing and future land-use plan; a master storm-water management plan that addresses existing and future needs; a wastewater management plan, including septic tank maintenance programs; and an infrastructure and capital improvements plan.

Source: Livingston and hlccarron 1992, as cited in USEPA 1993.

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60 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

dramatically increases the capital cost because of the need for large containers, which are infre-quently used. Further, treating storm-water runoff with engineered technologies is complicated by the means of capture. For example, agricultural tiles are widely spaced, and the distance be-tween tile systems is extensive. Collecting and treating the effluent from these systems would be feasible, but would require expensive intercepting sewers or numerous small treatment plants.

Engineered technologies have proved to be successfulin treating wastewater, with the exception of sewer systems that combine both wastewater and storm water. In the latter case, large, ex-pensive reservoirs have had to be constructed to modulate the flow sufficiently to accommodate the technology. For industrial wastewater, the engineered application is most suitable, assuming the process is well defined and the waste nitrogen load is uniformly distributed. Engineered technologies also could work in agricultural fields, particularly with regard to contained feedlot operations, for example, for cattle, swine, or chickens. Less appropriate are those applications where nitrate concentrations are low, where storm-water runoff is mixed with wastewater, and where flow streams are dispersed over a wide area.


The three commonly used physical/chemical processes for controlling nitrogen in wastewater are air stripping, breakpoint chlorination, and ion exchange. These processes are relatively expensive and require careful monitoring and control (Metcalf and Eddy Inc. 1991). Air stripping requires the adjustment of p H through the addition of lime, causing ammonia gas to be formed, which is then released by mechanical stirring or aeration. In the breakpoint chlorination process, chlo-rine is added to the water, which strips the hydrogen atoms off the ammonia molecule, releasing nitrogen gas. A significant drawback to this process is that highly toxic residual chlorine often finds its way into the receiving stream. In the ion exchange process, ions of one species are dis-placed from an insoluble ion of a different species; a resin is stirred into the water, which attracts the ammonium cations; the resin then precipitates and can be removed and regenerated. BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES

The activated sludge process is the principal biological mechanism for removing contaminants, including nitrogen from municipal and industrial sources. This process relies on using microbes to consume the unwanted substances, flocculate, settle, and form sludge, which is removed from the bottom of the container. Typically, the activated sludge process results in the conversion of ammonium-nitrogen to nitrate, through nitrification. Nitrate is then released to the receiving surface water. However, the process can be taken further to remove nitrate through denitrifica-tion. These processes are reasonably stable, require little land, and are generally cheaper than the physical/chemical methods.

The activated sludge process may contain two stages-the first resulting in the conversion of ammonium to nitrate, and the second in the conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas. The process can be carried out (1) in a suspended-growth medium, which requires the suspension of mi-crobes in the wastewater by means of mechanical stirring or aeration; or (2) on an attached-growth medium, which involves hard substrates, such as gravels or synthetic substrates, on which the microbes attach and grow. The removal rate of nitrate is in the range of 80-90%.

A variety of innovative variations to the basic activated sludge processes have been tested and ex-plored in recent years. For instance:

Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification can be accomplished in a single bioreactor by using both partly and completely submerged biofilms (Watanabe et al. 1994).

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 6t

In moving-bed biofilm reactors, the biofilm grows on small plastic elements shaped like short pipes with a cross inside (Rusten et al. 1995). A recently designed and tested biological nutrient-removal divides aeration basins into three functional zones-anaerobic, anoxic, and aerobic-fadilitating the removal of ni-trogen from the flow stream process (DeBarbadillo et al. 1995). Integrated fixed-film media have been used to increase denitrification in anaerobic sec-tions of anaerobic treatment plants (Randall and Sen 1996).

A biofilm-sequencing batch reactor uses four phases to remove nitrogen: anaerobic, aero-bic, anoxic, and aerobic. Denitrification accomplished in the anoxic phase has reduced nitrogen by 87% (Garz6n-Zuniga and Gonzilez 1996).

Single-basin lagoon systems are achieving nitrification and denitrification by turning the aerators on and off at set intervals. This method yielded a nitrogen removal rate of 81% and a 95% ammonium-nitrogen conversion (Rothberg et al. 1993). FEASIBILITY

Using engineered processes to remove nitrate-nitrogen from point sources is feasible where land is limited (such as in urban areas), when nitrate is concentrated in the flow stream, and when the flow stream is reasonably uniform with respect to time. Although these conditions are met for some municipal, industrial, and confined agricultural applications, the percentage of nitrate-nitrogen coming from treatment plants in the Mississippi River Basin is a small portion of the total load to the Gulf of Mexico. Consequently, implementing denitrification at existing plants would be ineffective and costly.

Applying these technologies to urban and agricultural nonpoint-source runoff is equally infeasi-ble because the flow paths are widely distributed, reasonably dilute, and highly variable. T o meet peak demands, enormous capital investment would be required to provide for the necessary tank-age or large reservoirs to moderate flow fluctuations. Further, production of the needed chemi-cals and electrical energy would degrade the environment by emitting greenhouse gases and solid waste by-products. Far more efficient and environmentally safe technologies can be found through ecotechnology.

3.4.2 Ecotechnology-Treatment Wetlands

Countless studies have demonstrated the capacity of created and natural marshes to be sinks for nitrogen and other contaminants in wastewater (e.g., Fetter et al. 1978 in Wisconsin; Kadlec and Tilton 1979 and Kadlec 1983 in Michigan; Dierberg and Brezonik 1984, 1985, and Dolan et al. 1981 in Florida; Knight et al. 1987 in North Carolina; and Spieles and Mitsch (2000) in Ohio). There are now hundreds of documented wastewater wetlands in the United States and Europe. Results of many of these constructed wetlands for nutrient retention have been sum-marized in a data base maintained by the USEPA. Summaries of those data are given by Kadlec and Knight (1996). This section presents some design considerations for these treatment wet-lands and contrasts them with natural and nonpoint-source wetlands described above. SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE FLOW

Generally, constructed treatment wetlands are designed for either surface flow over the substrate or subsurface flow through a substrate (Figure 3.19). Surface-flow wetlands, though generally less effective in removing some pollutants at first, are closer in design to natural wetlands and are less prone to clogging and, therefore, require less maintenance. Subsurface flow through artificial

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (80)

wetlands can be through soil media (root-zone method) or through rocks or sand (rock-reedy-ters), with the flow in both cases 15-30 cm below the surface (Wieder et al. 1989). In a survey of several hundred wetlands built in Europe for sewage treatment in rural settings, Cooper and Hobson (1989) report that gravel is used in combination with soil, but that the substrate remains the greatest uncertainty in artificial-reed (Phragmites) wetlands used for water quality enhance-ment. Constructed wetlands with subsurface flow have the advantage of requiring a smaller area for the same retention of chemicals, but they are prone to clogging if overloaded.

62 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Grbund Waters and the d d f

FIGURE 3.19. Schematic showing differences between (a) surface-flow and @) subsurface-flow treatment wetlands. (From Knight / 9 90.)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (81)

Chapter 3: ResultcApproaches for Controlling-Nitrogen , 63 TREATMENT WETLAND DESIGN

The nutrient retention capacity of wastewater wetlands has been well documented (reviewed by Kadlec and Knight 1996). A hypothetical nitrogen mass balance for a moderately loaded waste-water wetlands, as illustrated in Fi re 3.20, shows that wastewater wetlands are capable of rou-tinely removing 100-300 g-N m-pF-l, a rate much higher than wetlands used for nonpoint-source control. Kadlec and Knight (1996) point out that the role of vegetation uptake in the ni-trogen budget is not trivial and can be 25% or more of the retention. However, only a fraction of that nitrogen is permanently buried in the sediments. In addition, the rates of nitrification and denitrification greatly exceed the rates that would be estimated from only a water quality inflow-outflow analysis. Kadlec and Knight (1996) estimated that the true rate of denitrification in wastewater wetlands, based on rate constants rather than water quality analyses, is on the order of 280 g-N m-2yr-I (Figure 3.20), a rate far in excess of those estimated for most natural wet-lands and riparian forests.

NO,-N = 5 mgll NH4-N= 10 mgA 80 0 ORG-N = 10mgll


NO,-N = 1 mgll NH4-N= G mg/l ORG-N = 2 mg/l

FIGURE 3.20. Hypothetical nitrogen fluxes in wastewater treatment wetlands based on hy-drologic loading of 5.5 cmlday and first-order decay rates determined fvom multiple sites. (From Kadlec and Knight 1 996.)

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64 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf -

Table 3.22 summarizes nitrogen removal efficiency of wastewater wetlands from the North American data base. Removal efficiencies range from 46% removal for constructed surface-flow treatment wetlands to 72% for natural surface-flow wetlands. Removal rates averaged from 69 to 570 g-N m-2yfl,with the low number for natural wetlands receiving wastewater, and the high number for constructed subsurfacewastewater wetlands. These numbers are far in excess of what occurs in natural wetlands, where nitrogen retention rates are generally in the range of 0-40 g-N m" yr". Because it is very unlikely that natural wetlands can continue to be used to treat wastewater because of wetland protection laws, it can be assumed that constructed wastewater wetlands are the primary wetland type for controlling nitrates from point sources. With loading on the order of 300-900 g-N m-2yfl,nitrogen flows could be expected to be reduced by about 50% with some consistency. The high rates of nitrogen removal that are possible with con-structed wetlands treating domestic wastewater suggest that these systems are efficient alterna-tives for controlling nitrogen from point sources. The generally lower costs of these wastewater treatment wetlands, as alternatives to the more costly environmental technology described above, add to their desirability as nitrogen control systems.

TABLE 3.22. Nitrate and total nitro~enremoval rates and efficiency of natural and con-structed wastewater wetlands as averaged from a number of systems in North America.

Parameters Natural Wetlands ConstructedWetlands Surface Water Subsurface Water

Nitrate + Nitrite N Inflow Concentrations (mglL) Outflow Concentrations(mg1L)

Loading Rates (g m-2yr-I)

Removal Rates (g m-2yr")

Efficiency (%)

Total N Inflow Concentrations (mglL) Outflow Concentrations (mglL) Loading Rates (g m-l yr-I) Removal Rates (g rn-2yr-I) Efficiency (%)-.. .

Source: Kadlec and Knight 1996.


3.5.1 Stationary Sources

Control technologies in stationary sources reduce NO, (NO + NO,) gaseous emissions during either combustion or post-combustion processes (Figure 3.21). The first type of technology modifies the combustion process, such as low-NO, burners and gas reburning. The second type involves post-combustion removal of NO, generated during the combustion process, including selective noncatalytic NO, reduction and selective catalytic reduction. Most of these technologies can be used on new boilers or retrofitted to existing boilers.

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling-Nitrogen 65 --


FIGURE 3.2 1. Combustion and post-combustionNO, control options for stationary sources. NOTE: SNCR = selective non-catalytic reduction; SCR = selective catalytic reduction; FGD = flue-gas desulfurization. (From Tavoulareas and Charpentier 1995.) MODIFIED COMBUSTION PROCESSES

Low-NO, burners (LNBs) stage the combustion process to control the coal-air mixture at each stage (combustion zone). An oxygen-deficient region and delayed combustion of coal are created by introducing auxiliary air to the outside of the firing zone, thus limiting the availability of oxy-gen to react with the nitrogen in the coal. Approximately 30-55% of the NO, can be reduced by this method (Tavoulareas and Charpentier 1995).

Gas reburning involves introduction of up to 20% of total fuel input from natural gas above the main combustion zone. When flue gas containing NO, drifts upward from the main combus-tion zone, NO, is reburned with gas in this upper level, &el-rich zone and converted into mo-lecular nitrogen. LNBs plus reburning can reduce NO, by up to 72% of NO, (USEPA 1996b). POST-COMBUSTION PROCESSES

Selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) is a post-combustion process that injects a nitrogen-based .reducingagent (such as urea and ammonia) into the flue gas to reduce NO, to molecular nitrogen and water. The general reaction is as follows:

NO, + NH, + 0, + H,O + (H,) -> N, + H,O + Heat

The reagent is usually injected at the top and backpass of the boiler, where internal temperature is between the optimal reaction range (87&1200"C). SNCR can reduce NO, by up to 3540% of NO,.

Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is similar to SNCR in that it injects ammonia in the flue gas, but at a lower temperature (340-380°C) with a catalyst (a vanadiumhitanium formulation and zeolite materials). The NO, in the flue gas reacts with NH, that is adsorbed onto the active sites

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66 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

on the catalysts to form molecular nitrogen and water. The SCR technology was developed in the United States, but has been more aggressively implemented overseas (USEPA 1997a). It may provide the greatest opportunity for NO, reduction, as it is capable of decreasing NO, emis-sions by more than 90% (STAPPA &ALAPCO 1994). I

3.5.2 Mobile Sources Automobile NO, emission control technology has made significant advances in the past several years. Many of the technologies discussed below can reduce NO, emissions beyond the level of control required by Tier 1standards, and have been already used on current Tier 1, national low-emission vehicles (LEVs) and California LEV technology vehicles (USEPA 1998a). These technologies include improvements in base engine-out emissions, air-fuel ratio control, fuel de-livery and atomization, and exhaust after-treatment (Table 3.23). BASE ENGINE lMPROVEMENT

Engine-out NO, emissions result from high combustion temperatures. Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), multiple valves with variable valve timing and use of "fast burn" combustion chamber designs provide improved thermal efficiency and lower NO, emissions. A leak-free exhaust sys-tem can also be used to prevent outside ambient air from being drawn into the system that oth-erwise would increase emission level. These technologies provides 3-10% reductions of NO, from current Tier 1standards (Table 3.23). EGR can result 15-20% reduction in engine-out emissions.

TABLE 3.23. Feasibletechnologiesfor NO, emission reductions (from Tier I levels) for mobile sources.

Technology % NO, Reduction

Modifications t o combustion chamber

Multiple valves with variable valve timing

Increased EGR (including electronic control)

Improved AIF control (i.e., improved HEGO, improved power-train control module microprocessor, faster fuel injectors, transient adaptive fuel con-t ro l algorithms, dual HEGO, and improved calibration)

Universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensor

Airlfuel control in individual cylinders

Catalyst improvements (thermal stability, washcoat, cell densities)

Increased catalyst loading and volume

Advanced catalyst designs (tri-metal, multi-layered)

Close-coupled catalysts

Electrically-heated catalysts

NOTE: In general, these percentages cannot be simply summed to achieve a total emission reduction when more than one emission control technology is being applied. Source: USEPA 1998a.

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Chapter 3: Results-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 67' IMPROVEMENTS IN AIR-FUEL RATIO CONTROL

These technologies use dual-heated exhaust gas oxygen (HEGO) sensors, universal exhaust gas oxygen (UEGO) sensors, individual cylinder airlhel (A/F) control, adaptive fuel control systems, or electronic throttle control systems to aid in controlling air-fuel mixing for complete combus-tion (as close to stoichiometric operation as possible), thus maximizing the efficiency of the three-way catalyst to reduce NO,. These improvements can reduce NO, emissions by 35%. IMPROVEMENTSTO EXHAUST AFTER-TREATMENT SYSTEMS

Many important advances have been made over the last five years in exhaust after-treatment sys-tems. Improvements to the catalyst thermal stability, washcoat, cell density, and multi-layered designs can result in up to a 57% NO, reduction from the Tier 1level. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES

In addition to the above improvements that have been already found in conventional vehicles, advanced technologies providing even better emission control are being developed on ultra-low-emission vehicles (ULEVs) and zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs). These developments include vehicles powered by compressed natural gas (CNG), battery, hybrid propulsion system (gasoline powered engine plus electric motor), and fuel cells promising a very low or zero emission.

3.5.3 Regulatory Issues

NO, emission is mainly regulated by the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990. Title I of the CAAA requires states to regulate in ozone nonattainment areas and ozone transport re-gions: (1) existing major stationary sources of NOxto apply reasonably available control technol-ogy; and (2) new or modified major stationary sources of NO, to offset their new emissions and to install controls representing the lowest achievable rate.

Title I1 of the C M calls for reductions in motor vehicle emissions. I t sets specific emission standards, known as Tier 1,for light-duty vehicles (LDVs) and light-duty trucks (LDTs) made during and after 1994. Title I1 further requires the USEPA to study. whether more stringent emission standards, known as Tier 2, should be required beginning with the 2004 model year.

Title IV of CAAA was designed to reduce harmful effects of acid deposition by limiting the al-lowable emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. It requires NO, emission reduction from coal-fired utility sources through a two-phased program. Phase I reduces annual NO, emissions by more than 0.4 million tonslyear between 1996 and 1999, while Phase I1 sets further limita-tions for various boilers beginning in the year 2000. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS

Over the past two years, the USEPA has released and proposed several rules and regulations aimed to reduce NO, and other atmospheric emissions under the CAAA. In December 1996, the USEPA released a new rule on Phase I1 of Title IV of the CAAA that sets lower emission limits for Group 1burners, and established limitations for Group 2 boilers based on NO, control technologies that are comparable in cost to LNBs applied in Phase I (Table 3.24). The new rule will reduce about 1.17 million tons of NO, emissions per year beginning in the year 2000 at a 20% removal efficiency and an average cost-effectiveness of $229 per ton of NO, removed. This represents a 15% percent reduction of NO, emissions from utilities, or 5% of total NO, from all sources. The emission limitation set by this rule is very cost-effective compared to other source controls such as those for industrial and automobile sources (Figure 3.22).

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68 Reducing Nutrient Loadsto Surface and GroundWaters and the Gulf

TABLE 3.24. Coal-fired boiler types and the best continuous control systems used by EPA to establish NO, emission limits under Title N of the CleanAir Act Amendments.

Coal-FiredBoiler Types Characteristics , Control SystrEms

Group I Dry-bottom wall-fired boilers Burners are located along the furnace Low NO, burners


Tangentially fired boilers Burners are located in the furnace corners.

Group 2 Cell burner-fired boilers Dry-bottom boilers with arrays of circular Plug-in and

burners forming a cell mounted on the non-plug-in furnace wall.

Wet-bottom boilers Ash is converted into molten slag at bot- Gas-reburning SCR tom of furnace by high internal tempera-ture.

Cyclones boilers Wet-bottom boilers that burn fuel in hori- Gas reburning SCR zontal water-cooled cylinders.

Vertical-fired boilers Vertically oriented circular burners. Combustion controls

Stoker boilers and fluidized- Low NO, emission by design. High cost bed combustion

Source: USEPA 1 996a.

NOx Control Cost Range (by source category)

12,00@ Average Cost

Average Cost


Average Cost


Titile IV Phase II NOx Rule

Industrial NOx Controls

Automobile NOx Controls

FIGURE 3.22. Stationary and mobile NO, control cost range by source category. ( U S E P A 19960.)

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (87)

Chapter 3: Results-Approa~b,esfor ControllingNitrogen 69 \

On Sept. 24,1998, the USEPA announced a new anti-smog plan that calls for reducing NO, emissions by 1.1 million tons annually, or 28% percent overall, in 22 states and the District of Columbia by 2007 (USEPA 1998b). The controls must be in place by 2003. Ohio, the leading state in NOxemissions from utility power plants, will need to reducg: NO, emissions by 36% by 2003, and 85% by 2007.

According to the Tier 2 report sent to Congress (USEPA 1998a), the USEPA will most likely propose new emission standards at the end of 1999. However, the proposed Tier 2 standards will not be effective before the 2004 model year. Under current vehicle emission control technolo-gies, including tighter air-fuel control and better catalyst designs, the USEPA estimates that NO, emissions can be reduced by 80% relative to current Tier 1 vehicles (Table 3.25). Mean-while, under the national low-emission vehicle (LEV) program, a voluntary agreement among automakers and northeastern states will ensure vehicles meet cleaner LEV standards by model year 2001. A LEV-standard vehicle will reduce NO, by 50% relative to Tier 1vehicles.

TABLE 3.25. List of potential T i 2 technologies and associated emission reductions of NO, for mobilesources. -

Technology % Emission Reduction

Improved AIF Control 20 Increased Catalyst Volume and Loading 20 Improved Catalyst WashcoatlSubstrate 10 Close-Coupled Catalyst 10 Advanced Catalyst Design 50 Increased EGR 20 Total' 80

'Total NO, reduction = 100% - (100%-20%)*(100%-20%)*(1 OOOA1()%)*(I 00%-I OX)*(/O&SO%)*(l 00°A20%) = 80%. Source: USEPA 1 9 9 8 ~ .

New emission standards were also set for heavy-duty diesel engines (HDEs) used in trucks and buses that represent about one-quarter of the mobile source NO, emissions. The new rule re-quires all HDEs made after 2004 to have a 50% lower NO, level relative to 1998-2003 model year NO, standards (USEPA 1997b). This will result in a reduction of 1.1million tons/year by the year 2020.


The hypoxia in the offshore zone of the Gulf'of Mexico is likely to be at least partly due to the separation of the Mississippi River from its deltaic plain. Whereas the river once spread out over the delta during flood periods, it is now\mostly shunted directly to the sea. In historic times, a considerable amount of water flowed out of the main channel. As one calculation supporting this contention, Kesel et al. (1992) constructed a sediment budget for the lower Mississippi River for the period 1880-1911. They reported that below the Red River, about 26% of the sediment was retained by the delta.

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70 ReducingNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the ~ u l f

There has been controversy as to the efficacy of diverting river water back into coastal wetlands for nutrient retention (Turner and Rabalais 1991; Rabalais et al. 1994; Day et al. 1997, 1999; Turner 1998). Yet wetlands and shallow-water bottoms with anaerobic sediments are natural sinks for nutrients (Hatton et al. 1982; Sharp et al. 1982; Reddy et al. 1993; see also previous sections), and represent a viable mechanism for decreasing the nutrient load of river water prior to reaching offshore. If river water could be reintroduced to the backwaters, coastal wetlands and shallow inshore bodies of water before its discharge to the Gulf of Mexico, a natural "downstream" pollution control system could be created, augmenting efforts to reduce nutrient inputs from the upstream Mississippi River Basin.

Several case studies are presented in this section to demonstrate the nutrient and sediment dy-namics that occur in Louisiana estuaries in response to the addition of Mississippi River water. Among the effects that might occur as .a result of this diversion, we hypothesize the following:

1. suspended sediments, nitrate, and total inorganic nitrogen will rapidly assimilate in di-verted water;

2. ammonium and organic nitrogen will increase; -

3. there will be relatively lower uptake of phosphorus and silicon, resulting in a decrease in the N:P and N:Si ratios in waters going to the Gulf; and

4. diversionswill lead to the creation of new wetlands and greater maintenance of existing wetlands.

3.6.1 The Mississippi Delta

The Mississippi River delta formed over the past 6,000-7,000 years as a series of overlapping delta lobes. The coast has often been described in terms of a series of hydrologic basins that are sepa-rated largely by current or abandoned distributary channels. The larger delta is made up of two physiographic units: the active deltaic plain to the east and the Chenier plain to the west. Active deltaic lobe formation took place in the deltaic plain. The Chenier plain is a series of old beach ridges formed by westward downdrift of sediments.

The coast is characterized by a series of vegetation zones (sahne, brackish, intermediate, and fresh marshes and forested wetlands, from the coast inland) that run roughly parallel to the coast and are determined primarily by salinity. Changes in these zones over the past half century have been described in-aseries of four vegetation maps (O'Neil 1949; Chabreck 1972; Chabreck and Lins-combe 1982; 1988).

From the 1930s until the present, there has been a dramatic loss of wetlands in the Mississippi Delta, with estimates as high as 100 krn2 per year (Gagliano et al. 1981). Land loss rates were highest in the 1960s and the 1970s and have declined since, although rates remain high (Britsch and Dunbar 1993). An understanding of the causes of this land loss is important not only for developing effective management plans to deal with land loss but also for understanding the re-lationships among land loss, water quality, and offshore hypoxia.

A number of factors have been linked to land loss, including elimination of riverine input to most of the coastal zone due to construction of flood-control levees along the Mississippi River, altered wetland hydrology mostly due to canal construction, saltwater intrusion, wave erosion along exposed shorelines, high subsidence rates, and sea level rise (see Boesch et al. 1994 for a re-view of these issues). Most studies have concluded that land loss is a complex interaction of these factors, acting at different spatial and temporal scales (e.g., Day and Templet 1989; Boesch et al. 1994; Day et al. 1995, 1997).

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (89)

Chapter 3: ResultoApproaches for Controlling Nitrogen 7 1-

3.6.2 Nitrogen Dynamics in Deltaic Wetlands and Shallow Coastal Waters

Various studies have reported rapid reduction of nitrite plus nitrate [NO, + NO,) in estuarine environments, with much of it due to denitrification and other processes (Koike and Hattori 1978; Khalid and Patrick 1988; Lindau and DeLaune 1991; Nowicki et al. 1997). Jenkins and Kemp (1984) reported that up to 50% of NO, + NO, introduced into the Patuxent River estuary underwent denitrification. Vascular plants as well as algae incorporate NO, + NO, into cellular mass. Nitrate reduction to ammonium has also been found to occur (Smith et al. 1982). Soren-son (1978) found as much as 50% of nitrate applied to marine sediments can be reduced to am-monium. These processes are biologically driven and, therefore, are positively correlated with temperature. Denitrification takes place when anaerobic sediments are present. This is the case for coastal wetlands and practically all shallow inshore waters of the Louisiana coastal zone.

Most estuaries are sources for ammonium due to its regeneration during the decomposition of organic matter (Kernp and Boynton 1984), as well as reduction of nitrite and nitrate to ammo-nium (Sorenson 1978). Numerous studies have shown the net mobilization of ammonium-nitrogen by benthic sediments (Koike and Hattori 1978; Blackburn 1979; Callender and Ham-mond 1982; Teague et al. 1988). The relatively shallow water depths and rapid settling rates and bacterial utilization result in fairly short residence times for organic material in estuarine waters (Moran and Hodson 1989). Even though ammonium increases, TIN (total inorganic nitrogen) decreases due to denitrification are much higher than regeneration.

Another permanent loss of nitrogen is through burial. Relative sea level rise in coastal Louisiana is approximately 1cm F'(Penland and Ramsey 1990), which is partly compensated for by an accretion rate of 0.7-0.9 cm yr-' (Cahoon and Turner 1989; DeLaune et al. 1989). DeLaune et al. (1981) reported that nitrogen burial in wetlands accreting at a rate of 0.75 cm yr-' was 13.4 g-N rn-, y-'.

3.6.3 Case Studies-Mississippi River Diversions

Three case studies in Louisiana where Mississippi River water has been diverted through shallow water bodies and over wetlands illustrate the effects of diversion of nutrients. THE-CAERNARVON FRESHWATER DIVERSION

The Caernarvon diversion is the largest of six diversions currently in operation on the Lower Mississippi fiver below New Orleans. The structure is located on the east bank of the Missis-sippi, and water is diverted through several gates so that it can be passed at low river stages (Figure 3.23). The water-control structure has the capability of passing 226 m3 sec-I of water. Freshwater discharge began in August 1991and has ranged between 21 and 212 m3 sec-' (Lane and Day 1999).The diversion delivers water into Breton Sound estuary, which consists of 1,100 km2 of fresh, brackish, and saline wetlands and many small, shallow water bodies. Breton Sound wetlands were initially formed several thousand years ago as part of the Plaquemines-St. Bernard Delta complex (Scruton 1960). Since then, approximately half of the original wetlands have submerged due to subsidence, as described by Penland et al. (1988).

Several natural crevasses have been documented in the region surrounding Caernarvon, which delivered large amounts of river water into Breton Sound estuary, before the Mississippi fiver levee system was constructed (Russell 1936; Davis 1993). During the great flood of 1927, the Mississippi Rwer levee at Caernarvon was blown up to relieve New Orleans from possible flood-

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (90)

72 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

ing (Barry 1997). The resulting crevasse was 979 m wide and diverted up to 9,200 m3 sec-l of water, equal to half of the mean flow of the Mississippi Rwer for four months (Davis 1993; Barry 1997). During the 1927 flood, a layer of river sediments up to 40 cm thick was deposited over an area of approximately 10 krn by 15 km.The historical record, therefore, indicates that the Breton Sound estuary has experienced massive periodic inputs of Mississippi River water as part of its evolution to its current ecological state. Villarrubia (1998) reported 164 ha of new marsh has formed in Breton Sound estuary since 1991, and existing wetlands have high rates of accretion on the marsh surface.

10 kilometers

FIGURE 3.23. Caernawon diversion and Breton Sound Estuary in coastal Louisiana. NOTE: Numbers refer to water quality monitoring stations. The Caernarvon, White's Ditch Siphon, and Bohemia structures are controlled freshwater diversions, and the Pointe a la Hache relief outlet and Bohemia spillway are areas of seasonal flooding of the Mississippi River.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (91)

Lane and Day (1999) analyzed nutrient data taken before and after the diversion was opened in 1991. A Before-After, Control-Impact (BACI) analysis, along with station-by-station (station numbers in Figure 3.23) contrasts, indicated that the diversion created no significant difference in nitrates or ammonium in the wetland and coastal waters but that total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total nitrogen (TN) levels at stations 2, 5, and 6 decreased significantly as a result (Figure 3.24). Station 7 had high nitrate and total nitrogen concentrations compared to the other marsh stations due to the addition of river water in the region by the Bohemia structure and spillway. Mean pre- and post-diversion Mississippi River water nitrate concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 1.6 mg-N/L, while the marsh water quality ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 mg-N/L, suggesting rapid reduction in nitrate levels as river water entered the estuary. When the post-diversion data was broken down by season, nitrite + nitrate concentrations during summer and

Chapter 3: Result+Approaches for ControllingNitrogen 7 3

FIGURE 3.24. PB and post-diversion data with standard error bars for Louisiana's Breton Sound Estuary for (a) nitrite + nitrate, @) ammoniur+nitrogen, (c) total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and (d) total nitrogen. NOTE: Solid black data points are pre-diversion; open data points are post-diversion.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (92)

74 ReducinnNutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the GUM .

autumn were somewhat lower compared to winter and spring, but were not significantly differ-ent. Winter had the highest ammonium-nitrogen concentrations compared to the other sea-sons. Most important, salinity mixing diagrams (Figure 3.25; see Liss 1976 and Day et al. 1989 for a discussion of mixing diagrams) indicated that the Breton Sound system was acting as a strong sink for nitrite + nitrate and total nitrogen and as a source for ammonium-nitrogen and organic nitrogen. Salinity was considerably reduced at stations 1through 4, indicating that the diversion significantly diluted estuarine water in the area.

Salinity (ppt)

Salinity (ppt)

Salinity (ppt)

Salinity (ppt)

FIGURE 3.25. Fbst-diversion salinity mixing curve (with raw data points shown as circles) and overall averages at each water quality station (shown as diamonds) for (a) nitrite + ritrate-nitrogen, @) ammonium-nitrogen,(c) total Kjeldahl nitrogen, and (d) total nitrogen.

Results of analysis of nutrient loading rates indicate 5.6-13.4 3-N mM2yr-I of nitrate-nitrogen,8.9-23.4 g-N m-2yr-' of total nitrogen, and 0.9-2.0 g-P m-2yr of total phosphorus were deliv-ered to the region north of the first two water quahty monitoring stations during 1992-94 (Table 3.26). Removal efficiencies were 88-97% for nitrite + nitrate, 32-57% for total nitrogen, and 0-46% for total phosphorus.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (93)

Chapter 3: Result+Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 75.'

TABLE 3.26. Nutrient loading rates and removal efCiciencyof wetlands north of the first two water quality monitoring stations at the Caernawon freshwater diversion of the Mississippi River, Louisiana.

Parameters 1992 1993 1994

NO, + NO2 Loading (g-N m-' yi l) Removal (g-N m-' yrl) % Removal

Total Nitrogen Loading (g-N m-2y i ' ) Removal (g- N m-' yi l) % Removal

Total Phosphorus Loading (g-P m-' yi l ) Removal (g-P m-' y i ' ) % Removal THE BONNET CARRE SPILLWAY

The Bonnet CarrC Spillway is a floodway designed to carry flood waters from the Mississippi to Lake Pontchartrain when New Orleans is threatened by high water levels (Figure 3.26). The spillway was constructed in 1931 after the devastating flood gf 1927 and has been opened eight times since during high-water events. It is located 25 km upstream of New Orleans in an area of natural crevasses that breached the Mississippi hver levee in the 1800s and introduced up to 4,000 m3sec-I of water into Lake Pontchartrain (Davis 1993). The present spillway is designed to divert up to 7,000 m3 sec" from the river during floods. The forested wetlands in the Bonnet Carre Spillway have shown no land loss and are healthy compared to swamp and marsh areas just upriver and downriver where there has been land loss.

Lake Pontchartrain is a large (1,630 km2) oligohaline lake located in southeastern Louisiana, with a mean depth of about 3.7 m. In its natural state, the lake was surrounded by extensive wetlands, but large areas have been reclaimed or impounded on the south shore due to growth in the New Orleans metropolitan area. The lake receives freshwater input from several rivers as well as periodic openings of the Bonnet CarrC Spillway, and is connected to the larger estuarine sys-tem through three large inlets (Figure 3.26). Two natural inlets-The Rigolettes and Chef Menteur Pass-communicate with Lake Borgne and Mississippi Sound; while a dredged canal, the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) is connected to Breton Sound. The Rigolettes, Chef Menteur, and the I H N C carry about 60%, 30%, and lo%, respectively, of the tidal ex-change, and maximum combined flow is about 6,400 m3 sec-' (Swenson and Chuang 1983).

The spillway was opened in 1997 during the fourth-largest flood of the century (Day et al. 1999). Water flow through the structure increased to 6,800 m3sec" (240,000 cfs, or about 16.4% of the total flow of the river) on March 25-26, and then gradually declined due to both de-creasing river discharge and closure of the structure. Concentrations of the different parameters in Mississippi River water varied during the diversion; TKN was 0.34-0.93 mg-N/1; total phos-phorus, 0.17-0.33 mg-PA; ammonium-nitrogen, 0.08-1.26 mg-NA; nitrate-nitrogen, 1.08-1.26 mg-NA; and total suspended solids, 34-110 mg/l. The introduction of river water reduced

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (94)

salinity and increased nutrient levels in the lake. This condition was most pronounced at stations 2 and 3, where the system went completely fresh within two weeks of the opening and nutrient levels were the same as those in the river, indicating essentially unchanged river water. At these two stations, high concentrations of nitrate and total phosphorus )persisted for about a month after the closure of the structure but reached pre-opening levels by early to mid-June. By contrast to the rapid declines in nutrient concentration, salinity gradually increased, reaching pre-opening levels by late Augusdearly September.

76 Reducing Nutrient Loadsto Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

FIGURE 3.26. Map of Lake Pontchartrain near New Orleans, Louisiana, showing the Bonnet Car& Spillway and sampling stations.

At Station 4 in the mid-lake, nitrate and total phosphorus concentrations reached the levels in the river, but a week or two later than at Station 2. Salinity declined more slowly and never reached completely fresh conditions. As with Stations 2 and 3, nutrient concentrations returned to pre-opening levels by mid June, while salinity did not return to pre-opening levels until Sep-tember. The north shore (Station 5) was less effected by the river inflow, and nutrient concen-trations were lower. There was less influence of river water at Station 6 in the northeastern portion of the lake than at Station 7. Nitrate and total phosphorus concentrations at Station 6 were generally less than half of that in river water, while concentrations at Station 7 were close to river water for much of April and early May. Concentrations returned to pre-opening levels by mid June. Salinity was near fresh at Station 7 for about two weeks in mid April, while salinity was relatively higher at Station 6.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (95)

Chapter 3: Result+Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 7 7

Following the closure of the spillway, there was an extensive blue-green algal bloom, predomi-nantly Anabaena circinalis and Microcystis aeruginosa, in Lake Pontchartrain from late May that persisted through July (Dortch et al. 1998; Porrier and King 1998). Both of these species are capable of positive buoyancy, which allows them to avoid light limitption in turbid waters, and are known to be stimulated by excess nutrients (Dortch et al. 1998). Fish kills attributed to the bloom were reported during June and July, when algal cell counts were as high as 10'' cells per liter (Porrier and King 1998). Organic nitrogen levels in the central and northern portions of the lake increased during the period, the algal bloom was observed.

The introduction of fresh water in estuaries has been found to have broad effects on phyto-plankton productivity. High primary productivity in estuaries receiving fresh water has been re-lated to the introduction of nutrients (Nixon 1981), but production is also limited by light availability, which is attenuated by high suspended sediment concentrations usually associated with freshwater inputs (Cole and Cloern 1984). In river-dominated estuaries-environments with suspended solid concentrations often exceeding 50 mg/L-light is attenuated rapidly in the water column and phytoplankton photosynthesis is confined to a shallow photic zone. For this reason, phytoplankton productivity in turbid estuaries is often higher in the coastal ocean, adja-cent to estuaries, where suspended sediment has dropped out of the water column yet high nu-trient concentrations are still available (Cloern 1996). High chlorophyll concentrations after the spillway was closed were probably due to this effect, with lower sediment concentrations in the lake due to settling, yet high residual nutrient availability.

Clearly, the Bonnet CarrC diversion had both positive and negative effects. There was a signifi-cant reduction of nitrate as the water flowed through the lake. There was also a large algal bloom. Diversions should be carried out in a way that maximizes benefits, such as flood control and nutrient retention, while reducing detrimental impacts, such as algal blooms. THE ATCHAFALAYA DELTA REGION

About one-third of the Lower Mississippi River is discharged via the Atchafalaya River (Figure 3.27); the Atchafalaya Delta region, therefore, has a strong riverine influence. This area has the lowest land-loss rates in the Louisiana coastal zone (Britsch and Dunbar 1993), and two new deltas are forming in Atchafalaya Bay. In addition, the accretion and elevation gain offsets rela-tive sea level rise in marshes surrounding Atchafalaya Bay (Baumann et al. 1984; Cahoon et al. 1995). kverine input to the area has maintained high-elevation marshes that drain well and are characterized by strong elevation gains and high soil strength (Kemp et al. in press). This benefi-cial effect extends from fresh to saline marshes.

A number of studies of the water chemistry in the area have been conducted, especially in Four-league Bay, which is strongly affected by Atchafalaya River discharge. Fourleague Bay is a shal-low (mean depth 1.5 m), highly turbid, vertically well-mixed estuary surrounded by extensive fresh, brackish, and saline wetlands. The Atchafalaya River's discharge strongly affects the bay. Salinity ranges from 0-8 ppt in the upper bay to 0-26 ppt in the lower bay (Caffrey and Day 1986; Madden et al. 1988). During peak spring river discharge, the bay can be flushed in as little as seven days, while during low-discharge periods the residence time of the bay increases to about 65 days (Madden et al. 1988). Fourleague Bay is connected to the Gulf of Mexico via Oyster Bayou, a 4-km-long tidal channel. The bayou is the only direct outlet of Fourleague Bay, and peak current velocities can exceed 2.0 m sec-l. Extensive intertidal and subtidal oyster reefs line the bayou, which is bordered by Spartina alternzJlora marshes.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (96)


78 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

FIGURE 3.27. Atchafalaya Bay and Fourleague Bay in coastal Louisiana.

Nitrate concentrations are higher during the spring flood months between December and June, averaging 0,7-1.0 mg-N/L. From July to November, mean nitrate is 0.1-0.5 mg-N/L (Figure 3.28). Concentrations are significantly lower in the lower bay. During most of the year there was a strong nonconservative uptake of nitrate. Ammonium is seasonally less than 0.1 mg-N/L and does not vary much. As a result of high nitrogen inputs in the winter and spring and rela-tively stable phosphorus concentrations, the N:P ratio in all of the bay was greater than 16:1, indicating potential phosphorus limitation. Ratios were especially high in the upper and middle parts of the bay, exceeding 60:l much of the time. In summer, as nitrogen inputs declined, the bay shifted from phosphorus to nitrogen limitation as ratios fell to below 10:l in the middle and lower sections.

Mixing diagrams indicate that the river is always the primary source of nitrate to the bay and that the bay is nearly always a strong sink for nitrate. Evidence for dilution was found in March and April. Mixing diagrams for ammonium most often increased in the bay, indicating that the bay was a source for this compound. The reduction in nitrate concentrations, however, was almost ten times the increase in ammonia. Nitrate levels were also measured in water flowing from the Atchafalaya River to the Gulf of Mexico. Figure 3.28 illustrates significant reductions in nitrate concentrations from the Atchafalaya to the nearshore Gulf.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (97)

Chapter 3: Result-Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 79 -

Spkng Summer F& Winter

Spring S&er Fall Winter c ) 1.5

Subner Fall Winter

3.28. Nitrate concentrations in various transects from Atchafalaya River to coastal waters for spring, summer, fall, and winter. NOTE: Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals of the mean. Regions with non-overlapping error bars are significantly different. An asterisk (*) indi-cates a significant difference for regions with questionable overlapping error bars (a < 0.0 125).

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (98)

80 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf - -

3.6.4 Advantages and Limitations of Coastal Restoration The information presented above suggests that diversion of river water into the coastal zone can have two beneficial effects. First, diversions can help reduce the rate of land loss and create new land. Land loss is low in the Atchafalaya and Caernarvon outfall deas and in the Bonnet CarrC Spillway, and new land has been created in the Atchafalaya Delta and at Caernarvon. Second, some quantities of nitrate can be removed, thus reducing the input to the nearshore zone. The amount of potential nitrate reduction is probably limited to less than 10-15% of total flu); in the river.

Flow of water through inshore areas should result in a strong reduction in the N:P and Si:N ra-tios. I t is likely that similar changes will also occur in the ratios of N:Si, thus creating conditions more favorable for diatom growth, as described by Justidet al. (1995). Data from the different diversions indicate that the N:P and Si:N ratios are reduced. There seems to be a consensus among marine scientists that lowering the Si:P and Si:N ratios with respect to nutrient re-quirements of diatoms (-Si:P = 16:l and Si:N = 1:1, for nutrient replete diatoms) will most likely increase the incidence of nonsiliceous blooms in the coastal waters. These-blooms often include noxious and toxic forms. Turner et al. (1998) indicated that "diatom growth becomes Si-limited when the atomic ratio of silicate to dissolved inorganic nitrogen (Si:DIN) approaches 1:l." There is good evidence on this from a variety of coastal and estuarine waters that is summarized in Smayda (1989, 1990), Officer and Ryther (1980), Conley et al. (1993), and Justidet al. (1995).

The effectiveness of these large-scale diversions on significant uptake of nitrate-nitrogen has been controversial and is not universally accepted (Turner 1998). Therefore, additional studies are needed to determine the actual discharge rates of diversions, the area of wetlands needed, potential and actual nitrogen reductions, and the linkages between riverine input and offshore response. Although a 10-15% reduction of NO, loading during the spring flood may have sig-nificant beneficial impacts on offshore production and hypoxia, several uncertainties remain. Without upstream controls, the deltaic system may become nitrogen-saturated or it may release nitrogen in a form and season different from when it entered the delta.


Controlling floods in the Mississippi River Basin by restoring and creating wetland areas was much discussed after the disastrous flood of 1993. A number of benefits are associated with wet-land restoration along the Mississippi River and its many tributaries, such as enhanced wildlife habitat and recreational areas and, on a more practical note, enhanced flood control. In 1993, the flood waters that devastated significant parts of the 1.8 million km2 of the Upper Mississippi Basin could have been partly held within an estimated 5.3 million hectares (13 million acres) of wetlands (Hey and Philippi 1995). Most important, related to the subject of this report, if these wetlands had been able to capture and store the flood waters, the emanating discharge would have contained far less nitrate-nitrogen. Fewer wetlands would be needed to treat the mean an-nual flood or, even the smaller, mean annual flow. Flood control in the Upper Mississippi would also decrease the necessity or the possible overload (hydrologicallyand chemically) of downstream Mississippi River diversions.

During the Upper Mississippi River flood of 1993 flood waters rushed southward through chan-nels and over floodplains incapable of storing flood waters without economic loss or incapable of supporting the anaerobic environments necessary for the nitrate removal. Consequently, $16 bil-

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (99)

Chapter 3: Result+Approaches for Controlling Nitrogen 8 C-

lion in losses resulted and large nitrate loads were swept downstream into the Gulf of Mexico. Applying the same criteria as used for the Upper Mississippi Basin to the larger basin at Vicksburg, Mississippi, of 2.95 million km2,approximately 10 million hectares (25 million acres) of wetlands would be necessary to effectively reduce the peak flow. On the other hand, only 6 million hectares (15 million acres) would be required to reduce the nitrate load of the mean an-nual flow by about 80%. The larger area represents less than 3%of the basin, and the smaller less than 2%.

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (100)


Reducing Nutrient Loadings to the Gulf of Mexico

4.1 BESTPRACTICESFOR REDUCING NITROGENLOADINGS Of the methods reviewed in Chapter 3, the most appropriate for reducing nitrogen that would otherwise reach the Gulf of Mexico appear to be the following:

Change farming practices to minimize nitrate loss by reducing the use of nitrogen, prin-cipally by decreasing the use of excess nitrogen fertilizer, enhancing- the use of manure nitrogen, and applying an array of best management practices on farms.

Intercept laterally moving ground water and surface water from farmland with riparian zones and created and restored wetlands, particularly targeting areas with artificial sub-surface drainage and high concentrations of nitrates.

Install tertiary treatment systems, particularly treatment wetlands, for the removal of ni-trate on major sources of domestic wastewater in the Mississippi River Basin.

Provide a system of river-diversion backwaters in the Mississippi River Delta, particularly for intercepting large f lues of nitrogen associated with floods, and river flood backwaters in the Upper Mississippi for both flood control and nitrogen retention.

Each of these management practices, presented in Table 4.1, has potential as well as limitations for use in selected areas. Although no single practice is applicable everywhere, the authors believe that one practice can reduce nitrogen entry into surface waters from the vast majority of the Mississippi River Basin. The challenge lies in selecting and adapting the most appropriate ap-proach to fit local landscape conditions.

This chapter presents the specifics of the four alternatives, along with rough estimates of the possible decreases from applying each of them. Estimated decreases in sources and in the outputs to the Gulf of Mexico are based on data in Table 1.1,which suggest that total nitrogen loadings from various sources to the Mississippi River Basin are on the order of 20 million metric tons/year, but only about 1.6 million metric tondyear of nitrogen are measured near the dis-charge of the Mississippi River to the Gulf of Mexico (Goolsby et al. 1999).

Variable factors, such as climate, have a profound influence on nitrate-N concentrations and loadings in subsurface drainage water. The dynamics of nitrogen behavior in drained agricultural soils during periodic climatic events, particularly wet years, and the management of both crops and nutrient inputs (controllable factors) must be considered carefully by agriculturalists as they manage the land. These factors must be understood by scientists and policymakers as they edu-

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (101)

Chapter 4: Reducing Nutrient Loadings to the Gulf of Mexico 83..

TABLE 4.1. Recommended approaches for reducing significant amounts of nitrogen (N) loadingto streams and riversin the Mississippi River Basin and the Gulf of Mexico.

Approach Potential N I Reduction

1 O3 metric tonslyr

Change Farm Practices' N-management-Reduce "insurance" rates of N fertilizer application, 900- 1,400 properly distribute manure, apply appropriate credits for previous crop legumes and manure, along with improved soil N testing methods.

Alternative cropping systems-Substitute perennial crops for 10% o f the 500 present corn-soybean area.

Create and Restore Wetlands and Riparian Buffers Create and restore 2 1,000-53,000 km2 (5-1 3 million acres) of wetlands in 300-800 the Mississippi River Basin (0.7-1.8% of the basin).

Improve management of animal manure in livestock-production areas. ' - 500

Limit minimum spacing between farm drainage tiles t o 15 meters. ? Restore 78,000-200,000 km2 (19-48 million acres) of riparian bottomland 300-800 hardwood forest (2.7-7.0% of the basin).

Reduce Point-Source Pollution Apply tertiary treatment t o domestic wastewater. 20

Control Flooding in the Mississippi Divert river flow in the Louisiana delta. 50- 100

'Estimated on-site source reductions do not translate to equivalent reductions in Gulf of Mexico nitrogen loading, as only about 8% of nitrogen sources reach the lower Mississippi River (see Table I . I ) .

cate the public and develop environmental guidelines regarding the loading of nitrates to surface waters. Several specific farm practices need to be undertaken:

1. Nitrogen management, including both fertilizer and manure application, needs to be fine-tuned on the farm. This responsibility rests with the farmer, the supplier of the nu-trients (fertilizer dealer or manure supplier), and the crop consultants. Applying the cor-rect rate of nitrogen at the optimum time has been shown to substantially decrease nitrate losses over excessive nitrogen application during the wrong periods. Knowing the nutrient content and application rate of the manure, spreading it uniformly, and incor-porating it in a timely manner will lead to better management and confidence in manure nitrogen as a nutrient source. If nitrogen were better managed on farms in the Missis-sippi River Basin by reducing "insurance" rates of nitrogen fertilizer application, properly distributing manure, and applying appropriate credits for previous legume crops and ani-mal manure applications, nitrogen sources to streams and rivers via subsurface drainage could be reduced by about 10-IS%, or about 0.9-1.4 million metric tons/yr.

2. Continued development and application of improved soil N-testing methods to deter-mine the availability of mineralizable and carryover N from the previous crop would be helpful, especially following dry years, legumes, or past manure applications. Pre-planting and in-season soil nitrogen tests have been developed in the past 10-15 years to help farmers arrive at better rates of nitrogen application by assessing available nitrate in the

Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (102)

84 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf .

soil. Use of these tests should greatly help prevent overapplication of N fertilizer when residual nitrate remains from the previous crop, which will most likely happen following a dry year, when manure was applied to the previous crop and when corn is the crop.

Alternative cropping systems that contain perennial crops ,would greatly reduce nitrate losses. Obtaining a market and a satisfactory economic return are obstacles farmers cur-rently face. If alternative cropping systems involving perennial crops, such as alfalfa or grass-alfalfa mixes, were substituted for some of the present corn-soybean areas in the Mississippi k v e r Basin, nitrate losses would decrease by about 90% in these areas. Sub-stituting perennial crops in 10% of the corn-soybean farms in the basin could decrease loadings to streams and rivers by an estimated 0.5 million metric tons/year

Improved management of animal manure and subsequent runoff in livestock-producing areas would help lower nitrogen losses substantially. Decreasing feedlot runoff by 20% could reduce runoff to streams and rivers in the basin by 0.5 million metric tons/year.

Although narrowing the spacing between tile lines may be desirable to many crop pro-ducers because of quicker drainage of excess water from the soil profile, keeping the spacing at > 15 m would likely be a good compromise that would allow adequate drainage without escalating nitrate losses in the subsurface drainage water.


Wetlands, riparian zones, and controlled drainage projects share a common feature in that they are viable alternatives for serving as buffers between agricultural uplands and streams and rivers. Furthermore, all can be designed in the landscape to enhance nitrate-nitrogen reduction through two main ecological processes-denitrification and nitrogen uptake by plants (the latter is important only if nitrogen is stored in sod/biomass for a long time or is harvested and taken out of the basin).

Studies cited above suggest ecological engineering design parameters of nitrogen reduction of about 4 g-N m-2F'with riparian forests and about 10-20 g-N m-2yr-' with restored/created wetlands. Thus, wetlands appear to be 2.5-5.0 times more "efficient" in reducing nitrogen load-ing per unit area. These design criteria were used to estimate the general extent of wetlands and riparian zones necessary to significantly reduce the nitrogen, particularly nitrate-nitrogen, reaching streams and rivers in the Mississippi River Basin.

4.3.1 Wetlands

Approximately 21,000-52,000 krn2 (5-13 million acres) of newly created and restored wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin (0.7-1.8% of the basin) would be needed to reduce nitrogen load-ing to the Gulf of Mexico by 20-50% (Tables 4.1 and 4.2). T o put this in perspective, enforce-ment of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act through wetland mitigation has resulted in an estimated net gain of 336 km2 (83,000 acres) of wetlands in the entire United States (Mike Davis, communication), while conservation easem*nt practices and partners-in-wildlife programs in the upper Midwest have increased wetland area by approximately 600 km2 (150,000 acres). The national conservation set-aside programs in agriculture, ~articularlythe Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), were estimated to restore about 360 km in the United States from 1987 to 1990 (Mitsch and Gosselink 1993), and the North-Central U.S. office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service estimated it had restored approximately 280 km2 (70,000 acres) in the upper Midwest through 1997 (K. Kroonmeyer, personal communication). An effort estimated to be

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Chapter 4: Reducing Nutrient Loadingsto the Gulf of Mexico 85.

20-50 times current efforts of wetland restoration and creation would be needed in the Missis-sippi River Basin to achieve the goal of 2l,OOO-S2,OOO km2 of restored wetlands.

The most effective use of wetland restoration and creation would be in watersheds that dis-charge high amounts of nitrogen (Table 4.2). For example, the Ihnois River Basin, with 7% of its watershed converted to wetland, could reduce about 50% of the 144,000 metric tons/yr of nutrients it generates, or about 5% of the entire nitrogen load to the Gulf of Mexico. In con-trast, the James kver Basin in South Dakota contributes only 1,178 metric tons/yr of nitrogen to the basin; controlling all of this discharge would retain only 0.075% of the nitrogen load to the Gulf. So clearly, restoring and creating wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin would have to be strategic; that is, wetlands should be located where agricultural sources of nitrogen and subsurface drainage are the largest. A reasonable strategy for the Mississippi River Basin is to strategically point the conservation easem*nt program toward conserving the Gulfs ecology by restoring flooding to lands that have been drained and are now exporting excessive amounts of nitrate-nitrogen to the Mississippi River Basin.

TABLE 4.2. Estimated area of riparian forests needed to control nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin (MRB) and selected sub-basins, assuming a reduction of 15 g-Nlm2-yr.

River Basin Drainage Discharge Total WetlandArea (km2) % of Watershed Area (km2) (metric tons- Requiredfor Specific % Requiredfor Specific %

N / Y ~ Nitrogen Reductions Nitrogen Reductions 70% 50% 20% 70% 50% 20%

Entire MRB 2,953,895 1,568,000 73,173 52,267 20,907 2.5 1.8 0.71 Raccoon R., IA 8,9 12 27,520 1,284 917 367 14.4 10.3 4.12 Illinois R., IL 68,800 144,320 6,735 4,8 1 1 1,924 9.8 7.0 2.80 Scioto R., OH 13,289 23,330 1,089 778 311 8.2 5.9 2.34 Osage R., MI 37,555 15,4 10 719 514 205 1.9 1.4 0.55 James R., SD 55,8 14 1,170 55 39 16 0.1 0.07 0.03

Source: Nitrogen discharge from Goolsby et a/. 1999.

4.3.2 Riparian Zones

Decreasing the load of nitrogen to the Mississippi River Basin through riparian zones also ap-pears to be a viable alternative, although the amount of denitrification and, hence, nitrogen-uptake in these systems appears from the literature to be less effective per unit area than wet-lands. Using an analysis similar to the one above, an estimated 3-7% of the Mississippi River Ba-sin, or 78,000-200,000 km2 (19-48 million acres) would have to be restored to riparian bottomland hardwood forest (and/or controlled drainage) to control 2040% of the nitrogen reaching the Gulf (Tables 4.1 and 4.3). Because most of these riparian forests would export or-ganic nitrogen to the streams and rivers as litterfall, the estimate is probably optimistic. Further-more, to be effective, these restored botto'mland riparian systems would have to located near the major sources of subsurface nitrate drainage.

T o put these numbers in context, there are currently an estimated 120,000 km2 of forested wet-lands (mostly as riparian forests) in the North Central and South Central regions of the United States. About 50,000 km2 are in the North Central part of the Mississippi River Basin, where most of the serious nitrogen sources to the MRB exist. A concerted effort to double or triple the

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86 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf

amount of riparian forests and similar buffer systems in the basin would be necessary to have a significant impact on the nitrogen load of the basin to the Gulf of Mexico.

TABLE 4.3. Estimated area of riparian forests needed to control nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin (MRB) and selected sub-basins, assuming a reductiondf 4 g-Nlm2-yr.

River Basin Drainage Discharge Total Wetland Area (km2) % of Watershed Required Area (km2) (metric Required for Specific % for Specific % Nitrogen

tons-Nlyr) Nitrogen Reductions Reductions 70% 50% 20% 70% 50% 20%


Entire MRB 2,953,895 1,568,000 274,400 196,000 78,400 9.3 6.6 2.7 Raccoon R., IA 8,9 12 27,520 4,816 3,440 1,376 54.0 38.6 15.4 Illinois R., IL 68,800 144,320 25,256 18,040 7,2 16 36.7 26.2 10.5 Scioto R., O H 1 3,289 23,330 4,083 2,9 16 I,167 30.7 21.9 8.8 Osage R., MI 37,555 15,4 10 2,697 1,926 77 1 7.2 5.1 2.1 James R., SD 55,8 14 1,170 205 146 59 0.4 0.3 0. I

Source: Nitrogen discharge from Goolsby et a/. 1999.

4.3.3 Local Benefits

Constructing and restoring wetlands and riparian zones in the Mississippi River Basin to control nonpoint-source pollution would contribute to several important national goals (in addition to reducing the hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico), including cleaning up the waterways in the Mid-west, particularly for drinking-water protection, adding to the nation's disappearing wetland habitat, improving river ecosystems, enhancing terrestrial wildlife in river corridors, and mitigat-ing the effects of floods. These so-called "local benefits" would accrue to the local regions in which the wetlands and riparian zones are restored. LOCAL WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT

Reducing nitrates would provide a much-needed improvement in stream and river water quality throughout the Midwest. The decrease in nitrate-nitrogen would result in safer drinking water for many communities in the Midwest and fewer nitrate alerts, the latter a common occurrence every spring in many parts of the Midwest. High concentrations of nitrates in drinking water cause a disease called methemoglominemia or "blue baby." As a result, water treatment plants in the Midwest watch nitrate concentrations in both ground water and surface water carefully, particularly in the spring. High levels of nitrates in streams can also contribute to eutrophication of inland waters when phosphorus is also abundant. WETLAND RESTORATION

Restoring wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin is in keeping with an ambitious recommenda-tion by the National Research Council's Committee on the Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems (NRC 1992), which called for a national program of wetland restoration that would contribute to an overall gain of 10 million acres [4 million hectares] by the year 2010. Well-placed wetlands and riparian buffers generally support larger populations of wildlife because of the diverse habitats they provide. In wetlands with varying seasonal water depths and patterns of open water, emer-gent vegetation, and mud flats, a wide variety of birds, including herons, egrets, and rails, find their proper feeding niche. Amphibians, especially frogs, are often considered the "canary" of the

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Chapter 4: Reducing Nutrient Loadingsto the Gulf of Mexico 8F

landscape because of their susceptibility to pollution, but they can thrive in a well-functioning wetland.

Wetlands and riparian forests are among the most productive ecosystems in the landscape. This productivity is translated into the production of detritus and the support of food chains, both terrestrial and aquatic. The hydrologically open nature of these systems means that they are con-tinually receiving propagules of plants, animals, and microbes from upstream systems. It also means that they are continually exporting organic carbon to downstream and/or adjacent aquatic systems. All of this biodiversity would occur wherever the wetland is built, not in a far-away coastal area; the habitat benefit would be local. RIVER ECOLOGY ENHANCEMENT

Another recommendation by the Committee on the Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems called for restoring 67,000 krn (40,000 miles) of streams, rivers, and floodplains. The riparian zone restoration recommended in this report would make a major contribution toward that goal. The restoration of riparian vegetation contributes several advantages to the ecology of streams and rivers (USEPA 1995b). Roots of riparian vegetation stabilize the stream bank and prevent stream bank erosion and sedimentation. Stabilized stream banks also help maintain the geometry of the stream, including such characteristics as the meander length and profile. Tree roots and woody debris are also important habitat features for macroinvertebrates and fish. Overhanging stream banks, stabilized by tree roots and large woody debris, can be important habitat for fish. Large woody debris provides critical macroinvertebrate habitat and can also create dams and trap sediment and detritus. Streamside vegetation also affects the amount of sunlight that reaches the stream and, in turn, the temperature of the water. TERRESTRIAL WILDLIFE ENHANCEMENT

Wildlife habitat is greatly enhanced whenever riparian wetlands are restored. In a stratified ri-parian forest, different habitat zones exist vertically, including the soil-air interface, herbs and shrubs, intermediate-height trees, and the canopy. Included with the leaf litter and rotting logs at the soil-water interface are insects, isopods, spiders, and mites. These organisms are a food source for reptiles, mice, and birds. The herbs and shrubs provide habitat for insects, birds, and mammals. The intermediate zone and the canopy serve as habitat for birds, bats, squirrels, opos-sums, and raccoons. Bird habitat may be highly stratified, and birds generally show a preference for certain liyers that differ in habitat characteristics and food sources. Most important, wetlands and riparian forests serve as corridors linking dryer, less diverse uplands to more moist, more di-verse bottomlands and are the natural highways for waterfowl and other birds, as well as numer-ous terrestrial animals. FLOOD CONTROL

The role of floodplains and backwater wetlands in storing flood waters is an often overlooked value of these systems. The NRC (1992) reported that "their position in the landscape, whether as isolated wetlands or floodplains contiguous with rivers and streams, gives wetlands a major role in storage of floodwater and abatement of flooding." Hey and Philippi (1995) estimated that approximately 3% of the Upper Mississippi watershed, if restored back to backwaters and wet-lands, would be sufficient to provide significant flood water retention even during the Upper Mississippi River flood of 19%. This is about 50,000 krn2 (13 million acres) of the Upper Mis-sissippi River Basin. Interestingly, Hey and Philippi (1995) found that a similar area of restored wetland (53,660 km2 or 13.3 million acres) would be sufficient to provide improved water qual-ity, even during the 100-year flood in the Upper Mississippi River Basin.

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88 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf - -

Thus, combining the flood-control capabilities of wetlands with their hnction to retain nitrate makes using wetlands in the Upper Mississippi River Basin even more attractive. This goal of 3% of the watershed is only slightly higher than our estimated 1.8-2.5% of wetlands in the water-shed necessary to significantly reduce nitrate-nitrogen in the river pystem. Wetland restoration on a large scale could thus protect the Gulf of Mexico during excessive flooding in two ways: (1) denitrification has a chance to occur in the flood water that the wetlands retain, and (2) the re-tention of upstream flood water prevents downstream systems from becoming overloaded.

4.4 TERTIARY TREATMENTOF DOMESTIC WASTEWATER Both environmental technologies and ecotechnologies are available for controlling nitrogen in the Mississippi River Basin, particularly nitrate-nitrogen from domestic wastewater. Goolsby et al. (1999) estimated that domestic wastewater sources contribute 0.2 million metric tons of ni-trogen/yr to the basin. If tertiary treatment, such as constructed wetlands and nitrification-denitrification basins, were used to control 50% of the nitrogen discharged from these point sources, the result would be a reduction of only a few percent of the load of nitrogen to the Gulf. Nevertheless, because nitrogen concentrations are relatively high and more easily controlled in point sources, requiring tertiary treatment for nitrogen in the basin should remain as a serious alternative. Wastewater wetlands offer the best alternative because of the lower costs and because of ancillary benefits, such as wildlife enhancement (Knight 1992) and others described above for nonpoint-source wetlands and riparian zones.


Some nitrate can be removed from the Mississippi's water if the river is diverted in large amounts over wetlands and shallow inshore waters in the Louisiana Delta, particularly during high flow. This assumes that the systems are not overloaded-i.e., the area is large enough, and the system does not become nitrogen-saturated with time. The issue is how much nitrate can be practically removed and whether it is enough to make any significant difference in offshore plankton pro-duction.

T o estimate the potential for NO, removal, various portions of the total nitrogen entering the coastal zone through the Mississippi River were theoretically diverted to backwaters and adjacent wetlands in Louisiana. Using a retention rate of 10 g-N m-2yr-l, based on nitrate removal rates of 10 g m'2 yi'l at Caernarvon, Louisiana, and on other studies documented in this report, a re-duction of 50,000-100,000 metrics tons/yr of nitrogen could be achieved by diverting Mississippi River water in the delta region (Table 4.1). Removing 50,000 metric tons/yr would require about 500,000 hectares and diversion of about 13% of the total river flow. Removing 100,000 metric tons would require about 1,000,000 hectares and diverting about 26% of river flow. Because ni-trate removal can take place in marshes, swamps, or shallow open water, these areas can be com-pared to the areas of these habitats in the coastal zone. The deltaic plain of the Mississippi Delta has'at least 200,000 hectares of swamps, 1,200,000 hectares of marsh, and 1,400,000 hectares of inshore open water, or a total of 2,800,000 hectares of wetlands and shallow coastal areas.

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Chapter 4: Reducing Nutrient Loadingsto the Gulf of Mexico 8 9

4.6.1 Scale Effect Caution is advised on applying any data derived in the small scale to e*tire watersheds. Of course, there have been no controlled studies at the scale of the Mississippi River Basin on the effects of management practices on actual retention of nutrients. There is some danger in extrapolating from small scale (e.g., 1-5 ha studies at the largest) to restoration that involves millions of hec-tares. Larger-scale studies appear to have less variability but are almost impossible to conduct in a controlled environment for a number of economic and institutional reasons.

4.6.2 Comparing "Apples and Oranges" W e have suggested a dual approach to on-site and off-site control of nitrogen as appropriate. But loss rates, such as those reported in Table 4.1, should be compared with caution. On-site source reduction due to such practices as reduction in fertilizer use do not translate to an equivalent re-duction in load to the Gulf of Mexico. Table 1.1 illustrates that there are about 20 million metric tons of independent sources of nitrogen to the Mississippi River Basin (avoiding double count-ing) but only about 1.6 million metric tons of nitrogen reach the Gulf. Most of the difference is described by Goolsby et al. (1999) in food export and other losses.

Reducing nitrogen application on the farms by 1million metric tons could cause a reduction as low as 0.08 million metric tons of nitrogen in the Gulf, using the ratio of 20:1.6. O n the other hand wetlands and riparian zones intercept the drainage just before it reaches a stream or river. A reasonable assumption is that most of this nitrogen that leaves a farm field does reach the Gulf, as Goolsby et al. (1999) point out that there appears to be little in-stream loss of nitrogen once it reaches the streams and rivers. Reducing 1million metric tons of nitrogen in a wetland con-ceivably causes a reduction of 1million metric tons of nitrogen at the Gulf.

4.6.3 System Delay and Buffering Two factors in the Mississippi River Basin confound the idea that a reduction of nutrients well up in the watershed will have an impact in the Gulf of Mexico. First there is a delay between the time that fertilizer and manure are applied and the time that nitrate appears in streams and rivers. Second, there is a considerable delay between the discharge of a kilogram of nitrogen in the up-per part of the basin and its appearance in the Gulf. O n its way, it has perhaps spiraled through the nitrogen cycle several times and is also subject to in-stream retention. O n the other hand, if all sources of nitrogen were eliminated in the upper part of the basin, there would still be in-stream release of nitrogen chemicals from storages in the sediments of streams and rivers and from allochthonous sources along the streams-e.g. litterfall from riparian forests. I t is almost impossible to estimate how important this buffering effect of in-stream processes would be.

4.6.4 Agricultural Production

Agricultural production would be minimally affected by some of these approaches, particularly on-farm practices, but there would be some loss of farmland with other practices, such as re-stored and created wetlands and riparian zones. If some of the nonagricultural alternatives given above, such as wetlands and riparian buffers, prove to be unacceptable or infeasible, major reduc-tions in the use of nitrogen fertilizer may be the only way to significantly reduce concentrations of nitrates in streams and rivers in at least the northern half of the Mississippi River Basin.

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90 Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface and Ground Waters and the Gulf . . -

There are major agricultural policy implications of a significant reduction in nitrogen fertilizer use, but if the public is willing to pay for cleaner streams and rivers in the Midwest and reduced severity of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxia, reducing fertilizer use far in excess of levels projected here would need to be discussed. I

4.6.5 Other Nutrients The increase in nitrate-nitrogen observed in the Mississippi River near the Gulf over the past 50 years has not been a one-variable experiment. Sediment, phosphorus, and silicate loads have also changed as a result of pollution, dam building, and land-use change in the basin. Although a significant literature implicates nitrogen as the limiting factor in coastal waters around the world, there are confounding factors involved in determining if the reduction of a known amount of nitrogen will reduce the area of hypoxia. There is the question as to whether other chemicals, particularly phosphorus and silicate, are now co-limiting factors in the Gulf. As the amount of nitrogen has continued to rise in the Mississippi River, the N:P and N:Si ratios have increased to the point that phosphorus and silicate could be seasonallylimiting.

4.6.6 Long-Term Prognosis Even if we were able to reduce nitrogen loading to the Mississippi River by a substantial amount, there are no guarantees that this reduction would continue well into the future. Increases in populations in the basins, with their subsequent increased food requirements and domestic, commercial, and industrial waste production, would necessitate a continued increase in nitrogen control in the basin, or the system would slip back to loadings seen in earlier years.

4.6.7 Catastrophic Events Catastrophic flooding, such as that seen in 1993 in the Upper Mississippi Basin, has a significant role in exporting a considerably greater amount of nitrogen to the Gulf and increasing the size of the hypoxia appreciably (Rabalais et al. 1998). Smaller scale studies of farmland have shown the same effect of wet years contributing considerably higher nitrogen concentrations to streams and rivers than do dry years (Randall, 1998). There is also the concern that catastrophic hydrologic events, such as floods, could overwhelm any engineered (ecological or otherwise) solution to ni-trogen pollution. Therefore, ancillary benefits, such as flood control, that accompany approaches like wetland Creation are really part of the overall solution, as they would reduce the significance of these catastrophic events that would otherwise overwhelm the control systems.

4.6.8 Uncertainty of Ecotechnology Because of its scale, the ecological problem of Gulf of Mexico hypoxia cannot be solved with conventional technology alone. In fact, the costs would be overwhelming. So ecotechnology, the use of natural ecosystems to solve environmental problems, should be a prominent part of the solution. Since ecotechnological systems, by their nature, are not rigidly engineered systems, their performance has a wider variance than that of conventional engineered systems. This un-certainty must be factored into any expectation of immediate results. Riparian zones will grow up into large forests that will export high amounts of organic matter to streams and rivers, sending some of the captured nitrogen downstream. Wetlands could become saturated with nitrogen if most of the nitrate is not lost through denitrification. Overall performance of these systems

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Chapter 4: ReducingNutrient Loadings to the Gulf of Mexico 9 1'

could also be affected by wetland aging, excessive sedimentation, storms, and rivers changing courses over longer periods.

4.6.9 Production of Greenhouse Gases J

The extensive development of wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin should lead to increased denitrification, which produces both N, and N,O gases. In fact, denitrification is the primary process that needs to be accelerated in the Mississippi Rwer Basin to reduce nitrate-nitrogen before it reaches the Gulf of Mexico. N,O, a greenhouse gas, is considered 200 times more ra-diatively active than CO, on a molecular basis. I t has also been increasing by 0.25% per year in the atmosphere (Rasmussen and Khalil 1986; Kang and Freeman 1998). Thus, consideration must be given to whether a massive increase in anaerobic zones (wetlands and riparian systems) in the Midwest would increase the emission of N,O. While this question needs further research, there is some evidence that the increase in wetlands would not lead to any serious problems:

Most denitrified nitrogen is generally released as N, gas; the percentage that is emitted as N,O gas decreases with decreased redox potential, lower nitrate concentrations, higher soil moisture, and higher p H (Weller et al. 1994). Wetlands have lower redox potential and higher soil moisture than do uplands. Restored and created wetlands would thus be expected to release less N,O as a percentage of total N denitrified than more oxidized, drier soils. N,O is increasing annually in the atmosphere, despite a general decline in the extent of wetlands worldwide (Mitsch et: al. 1994).

Agricultural fields are probably already significant sources of N,O and may be a greater source per unit area than wetlands. Goodroad and Keeney (1984) found higher concen-trations of N,O in a drained marsh than in an undrained marsh, probably due to acceler-ated mineralization and decomposition in the former. Weller et al. (1994) found that while N,O emissions from corn fields and riparian forests were equal in the fall, corn field emissions were three times higher than those of riparian forests in the spring.

It is likely that significant denitrification is currently occurring in the Gulf of Mexico hy-poxic zone. Creation and restoration of anaerobic wetlands in the Mississippi River Basin would transfer some of this denitrification from the Gulf to the Mississippi River Basin. Production of nitrous oxide is ultimately related to the amount of nitrogen added to the basin by fertilizer use, soil mineralization, legumes, and other primary sources. Denitrification of nitrous oxide is ultimately related to the amount of nitrogen added to the basin by fertilizer use, soil mineralization, legumes, and other primary sources.

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Research Needs

The.Topic5 team has identified the following research needs for reducing nutrient loads to the Gulf of Mexico:

More refined soil nitrogen testing procedures need to be developed and tested, including in-season testing of corn leaf tissue and the use of chlorophyll measurements, especially from remote-sensing platforms. -

The newly developing concept of'"precision farming" needs to be investigated thoroughly for its ability to reduce nitrate losses from an agricultural landscape. T o date, little evi-dence exists to show that precision farming reduces nitrate losses to ground or surface water. Alternatives to the traditional corn-soybean rotation and their effects on nitrate loss to subsurface drainage water should be investigated. This study should also include eco-nomic analyses.

The effects of variables, such as drainage tile spacing and depth, and the effectiveness of controlled drainage on nitrogen retention in poorly drained soils need to be determined through controlled experiments. There is a critical need for bettcr understanding of nitrogen behavior dwing floods and catastrophic events, particularly in ecotechnological methods for nitrate-nitrogen con-trol, such as riparian zones and other wetlands.

Controlled large-scale experiments on the fidte of nitrogefi are needed on the reflooding of formerly tile-drained lands as restored wetlands.

Research is needed cn the long-term efficacy of wetlands for denitrification, including the time required for organic carbon a.ccumulation in created wetlands and the role that this accunlulation has on denitrification. There is a critical need for additional farm-scale studies on integration of crop land, ri-parian buffers, and wetlands to most effectively reduce nitrogen entry into streams. This information must be used by researchers in large-scale. watershed models designed to de-termine the most effective placement of these management options throughout much larger watersheds .toachieve multiple-objective g d s . There should be a comprehensive effort to determine the mix of different nitrate reduc-tion strategies that gives the best nitrate reduction for the least cost. This effort should involve pilot studies In different parts of the Mississippi River Basin.

10.Additional study and modeling are needed to demonstrate the relationships among land subsidence, river diversion rates, and nitrogen uptake in the delta region of Louisiana.

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Chapter 5: Research-Needs 9J'

11.A complete accounting of the production of the greenhouse gas N 2 0 ,both from in-creased wetland development as well as from drained and fertilized agricultural land is needed in comparative studies. A basin-wide study is also needed to compare these fluxes to the current production of N 2 0 in the rivers of the basin ,and in the hpoxic zone of the Gulf of Mexico.

12. Studies are needed on projected increases in population and other development in the Mississippi River Basin and on how these changes might offset reductions in nitrogen loadings from the basin.

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Conclusions and Recommendations


W e have reviewed the most likely methods for reducing nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi River Basin. The scale of the watershed (at 40% of the conterminous United States) and the climatological and geologic heterogeneity of the basin make recommen-dations of specific methods and sites to implement them particularly difficult. Nevertheless, we conclude that a significant (>50%) reduction of nitrogen loading to the Gulf is possible through the implementation of a number of proven techniques working in concert, including:

modification of farm practices to make the use of nitrogen from fertilizer, soil, and ma-nure more effective and efficient;

the creation and restoration of wetlands and riparian ecosystems between farmland and streams and rivers, particularly in areas where concentrations of subsurface nitrate-nitrogen is highest; the reflooding of former wetlands that are now contributing excessive loadings of ni-trate-nitrogen due to their drainage;

the implementation of nitrogen controls on domestic wastewater treatment plants and on significant industrial sources;

flood control in the Upper Mississippi that involves retention of flood waters, rather than preventing flood waters from leaving the major river channel; and

the diversion of flood waters to backwaters of the Mississippi Delta and coastal wetlands.


Several of the following recommendations need to be implemented in concert if a major reduc-tion in nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico is expected. If policies are devised to implement only one or two of these recommended approaches, improvement in the hypoxia problem in the Gulf is not as likely.

A suite of on-farm practices for reducing discharges of nitrogen to streams and rivers should be implemented. These practices could lead to reductions of 15-20% in nitrogen sources to the Gulf. This would require approximately a 20% reduction in fertilizer nitro-gen application through proper nitrogen crediting for legumes and manure, elimination of "extra7' N to minimize risk, and use of realistic yield goals and proven yields when making nitrogen fertilizer recommendations. Other recommended management prac-tices include optimum timing of fertilizer application; use of alternative crops, such as perennials; wider spacing of tile drains; and better management of livestock wastes, whether stored or applied to the land.

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Chapter 6: Conclusions and Recommendations 9 5

2. Reducing nonpoint sources of nitrogen from the Mississippi River Basin will also require extensive creation and restoration of riparian zones and/or wetlands. A major effort should be undertaken in the basin to restore or create 21,000 km2 (5 mihon acres, or 0.7% of the basin) of wetlands and 78,000 km2 (19 million apes, or 2.7% of the basin) of riparian forest, or some other combination of these two approaches, to achieve a com-bined 40% reduction of nitrogen loading in the Gulf.

3. The location and selection of type of riparian zone and wetland will be critical. Since much of the nonpoint-source nitrogen is currently entering surface waters through drainage tiles, wetlands should be strategically placed in watersheds to optimize nitrogen removal. For example, tile-drained farmlands that are prone to export high concentra-tions and fluxes of nitrate during high precipitation should be investigated for the possi-bility of drainage tile removal or interception to restore the natural hydrology to the land under various conservation easem*nt and wildlife enhancement programs. The location of the wetlands should also try to optimize flood control and habitat provision.

4. Although point sources of nitrogen appear to be of little consequence (< 5%) in the Mis-sissippi a v e r Basin's overall nitrogen load, an effort to control these-sources through ter-tiary treatment should become a formal policy for new wastewater treatment plants in the basin because nitrate concentrations are relatively high in treated wastewater and be-cause these plants represent more easily controlled point sources. Furthermore, there may be opportunities for nitrogen trading whereby agricultural interests can "buy" credit from municipalities for these reductions in nitrogen loading to the basin.

5. The restoration of flood-prone lands in the Upper Mississippi River Basin to wetlands needs to be revisited and more seriously considered in light of the 1993 flood and the need to control nitrate-nitrogen to protect the Gulf. These wetlands would provide the triple advantages of retaining flood water, reducing nitrate-nitrogen loading to the Gulf, and providing needed wildlife habitat.

6. Nitrate reduction should become an important consideration in the design and operation of diversions of the Mississippi River for flood events in the Mississippi Delta in Louisi-ana. The State of Louisiana should consider the implications of the use of 0.4-1.0 mil-lion hectares (1.0-2.5 million acres) of inshore coastal areas (forested wetlands, marshes, and water bodies) for reducing nitrate in diverted waters. The most important benefit of such diversions would be to address the land loss problem, while a secondary benefit would be reducing nutrient discharge to the nearshore Gulf of Mexico.

7. Reductions of atmospheric nitrogen emissions beyond those now being implemented through the authority of the Clean Air Act Amendments are probably not warranted for controlling stationary and mobile sources of nitrogen, at least insofar as protection of the Gulf of Mexico is concerned.

8. There is a strong need for any nitrogen mitigation effort to be coupled to a comprehen-sive program of monitoring, research, and modeling. W e need to know what practices work, and why, so that "adaptive management" of the hypoxia problem can be carried out.

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Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially· A strong seasonal pattern of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen typical of midwestern U.S. streams - [PDF Document] (130)


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No. 2 Mattheis, Geo&eY A, and Thomas J. Minello. 1994. Technology and Success in Restoration, Creation and Enhancement of Spartina A(tern$ora Marshes in the United States. 2 vols.

No. 3 Collins, Elaine V., Maureen Woods, Isobel Sheifer, and Janice.Beattie. 1994. Bibliography of SynthesisDocuments on Selected Coastal Topics. I

No. 4 Hinga, Kenneth R., HeeseonJeon, and Noelle F. Lewis. 1995. Marine Eutrophication Review.

No. 5 Lipton, Douglas W., Katherine Wehan , Isobel C Sheifer, and Rodney F. Weiher. 1995. Eco-nomic Valuation of Natural Resources: A Handbook for Coastal Policyrnakers.

No. 6 Vestal, Barbara, Alison Reiser, et al. 1995. Methodologies and Mechanisms for Management of Cumulative Coastal Environmental Impacts. Part I-Synthesis with Annotated Bibliography; Part 11-Development and Application of a CumulativeImpacts Assessment Protocol.

No. 7 Murphy, Michael L.1995. Forestry Impacts on Freshwater Habitat of Anadromous Salmonids in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska-Requirements for Protection and Restoration.

No. 8 W i a m F. Kier Associates. 1995. Watershed Restoration-A Guide for Citizen Involvement i n California.

No. 9 Valigura, Richard A, WinstonT. Luke, Richard S. Artz, and Bruce B. Hicks. 1996. Atmospheric Nutrient Inputs to Coastal Areas-Reducing the Uncertainties.

No. 10 Boesch, Donald F., et al. 1997. Harmful Algal Blooms in Coastal Waters: Options for Prevention, Control and Mitigation.

No. 11 McMurray, Gregory R, and Robert J. Bailey, editors. 1998. Change in Pacific Northwest Coastal Ecosystems.

No. 12 Fonseca, Mark S., W. Judson Kenworthy, and Gordon W. Thayer. 1998. Guidelines for the Con-servation and Restoration of Seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters.

No. 13 Macklin, S. Allen, editor. 1998. Bering Sea FOCI (1991-1997)-Final Report.

No. 14 Wiseman, W i a m , editor. 1999. Nutrient Enhanced Coastal Ocean Productivity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.

No. 15 Rabalais, N.N., RE. Turner, D. Justie QDortch, and W.J. Wiseman, Jr. 1999. Characteriza-tion of Hypoxia: Topic 1Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

No. 16 Diaz, R.J., and A Solow. 1999. Ecological and Economic Consequencesof Hypoxia: Topic 2 Report for the IntegratedAssessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

No. 17 Goolsby, D.A, W A Battaglin, G.B. Lawrence, RS. Artz, B.T. Aulenbach, R.P. Hooper, D.R. Keeney, and G.J. Stensland. 1999. Flux and Sources of Nutrients in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin: Topic 3 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

No. 18 Brezonik, P.L., V.J. Bierman, Jr., R Alexander, J. Anderson, J. Barko, M. Dortch, L. Hatch, G.L. Hitchco*ck, D. Keeney, D. Mulla, V. Smith,C. Walker, T.Whitledge, and WJ. Wiseman, Jr. 1999. Effects of Reducing Nutrient Loads to Surface Waters within the Mississippi River Basin and the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 4 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

No. 19 Mitsch, W.J., J.W. Day, Jr., J.W Gilliam, P.M. Groffman, D.L. Hey, G.W. Randall, and N. Wang. 1999. Reducing Nutrient Loads, Especially Nitrate-Nitrogen, to Surface Water, Ground Water, and the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 5 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

No. 20 Doering, O.C., F. Diaz-Hermelo, C. Howard, R. Heimlich, F. Hitzhusen, R. Kazmierczak,J. Lee, L. Libby, W. Mion, T. Prato, and M. Ribaudo. 1999. Evaluation of the Economic Costs and Benefits of Methods for Reducing Nutrient Loads to the Gulf of Mexico: Topic 6 Report for the Integrated Assessment on Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.

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