The Sun from Vincennes, Indiana (2024)

PAGE 10 VINCENNES FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1976 Walker Explains Vetoes mams nm Department of Agriculture SPRINGFIELD, 111. (AP) Gov. Daniel Walker Clarence Smith JW William Stelninger Waterman Glenn W000OT M714 Elsworth 3JI.04 Ace Aulo Electric Inc 44.88 Rex Alton A companies 1 7,411 59 Associated Sign Post Inc 8.50 Beards Hardware 8, Supply, Inc. II 85 Bituminous Materials 530.08 T. A.

Brouillette i. Son, Inc. 707.14 Hoosier Gas Corporation 23.18 I I Welding Supply, Inc 124.40 Indiana Bell Telephone Co L. Johnson Oil Co 1,250.55 1 Knox County Sand Co. .1.380.28 Malotte Machinery nc.

Maumee Valley Corporation. ..1,298.03 Means Service Motor fuel Tax Division 174 08 Mundy Garage Organ Battery a Electric Co 90 45 Osterhege Lumber lo. Public Service Indiana 112.54 Rental Center 80.00 Ranen Tire Inc 241.6$ EC 0(ludd'v NATIONAL WlAIHM aeetfaafeaa -V NOAA Thunderstorms Move 1 4 r. 1 I There was little severe weather overnight. A tornado was sighted near Duluth, Minn, Wind damage was reported at Hutchinson, Minn.

Early morning temperatures were generally in the 70s, with 60s along the Pacific coast and through the northern halt of the Rockies, the Great Lakes and the northern Atlantic coastal states. A few 50s were found in Maine. Readings above BO stretched from Grain Current Prices Courtesy of Producers Livestock Chicago Board of Trades Prev. Close Prev. High Prev.Low 11:30 WHEAT Sep.

Dec. Mar. May July CORN Sept. Dec. Mar.

May July SOYBEANS Aug. Sep. Nov. Jan. Mart May 3.50 3.63 3.75 S.79Mi 3.8214 2.81V4 2.72V4 2.8IV4 2.86 2.91 6.42'i 6.46 6.56 6.6IV4 6.67 Mi 6.68 2.89.

2.80 2.87 2.94 2.94 6.57 6.63 6.70 6.75 6.80 6.80 6.77 July 6.68 Chicaso Mercantile LIVE mtt CAULK Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb. Apr.

June 40.75 43.15 44.40 44.47 44.55 45.77a 45.40a Aug. 40.85 43.50 44.62 44.70 44.97 46.00 45.50 44.40 40.20 40.30 39.90 38.40 40.60 40.60 39.20 LIVE HOGS Aug. Oct. Dec. Feb.

Apr. 44.10 39.85 39.90 39.15 37.55 June July Aug. 40.20b 40.40 39.05a DREAM COME TRUE Bruce Jennings. 24, of Fuller-ton. wheels his bicycle into Atlantic Ocean at Atlantic City Wednesday after making it across the country in 39 days.

Jennings lost his leg years ago in a motorcycle accident and since has dreamed of bicycling to the Atlantic. (AP) Irish Have No Leads DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) Irish police say they have no leads to the killers of British Ambassador Christopher Ewart-Biggs, despite the arrest of 13 suspected members of the Irish Republican Army. Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing Wednesday that killed Ewart-Biggs and a woman secretary and wounded British official Brian Cubbon and an Irish driver. But "we have no doubt it was the IRA," one government official said. "We've made no substantial progress so far," said a police spokesman as 4,000 policemen and troops pressed a nationwide dragnet.

Sex Trial Closes Today SALT LAKE CITY AP The prosecution and defense were to give closing arguments today in the misdemeanor sex trial of Rep. Allan T. Howe, D-Utah, after the defense rested without calling any witnesses to the stand. The attorney for the freshman congressman said the decision not to put Howe on the stand was "completely consistent with my judgment that he is not going to get a fair After two lengthy recesses in which lawyers conferred in Judge Raymond S. Uno's chambers, Howe's attorney rose and told the court: "At this time, your honor, the defense rests." But the lawyer, Dean Mitchell, said later, "By no means am I giving up." Scandal Probe Continues WASHINGTON (AP) Yesterday's blaring headline is today's plodding investigation.

Rep. Wayne Hays' world has quieted somewhat, while a House committee and a federal grand jury continue to investigate payroll-sex charges against him. The grand jury meets in secret, and there is no word when its investigation will reach a conclusion. The House ethics committee will not start its hearings on the Hays matter before late August. Committee investigators have interviewed witnesses in the Hays case, including Elizabeth Ray, whose charge began the probe, sources say.

Merit System Isn't Seen INDIANAPOLIS (AP) The head of a legislative study committee predicts the 1977 General Assembly will not provide a statewide merit system for police and firemen. It "would be too bulky" and might not be responsive to the problems of individual communities, Rep. Clifford D. Arnold, Michigan City, said Thursday. However, the legislature may provide tighter restrictions for promotion of firemen and a new training center, said Arnold, head of the House-Senate study committee on merit systems.

His committee has adopted a resolution urging the legislature to authorize local ordi--nances to create merit systems. It may be amended at the study group's next meeting to make merit systems, once adopted, mandatory for at least 10 years. Markets building at the Illinois aiaie Fairgrounds. $3.2 million for a flood control project on Addison Creek in Cook and DuPage counties. Some $113 million in reductions were disclosed in veto messages released last week, including cuts of $63 million in projects from the Department of Transportation, $20.2 million from colleges and universities, $11.8 million from operations of the Department of Mental Health, and $3.4 million from public aid.

legal Notices COMMISSIONER'S CLAIMS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That the following claims have been filed In the office of the Auditor of Knox County, Indiana, and will be presented to the Board of Commissioners of Knox County, Indiana, tor allowances by said Board at their regular meeting held on the 24 day of July 1974, and to be paid the 1 day of August, 1974. Knox County Clerk S144I.44 Knox County Auditor 1854.94 Knox County Treasurer 1401.44 Knox County Recorder 457.9) Knox County Sheriff tW2.S Knox County Surveyor 700.01 Knox County Coroner 333.33 Knox County Prosecutor 484.44 Knox County Assessor 1351.44 Vigo Twp. Assessor 275.00 Vine. Twp. Assessor 1021.15 Voter Registration 217.91 Veterans Service 497.91 Weights 458.33 Commissioners 1050.

OC Council 875.0C County Attorney 515.83 Buss. Twp. Dep. Assessor 300. OC Board of Review 288 OC Addressograph Operators 491.44 Maintenance Operators 437.SC Microfilm Operator 214.44 Knox County Jail 437.91 Knox County Home 1548.4C Civil Defense 398.08 Vigo Twp.

Trustee 200.0C Vine. Two. Trustee 734.44 Park Recreation, Dept 1411.24 Area Plan Commission 477.91 Deputy Prosecutor 300.00 Criminal Justice 844.70 Intensive Probation 700.00 Manpower Title II 20,254 87 Acme Pest Control 29.85 Adams-Meyer, Inc. 182.21 Glenn Apple 35.00 Addressograph Multlgraph 44.72 Anderson-Poindexter 450.00 John Arnold Printing 217.34 Beard's Hardware 13.59 Robert Bierhaus, Jr 25 00 Louis Byrne 50.00 Bobbs-Merriil Inc 191.20 Big Sales 8, Service 3093.00 Brockman Son, Inc. 200 00 Boyd K.

Black, M.D 150.00 Chjtt.n Egg Factory 34 4, Michael R. Carney 39.04 Waller DeLlsle 90.00 Donaldson-Richardson 550.00 Donovan 4, Donovan 3114.80 Eugene C. DeBoer 31.20 Charles Deity 30.59 Duesterberq Funeral Home 400.00 Robert Dayson 30 00 Austin Edmondson, Sr 44 88 Evansville State Hosd. 305 84 Ewmg Printing Ce 48 91 Field insurance Agency 5418.00 First Federal Savings Loan .23.57 Gardner it Son, Inc 10000 Glenn Gauger 25 00 Paul Hendrixson 1800.00 Hoosier Supplies, Inc 44.54 Frank Herring Hossier Gas Corp. 31.54 Hunckiefs Hardware 43.79 Homes Plumbing Supply 148 93 G.

Heint, Inc. 9419.48 Vern Hnurhins '35 00 Don Hedstrom 35.00 Henderson Transfer Co 31.53 Hicks Office Equipment 44.25 Indiana Bell Telephone Co 935.90 Indiana Oxygen Co. ....4.00 Ind. Legislative Council 43 Ind. pros.

Atty. Assn 252.50 Indiana State Farm 4 35 James T. Jones 12.00 Joyce Rubber Stamp Co. 8.50 F.L. Johnson Oil Co 1339.20 Dr.

Ralph Jacqmain 15 00 Carl Joice 15.00 Robert G. Jarrell 25.00 Knox Co. Daily News 217.31 William Kepler .15.00 Bruce Kirchoft 50 O0 K-Mart 12.82 Knox Co. Auditor 2 0 Knox Co. Farm Bureau 14.14 K.C.A.R.C 88.48 Kirk Construction, Inc 21,414.00 Knox County Treasurer 25,233.29 Carl Liimeweber 19.50 Ruth Lkineweber 30.00 Legal Directories Pub.

Co 15.00 Stephen La Roc he 4511 Leisure Information Serv 45.00 Frederic Luther Co 131 77 J. R. Madison Supply 178 28 McC lure Funeral Service 11 Waller McKean 25.00 John C. Moore 25.00 John Murray 25.00 Town Of Monroe City 51.34 Larry Melshelmer Service 40 vj C. J.

Memering, Sheriff 11480 Robert Miie, Sr 50 00 MeansServiceCenter Mill Motorola, Inc 1il l6 Wallace Noltlng 15.00 New Castle Stat Hosp. 25.37 Nugent Farms 4194 Organ Battery A Electric 24 44 Poe Electric Co 3869 47 Porter Paint Co IJ 37 Witjur G. Parish 25 00 Phillips Petroleum Co. 199 Prullage Machine Shop 9.4Sj William Pomputius 150 00 Park Recreation 33.50 00 Public Service Indiana 2224 Raben Tire Co. 234.94 Clara Roach 32.12 Inc.

U2.74 Her ley Ring 25 00 Louis E. Rusch 2500 state Chamber of Commerce. 27.00 Sun-Commercial 185 28 Curtis Scott 1508 Smith Insurance Agency 211 00 Carl Schuckmen 30 00 Schmidt Key Market 321.44 Smith's Pharmacy 17.25 Soil Water Cons. Oist 4000 00 Jerry Snapp I5O0 William L. Thoma 23 45 T.S.F.

Inc 180 00 Waller M. Thompson 15 .08. lohn Toner 15 00 Mitchell F. Thais 250 00 U.S. Postal Service 1570 10 Gordon E.

Utt Funeral Home. 550 00 John Ueding 25.00 Vine Ambulance Service syi no Vine. Water Dept 274 85 City of Vincennes 3848 51 Vine. Welding Co 9 00 Vine. Wrecker Service 34 47 Vine.

Animal Welfare 542 50 Vieke'S Home Service 73 48 Vine. Typewriter Co, 285.20 Vine. Progress laundry ,,..31 OS Joseph M. Vleck, Jr 23 53 Joseph Vleck, Sr 114 00 Oaie P. Webster 173 00 Bob I.

Wolte 25 00 Wempter Shew Funeral Home 550 00 Matthew Walker 25 00 Wabeih Cot tee. Inc. 443 34 Paul Wagoner ,,,.94 00 Hester Wise 100 00 Williams Texaco 151.7$ Zuckeroergs Uniforms, Inc 34 95 McFenend Agencies, Inc 314 00 Midwest Printing 1745 00 Memering Bulck, Inc 212.S4 KNOX. COUNTY HIOHWAY Danny Abrams 217 04 Robert Allen tt 34 Kenneth Berry 247 04 Corbin Doades 287 04 i Herman 04 Oebtie immons J3J 41 William Cttabrook 31104 Steve Fellows 287 04 Merry Freeman 311.04 Lloyd T. Frye 311 04 Clarence Hatlieid 311 04 Lloyd Helton O4 Thomas Henderson 41 1.04 William Johennmgsmeier 241 3S fcrmel Klmmell 287.04 Carl Leech 117 04 jamesCarrie ill Alonio Leuthardf J39 20 Boyd Like Ml 91 Larry Like 411.04 CarlMeare lit 1 Noble 241 25 Merle Perry.

187 04 Leslie Pruesner 117 04 Morris Rudlern 187 04 Iven Roark 311 04 Roy landers ill 04 Ervln Shepard 217 04 has taken a whack of more than $411 million at the state appropriations approved by the Dlinois General Assembly, but his budgetary axe remains poised. Walker flew to six cities Thursday to sumarize for reporters his vetoes so far of spending passed by the legislature for the current fiscal year that began July 1. "These cuts will help assure a balanced budget and prevent a tax increase," Walker said. The key question remaining is how much he will trim from a $1,287 billion measure providing money from the general revenue fund to local school districts through the school aid formula. That is the last major money bill awaiting gubernatorial action, and Walker said he would announce his action on that measure next week.

The governor said he already has cut $84.9 million in spending from the general revenue fund, which is supported, by sales and income taxes and used for the major services provided by the state. But In nearly every message explaining his money reductions, Walker says his budget must be adjusted downward by $95 million because the legislature failed to alprove measures to boost the treasury by that much this year. Besides that, the legislature approved an estimated $67 million more in general fund spending than Walker requested in his $9.9 billion March budget. "The legislature knew full well the state could not afford such overspending," Walker said. The lion's share of reductions made so far came from money appropriated for construction of buildings, roads, waterways, and other projects financed by the sale of 25-year bonds.

More than $303 million was cut for those purposes. However, not all of that money would have been spent this year because traditionally, the entire cost of multi-year projects is appropriated the first year. Walker, a Democrat, said he was forced to make $171 million of the capital construction vetoes because House Republicans on the final day of the spring session blocked passage of a bill to increase the amount of bonds that can be sold for capital purposes. The governor's budget director, Leonard D. Schaeffer, issued a statement saying the state's bond advisory council "forcefully recommended" that the appropriations be reduced to the bond authorization level.

House GOP members had said the projects could continue without the additional bonding authority and the state was going into debt too rapidly. "The Republicans played an old political shell game," Walker charged. "They voted for the appropriation bills but they blocked the bond authorization bills." "I won't play their shell game," he said. "The only responsible action I can take to maintain the state's fiscal Integrity is veto the appropriation." Walker said priority was given to those projects that are "vital" or an "emergency." Besides repair, rehabilitation and construction of buildings, recreation facilities and waterways, money was also cut for specific projects, including: $3.7 millon for remodeling libraries at Illinois State University at Normal and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. $10.9 million for new buildings at three community colleges.

$28.6 million for acquisition of land and construction of a new state office building at the capital complex In Springfield. 11.9 million for loans for development of the Progess Plaza Industrial Park In the East St. Louis area. $7 million for containerized cargo facilities at the Chicago Regional Port District. $2.5 million for educational television facilities at Western Illinois University at Macomb and Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville.

$7.8 million for a new Racom Service 49.00 Ralph Rogers Co, Ine Rudd Construction Equipment Conine V- Schmidts Auto Supplies, 81.17 Treasurer of Knox County Treasurer 'of' Knox Cou'ntyVl ns. 855.10 United Consulting Engineers Vapconncl Vincennes Auto Parts ....34.84. Vincennes industrial Supply, inc vincennes Water Deportment 8.00, KNOX COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF' PUBLIC WELFARE Department of Public Welfare Sm tariff .13,1113.181 fcwlng Printing Company (postage) 482.50: Indiana Bell Telephone Company 318 Vincennes Typewriter Company (re- pairs) 82.7." Ewlng Printing Companyloffice sup-, plies) 45.00 Hicks Office Equipment, Inc. ...34.33 Decker-Fox Insurance Agency, Inc, 276.00' United Insurance Services, Inc. ..25 00 Hicks Office Equipment, Inc, (equip- ment) njai KNOX COUNTY Salaries 878.74, Salaries 1453 74.

Rahn, Malcom MO Knox Co. Treasurer 145.55 r.11 on Knox Co. Treasurer 754.50 American Cyanamld 212.45' Indiana Bell 56.98 Vincennes Water Dept Open, Donald 52.50 Vincennes Post Office 45.00 Public Service Open, Donald 99.87 Jackson, Jill 27.69 Knox Co Treasurer 134 98 Good Samaritan Hospital 5.00 Dated this 21 day of July, 1976 Paul F. Thais, Auditor I July 23,11 LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given the taxpay trs of Knox County Indiana That Iht County Council will meet In special session In the Court House In the city of Vincennes at the hour of 7N p.m. en Monday July 24, 1974.

to cow sider the following appropriations which thf county officials of said county consider necessary te meet thf extraordinary emergency existing er this time, and which were not included -ei the current budget, and aisa for any other business that may legally corns) before said meeting. Salaries ot Township Officers and. Employees Salaries ol Salaried Officers and nr. ployees Taxpayers may appear at this meeting and shall have the right to be heart en the necessity for such emergency appropriations. Any emergency appropriations finally determined upon will oe automatically rererrea to tne state Board ol Tax Commissioners, whtcn Board will hold a further hearing there.

an within fit teen days at the County. Council Room. At such hearing taxpay, ers desiring to object te such imiis gency appropriations may be heard anal any interested toxpayer may Inquire of the County Auditor when such hearing) will be held. Dated mis llth day of July, I97t Paul F. Thais Knox County auditor July NOTICE TO BIDDERS Board of County Commissioners at nnox county, tnoiena win at tne noer of 10:00 A.M.

an Monday. July 1974 receive sealed bids for furnishing the following: Providing ana Mepiacing 4100 tons hot asphalt concrete On County Road I0S0 North Iranf Junction State Road 54 west te Count Road too East Detailed specifications 'or machine ry. equipment and or materials listed are on file in the office of the County Auditor Bids shall be submitted ea prescribed lorms. which are obtainable from the County Auditor Each be shall bf accompanied by tMddere bone) or certified check in sum equal to 14) percent The Board of County Commit -tioners reserve the right fo reject any and all bids Witness my hand and seal ot the Board of County Commissioner -of Knox County. Indiana this 14th day of July, 1974.

Paul Thai Auditor of Knox County, Indiana Joseph Vieck Wilbur Parish Welter Oelisie July 14, 33, It 1 Classified Advertising 2. fit Memoriam In Loving Memory Of CORDON P. MILLER Who Pasted Away One Year Ago Today, July 23, 1975 Ai one who gently knock and heart you lay "Come I want to to you today, To take your hand, to talk with you awhile, To hear your voice and tee your friendly imlle. To leave perhaps a Rose plucked at the dawn So you II remember me when I am gone. How glad this day would be if you but knew How many friendi think tenderly of you.

Sadly Missed By The Rubrtcht Family Mate Annovncmtm. UNWANTED PREONANCY9 Ce.l Birthright collect l-414-lsls. fair to yourself and your unborn child, MISS YOUR SUNDAY PAPER ran Circulation Department VincenneiSun-Commerclal M2-2310 7 a.m.-ll:N a.ra. loot ESS3 jhowen MM By The Associated Press A cool front wilt push thunder storms south toniqht and Saturday as it slides from northern Indiana to Ken tucky, the National Weather Service said. Cooler and les humid air will trail the front into northern Indiana toniqht and spread south through the state Saturday The weather service said prospects for a mostly dry weekend are good, but a chance of showers or thunderstorms exists tor early next week.

Lows toniqht should range in the AOs in the north to the low 70s in the south. Highs Saturday are expected in the 80s with the weather less humid. Nationally, if was warm and humid overnight tor most of the nation, and readings early this morning were stilt in the low 80s over the plains, the Southwest and throuqh the interior ot California. There was some precipitation, with thundershowers scattered throuqh the upper Mississippi valley, the mid Atian tic coastal states and the central plains. Widely scattered thundershowers, with gusty winds, caused dust storms in southern Arizona.

A few showers dotted central California. Thunderstorms were hitting southwest Texas. Farm Weather COOLER DRIER AIR APPROACH ING Very humid air and high lem peratures in "Os will be over Indiana today associated with high pressure surface and aloft over southeast half of High pressure is currently cen tered to north of Montana and should be sufficient strength to push a cool front fo northwest Indiana by early Sat urday Scattered thundershowers are expected to precede the front this at ternoon and tonight in central and north and south Saturday Mostly sunny cooler in ant and drier air is then expected to arrive on Saturday High pressure will be moving across the Great Lakes region Sunday Another frontal area will be approaching Mon day and move thru Indiana Tuesday Dry sunny weather is likely Sunday Then partly sunny and chance of thun dershowers Monday or Tuesday Look for highs H. lows in Field Conditions Rainfall the past 74 hours was again mainly in northern one fourth of state amounts ranging from 2 to near inches The northern two to three tiers ot counties have now accumulated two to near five inches in the past three days Soils in these areas are soft on surface and will need sever ai days of drying before workable Elsewhere soils are dry to slightly moist and many lighter sod areas need rain in order to continue good crop prospects Drying will improve to mod erate rates today and further improve ment Saturday and Sunday as daytime humidity lowers Evaporation uses will range between i is and inch Satur day thru Sunday Growth Rates Current weather conditions are rapidly pushing crop growth Heat or growth units are ac cumulating at rate of -5 to per day for base This should take corn thru the silking filling stage to days Oat Harvesting Improving weather, more sunshine and lower hu midity air will be advancing across In diana Saturday and over all of the state Sunday Drying should be adequate to get oat harvest started again by after noon in central areas Saturday and by Sunday or Monday north Surface wet ness will tend to slow grain dry out in north Weather Comparison Reports of Frank Werker Vincennes weather observer, tor a .4 hour period ending at a today High tempera hire degrees low degrees clear Wabash River stage at 1 and falling For the same date a year ago max mum temperature degrees, mini mum temperature 6) Wabash River stage 3' feet Todays sunnse am, sunset Saturday sunnst am. sunset 8 River readings at a Friday WABASH at Mount Car met ill 2 feet and failing at Terre Haute I feet and fail mg at Hutsonviiie 1 2 foot and fail mg WHITE at Petersburg -1 feet and ntmg Knox County Police reported three accidents Thursday afternoon with one involving extensive damage to a semi tractor.

The accident involving the tractor occurred at 2:45 p.m. on U.S. 41, about a mile south of Vincennes. Trucker Har-ley E. Simpson, 45, Henderson, was south bound on 41 when he reached down to the floor of his cab to pick something up.

He said that when he looked up he saw the stock truck of Lotus S. Per-rott, 66, 111., in front of his vehicle. Simpson said he turned left to pass Perrott's truck but instead hit it in the rear, police said Simpson's truck left 154 feet of skidmarks and received $25,000 damage to its cab. Perrott's truck received $600 damage to its back end. Eight minutes later sheriff's police reported a second accident about a half mile from the first one on U.S.

41. The truck of Boyd E. Dick, 30, Fort Branch, entered U.S. 41 after police said he apparently didn't see the oncoming pickup truck of Kenton L. West, 78, Chandler.

West swerved left, skidded 60 feet and struck Dick's truck, police said. His truck received $3,500 front-end damage and Dick's truck" received $2,000 damage to its left front end. Sheriff's police also report SMVICI US Dftpf ol ConmiKt South Southern Arizona to the interior of California. Temperatures around the nation ranged from at Greenville, Maine to 95 at Needles, Calif. INDIANA EXTENDED OUTLOOK By The Associated Press There is a chance of showers and thunderstorms late Monday and Tuesday.

Highs for the period from Sunday throuqh Tuesday should be in the BOs. and lows in the 60s. Futures Today 3.56 3.41 3.52 3.69 3.54 3.65 Mi 3.80Mi 3.67 3.78'i 3.85'zi 3.72'i 3.83' 3.92' 3.76VSt 3.86'i 2.80 2.72V4 2.81' 2.86 2.91 6.421 6.46 6.56 6.6IV4 6.67' 6.68 2.83V4 2.73M. 2.82 2.88' 2.92 6.32 '4 6.36 6.45 6.50 6.56 6.55 6.58 6.68 Exchange Prices 40.20 42.77 43.80 44.10 44.45 45.50 45.05 43.50 39.45 39.52 38.80 37.55 40.10 40.15 39.00 40.60 43.65 44.75 44.77 45.25 46.20 45.80 44.30 40.35 40.35 39.50 38.35 40.42 40.20 Sows moderately active, mostly Steldy 1 3 325-400 lbs. 0 00 0 25.

small packaqe '0 39.75- Cattie 50, not enough lor lest. Sheep 25; no test ot market. INDIANA HOGS INDIANAPOLIS (AP-USOA) -The tndtana hoq market today at 70 yards and plants. Butchers, demand moderate barrows and gilts steady to weak 1 2 200 230 pounds 1-3 200 2 0 lbs '4 00 tew plant-delivered 4 75- '7 00. 2-3 2 0-250 5.50- 4 2 5, tew lots 250 240 ".75 "5.50.

Sows unevenly steady, instances .50 hiqner; 1 3 300 400 lbs. 38 00-39 00. a lew 300 350 0 00 "0 50. EVANSVILLE MARKETS EVAJXSVIILE, Ind IAP- USOA) Hogs 150 Barrows and g.lts 50 lower 1 3 200 250 pounds 7 25 -7 50. on- lot 2-3 303 IDS.

2 00. Sows, not established. CASH GRAIN CHICAGO (API Wheat No 2 hard winter 3 37'n Friday No 2 sott red 3 24'jO. Corn No 7 yellow 2.90J.n (hopper) 2 lbol Oats No 2 heavy t.53n. Soybeans No 1 yellow GRAIN PRICES INDIANAPOLIS (API Ind.anap olis area qram prices Thursday at ele valors Corn, No2 yellow 02 62 2 65 n2 20 2 23; Oats, No 2 white I 75.

Soy beans, No I yellow 05 77 4 00 ns 84. Wheat, No2 soil red 2 93 3 00 Blotter southbound on Seventh Street while Brent Burn-worth, 15, 1720 N. 17th St, was northbound on Seventh. Miss Ray was attempting to turn left onto Main when her car hit Burnworth's, police said. Miss Ray required two stitches for a cut lip and was ticketed for failure to yield the right-of- way.

Burnworth received a bump on the head and was ticketed for violation of a learner's permit. Both cars received $300 front-end damage. City police arrested David L. Kean, 23, 4 E. Jefferson at 11:20 p.m.

Thursday on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol, reckless driving, speeding and fleeing police. He was released from Knox County Jail on $350 bond. City police arrested Jackie L. Fields, 41, 1325 Bayou at 2:36 a.m. today on a charge of driving under the influence of alcohol.

They also arrested Linda Cunningham, 25, Lawrenceville, 111., at 2 p.m. Thursday on a shoplifting charge. Bicknell police arrested Michael J. Koenig, 23, Bicknell, early today on charges of glue-sniffing and disorderly conduct. He was released on $350 bond.

Billy Willoughby of Old 41 North reported to sheriff 's police Thursday afternoon that two men in a pickup truck passed his house and shot his Tel McGlone Kin Will Be On TV In Fall Jimmy McGlone, grandson of Mrs. Forrest McGlone, Vincennes, has been chosen one of six seventh grade students to represent Virginia in a CBS network television program to begin in September. The program, "Way Out will be part of the CBS children's programming on Saturday mornings, and will feature competitive games that require quick thinking, team effort and physical activity. He's the son of Mr. and Mrs.

M. Kent McGlone, Fre-dericksburg, Va. offer Humbers Chicago iapi Here art tt winning numbert end color drawn Thursday In the World Series gam ol the Illinois state lottery: 37 304 9711 --Green The first weekly winner announced for two tickets to All the Work) Series games and II .000 cesh mn Metvln Lander of Muscat me, Iowa MentulHeulthAtioclation Names Gifts Chairman Mrs. C. Gordon Hayes, Terre Haute, has been appointed 1976 chairman of the Mental Health Association in Indiana's State Christmas Gifts project The Christmas project each year brings gifts to residents of state hospitals, training centers and nursing homes family care PRODUCERS MARKET Market trend, 2S lower 211-241 Ibl 4t IS.

3J l-25-i IM 4S 5: 2S1-24" lbs, 4SJ5: JM.Jln Ibt 44 Sow. 38 11-31 SO. Burt 32 1 34 1 1 Open 'am 1pm HEINOLD HOG MARKET Market trend. 7i lower 2n-23" Ibl 4t 2' Ibl 44 0 24n-2S" Ibl, 45 JSn-Jin Ibl, 4511: 24n 271 IM 44 VI Sowv Ibl, 38 vi 4m-4( ibi, 38 25 itx 3a in Been, jvi 2sn itn 36 m- sn ni Itx 33 BOARO Of TRADE CHICAGO (API Soybean tuturci opened limit declines on the Chi-caqo Board ot Trade today, tout wheat and corn prices were uneven. On the opening, soybeans were 15 to 20 cents a bushel lower, Auqust 4 22 corn was 1 lower to l'j higher, September 2.8 1 wheat was I lower to hiqner, September 3.

-9' and oats were to I lower, September I 48. INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK INDIANAPOLIS (AP USIA) HOqs 1. 100 Barrows and gilts steady to weak, instances 25 lower In modera tely active tradmq. 1-2 700-230 pounds 7 75- 800. 1 3 200 2 0 lbs.

'7 00 75, popular p. ice 7 50 2 3 2 0 270 '4 50 7.50 Police ed a 1 p.m. accident on Ind. 61 at the CATV road near Vincennes. Edward A.

Ertel, 74, 7 E. Lyndale was ticketed for making an improper turn at an intersection. Police said he was turning left onto the CATV road when his car hit the oncoming van of William A. Sage III, 39, 3 Wilbur St. Sage's van skidded 150 feet after impact, stopping about 35 feet into a nearby field.

End's car received $400 damage to its left front end and Sage's car incurred about $500 damage to its left side. City police reported two accidents Thursday afternoon. Daniel W. Ailred, 20, Hobart, was ticketed at 2:16 p.m. for failure to yield the right-of-way after a collision at Seventh and Dubois streets.

Police said the car of Mark A. Speth, 18, 426 Willow was southbound on Seventh Street when his car was struck in the front by Allred's car, which was making a right- hand turn (the wrong way) onto Seventh Street from Dubois Street Allred's car received $250 front-end damage while Speth's car received $400 damage to its front end and left front fender, Two drivers were ticketed following 4 p.m. Thursday accident at Seventh and Main streets. Teresa J. Ray, 19, 113 Harrison Drive, was' pet Beagle in the leg.

M.J. Kelly Construction Co. reported that its office trailer on the Wabash River levee west of Oaktown was vandalized. Windows and an air conditioner were damaged and rocks were thrown at the trailer. James H.

Gislason, 110 Alden Drive, reported the theft of his citizen band radio to sheriff's police Thursday. The Holiday Inn reported $1,000 in "general vandalism" to city police Thursday. Lila Enbrey, Mirror Lake Trailer Court, told city police her unlocked front door was entered Wednesday night and a camera plus a purse with $35 to $45 was taken. Don Wehrheim, 904 Church reported to police around midnight today that a small tree had been stolen from his porch. Lee Vantlin, 929 S.

15th reported two hanging flowerpots were stolen from her porch Wednesday night. Bikes were reported stolen from Rainbow Beach swimming pool Thursday by Richard Kid well, 416 W. Jefferson and by Brian Barlow, 1023 Barnett St The Vincennes Fire Department reported $75 smoke damage to the kitchen of Edna Burns, 1205 Perry St, following a fire in a waste-basket at 9:05 p.m..

The Sun from Vincennes, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Domingo Moore

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Author information

Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.