Top Posts Tagged with #[ much highly appreciated for the read and patience and understanding ; thank you so much and have a lovely timezone 💖 ] | Tumlook (2024)

Killing Me Softly

synopsis; you wake up from a night of fun, yet one you barely remember. your vampire bff ghosts you and your past comes to haunt you in the worst way possible. OR they say that blood is thicker than water, but what do you do when the person you trust most turns out to be the monster you’ve always been warned about?

pairing; vampire!jungkook x human!reader

genre; angst, fluff, humor, horror, smut(for later chapters), f2l, vampire au

warnings; cursing, jealousy, lots of confusion on reader’s part, moments of self doubt, flashbacks, mentions of blood, mentions of committing a violent act, familiar faces, soft vampire!koo moments, more horror tropes, some new competition for reader??

rating; 21+ MINORS DNI

w/c; 5,444

a/n; FIRST OFF THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. this is part two of ‘sucker for love’. highly recommend reading that first chapter in order to understand what’s going on. don’t be a silent reader! <3 i can’t express enough how much all of your kind words and encouragement genuinely fuel my inspiration. feedback is always appreciated and helps keep this writer motivated in order to put out more content – like this! all the love, always.

networks; @thebtswritersclub, @btshoneyhive, @kflixnet, @k-vanity

01. 02. 03

“Have we learned our lesson now?”

Your roommate, Valerie, leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom, arms crossed over her chest. You flipped her the middle finger without looking, head still inside the toilet as your stomach relieved itself of whatever poison you ingested. An insult was on the tip of your tongue, but was silenced by another strong heave taking over. She had a point, you were never good when it came to parties and going overboard on drinking, but you would never admit it to her.

Your stomach was still churning from last night’s events, but settled enough for you to sit back against the wall of the bathtub and actually try to think on what the f*ck happened. The last thing you remember clearly is Jungkook ditching you, hanging out with Jimin and Yoongi who saved you from being a loner at Namjoon’s party, leaving said party to head to another party once Namjoon shut his down with a group of people you weren’t quite familiar with, and then – nothing. Literally, nothing. It’s all a blank in your mind.

November 1st, 2022 9:04am

When you woke up this morning, you were in your own bed. Your head was a rat’s nest, your makeup was smeared, your clothes were dirty, ripped, and there was little specks of blood on the collar of your costume. Upon further inspection, you realize your cape was long gone and one of your heels was broken. So how you managed to get home on one working heel is beyond you.

What boggled your mind further was the flurry of texts you found on your phone once you plugged it in to charge. Apparently, your phone died sometime during your nightly shenanigans. Reading the texts, it was Jimin asking you where you were and if you were okay. Multiple calls and voicemails followed.

He sounded worried, scared even.

But, that made no sense, why would he feel the need to be so worried about you? Wasn’t he with you the whole time? Yoongi? As soon as you could focus well enough to type out a reply, you told him that you were at home and alive and left it at that. Shortly after sending, the ‘read’ notification pops up, those three bubbles form, and then disappear. You give him another few minutes, but they never return. Huffing, you throw your phone carelessly on the bed, it bounces off and lands on the floor.

Groaning in annoyance, you sink to your knees next to your bed when you realize it must’ve slid underneath when it bounced. Feeling around, your hand bumps into something sharp. You flinch and hiss, cradling your hand to your chest as you inspect the little dot of blood that builds on your fingertip. What the hell?

Now laying sideways on your stomach on the floor, your head turned to look under your bed, you get a better view. Instantly, you hone in on your phone, then use the flashlight on it to illuminate the sharp mystery object.

It was a knife. A bloody knife.

Your eyes widen in horror.

What did you do last night?


November 5th, 2022 7:52pm

Remember, remember—

You needed answers.

You needed to remember.

Ones that would explain why you’re currently concealing a potential murder weapon that’s now wrapped in an old raggedy shirt, in a dusty old shoebox, underneath your queen sized bed that ironically has a ‘Halloween’ themed throw blanket on top of it. The main antagonist wielding a knife that looked the exact same, the tip of it also adorning blood.

What can you say?

You’re a major fan of horror movies.

That’s not suspicious at all, though, right? It wouldn’t scream that you have a bloody knife of your own hidden just beneath the surface, right?

Even as you tug down the sleeves of your Freddy Krueger replica sweater you bought from Hot Topic in hopes of fighting off the bone chilly air of November, your thoughts are not only on the fact you may or may not have participated in someone’s demise last night, but they also drift to Jungkook who you haven’t heard or seen since he left you on Halloween night.

Normally, on nights where he has to feed, you wake up in the morning with him in your room just reading one of your books. The curtains are drawn, but he basks in the little warmth of the sun that his skin can handle as he lounges on your reading nook. Generally, it’s a Stephen King novel. He’s finished majority of them. Those days are the best, cause he chooses to be with you, knowing he can’t leave until it gets dark again.

Getting lost in thought, you mindlessly keep walking down the cobblestone path that’s usually quite popular with locals, but right now is barren all except for you—

—and the black cat that scurries across your feet, making you fumble before catching your footing in time so as not to fall flat on your face. The split second fall triggers both an adrenaline rush and a memory you thought you suppressed. You freeze. The wind whips your hair back and forth, some strands get stuck on your wet, slightly parted lips. Your eyes are unblinking, lost in the nightmare. The creases of your eyes begin to fill with tears and you feel a scream bubbling up your throat—

A hand on your shoulder brings you back.

You blink, the tears cease. You close your mouth, pushing your hair behind your ear. Turning around, you follow the hand to the body it’s attached too. Confusion flickers on your face, then is replaced by surprise.

It was the girl. Dracula girl.

From the party.

The ‘lady of the night’ that Jungkook chose.

She’s wearing a tight smile, lips painted a light red. It’s a sharp contrast that stands out against her pale, almost ghostly white skin. Though, that’s not what shocks you the most.

No, it’s her eyes.

Her red eyes.

“You’re y/n, right? Jungkook told me about you. Have a moment to talk?”

What the f*ck did Jungkook do that night?



Your voice is hard, resolute. Your hands dig into the fabric of your jeans that are hidden from the top of one of the wooden picnic tables scattered throughout the local park. Your body is shaking, but it’s not from the cold. You refuse to believe what she – Jules – just told you.

It was impossible.

“Yes. It was your roommate. Valerie.”

Memories flash through your mind of the many years you’ve spent being best friends with your roommate, Valerie. She had her weird quirks, sure. Maybe you thought it was a bit strange when she would go out every Halloween by herself and never tell you where she goes. But besides that, she was just your sarcastic, mutual horror enthusiast, slightly odd and reserved best friend. You didn’t think she was capable of murder.

Nonetheless, be the hunter of vampires.

When you met Valerie, it wasn’t too long after the incident. It was at this local hole in the wall two in one book store and cafe called ‘Novels and Noodles’. You were slurping on some noodles when she first walked in. Your eyes flickered to hers for a moment, but then you went back to eating and paying no mind. A seat was open opposite you that she soon took upon herself to occupy, yet still, you didn’t bother attempting small talk. Back then, you became more reserved and cautious of those around you. He being the sole cause of it.

“Have an interest with vampires?”

After one last loud ‘slurp’ of a noodle, you pushed your now empty bowl aside and dabbed your mouth with a napkin before speaking. Bookmarking your page in the book you were reading, ‘Vampires for Dummies’, you then folded your hands on top of it and looked at her, fully.

Her style stood out the most to you. It was very gothic, yet girly. Mainly black, with subtle bursts of color here and there. Kinda like how you liked to dress when you weren’t wearing horror franchise merchandise. She had a few extra piercings in her ears where a small silver, slender dagger hung off a chain from her left ear. A necklace of a silver cross dangled surreptitiously between the exposed cleavage of her breasts due to the low cut neckline of her shirt as she leaned towards you with her elbows on the table, hands flat. A variety of rings were on her fingers, but one always stood out to you, cause it looked like a family crest you would see from the medieval days.

“I do, do you?”

“You could say that. Do you believe in ghosts?”

“I don’t have the ability of seeing them like Cole Sear, but I do believe in the idea of an afterlife.”

“I see dead people.”

You gave a snort at her reference, especially since she made an effort to sound small and scared to recite the line, leaning her body even more towards yours to the point of no longer sitting in her chair and rather fully bending in half over the table so you can hear her whisper it clearly.

She gave a light cackle of laughter as she plopped herself back down in her chair, her smile wide with mischief and eyes full of trouble. It was then that you knew you would get along well. Nothing was suspicious about her then, but now you wish you did ask the question that was on the tip of your tongue. Maybe you wouldn’t be as shocked as you were right now.

Jules atleast had the decency to play the part of a sympathetic human being, but you knew she found the whole thing entertaining, if not for the slight twitch of the curve of her lips that she tried to conceal with her hand over her mouth.

“Can we start at the beginning? Please? Like what the f*ck happened the night of Halloween?”

“Well, you know I left with Jungkook.”

“Yes, well aware, thank you. But what happened after that?”

Her once playful demeanor turned into a more closed in one. Her smile dropped, flipping upside down into a frown. Her eyes became hollow as she stared at you, yet right through you at the same time. For a minute, she actually did look human.

“He took me to that cemetery that’s a few streets away, I can’t remember the name–,” her brows furrowed as she genuinely tried to remember it. You decided to help her out.

“Pearly Gates?”

She snapped her fingers, pointing at you to indicate you were right.

“That’s the one. We were–,”

You put a hand up, dumbfounded look on your face.

“Wait, wait, wait. You willingly went with him to a cemetery so late at night? You didn’t see that as some kind of red flag?”

She chooses to ignore you completely in favor of continuing the story. She knows you’re not wrong, she should’ve seen the multiple red flags, but by the time her rose colored glasses were removed – it was too late.

“We were strolling through gravestones for almost 10 minutes, then he made us stop at this above ground mausoleum that was located near the back. I remember thinking the design was so beautiful. It blew my mind the amount of intricate detail that was used on it, even though it was centuries old.”

For a few minutes she got lost in explaining the design in vivid details, and though you agreed with her completely, you were getting impatient.

“Right. Yes. Sounds amazing. And then?”

She pauses midway through her spiel to give you a piercing glare, but obliges your request.

“He had a key. We went inside. We made out. He’s really skilled with his–,”

“I do not need those vivid details, thank you.”

She just shrugs you off with a sinister smirk painted on her lips.

“I thought he was going to leave a hickey with the amount of pressure I was feeling against my neck, but before I knew it his teeth were sinking into me and surprisingly I didn’t care.”

You blanched at her words.

“Uh, what?”

“Honestly? Yeah, it hurts at first. But eventually it just feels so f*cking good.” Her voice gradually turns light and airy at the end of her statement, eyes glossing over as if she’s reliving the moment right there in front of you.

A feeling grows within you at her reaction. Jealousy. It was stupid, it was illogical, but there it was. Casually growing within you, and soon, it’ll take over and blossom into a flower of chaos. You’re sure of it. For now, it was but a vine, but as it curls around your insides and slithers it’s way towards your heart, thorns prick and dig in to ensure a home within you.

“That’s when she came. Your roommate. Knocked on the side of the threshold to announce herself, twirling a wooden stake in one hand, and the other was placed on the hilt of what looked to be a knife that was latched in a sheath on her belt loop.”

Her breathing began to pick up, eyes now downcast on the table in front of you. For the first time since she started talking, you felt your own sympathy for the newly turned vampire. She didn’t ask for this, that much was certain. The only question that remained was as to why Jungkook decided to turn her – or rather what occurred to spur the life altering decision.

Offering a moment of solidarity between you both, you place one hand over hers on the table. If she’s consoled by it, she makes no move to show, though she does describe the events in morbid detail.

“She was so fast, aiming the stake for Jungkook. That much so, it didn’t register to either her or I when the stake missed Jungkook, who was gone in a flash it felt like, and instead sunk in right below my breast.”

Your eyes widened. You stayed silent.

“As I looked at her, she showed no remorse. Not an ounce. At least Jungkook had the decency to show some semblance of guilt. Probably why he ended up turning me after their little fight was over and she fled, couldn’t handle the fact that an innocent life was taken in place of his. Whatever it was, as much as I appreciate the gesture of goodwill–,”

Her voice quieted, eyes remained downcast as she spoke her next words with eerie confidence and absolute truth.

“I wish he had just left me to die.”

A sharp inhale could be heard from your end as you squeeze her hand to comfort her in the only way you as a human know how.

“She only used the stake that night, correct? Not the knife?”

She finally tears her gaze from the splintering wood to stare at your curious ones.

“Yes. Just the stake. Why?”


You let go of her hand in favor of running yours through your hair anxiously. It causes Jules to now stare at you in curiosity.

“Why are you so worried about the knife, y/n?”

You bite your lip, contemplating on whether or not you can actually divulge such a truth, then think, f*ck it.

“There’s a bloody knife hidden in a dusty ass shoebox underneath my bed right now and I have no remembrance of how it came into my possession or why there’s even blood. Safe to say, I’m freaking the f*ck out.”

“You think you actually have the gall to murder someone? Or do you believe it’s the same knife as your vampire hunter roommate?”

“The latter, hopefully. But if you didn’t see her use it, that begs the question on if she used it later on that night, or I did.”

“That’s quite the conundrum you’re in, y/n.”

“Yeah, I know.”

Blowing out a puff of glacial air, you glance at the lock screen on your phone that’s been laying on the table next to you the entire time. Not once has it gone off, but when you tap the screen and see Jungkook’s fangy smile, does your heart drop into your stomach.

Working up the nerve, you once again look across into the eyes of Jules.

“Where’s Jungkook?”

Her shoulders raise as she lets out her own puff of air, her body going lax with indifference.

“No idea. Woke up in his house, he gave me some lessons on how to be a good vampire for a couple of days, then left on some kind of quest–,” she puts air quotes up. “–his words not mine. Gave me your address and showed me a picture of you incase I wanted some company that knew about vampires. Then promised he would be back soon and to behave.”

“How did you know the person who attacked you was my roommate then?”

“Oh, he told me. He didn’t sound surprised with her appearance though. It’s like they had some sort of familiarity with each other as they fought. Like they could predict each other’s moves. It was weird.”

“What the f*ck.”

You were thoroughly confused. How the hell could they know each other and not tell you?

“That’s what I’ve been saying from the moment I was reborn, as Jungkook so poetically spewed at me.”


After your epiphany of a talk with Jules, who swore up and down she wouldn’t go on a killing spree in your small town, you found yourself once again walking back home. Instead of the short, creepy, dark forest route — you opted for the long way home surrounded by various mom and pop outlet stores and eateries.

Big mistake. You should’ve known that being from your small town and daring to venture near a popular hangout strip of said town would promote the dreaded small talk to occur with people you’d rather avoid at the moment.


You pretend to not hear the owner of the voice in hopes they’ll leave you alone, picking up your pace. It does nothing to dissuade them from getting closer and using one of their long, lanky, arms to swivel around your shoulder and veer your short frame towards their broad chest. Your feet tangle in the process, and you lean more into the figure in hopes of regaining your footing sooner rather than later.

Their other arm joins the first to fully envelope your body with theirs in a now tight hug, something they’re famously known for. That and–

They pull away enough for you to inhale a good amount of fresh air, before your lips feel a chaste pressure against them. The feeling is light and feathery, then it’s gone just as quick as it arrived. A boxy smile is now taking up your entire line of vision and you internally groan at the male before you, Taehyung — your ex.

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, y/n! How’ve you been?”

“Oh, you know. Chilling, killing.”

He lets out an exaggerated bellow of laughter that he leans his whole body backwards to get into. You take the chance to slither out of his hold and gain a few feet of sweet, sweet distance. You purse your lips, only half joking with your statement, since you’re still not sure what the story is behind the bloody knife.

“Ever the horror fanatic. You haven’t changed one bit, y/n.”


“When Jimin told me that you hung out at a party, I must say, I was very surprised. Never thought you would step foot in one since you didn’t seem interested in them when we were dating.”

Jimin. Right. Though your ex left town years ago, even before the incident, he makes a point to come back every now and then to visit his dear friend. Maybe this meeting can be fruitful for you after all. You just have to endure his touchy, feely personality for a little while longer.

“Yeah, well. You know better than anyone that people change, Taehyung.”

His smile is still present on his face, but it becomes more tight, losing its previous sincerity. He clears his throat and goes to talk when he’s interrupted by another voice you recognize.

“Leave y/n alone, Taehyung. She doesn’t want to hear about your ridiculously expensive travel expeditions.”

You can see Taehyung’s face clearly annoyed when he rolls his eyes at the comment made on his lifestyle. It takes all you have not to laugh, biting your lip to prevent the smile that wanted to make it’s debut at the male’s displeasure. Taehyung turns sideways to make some kind of snarky, yet good natured retort back and thus shows your savior in all his glory.

Min Yoongi. One half of the truth that occurred that Halloween night. Maybe he could help shed some light on the shadowed memories of your mind.

Yoongi makes a point to step inbetween you both, hands firmly tucked into his black windbreaker. His medium length long hair whips back and forth for a moment when the wind kicks up, leaves caressing your feet and ankles due to the strong gust. Some even float across your face that you subconsciously follow with your eyes until it becomes one with the night sky.

It’s not until Yoongi addresses you with a warm hand on your shoulder blade, does your attention get diverted back. Thankfully, Taehyung is long gone, presumably within the confines of one of the many stores around you.

“You feeling okay, y/n?” His voice is both the usual monotone, yet there’s a hint of warmth within the question, as if he’s genuinely concerned with your well being.

It takes you a moment to digest, then repress the urge to lay everything on the poor, unsuspecting guy. He doesn’t need to get dragged into your sh*tty problems.

“I’m uh, good. Thank you.”

You try to sound convincing, you do. But he sees right through the minuscule tremble in your voice and narrows his almond shaped eyes into yours.

“You’re a terrible liar. You know that?”

A nervous grin appears, and you hug yourself in an attempt to play it off. He was always too keen on reading nonverbal cues, being ever the silent one for as long as you’ve known him. Him preferring to talk with gestures and grunts.

“Did they do anything to you?”

Your brows furrow in confusion, head tilting to the side.

“Who are they?”

“You don’t remember?”

“No…? Should I?”

He runs the hand that was once on your shoulder, now through his silky black hair. He puffs his cheeks for a second, then let’s it go.

“I knew I shouldn’t have let you go with them. But your friend was with them so I thought–,” he scuffles his foot on the wet cobblestone beneath you in aggravation.

“What friend, Yoongi?”

“I’m not good with names, uhm. Veronica? Vicky?”


“Her. Yes. She was with these guys who were all dressed in the same black garb and wore this white mask, it was weird. She was the only girl, but didn’t seem intimidated in the least bit by them. And now that I think about it..,”

You may have been physically in front of him, but in your mind you were far away. Men in black, with white masks? The only image that fits that description for you is one from your nightmares. You can feel your heart rate increase, and it takes everything in you not to break down in front of Yoongi.

“…neither did you, y/n. Actually, you went more than willingly. What made me cautious for your safety was the knife that your friend was brandishing so haphazardly in front of your face as she waved bye to us and you all were gone.”

“Knife? Like, a real knife? Not a prop?”

He nods his head in answer before explaining his reasoning.

“Would’ve thought it was fake, had it not been for the glare that caught my eye and reflected back on your face.”

“Huh, that’s quite–,”



He deadpans at your joke.

“Kidding! It’s all good. I’m alive, aren’t I?”


You take a step back, shooting finger guns at him.

“Gotta jet. But it was nice talking with you. See you around!”

Before he can utter a reply, your figure becomes nothing but a dot in the distance until he loses sight of you completely. He lets out a low exhale, face void of emotion. You didn’t give him the chance to tell you one small, minor, detail from that night.

That right before you left with the group, he could swear that your eyes flashed this mixed shade of your usual color and red.


“What a f*cking day.”

You mumble face down in your pillow as you ungracefully threw yourself on your bed, having finally made it back home to the safe confines of your bedroom without running into anyone else. Not even your roommate, who seems to be out and about, and for that, you’re grateful. Lord knows you’re not good at acting.

“Tell me about it. What took you so long to come back home?”

Your head instantly shoots up and you lock eyes with a welcomed intruder who seems to have made themselves comfortable on your reading nook, a decent sized book held in one hand lazily as he flips the page with a bored expression. His focus is on the words, his eyes moving back and forth as he reads.

“You little sh*t.”

Your hostile tone is what causes his eyes to flicker to yours in amusem*nt, one brow arching in question. Bookmarking the page, he closes the book gently, laying it on the window sill next to him before slowly standing up to his full height. You scramble to your own feet, standing on the bed.

When he gets close enough, you flying squirrel yourself at him, him catching your body effortlessly. Your legs hook around his waist, arms securing around his neck as you bury your face into his cool skin. Your words are muffled as you speak, and he can’t hear you clearly when you berate him.

“What was that? I don’t speak mumble, y/n.”

His voice is teasing, as he mindlessly and ceremoniously breathes in your comforting scent with closed eyes. Oh, how he’s missed this.

How he’s missed you.

When you break away enough to be face to face with him, he’s surprised to see tears streaming down your face. His once playful exterior turns into one of concern, his mouth opening to question your current state, but there’s no need when you explain in detail what’s been going on the last few days.

He takes it all in, all the while maneuvering you both to your bed where your butt still rests on his closed legs. His hands now find purpose in cupping the sides of your face, his thumbs wiping away the tears as they come. When you finish, and the tears slowly dry, does he speak.

“I guess now is a good time as any to come clean.”

“Jungkook? What do you mean?”

“About your roommate, your best friend, Valerie.”

You don’t miss the way he sharpens his tongue when he says the words, and you wonder if he’s jealous, or just downright loathes her.

“Yes, that would be fantastic.”

“We should get more comfy, it’s gonna be awhile.”

He then goes on to explain how their paths initially crossed. It was long before you ever came into the picture. Back then, she wasn’t alone in her pursuit of him and rather preferred to hunt in a group. Much to your dismay, he confirms Yoongi’s prior description of the people she hangs around with and what they wear. It makes your breathing hitch. He notices, pausing in his rant to make sure you’re okay with him touching on the next subject of your attacker and that traumatic night. All you do is nod. He continues.

When he saw your attacker in the same outfit as the ones who hung out with Valerie, he knew that she must be closing in on his whereabouts. Something, he said, he’s been successful up until this point with concealing. It wasn’t until he caught sight of her with you at the bookstore where you first met her, that he knew positively she was back.

He never in his wildest dreams imagined that she would go so far as to use you to get closer in killing him. He wanted to believe she just wanted to make an honest friend of you, and so he made sure to only come to you on the days she was gone so as not to intervene. So long as she didn’t hurt you, he didn’t see any problems with you maintaining the friendship.

That was, until Halloween night.

She showed up with her usual minions in tow, but what he didn’t expect was for your little red riding hood costume clad figure to be standing next to her, with a knife.

Your eyes widened in horror at his next words.

“…..that’s when you stabbed me, but don’t worry, it can’t kill me obviously. And it’s already healed. What I don’t know is how she was able to control you. That is the mystery I’m currently trying to solve.”

“You’re saying that the bloody knife that I hid underneath my bed has your blood all over it?”

“Yes, but y/n, you have to realize–,”

It physically pains him when you tear yourself away from him as if he’s a raging fire and you just got third degree burns. Even more when you place yourself as far away from him as possible with the guiltiest look on your face he’s ever seen anyone wear.

His eyes soften, and he cautiously gets up to walk close to your shaking form.

“Y/N, love–,”

A broken whimper comes from you, and if he had a heart, it would be split in two at this point.

“It’s not your fault, okay? I don’t blame you, I’m not mad at you. And I’m fine. See?”

He shrugs his jacket off to then unbutton his long sleeved dress shirt. Sliding his right arm out of the material, he showcases his now bare chest to you. You inch closer and he grabs your extended hand to place it on the spot right above his heart. The skin there is flawless, no blemish in sight. Even though your fingers still glide over his cooled skin and you can feel the truth in his words, you believe your eyes are just deceiving you, letting you see only what you want to see in order to keep you sane.

“This is where it went in, and let me once again reiterate that it was. Not. You.”

His hands are on your shoulders, lightly shaking you. His voice is firm, yet soft.

“I know my y/n wouldn’t hurt a fly–,”

“I own a fly swatter and have murdered millions of fly families.”

He ignores you.

“–nonetheless me. Just like I would never hurt you. I’m just sorry I wasn’t there to prevent them from using you.”

“I’m sorry, koo.”

Your voice is small, so small, it’s a good thing he has very good hearing or he wouldn’t have heard your sorrowful apology. It makes his undead heart weep.

“Baby, come here.”

He pulls you taught against his chest and you take solace in his embrace. As he sways you both back and forth, you know you should be focused on solely him, but your mind can’t help but wander to forbidden, repressed territory.

It only makes you press further into him until you both are essentially one, your shaking increasing as well as the sound of your muffled sobs. Later, you’ll apologize for getting his shirt all wet and throw it in the dryer to make dry.

A loud slamming of the front door is what ceases your movement, your breathing. A voice echoes throughout your apartment and your fear only heightens.

“Y/N! You home, girl? I got this new horror movie that just went straight to DVD and plenty of snacks to fill our bellies!”

Her footsteps quiet, before becoming louder as she decreases the distance between the living room and yours. You can even hear the jingle of her metal chain belt she chose to wear today, the clinking only making the weight in your chest that much more prominent.

You and Jungkook look at each other.

Valerie was home, with Jungkook in your room.



taglist; @hoseokteardrop, @thunderstormsandrainbows, @tea4sykes, @slinekyu, @dif-imagines, @thedarkwinterrose, @whipwhoops, @copycat-namjesus, @misteriouskitty, @kakasuka, @angieluvstae, @bangtanxcoffee, @han-nah-banana, @djasheyash99, @bex-92br, @noonas-magicshop, @bobakkoo, @scuzmunkie, @girl8890, @ellavyuubts, @hopeoncrackkk, @jk-190811, @yoongimetita7

I apologize for those I couldn’t tag for some reason, but I hope you still see this somehow.

Anyways, did you expect that twist?? Let me know your thoughts 💭

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.